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Shellshock: nam '67 must see!!!!

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Holy (@%*^@!&%$!!!!!!!!! Forget about Far Cry and all those Battlefield games, this looks incredible:


Download the video and see for yourselves.

These are pre-Alpha shots, it's using a modified version of the Killzone engine, whatever that is. Note the realistic gore, it's about time! I hope OFP2 will be able to top this game. I guess a major issue is that this game is going to be in 3rd person not first and geared towards consoles, so unless they change that it's not exactly going to be "realistic" like OFP2.




Some interesting comments from the developer:

Quote[/b] ]Expect scenes of bad language, drug abuse, mutilation and slaughter - but these will not glorify the subject matter. As Hermen Hulst, managing director of Guerrilla, says: "With ShellShock: Nam '67, we are aiming to deliver a game that really provides as authentic a war experience as possible. Through extensive research on all topics, but also by not shying away from the more controversial aspects of war, we are looking to provide gamers with the closest thing to actually being there."

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The gameplay does indeed look impressive. I am concerned about the gore, though. Yes, it's all based on fact but there is a very real chance that these guys can abuse that history for sensationalism. As I wasn't a grunt in Nam, I don't know how common it was to see tortured and crucified American soldiers. But from the screenshots they've released, it seems to me like they're trying to use it as a selling point. "Hey! Look at this! We've got tons of blood and gore in our game! But don't knock us for it because THAT'S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!"

I just get the feeling that if they're trying to sell the game because it's realistic, they don't need to do it by showing so many mutilated bodies.

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I sasw the trailer, and wasn't really impressed. Sure, it looked grim, depressing, with a corpse strewn across a steel bedding(from the looks of it) and several bodies hanging upside down, but I'm just questioning how this will all get into the gameplay? I sure hope I don't end up being on of those super special soldiers again.

Anyways, I watched the gameplay footage. But I wasn't overly excited or anything. Dunno why.

Then again, might be that english essay I'm writing loomingo ver my shoulder.

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Nice graphics but I flat out dont care. there are plenty of good looking and entertaining war action games...Medal of Honor series, Battlefield series, several vietnam inspired games, Call of Duty, the list goes on.

There are not nearly as many games like OFP. There is Battlefield series but I think they are too simple and arcadish...and there is Soldner: Secret Wars, which looks better than Battlefield but I still dont think it will catch my heart as much as OFP did. OFP amazed me with its scope, it convinced me I was just a grunt in a cold-war crisis that was going to get really hot. It had such a broad scope and felt and looked so realistic, but had a suprisingly small learning curve.




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The gameplay does indeed look impressive. I am concerned about the gore, though. Yes, it's all based on fact but there is a very real chance that these guys can abuse that history for sensationalism. As I wasn't a grunt in Nam, I don't know how common it was to see tortured and crucified American soldiers. But from the screenshots they've released, it seems to me like they're trying to use it as a selling point. "Hey! Look at this! We've got tons of blood and gore in our game! But don't knock us for it because THAT'S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!"

I just get the feeling that if they're trying to sell the game because it's realistic, they don't need to do it by showing so many mutilated bodies.

I think they're exaggerating some things, and I don't expect true authenticity from a game that's being marketed to the console crowd. But I think the gore in combat, not just for atmosphere in the story is good, and is necessary in a combat game to a certain degree. At the very least, there should be blood spurts and some "gibs" flying when people are shot, and when they're blown up, the bodies should at the very least be mangled and bloodied.

Besides this gore issue, everyone seemed to have missed how good that engine looks. The explosion effects, natural scenery, etc. This was also just the pre-alpha version.

Still, it's not going to be another OFP because you play it in 3rd person, I just hope BIS is going to put out something that will not seem wimpy compared to this game.

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I was just reading about this in Game Informer. Looks very impressive, and increadibly gorey.

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Quote[/b] ]Expect scenes of bad language, drug abuse, mutilation and slaughter - but these will not glorify the subject matter. As Hermen Hulst, managing director of Guerrilla, says: "With ShellShock: Nam '67, we are aiming to deliver a game that really provides as authentic a war experience as possible. Through extensive research on all topics, but also by not shying away from the more controversial aspects of war, we are looking to provide gamers with the closest thing to actually being there."

If Vietnam was that bad why have people spent thousands

of hours and millions of dollars trying to re-create it in

virtual reality? ofp is about the limit for violence you need

in order to be realistic. You have blood and stuff, but you

don't need heads on sticks and dismembered bodies hanging

from trees. Actually ultra 'real' violence in war sims is an

insult to those who fought in them, because they fought so

people wouldn't have to see stuff like this. just my two cents.

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If Vietnam was that bad why have people spent thousands

of hours and millions of dollars trying to re-create it in

virtual reality?

Well maybe because it involves the US army and appeals to many out there .... basically it will be marketed to the americans and many there still think Nam was cool or something ... rock.gif ...or so i have heard such statements on these and other forums.

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If Vietnam was that bad why have people spent thousands

of hours and millions of dollars trying to re-create it in

virtual reality? ofp is about the limit for violence you need

in order to be realistic. You have blood and stuff, but you

don't need heads on sticks and dismembered bodies hanging

from trees. Actually ultra 'real' violence in war sims is an

insult to those who fought in them, because they fought so

people wouldn't have to see stuff like this. just my two cents.

Maybe if people knew what it was really like, they'd have more respect for those who have faced it in real life, and think twice about supporting sabre-rattling politicians.

Why is violence in war sims an insult? Violence done for cheap thrills is an insult, violence the way it was done in Black Hawk Down and Full Metal Jacket is a genuine attempt to show the truth so that people know what war really is.

I already said earlier, the head on a stick is sensationalism, but the pic that was removed of the body mutilated by an explosion, that's a reality of war and people should know bombs do that to you, not just harmlessly throw you up in the air like in the A-Team or something.

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Maybe if people knew what it was really like, they'd have more respect for those who have faced it in real life, and think twice about supporting sabre-rattling politicians.

LOL!!! Ever think about how many realistically violent movies

and games there are? They've being making them since film

was invented, thousands of them, all gory and about killing

and war. they all say 'Maybe if people knew what it was really like, they'd have more respect for those who have faced it in real life' OMG i think by now everyone who has the ability

to see or hear has a good idea of what war is really like.

It would be a good argument if no one had done a movie

or game about war, but this will be the 1,000,000,000 generic

combat game ever!!! exactly how many millions of times do

people need to see the same shit over and over again to get

it into their heads that WAR = BAD so... GOING TO WAR = BAD.

I find that post extra-ironic because the USA just followed

a foolish sabre-rattling polititian into a dirty foriegn war. Bah.

how can people learn that war is bad if people love every

minute of it? So no more moral debate, people make violent

games because killing is fun, and it has been since the

beginning of man, and its not going to change. ever.

caption should read: WooHoo!!! dead shit AND a free helmet!


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Hey did anyone of you played this game already?

I've played it straight to the end and that's my pro and con list:


- Nam feeling is great (better than Vietcong)

- Pretty nice ideas they dealt with (Boom Boom Girls, slaughterd Gi's/ villagers/ Vcs,

- Some weapons which appeared for the first time in a nam (shooter) game like the 98k

- High poly heads

- Ur local drug dealer

- Urban warfare


- What the hell is wrong with that grafic engine??!!

- High poly heads but low poly bodys (hey they have huge hands did you recognized that? ;)

- detailed weapons? Not in this game

- Toooooo short

- Why the hell i have only a few chicks?

- What happened to those trees and plants?

- Control(elements)?!!! crazy_o.gif

- Learn how to aim!!

All inclusiv: It would be the greatest Vietnam game around if you put the quality of Vietcong and the ideas and concepts of SSN67 in one game! But sadly they didn't ....

P.S.: But anyway thanks for the ideas creators of SSN67. Some of them are good for OFP(especially our mod ;) too.

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No MP, supposedly half finished and full of bugs. PC Zone gave it 58% which is bad in anyones books.

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So... game is short, buggy, no MP and is a 3rd person shooter, they could put all the gore in the world, not buying for sure.

Soon GR2, CC-First to fight, and that UBi WW2 game that promises to be realistic, i guess VC remains the only decent nam game out there rock.gif .

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I figured the game would end up like this. Anything that tries to sell itself on it's sensationalism (here: gore) is bound to fail.

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Sorry to say this, but Shellshock is a baaad game. sad_o.gif

Definitely not worth the money!

As far as Vietnam games, I'm just waiting to see how Men of Valor: Vietnam will be. I'm carefully optimistic so far.

(Although the game contains no controllable veichles... you can man chainguns, etc, in choppers, but not control them yourself sad_o.gif )

The game does however promise at least 60 hours worth of singleplayer time, and the graphics on the PC version looks ok.

And it's 2015 making the game, so it could be worth waiting for... (2015 made MOH: AA on the PC).

But after a lot of games have disappointed me the last 2-3 years, I won't go out and say that this will be the greatest game ever... (I wonder if it's OFP's fault, no game lives up to it... wink_o.gif )

Only titles I got higher hopes for, are S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Brothers in Arms (in addition to OFP 2 of course... tounge_o.gif )

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this game SUX!!! its worsest game I ever saw!  biggrin_o.gif

You are definetly right about this one. The graphics are nothing new, the maps are like tunnels and the sounds and mission goals are boring.

They tried to tune this game with extreme brutality, shooting vietnamese prostitutes and innocent farmers... that did not work,

this game wont sell well. Besides, shame on the developers

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Quote[/b] ]shame on the developers
Yeah shame on them because they made a game with low grafic and control quality in a time were doomIII is gonna be the new game engine standard (ok a long way to go but ...) but as i mentioned they don't have to be ashamed for some of the included ideas. Ok some of them are exaggerated but not really fictional. Everybody should know that the Vietnam War wasn't a war which was controlled by the Geneva Conventions and the war is a well seen topic in the game industry at the moment. Vietnam sells even if the true tragedy goes down (sometimes in patriotism and hilarious atmosphere like in the movie "Missing in Action" with Chuck Norris biggrin_o.gif

I like Vietcong a lot because the developers come from a country which wasn't involved in this war and they put a lot cost into Vietcong and it's development (Vietnam journey(s), real vietnamese speech samples etc.). In SSN67 the VC can speak english most times and i think i heard "You can go home in body bags" somewhere else (BF:Nam i think). Not really realistic ;) So SSN67 sucks in many elements but there are some elements in this game which don't suck for me (look at my pro list). And the brutality is more like a joke ... if you shoot someones head it look pretty ugly because it looks like the head bursts into little triangles. Would be better if they had handled it like in VC. And by the way there are too much sequences in the game where someone is tortured.

So more cons then pros for this low budget game.

Quote[/b] ]Definitely not worth the money!
Thats a very realitic declaration smile_o.gif i agree with that. Only if you are a Nam interested person (someone call it a freak) like me go and buy it and turn into a rambo if you recognized at the end of the game that your portemonnaie was tortured!

Have a nice day

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@ Sep. 14 2004,10:55)]
Quote[/b] ]shame on the developers
Yeah shame on them because they made a game with low grafic and control quality in a time were doomIII is gonna be the new game engine standard (ok a long way to go but ...) but as i mentioned they don't have to be ashamed for some of the included ideas. Ok some of them are exaggerated but not really fictional. Everybody should know that the Vietnam War wasn't a war which was controlled by the Geneva Conventions and the war is a well seen topic in the game industry at the moment. Vietnam sells even if the true tragedy goes down (sometimes in patriotism and hilarious atmosphere like in the movie "Missing in Action" with Chuck Norris biggrin_o.gif

I like Vietcong a lot because the developers come from a country which wasn't involved in this war and they put a lot cost into Vietcong and it's development (Vietnam journey(s), real vietnamese speech samples etc.). In SSN67 the VC can speak english most times and i think i heard "You can go home in body bags" somewhere else (BF:Nam i think). Not really realistic ;) So SSN67 sucks in many elements but there are some elements in this game which don't suck for me (look at my pro list). And the brutality is more like a joke ... if you shoot someones head it look pretty ugly because it looks like the head bursts into little triangles. Would be better if they had handled it like in VC. And by the way there are too much sequences in the game where someone is tortured.

So more cons then pros for this low budget game.

Quote[/b] ]Definitely not worth the money!
Thats a very realitic declaration smile_o.gif i agree with that. Only if you are a Nam interested person (someone call it a freak) like me go and buy it and turn into a rambo if you recognized at the end of the game that your portemonnaie was tortured!

Have a nice day

I dont want to be forced to shoot civillians just to pass the level. Full stop!

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