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First imported model from pc halo

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just give me a f***ing beta PLEEEAAASSSEE !!!!


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no its not dead, I have just been working on the marines and master chief model, getting them to work ingame with ofp's anims. It has been quite difficult because Halo models are a lot different from stock ofp soldiers. But anyways the armored marines are nearly perfect now and look fucking awsome, and good ol' Master Chief is kicking ass frequently. Screenshots soon. BTW I managed to put a stock ofp face on the marines, so random faces and lip sync will still work. smile_o.gif

*edit 2*

Oh yes I have also started working on the jungle/unarmored marines from the 343gs mission smile_o.gif

*edit* a teaser screenshot - if you look closely you can see that the marine has stock ofp arms, which i have since replaced.


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or is there no beta phase anymore ?


THAT ONE WOULD rock...... or is it your next TASK yet ?

go on like that the pics are AWESOME !!!

one question.


the sky (with HALOring in the back) is it ingame ?

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holy fuck. Master cheief. You got fuckin talent at making OFP addons. I mean it. They look better than the halo units. smile_o.gif

And I cant wait for HALO 2 in November 11th smile_o.gif

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man i cant wait to fly these boys on the Pelican biggrin_o.gif

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And I cant wait for HALO 2 in November 11th smile_o.gif

Corrected, November 9th  smile_o.gif

Anyway, Nice Fauckin Work!

EDIT: i got an idea! Halo Music! nothing makes those guys complete without those asskickin music!

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Thanks everyone smile_o.gif no beta phase, I think modders have beta phases because they like to pretend that they are doing important work, but it is just a sloppy practice and it leaves half finished shit everywhere. But not to worry, the UNSC pack is not going to take much longer. All the models are ingame with basic configs, and most of the scripts are done.

@ benus:

yes, the halo ring is ingame, but I will be replacing it with a better version later on.

in case you missed it on my pg 6 post:


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mhm, looks like u got almost everything ingame?

so that means its almost done? biggrin_o.gif

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And I cant wait for HALO 2 in November 11th smile_o.gif

Corrected, November 9th  smile_o.gif

Well proply November 11th down under. smile_o.gif

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EDIT: i got an idea! Halo Music! nothing makes those guys complete without those asskickin music!

*Dreams of killing UNSC rebels to the tune of Rock Anthem for Saving the World* blues.gif

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Lol, thats amazing work man...

Looks exactly like Halo, and it could sure as hell fool anybody

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Truly amazing piece of work if it is released. Good job there!

PS: just a small note which u may have overlooked for this amazing piece of work....not that it matters but would greatly enhance the project.........no shadows?

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Frenchman just sent me one of the screenshots posted, he is my secret spy for all Operation Flashpoint gubbins.

And I just have to say that is amazing, I didnt think MC's armour would be able to look so right in Operation Flashpoint. Seriously looking forward to this but also a question.

Is the MC going to have some über health to simulate Halo's shield doo dah or are they all going to have the realistic health of OFP?

Plus as everyone has said here, I can not wait for this mod. It looks absolutely fantastic. As one wise tiger once said "There Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat"

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mhm, can u guess when i gonna release it? like next week, 2 weeks, 3 months or something? rock.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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@ philcommando - yes, they will have shadows, I just had them turned off cause my pc is kinda weak... I have to play in 16bit mode with shadows off to get a decent framerate.

@ Jarf - I'm glad you like the chief's armor, I had to color it manually as the green parts were originally white, so the color of the chief could be easily changed for mp purposes. the same gos for the grunts and elites, all thier colors need to be added manually. The chief is definetly going to have a shield and increased armor, and the armored marines will have increased armor but to a lesser extent.

@ ofpforum - sometime between now and my funeral...

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Does that mean if I kill you in 2 days, you'll release it tomorow?! biggrin_o.gif

<gets out axe>

Anyways, looks reeeeeally nice man! wow_o.gif

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