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Your ofp skills

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Tanks, as comander of an SIG M1A2, I can take on 2 T-98's. (woot!)

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After doing a lot of "Desert Ambush" coop mission i found i became quite proficient with AK's. I have frequently sniped running enemies at over 200 meters.

Give me an AK-74 and i'll deliver.

I only play coop on my home-LAN, so i have only matched my skill against the friend i play with.

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Distracting the enemy and annoying my team with continuous M60 "indirect" cover fire.

Driving motorcycles off cliffs and surviving (you have to land in a certain way not to get killed--try it!)

Bailing out of choppers without notifying the crew.

Driving a tank half-sober.

Holding the line single-handedly as a heavy grenadier.

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Quote[/b] ]Driving a tank half-sober.

Do the suicidal attacks with RPG count? rock.gif

I seem to be good at giving orders to AI squaddies: Due to my extreme care, I rarely loose a single man, although this causes me to fight alone with my squad comfortably relaxing two hills away smile_o.gif

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In Multiplayer I always do things differently...after all you kinda need to.

If it's a CQB, most people Press the Q button so when they stop moving they kneel getting better aim. This is a big mistake. it takes a while to pop your enemy knowing that you are running, and have to kneel. By the time their knees touch the ground they are already dead. SOmetimes I will use the Q button, but only when I need to keep my head down to avoid gunfire (or being seen) other than that I run it up the gut rambo style with my 1 shot kill G36 and I get a pretty damn high score.

Reaction speed, is probably the most important in OFP multiplayer I think...

What I really need to practice is my open field C&H maps. I dominate in Battlefield 1985, but that's only because I know where my enemies will be, and I can spawn to them whenever I want.

From a 1 to 10 skilled Multiplayer gamer in OFP...

1 being puny and 10 being MASTER...

I would have to put myself in between 8 and 9.

And if you don't believe me....

I'll meet you ingame wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]If it's a CQB, most people Press the Q button so when they stop moving they kneel getting better aim. This is a big mistake. it takes a while to pop your enemy knowing that you are running, and have to kneel. By the time their knees touch the ground they are already dead. SOmetimes I will use the Q button, but only when I need to keep my head down to avoid gunfire (or being seen) other than that I run it up the gut rambo style with my 1 shot kill G36 and I get a pretty damn high score.

sssssssh, dont tell them! wink_o.gif

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My ofp skills:

good points:

Crawl near enemy and shoot them up close;

Tank driver, tank gunner;

Recon scout;

Reg infantry as Machine gunner;

Flying planes;

Getting shot by other players because of being to far up the front lines into enemy territory;

Watching the enemy up close and doing absolutely nothing except picking my nose.

Bad points:

Crashing choppers with lot's of players in them;

Missing vehicles with a law launcher at close range;

Getting lost from my squad and shouting out: Heeeeelp, i'm lost;

Wanting to take on the enemy head on in a fire fight by myself.

Player profile in general:

NOOOOOB that has a attitude problem towards the enemy.

Let me at them! LET ME AT THEM!!! ....how does this thing fire again? Anybody? Heeeelp i'm lost...... (picks nose, and drives the tank into a rock)

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yea well, for some reason im always the first one that dies, even if i dont move and stay at the (safe) starting point, some crazy AI bus driver will come by and kill me anyway tounge_o.gif

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My aim and sneaking is pretty good when I'm focused... but my best skill is defending. When we played clan matches I was the only  defender and I ordered the respawned guys to move a certain path I somehow anticipated that the attackers would take. This system was very succesful and I never lost a flag. The times I did a perfect job I didn't see a single enemy during the match. Every enemy attacker would die on their way towards our flag.

I really enjoyed the matches where I could lean back and have a cup of coffey.

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I'm a really noob with this game lol tounge_o.gif

I am in FAR squad, a french clan and my nickname is FAR-Napalm  biggrin_o.gif see you soon in game for test my skills lol or for the fun.


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i guess im quite good with anything that flies.... (exept landing fixed wing aircraft...)

and driving.. and MG, and... well... that´s it i think....

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Marksman, I guess....not sniper, mind you - what I mean by that is I'm a regular grunt with good aim. I can command troops well enough to get the job done but I've got no problem with letting someone else do it.

Though I've always wanted to play multi as a medic - I just think that would be sweet.

I suck at CQB - I tend to panic and blast widly at people if they get too close to me. wink_o.gif

Favorite weapon: M4A1/ACOG/M203 from the USMC MARPAT units, or failing that, a regular old M16.

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I'm pretty good at being a scout or observer with binoculars.

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I'm pretty good at avoiding fire. I can usually stand up in a firefight and have a look around. Like the heroes in war films. Its cool having bullets ping all around you biggrin_o.gif

I'm not always lucky though. Every now and again I get one full in the face sad_o.gif

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I'm pretty good at avoiding fire. I can usually stand up in a firefight and have a look around. Like the heroes in war films. Its cool having bullets ping all around you biggrin_o.gif

I'm not always lucky though. Every now and again I get one full in the face  sad_o.gif

mwhahahahaha ... reading that made me fall off my couch laughing biggrin_o.gif

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I was good at shooting, and flying, I was good at all biggrin_o.gif

but I'm gettin' old...my hands are shaking like I'm 90 yrs old....

but I'm only 17 sad_o.gif

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taking down airborne targets with tank gun...

ive taken down a moving mi17 at about 1900/2000m before...

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taking down airborne targets with tank gun...

ive taken down a moving mi17 at about 1900/2000m before...

that's nothin'

I've took down an A10 without seeing it ^^

oh forgot...with a T80 biggrin_o.gif

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I took down a Hind with a 73mm gun and a AT3 sagger to actually bring it to the ground. I remember I shot down a Mi17 in the resistance campaign with a T72 I had stole.

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