DKM Jaguar 0 Posted February 19, 2004 So if you lot are junkies, that makes me a dealer right? Â Anyho, bascially, what Ebud said... Once you're drawn in to making them, theres NO escape!!! escape other than death. I'm not really addicted to making addons.. but I think I will be even less enthusiastic about it when my first ones get released soon. The ofp community can ruin the fun, as they always do, by being over critical and infinitely ungrateful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munk 0 Posted February 19, 2004 I must be a pimp then Does that make everyone who works for Nightstalker your hoe's? How much for m21man? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianTerror 0 Posted February 19, 2004 Quote[/b] ]The ofp community can ruin the fun, as they always do, by being over critical and infinitely ungrateful. Don't start this up again. There's been enough forum space devoted to it already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
munger 25 Posted February 19, 2004 The ofp community can ruin the fun, as they always do, by being over critical and infinitely ungrateful. I think that's a rather unfair generalisation. Everyone knows (or at least I hope they do) that only a small percentage of the community is like that. Just look at the proportion of 'bad' posts compared to 'good' posts whenever a new addon is released - the latter outweigh the former by a considerable margin. I think most addonmakers tend to glaze over the praise and concentrate on the negatives though, which sort of skews their perspective on how people view their creation. But anyway, this thread isn't about all that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colonel_klink 0 Posted February 19, 2004 Hi, I'm Ebud and I'm an addon tinkerer.Munger, whatever you do, do NOT get into making them. It's an addiction thats even worse than collecting. All day long at work all I can think about is what addon/island/texture/model I'm going to work on when I get some free time that evening. Then I sit on the train on the way home from work and texture on my handy dandy pocket pc. It's the best sketch pad I've ever had. Then if my better half is wrapped up in something on TV I get to jump in and start creating. Then when she's asleep I crawl out of bed and work on addons some more. You get in over your head. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It really is a horrible addiction/obcession that never goes away unless you just quit cold turkey. You can't really describe it to someone who doesn't make addons as well. You have all these ideas in your head and you HAVE to get them into the game somehow. You read a book about (insert war here) and you just know you can create that exact situation in OFP, or create everything to make it a "virtual reality". My future wife thinks I'm crazy but tolerates it as long as she gets her time. I can understand how someone on the CSLA team had their wife leave them. You just get wrapped up in the act of creation and slowly seeing your creations "come to life." If you have an addictive personality, addon making can really get under your skin. You mean OFP is actually a game? Dang since O2 came out I've not played one single mission, nor have I finished OFP:CWC or Res campaigns. Yes addon making is an addiction. I, like many others in the community, enjoy making addons and see how much we can push the OFP engine envelope. Sometimes it causes us to bang our heads on the keyboard in utter frustration, other times it gives great satisfaction to 'prove' that something can and will work. I'm one of the fortunate (depends on the interpretation I guess) that have heaps of time to spend on the tinkering, tweaking, of addon making. Yep, i have other and possibly better tings to do with my time, but like all addicts I keep coming back to OFP addon making. One thing I can honestly say. OFP has broadened my knowledge in several ways, 3d making, texturing, scripting, and even programming. The biggest though is the community. I dont download every addon, I wish I had broad band so I could download some of the bigger addons, and the mods like Tonal, FDF and CSLA, but unless the god of fortune smiles down on me I'l have to be content with the addons I can download. I agree with you Munger, the anticiapation of trying new addons is fun. Quote[/b] ]Quote (Pathy @ Feb. 18 2004,18:13) Actually i am even more so a comment junky....after i post something new i hang around for ages waiting for comments on it LOL, I think everyone does that. Me too! Helps in the development cycle of the addon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rastavovich 0 Posted February 19, 2004 I've not played one single mission, nor have I finished OFP:CWC or Res campaigns. Lol, nearly the same here, I finished OFP:R just 2 weeks ago. Even if I start the game around 50 times a day, I never find the time to play a mission. The only real playing: sometimes I place my little tuned mini on an island and race around with it to get my head free. But after 10-30 mins I am back on codewriting. Maybe I should contact a doctor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigma-6 29 Posted February 20, 2004 addiction? nah. . . outlet? YES. I've always spent a *lot* of time on my hobbies (to the point where they're less like hobbies and more like the central focuses of my life. . . (playing music, radio, art, writing, and of course, my *obsession* with military history [that's the obsession there, if anything] . . . ever since I was a child. . . I recall the OFP demo release. . . my brother was an infanteer at the time, and I'd just left my regiment a little while earlier. . . and we were both glued to the screen. . . there was no going back after that. . . O2 was the realization of so many dreams. finally, I thought, a way to create a working model of something, rather than a static one. . . so much more satisfying than illustration or building model kits! If it's an addiction, it's a worthy one, but for me, where doing what Munger described has never really been out of character. . . I consider it healthy (what's odd is that my girlfriend does too. . .) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TopCover 0 Posted February 20, 2004 So, is there an Addon Addicts Anomynous where we can go to? And its not too crazy to think of it in terms of addiction, when you see that there is: -A constant craving for new addon, with ever increased quality, (building up tolerance) - AN initial rush is followed by a crash and craving for more - The need to visit shady backalleys (this forum ) in order to get the stuff - The need to consort with ruthless dangerous lowlifes (the addonmakers ) to acquire the stuff - Addonmakers doing ripdeals on eachother - Users who "cut" the stuff And all the junkies in here have more firepower then the Cali cartel ( well on their HD's, that is) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebud 18 Posted February 20, 2004 So, is there an Addon Addicts Anomynous where we can go to? This is it buddy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
munger 25 Posted February 20, 2004 - The need to consort with ruthless dangerous lowlifes (the addonmakers  ) to acquire the stuff LOL! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StuartBoyer 0 Posted February 20, 2004 I definately need Addon Addicts Anomynous. I have over 5 GB of addons on disc and that is not counting missions or maps. I am hopless *grabs gun, put to head and pulls trigger* so hopeless I forgot to get bullets while checking OFP sites 5 times a day. I wonder if BIS sells 'get a life' cards redeamable by OFP players? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted February 20, 2004 Quote[/b] ]Quote (Pathy @ Feb. 18 2004,18:13) Actually i am even more so a comment junky....after i post something new i hang around for ages waiting for comments on it  LOL, I think everyone does that. Me too! Helps in the development cycle of the addon. the forums are very addictive too if you ask me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killagee 0 Posted February 21, 2004 My girlfriend has banned my from my computer She is convinced I am looking at porn, and just using this forum as a 'quick cover' when she walks in... So I have shown her all the posts I have put up ( she was pissed off there was a picture of her in the real life photo thread!) and she stills thinks I have a problem. The thing is, with OFP, you cant start making a mission and play it, or check out new addons, or even think about a campaign if you are only allowed to use your computer for 15mins at a time... I race home from work to get some good OFP in before she comes home! and I'm 28 years old... I think we need a seperate "OFP WIDOWS" forum so they can keep entertained while we talk the rubbish we do, and play with our new virtual toys... ( I feel sorry for the poor bastard that has to moderate that thread! ) I have learnt alot from the debates / discussions in this forum. There are some very open-minded and professional people here that I would love to get over for dinner to have a good RL chat to. ( ie: Denoir, hellfish, balshiow etc...) BYO alchohol and meat... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redhawk_six 0 Posted February 21, 2004 Yeah, I'm addicted to addons.... I have several gigs of addons... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted February 21, 2004 Hi, I'm Ebud and I'm an addon tinkerer.Munger, whatever you do, do NOT get into making them. It's an addiction thats even worse than collecting. yea i hear ya. i made myself a custom unit using the USMC recon scout model and textures, INQ sights for the Desert Eagle with armour killing capibilites and armed him with an M134 recioless minigun with 370800 rounds of ammunition. oh did i mention nvg, binoc, body armour and the ability to hide bodies and deavtivate mines? i call him the KamiKaze Watermelon oh and i have 1.5 to 2.0 GB of addons too when i play. in several mod folders form BAS to USN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Landwarrior87 0 Posted February 21, 2004 before i read this i was lost... i too have done the "put new units on desert island" imaginine what they would do in real life... loving every second of the sounds of the guns or just looking at the detail of the soldiers is more fun than the game. now that i know im not alone it makes me feel alot better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pathy 0 Posted February 21, 2004 You forgpt "and then never looking that them again" off the end of that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Falcon Six Two 0 Posted February 23, 2004 I spend most of my time d/ling addons and not playing OFP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m21man 0 Posted February 24, 2004 Quote[/b] ]I spend most of my time d/ling addons and not playing OFP! The solution is simple: Play OFP while you download new addons . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites