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> screw nanotechonology, exoskeletons are here

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Quote[/b] ]Originally posted by Bob Mundon

This isn't a lab demo, it really runs. Next year it and one from the other contracted researcher, SARCOS, will compete against each other in a walk-off.


GI wearing prototype with its "shell" fitted.


Student researcher walking with prototype without shell.


See the "shelf" sticking out the lower back? That is the top of the exoskeleton power pack. The pack above that is REALLY a pack, not a computer in disguise. Carrying here a 70 pound simulated payload.

Eventual goal is to carry 220lb/100kg payload, not total package weight. And it is jettisonable in case of breakdown or lack of fuel by removing a few straps.







quoted from another forum i frequent.

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And what about it?

It look fine, but will it be used?

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have you read the article?

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Hi all

Why do the US soldiers need technology to carry a 70lb pack?

I consider that a light pack. My normal is 110 I will carry that 18 miles plus a day . I have mates who do Himilayan mountains who will carry 150 for 20 miles plus a day.

What happens when the batteries run out?

Just get fit soldiers it is cheaper.

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

Why do the US soldiers need technology to carry a 70lb pack?

I consider that a light pack. My normal is 110 I will carry that 18 miles plus a day . I have mates who do Himilayan mountains who will carry 150 for 20 miles plus a day.

What happens when the batteries run out?

Just get fit soldiers it is cheaper.

Kind Regards Walker

But that would be too easy and not involve fancy technology rock.gifwink_o.gif

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And cost $87 squillion of tax payers money, who needs schools and healthcare anyway? smile_o.gif

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Hi all

Why dont they use mules? You can eat them too when they die.

Kind Regards Walker

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Me don´t want that biggrin_o.gif


*panically looking for the pingu with the remote control* crazy_o.gif

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the goal is to hold 200lb+

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Like I said use Mules they will carry that and more.

One Al Qaida guy with a box of marbles and over they go a whole platoon their little legs waiving in the air like bugs on their backs. Then Al Qaida guy runs up with a rock and bashes all their brains in or if he can run to an extra couple of dollars slits their throats with a kitchen knife.

Kind Regards Walker

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i really dont think you understand the technology, the Soldier is the Balance while the Exoskeliton takes the weight. also i think its impractical for an army to ship mules all over the place when you could just have these along with firefighters lifting people out of buildings or medics carrying a man out of a battle.

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Like others here I don't see much use for this technology as simply an aid to infantrymen carrying 'heavy' loads - as walker said - US troops just need to get fitter.

What I do see is potential to scale this up to make the sci-fi 'Heavy Gears' or even 'Mechwarriors' - or the 'loader' type of thing from 'Aliens.'

Once you have this type of technology working, you can adapt it to make better walking robots, etc. Walking machines are better in rough terrain than wheeled/ tracked machines, as long as the sense of balance is good.

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o the normal infantryman maybe not but look at special forces, would allow thenm to carry there current loadouts alot longer or increase there carrying capacity.

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Hi Baron Hurlothrumbo IIX

I agree with large scale version for armoured troops I see it. Something like Heinleien's Drop Ship Starship Troopers not the stupid film read the book.

MLF Special forces climb vertical and near vertical faces. That technology would not be able to do that. They are also covert again technology is inherently non covert. I question your knowledge of the special forces requirements. They are minimal tech, Keep It Simple Stuipid.

As a device for carting loads in a logistics section I can see a much more advanced version doing the job but it would need a front load fork lift type . As a heavy armoured infantry carrying heavy weapons I can see it but again an RPG would take them out.

As it stands it is pointer to a future version that does not look like the one shown.

A better solution would be a robot that could do the same. Then it would not have to carry and unfit overweight pilot.

Kind Regards Walker

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your talking as if its going into service tommorow

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link to the article is dead... mad_o.gif

anyone has a "new" one?

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Okay, lets just assume that on a sunny day in death valley suddenly the mirco-chip of overheats and those support-legs go crazy tounge_o.gif Runing around like a maniac a la Speedy Gonzales and right against the next big rock!

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Okay, lets just assume that on a sunny day in death valley suddenly the mirco-chip of overheats and those support-legs go crazy tounge_o.gif Runing around like a maniac a la Speedy Gonzales and right against the next big rock!

biggrin_o.gif yep. or we get skynet from terminator...

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Hi all

Why do the US soldiers need technology to carry a 70lb pack?

I consider that a light pack. My normal is 110 I will carry that 18 miles plus a day . I have mates who do Himilayan mountains who will carry 150 for 20 miles plus a day.

What happens when the batteries run out?

Just get fit soldiers it is cheaper.

Kind Regards Walker

Have you ever carried 110lb for 18 miles without stopping?

In the military you have what are called forced marches. Also in combat you often have to run long distances with heavy loads. This creates tremendous fatigue on the soldier. US Army infantry soldiers (and Spec Ops troops) are actually incredibly fit and can easily carry 110 lbs of equipment. However for assault troops this exoskeleton would permit them to carry heavy body armor, heavy weapons, and ammo while still being able to move about quickly. It may not be the best for difficult mountainous terrain (like Afghanistan), but for places like Iraq I can definitely see it being used.

I agree about the Mules, but Mules tend to run in battle also unless they are trained to ignore gunfire. They also can be expensive to take care of and can get wounded and sick just like people. I guess the plus side is that you can take cover behind your mule (or the mule's corpse) during a battle. smile_o.gif

For paratroopers it also would probably allow for a safer landing as well (less leg and ankle injuries when landing from a parachute jump).

At any rate, I do see a use for these exo-skeletons.

If they made a exo-skeleton device for the arms and back, it would be even better!

That would allow troops to safely lift heavy loads (back injuries are common in the military).

So yeah I think the natural evolution of such devices will be a complete body suit once the technology is refined and better developed.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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My new wallpaper. smile_o.gif It looks like this is mainly proof-of-concept stage right now. They're using lots of itty-bitty rams. I'd like to see something a little heftier with understandablely less joint movements, something less than a powerlifter or matrix mecha though.

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Have you ever carried 110lb for 18 miles without stopping?

In the military you have what are called forced marches.  Also in combat you often have to run long distances with heavy loads.

Lol,and all these movies made me think American soldiers were either dropped off by chopper, or dropped off by apc's or humvee's, must've seen too many movie's tounge_o.gif

This is a little funny though :

Quote[/b] ]They also can be expensive to take care of

A few carrots and some other livestock food, versus maintenance and recharges,not to mention the initial cost. biggrin_o.gif

As walker said, develop them into the starship trooper suits, then we'd be talking. smile_o.gif

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I dont see any use for these legs in the military, maybe in other places. I think a more complete body of exoskeleton would be more useful. You would not need tow vehicles since you could have powersoldiers that pull tanks out of ditches and stuff  tounge_o.gif

I really dont think these legs are of any use in special forces since they make so much noice you will be heard from long distances.

SWAT could use this technology if they made really well armoured suits and they could walk through walls and stuff and dont have to fear normal guns or grenades  tounge_o.gif

But seriously. I think this technology could be very useful in the future when you need some extra power and dont want to use AI or some inaccurate controls. It will probably be alot easier to do the things you want to do if you get extra power from an exoskeleton rather than a crane or something.

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Hi all

Why dont they use mules? You can eat them too when they die.

Kind Regards Walker

Lol....those SpecOp donkeys are soooo useful (the meat should be tender after all that walking) biggrin_o.gif

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