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Ah, looks very nice. I can't wait to get home and download it (And then blast some VC) biggrin_o.gif .

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Great oveall color. Matches the rest of the nam stuff.

Maby a bit clean? Very good. Downloading


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Very nice stuff INQ !

As always.

Guess calling the rar Littlebirds didn t help to keep these a secret ey wink_o.gif

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They would look better if you ran over them with some semi-transparent mud splatters biggrin_o.gif . Other than their cleanliness, these are very good APCs.

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Fantastic Addon! Would be great if somebody could do a remake of the nam pack 2 with all the cool nam addons released.

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a bit too clean, but nothing to worry about.

i'll waited a very long time for a nam-m113

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The model, the anims, the MaDeuce and the textures are great... they won thezir place in my Nam Mod folder smile_o.gif

However, they seem to be very lightweighted, terribly shaking as they move... they must weight 4-5 tons like a big car sad_o.gif

Also, it lost the the capacity for the driver to get his head out of the M113 and M163... wow_o.gif

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Somone needs to mirror this addon because ofp.info's is down (yes I have tried many times)

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I don't know if this is game engine bug, but I noticed a very weird effect. I opened the ramp of an M113, walked away, then turned around and shot one of the guys inside with my LAW. He just slumped over, and there was no visible explosion. Is this a problem with the Fire Geometry, or just a problem with the engine?

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wow talk about nit picky wink_o.gif not a big glitch, but itd be cool to have the sxplosion just inside. Also as a request how bout a destroyed m113 model? Those are always very popular with mission makers, it adds taste.

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Hey Inquisitor smile_o.gif Excellent addon! Do you intend to make a Fire support vehicle version too? There are allot of cool versions of this little machine, with mortar's, wreckers and even a few that have had recoilless rifles fitted! smile_o.gif

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Very nice !!! i just wish the 2 m60s could be manned and fired wink_o.gif It should be possable through scripting, right ??

Ps. Thnx cegorach for the working link smile_o.gif

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The G8-Mod released a long time ago a M106 Mortar Carrier


If i have more time i can make more M113 versions too.

The problem is, the G8 M106 are wrong scaled (like the BIS M113)

I tried to make the correct size (not 100 % i know, but nearly)


That the driver on the ACAV M113 cannot turn out has the following reason: If you are on top cargo you can see the drivers head through the hatch (this is a engine problem).

And i closed the cargo area, because you cannot see the driver if the backramp is open (thats stupid, but also a engine problem)

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