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Rome: total war / napoleon total war

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historical inaccuracys

The worst IMO being that the Egyptians are still an empire crazy_o.gif

The Egyptians were an empire at this time, albeit a successor of both Alexander's and Ptomely's kingdoms. Whats really shocking about the Egyptians is that they are more "old kingdom" Egyptians from about 3 centuries prior from when the game was set, than the more hellentistic "Greek's" they were at that time.

Greeks pretty much adopted old Egyptian customs and religious ceremonies in public life to make governing easier, as they saw how Persians tried enforce their culture and religion on Egyptians and failed miserably.

Unfortunately also including one that pharaoh marries his own sister (or in one case pharaohs own daughter), and later Ptolemaic pharaos were quite funny in the head. I guess no one told them that some things can be just ceremonial... Saying they were truly royally fucked up would be major understatement.

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Roman emperors never were the most sane of people. For that matter, can you find a sane dictator or monarch in the last several thousand years?

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Roman emperors never were the most sane of people. For that matter, can you find a sane dictator or monarch in the last several thousand years?

Our current king is quite sane, however he isn't the brightest fellow who ever saw the light of day crazy_o.gif

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Multiplayer campaign still missing.

Any of you know how can you get off the "corruption and other". Its taking me 15000 money every move. rock.gif

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Roman emperors never were the most sane of people. For that matter, can you find a sane dictator or monarch in the last several thousand years?

Most of them were quite sane and not even that bad rulers, It's just we don't remember the good ones, only worst ones. Everyone knows folks like Nero, Caligula or Commodus but how many can name even single ruler from period of "Five Good Emperors".

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Quote[/b] ]Roman emperors never were the most sane of people.

Julius Caesar, Marcus Aurelius, Augustus, Trajanus, Hadrian for example were considered very good emperors. But then you'd have the inept ones and plain mad occasionally.

Anyway too bad you don't get to play much of the imperial era ca.50BC-410AD. Maybe place for an expansion?

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What year does the game end? I'm at about 170 BC now as the Parthians, but the Romans are kicking my butt and I won't be around to see the end of the game. sad_o.gif

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14AD it "ends" you can play on past this date, but cannot win. smile_o.gif

BKB is working on a mod atm, that will be finished within the next few weeks, bringing new factions and possible hundreds of new units into the game. If any of you played MTW you will realise that BKB is to Total War, as BAS was to OFP.

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What year does the game end? I'm at about 170 BC now as the Parthians, but the Romans are kicking my butt and I won't be around to see the end of the game. sad_o.gif

What are you playing?

All I've got is the Imperial campaign and the prologue, and they kinda get boring.

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You can play as other non-roman factions after you beat the game.

I'm currently playing the Selcucids on Hard/Hard, seriously the toughest test I've had in any game.

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You can play as other non-roman factions after you beat the game.

I'm currently playing the Selcucids on Hard/Hard, seriously the toughest test I've had in any game.

Not after destroy faction?

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Yep, if you destroy the faction, you can then pick the faction you destroyed. But factions like Parthia, Selucia and the Greeks tend to get knocked out by the AI.

If you can't be arsed doing that you could always use this

It even lets you play as the un-playable factions.

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I got the game and was enjoying it quite a bit until about turn 20 when the Senate asked me to blockade the the port at Ravenna over some tax dispute.  The problem is I can't find Ravenna.  I looked everywhere, even where modern Ravenna is located, but nothing.  I clicked the "show location" button but it just moves the map to an empty northwest coastal area.  I searched the official internet discussion forum and still nothing.

If I choose to ignore this mission then the Senate will repeat their request and if I refuse a second time they will "reveal a secret" which results in one of my sons (generals) committing suicide.

Where the Hades is Ravenna?  sad_o.gif

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Weird, Ravenna, IIRC is located where the Julli province of Artenium (sp) is.

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Thanks Gadger. smile_o.gif

I restarted the campaign and, so far, no Ravenna mission. In fact, it's going much better this time now that I have a diplomat permanently stationed in Ascona harvesting additional tributes from my ally for every every enemy the Senate has me kill. lol

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RTW will need some modding; as it is now it has several annoying features:

The unit voices are rubbish.

The phalanx is undermoddeled.

Missile weapons are way overpowered

Some numidian and egyptian units look ridiculous with their pharaoh hats and makeup.

It seems the creators have finally gone commercial like everyone else.... sad_o.gif

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