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About jubbie

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Hullo I've got a mission with a guy talking who, once the player comes close to him, I want to have run away. I've got a script that controls the animation (FXStandTalk) and a hold waypoint synced to a trigger that switches when the player is nearby. What's happening is that the talking guy turns to run away but remains locked in his animation loop, so he doesn't actually go anywhere. How do I get him out of it? The script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #begin ~0.1 ?(player distance guy)<10: goto "exit" ?(getdammage guy)>0.5:exit guy switchmove "FXstandTalk" ~1 goto "begin" #exit guy switchmove "stand" exit
  2. I was wondering if anyone knew of a script that would help reduce the number of civillian deaths. All too often in my missions people blow the hell out of towns or cars, killing many civillians in the process. Does anyone know of or could make a script that detects if a civillian is killed by a player and then kill or blind that player? I just want people to stop shooting everything they see and using firepower like there are no consequences. Any ideas?
  3. Hi all I'm making a mission that lets one player emplace and then remove a static weapon using two addactions. I have the scripts working fine except when I deploy a second time, I get extra addactions that shouldn't be there. I have the following scripts: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "gunup.sqs" gun setpos [(getpos player select 0),(getpos player select 1)+2]; player removeaction 0; player addaction ["Stow weapon", "gundown.sqs"] and <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "gundown.sqs" gun setpos getmarker pos "hide"; player removeaction 0; player addaction ["Deploy gun", "gunup.sqs"] Any idea why the addactions keep coming back even though I call for them to be removed before the opposite addaction is supposed to kick in? Thanks for any help
  4. Hullo Anyone help me with this? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if (sendtroops=true) then goto "start" if (sendtroops=false) then goto "no" #start group1 domove getpos tank goto "end" #no tank sidechat"You have to send the troops first" goto "end" #end exit Basically I'd very much like to have two options - the troops go where they're told or the troops inform the player that they can't go because they haven't been told where to go. Sendtroops=true means the player has told the troops where to move. Sendtroops=false means the player did not. When I run the script I get an "Unknown Operator" error that looks like "Sendtroops|#|=true" : Error Unknown Operator. Any ideas?
  5. Oi! I'm trying to make an mpmission with East, West, Res and Civil sides, each with their own briefings. I've got a handy tutorial from OFPEC on how to make seperate E (#plan.east)and W (#plan.west) briefings, but I can't seem to get the same effect for Res (#plan.res?) and Civil (#plan.civ?). Anyone know how to do that?
  6. I'm having a problem moving markers around. I have 15 markers. 53 scripts. Maybe 200 triggers. The triggers include a "fired" eventhandler and when a player fires in the trigger area, it's supposed to move a marker to where he is. When he moves into the next trigger area, it's supposed to move a second marker to where he is. The problem I'm having is that when he moves to the second or third trigger area the previous marker is deleted. But the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and above trigger areas all work fine with their markers. They each move their own marker which stays where it's supposed to be each time you move another marker via the fired eventhandler. They don't get deleted. Any idea why those first three are deleting when their scripting is exactly the same as everything else? Could it be due to script/trigger lag?
  7. jubbie

    Custom animations in config

    Is there a way to associate a custom animation with a custom weapon?
  8. Are there any other animation types you can use on a model besides rotation? Is there any kind of linear animation available?
  9. Anyone know if there's a way to script a player to use a weapon he has in his inventory? Like if you wanted to force the player to pull out his pistol at some point?
  10. jubbie

    No gun smoke needed

    Any idea on how to do that? I don't see cfgClouds in the commented configs.. am I missing it?
  11. Hi guys I'm trying to make a weapon that's like a geiger counter. You carry it in your hands like a pistol and it has optics and when you fire it, it activates a "fired" event handler. My problem is that everytime I fire the weapon, I get a puff of smoke. This looks stupid on a geiger counter. I can get rid of the smoke if I don't assign a muzzle position to the model (in the model itself or in the config) but then I can't use the optics, which is kind of important. I tried using the "useAction" command, but you can't insert a script in there, thus I must fire the weapon (even though it doesn't shoot anything) in order to activate my script. Does anyone have any ideas? All I really need to do is get rid of the weapon smoke. Or activate the geiger script when the weapon is in the hands of the player.
  12. jubbie

    No gun smoke needed

    No... it actually didn't work. I just didn't have a muzzle position set in the model.
  13. jubbie


    Edit - never mind. It does work right... I just made a typo. Thank you very much!
  14. jubbie

    Chain of Command and OFP2

    Yes. That is good.
  15. Hullo I'm curious to know if anyone might have a solution to this - I'm trying to create a trigger that adds an action to the player. That part isn't hard. But I also want to remove that action from the player when he exits the trigger area if he doesn't use the action. So: Player enters trigger area, gets an addaction: "Feed fish" He choses not to feed the fish. He leaves the trigger area but he still have "Feed fish" in his action menu, which I don't want (in case he decides to "feed the fish" in other trigger area - in which case he'd have two options to feed fish in his action menu). I've tried everything I could think of...