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Ofp:cp winners!

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I'd like to congratulate and thank all those who contributed to this competition: the judges, entrants, finalists, moderators, and all combat photographers in the community for supporting and making this popular and possible.

All together 612 was the final amount of the accumulative votes.  But without further ado, the winners are:

Natural : A close race, but Acecombat takes the gold with his picture of a helo gaurded by spetznatz in the mist

Edited : Clearly winning, Doc. Zaius beat out his competitors with a finely taken picture of a Downed Puma

Humour : In a landslide giving Al flashbacks wink_o.gif, Sole wins with a great picture of Escape

Mult-Player : In another close race, iNeo takes took the prize while trying to land a Cessna in the cargo section

Miscellaneous : And in a poll with some very diverse voting, Mr. Burns takes the prize with a beatiful, early shot in Northern Nogova

And to the victors go the spoils, so here is a badge for your signature signifying you've won.


And to anyone thinking of putting that in their sig and didn't win, be forewarned, you may just regret it wink_o.gif

Once again, congratulations! smile_o.gif

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Hear hear!

Comgratulations to all the winners, and all the runners up.

Also, well done to Harnu for all the hard work he put into organising the awards.


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Congrats to everyone that won their respective sections. The pictures were beautiful.

As Major Fubar said, thanks to Harnu also for his work organising everything.

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Gee thanks for voting for me everyone who did smile_o.gif

The whole thing was pretty good even though i feel it wasnt that much well publicized since the people who come here only voted but then again nice job for the organizers to put some time and effort in this and to the judges.

All the PICS that made it to the finals were worthy of winning it was all a matter of personal liking and one vote so in a way everyone won i guess.

Nice pic too harnu wink_o.gif

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congrats to winners smile_o.gif

i'd also like to propose a toast for all of those who contribute to OFP combat photography thread. You guys do a great job! smile_o.gif

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Congrats to winners.

and thanks Harnu for this fun idea smile_o.gif

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Thanks for making this contest Harnu, and thanks to all of you that voted for my pic so it won a (MP) category smile_o.gif

Oh, look how nice the badge fits next to my original sig pic smile_o.gif  blues.gif

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Oh, look how nice the badge fits next to my original sig pic smile_o.gif  blues.gif

Maybe its because the forum mods have enforced the 100pix sig limit on height tounge_o.gif

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Thanks for voting all and congrats to the other winners smile_o.gif

100 pixels high? thats 30 more than my usual signatures tounge_o.gif

I took the liberty to resize it a bit wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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As a relative new-comer to the community with a decidely subdued entry, I was quite suprised to recieve so many votes - A huge thank-you to everyone who voted for my entry, and to Operation Frenchpoint for providing me with such a wonderful muse.

Also, I tip my hat to Harnu for contributing so much to Operation Flashpoint Combat Photography.

Now let's all get drunk and play ping-pong.

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Congrats to all the winners! I love that pic of Sole's...would have voted 50 times if I could have biggrin_o.gif

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yippieh smile_o.gif

thanks to all who gave me their vote, also thanks to harnu for the creation of the awards and especially the Photo thread itself wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Congrats to the winners, and respect for the organisation! Let's hope a tradition is born that'll hold untill atleast OFP4 wink_o.gif

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Congratulations to the winners and to all who contributed pictures! biggrin_o.gif

I was amazed at some of the pics taken, especially natural section, showing those to people who don't play OFP too often makes them say "that's not OFP!"

Now, start preparing for next year. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Now, start preparing for next year.

A FULL Year crazy_o.gif

That seems a bit too long how about making this a bimonthly or trimonthly contest tounge_o.gif

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Bad idea, it's taken almost 3 months allready to get the current one done tounge_o.gif

thumbs up for Harnu & co for setting up the contest smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Now, start preparing for next year.

A FULL Year crazy_o.gif

That seems a bit too long how about making this a bimonthly or trimonthly contest tounge_o.gif

I would seriously propose to make this a biannual or triannual event. Completely amazing pics are in the CP thread every day, so even that is too little. wow_o.gif

I hadn't started CPing for this comp, but resta assured that next time I'll blow you away. wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Although I really have a crappy ISDN connection that makes it a long wait sometimes I stop by here in the cp thread and enjoy the pics. Thx for your work guys !

You are decorating my desktop.

Just a few words from me biggrin_o.gif

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Bad idea, it's taken almost 3 months allready to get the current one done tounge_o.gif

Thing will run much smoother next time wink_o.gif

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congrats guys! smile_o.gif

next time there should be a category "best ofp pic". where the winners of the other categories fight eachother

Ace's pic is the best.


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Cheers! Very nice shots all of them. I especially like this one.

Ye gods. The drawdistance on that is amazing.

I also like the downed puma. Nice use of effects to create a sort of weathered photo look to it. It also looks too real. If only ofp ran decently on that resolution. (If I had a cray or something similar..)

Can anyone tell me exactly where that is on the nogova map?

Coords maybe?

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