ArchangelSKT 0 Posted April 11, 2004 OFP1 is verry scaleable (viewdistance slider, terraindetail etc.)I change settings all the time depending on the mission. This is a reason why I like the engine so much. Eye candy stuff like grass, ragdoll models etc. should be switch on/off-able. If you fly a plane you do not need it, if you prepare an ambush it would be nice to have! Yes agree, good point Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Friedchiken 0 Posted April 11, 2004 Yes, scalability is very important, expecially when you play Airplane missions. It's impressive how well ofp functions with low lods far away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted April 11, 2004 I like the ofp1 graphic set at max. quality. Only thing I need, is more performance on high view distances. I don´t want graphics like AA or FarCry, they are not very realistic. MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stgn 39 Posted April 20, 2004 I like the ofp1 graphic set at max. quality.Only thing I need, is more performance on high view distances. I don´t want graphics like AA or FarCry, they are not very realistic. MfG Lee I agree, its only up close the plants are a bit ugly(meaning I could use bushes that had more holes so I could snipe some russians) but if you fly a chopper or plane OFP is a very beuteful game(except the forrets from a distance). STGN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maj Chip Hazard 0 Posted April 25, 2004 When I picked up OFP shortly after it came out, I thought it was the best thing around by far. Then I tried to get some old DF2 guys playing with me, and  the problems started. Because of someone losing connection, we would exit, and start over, then someone else wouldn't make it to the briefing, we go back, then a minute into the mission, a couple people lose connection, we go back...  etc... By the time we actually got a group of guys in the mission long enough to see some action, most had used up the free time they had to play, and had to leave. I quit the game then, and with some of the improvements in the net-code, etc. I have played some and enjoy it like no other game. For me some of the things mentioned above like utilization of the current graphics card technology/power and shooting from vehicles would be great, but the biggest thing that has me holding my breath for OFP2 is join-in-progress. I think if they had that convenience right now, the OFP fanbase would double overnight.  On the downside it might bring in a lower class of gamer, the teenage hacker who loves nothing better to do than use cheats to ruin everyone elses fun, the game as it is now, without JIP, is too much work I think for most of the lowlifes, they don't have the patience. I would still love to see persistant OFP servers running a campaign that I could jump in to at any time. EDIT: plus I am getting older now, and with these new games out now, I notice I am just getting chewed up by the young'uns that have a reaction time about half mine, I need a game like this that puts more weight on strategy than hand-eye coordination. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kimble275 0 Posted April 26, 2004 I would just like the game to be as clear looking as possible for 2004 standards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubbie 0 Posted April 27, 2004 I'm sure it will be, but you have to understand that OFP models SO much more than AA. AA has a very small game area in comparison, so they can spend extra processing power making more detailed models. OFP has a huge game area and is thus forced to trim some level of detail from everything else to accomplish that. Maybe OFP2 will fix that, either way I'm sure the OFP2 models will look fantastic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lumamorod 0 Posted April 27, 2004 Someone called grass eyecandy. I disagree. Properly modeled tall grass would enhance gameplay by providing soft cover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baff 0 Posted April 28, 2004 Quote[/b] ]Yes, there is room for improvment, but think first of how many soldiers you want on the screen at the same time. 18? Or 180? Far Cry and X2 The Threat both use a technology called poly bump. Â whereby they use a tiny fraction of the number of poly's per unit, for only a slight drop in image quality. Chrome uses logarithmicly rendered forests to provide infinte trees and view distance. there is a whole load of new tricks for the graphics boys to use, to update this engine. gfx cards have come a long way too. even since GOTY was released. if all they did was just lean into the new card technology to bring us more polygons and bigger textures it would look great. i still prefer opf to the soldner engine graphically. i agree that physics engines are overrated. i know the heli's looked stupid bouncing off the forest, and the tanks sliding down mountainsides were a bit much blowing up a tank and then it landing on you and squashing you is funny. as is playing keep me up with a tractor using a shilka. it doesn't ruin the game though, and i would rather have more units available, than correctly calculated friction and freefall. willofp2 look like Americas army? i hope the smoke grenade will. but most of all i hope it will SOUND like americas army. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecOp9 1 Posted April 29, 2004 Imagine good old OFP with units in a quality of BAS, FDF, RHS, DKM and all the other teams addons.Gras,trees and bushes who dont look like flat textures, water that reflects everything nicely... what else could we need  Totally agree. The other thing besides what you said I would hope for is for some of the physics problems (boucing tanks, clipping, ect) can be mended too. Ditto. Sometimes the perfect lighting in some cases make the game look very lifelike. Take a look at the Flashpoint photography thread. Some of those images look so damn REAL. If Flashpoint 2 can pump out something similar to the stuff we see in that thread this will be amazing. What makes me even more excited is that this is probably very possible with the computer technology nowadays...I just hope BIS uses every single fragment of today's technology to make this game look amazingly lifelike. However because of the type of game this is...there are obviously plenty of graphics limitations. BUT. After playing games like Far Cry and Joint Operations, I can see that when I'm far away I can view the entire high detailed island from so far away without any slowdown....amazing...and I hope BIStudio uses a strategy similar to CryEngine (graphics wise). I don't know why this OFP2 section of the BI Forums does'nt have millions of threads and posts pouring into it about the's very exciting.... this could be the best game ever made in the gaming industry PERIOD. I just wish more people knew about this game... I hate telling gamers "I play Operation Flashpoint" and they ask "What's that?" It makes me want to SLAP the CRAP out of them. I hope this game gets a little more promotion like it deserves.... I'm rambling topic again *SLAP* Bad Specop! bad! *SLAP* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted April 29, 2004 Remember how most over hyped product ends? Forgotten ... Anyway after E3 we will sure know more Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Franz_Schall -SWAF- 0 Posted May 14, 2004 I would like to have an urban atmosphere like seen in recent S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-Screenshots, of course with the ability to get into all buildings, paired with a slight improved landscape and a diverse physics and target-area system. Actually it depends when the game is planned to be shipping. Today's hardware won't allow all these stuff combined together thus the programmers need to compromise. Another point is the sound engine and voice acting. I still remember a mission where I first used Dynamic Range and a preliminary artillery attack freaked the hell out of me with impacts all around my position. I am not a sound expert but it's surely one detail which greatly enriches the overall feeling of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skewballzz 0 Posted May 14, 2004 Ive said this before, but the contol you have over your player in AAO is fine tuned to a tee. Once they incorporate ragdoll with it, i cant begin to imagine what it will be like. If OFP2 could find a hybrid between AAO and OFP, Id spend a few months of my time promoting it around the country Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted May 22, 2004 Quote[/b] ]Just wondering, if the graphics will suck like the old game. But no matter. I still like the realism of the gear, and vehicles. Will the graphics of OFP2 look like Americas Army. Cuz americas army is very highly detailed, and is great looking. OFP is played on a much larger scale than America's army is. Quote[/b] ]I would just like the game to be as clear looking as possible for 2004 standards. You mean compared to other games that are a fraction of it's size and depth? That's an unreasonable request. This means something must be compensated for to cover the amount of cpu and ram needed simply for such huge environments. Not everybody has the fastest pc or the best graphics cards. It'd be nice if everyone did however as it stands OFP is about improving the overall quality of the experience by increasing it's versatility. Small environments facilitate the ability to have more detailed visuals. If you don't like it just go back to AA. I've been playing OFP for close to three years now. I don't even compare the graphics to any other game as this offers so much more than any game with fancy graphics ever could for me. Playing the DOOM 3 alpha for example had me interested for 15 minutes. Then the high res graphics became just apart of the scenery and very much taken for granted. Sound in my opinion is much more important. As long as you have visuals that do the job. I say focus on the sound. Quote[/b] ]Once they incorporate ragdoll with it, Inverse kinematics is a waste of time in a game like OFP. It's a gimmick. OFP is 100% substance. Quote[/b] ]Ive said this before, but the contol you have over your player in AAO is fine tuned to a tee. I don't know how you can say that. It's basically unreal with some enhancements and slower movement. OFP does a -far- better job simulating the limitations of human movement so as to negate any possibility of CS style strafing horseshit. Not to mention that OFP calculates bullet trajectories straight out of the gun not from an imaginary circle in the middle of the screen that can change randomly within fractions of a second. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fall0ut 0 Posted May 24, 2004 lol, AA doesn't have very good graphics, it doesn't even have DX9 effects or physics. If your going to give comparison, say a game like Farcry or something Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KimTuomi 0 Posted May 24, 2004 I would like to see a graphics which have the similar "gritty" look that is also in OFP1. Of course that can be made a bit better looking especially with new effects available on powerful graphics cards. I am not sure whether I want to see some sterile "clean" graphics of FarCry etc! Trees and forest areas could be sometimes a little thicker giving more cover there. Also fields could have a high plants which provide also cover especially when crawling. Even better yet; the trees and plants could swing in wind and that would also be a nice effect to have a new parameter for setting windiness on a scenario/mission. Now when thunder storm comes up, it would give a really nice visual to see trees bending lightly and grass doing waves in open areas... oh man... Animals can bring a nice additional immersion to a living dynamic world. You couldn't be quite sure whether there is a sniper crawling through high grass or something else. Explosions could give a better lighting effects. Not those Hollywood-style gasoline explosions but a bit more effect could be added there. Those in addition of better models of characters and vehicles! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baphomet 0 Posted May 24, 2004 Quote[/b] ]Even better yet; the trees and plants could swing in wind Instead of something like that which we can do without. How about something useful? Such as working rear-view mirror proxies on the models so you can actually look into them and see what's behind you whilst driving? Yeah. Ghost recon has that. So does BF 1942. However that's just window dressing. OFP before anything else. Needs to be functional. Before you even get into how it should look. It should work properly first. I mean more often than not ai can "see" through a lot of foliage and it drives me nuts! Having something that's functional should be the goal first and foremost. If the game just can't support the extra windowdressing on top of all the functional yet less obvious or aesthetic features due to time constraints/hardware considerations. Focus on the basics. They also need to take a cue from the FDF mod. Make smoke grenades/smoke from explosions impair AI vision. Before making higher detail smoke. For example. Any OFP player who truly enjoys the game already knows how to look past what we already take for granted in most FPS games to appreciate what the game can do not what it can't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SHWiiNG 0 Posted May 28, 2004 ah ha but i would like the engine to be capable of offering realsitic street and house fighting and trentches and stuff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekrul 7 Posted June 1, 2004 And houses you don't fall thru the floor and gets stuck in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrub 0 Posted June 18, 2004 As far as ragdoll, physics, and graphics enhancements - much of the load should be carried to the GFX card for T & L (basic T & L cards are quite cheap these days).  Much could be scaled due to distance, the further away, the less detail and animation shown, like the poly bump that baff wrote about and the different LOD's that already exist. Scaling can be done in time-based ways too, like actions that are BVR, that don't leave the area can be delayed or ommited, and just the result placed and noted in logic in a comfortable timeframe  (i.e. someone gets shot on the other side of the island, the bullet is calculated realtime, as it can leave the area, but the animation of a solder "ragdolling" is ommited and just the landing calculation of the body done across several program cycles). Better (and crazier) yet, share the load - the client that witnesses the body flying supplies the data to the server.. distributed computing.  I know, I know..  sync probs-bandwidth probs, ping probs.. Just brainstorming ideas before the OFP 2 code gets entrenched.  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aaltomar 0 Posted June 25, 2004 I cant get over the poor 3d models of humans OPF has compared to AAO. The proportions and textures in the models are topnotch in AA, also the "recorded" movements are really convincing. They just added ragdoll physics to death animations. Look pretty good now, needs a little tweaking but much improved over the old system. Pretty please, make the new version of OPF with proper 3d models and lifelike textures for humans. And make their movements so that there isn't any unrealisctly fast twitch pose changes...make it smooth... one can dream... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Evishion 0 Posted July 1, 2004 I cant get over the poor 3d models of humans OPF has compared to AAO. The proportions and textures in the models are topnotch in AA, also the "recorded" movements are really convincing. They just added ragdoll physics to death animations. Look pretty good now, needs a little tweaking but much improved over the old system.Pretty please, make the new version of OPF with proper 3d models and lifelike textures for humans. And make their movements so that there isn't any unrealisctly fast twitch pose changes...make it smooth... one can dream... I REALLY hope OFp2 will have Ragdoll deaths.. that woul be AWESOME!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monkeygoat 0 Posted July 1, 2004 Pretty please, make the new version of OPF with proper 3d models and lifelike textures for humans. And make their movements so that there isn't any unrealisctly fast twitch pose changes...make it smooth... one can dream... I think you have to remember that Ofp2 is on a much larger scale than AAO and due to that visual sacrifices (amongst others) have to be made in order for the game to run at a respectable level. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bedlam 0 Posted July 1, 2004 yeay graphics like AA,, jippie.. lets see.. hmm >20 units and it becomes laggy.. wont work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrZig 0 Posted July 2, 2004 Will work if you have good (very good) lods and good coding ;) I hope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites