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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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I have all of the movies you mention biggrin_o.gif I have got many, many obscure zombie movies, from "Stacy: attack of the schoolgirl zombies" to "Dellamore Dellamorte" (aka cemetary man)

Trying to extract sound samples from films is difficult, even from DivX's tounge_o.gif. As I've said before, in a film, as soon as a zombie appears on screen there is always, ALWAYS incidental music getting in the way of the zombie moans. I can't strip out the music so can't use the samples.

I only used one Goblin soundtrack in the Zombie Sound Pack 2 as the rest were a bit... crap.


"Burn the flames" is a slow ballad, but then again it's creepy so I might put it in, I dunno biggrin_o.gif

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Id be suprised if someone hasnt already said this, but, make a cricket bat addon and a pub addon and we have shaun of the dead scenario...... biggrin_o.gif

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hey, that tracy t dude is banned right? get him to that forum amnesty thingy! tounge_o.gif

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Id be suprised if someone hasnt already said this, but, make a cricket bat addon and a pub addon and we have shaun of the dead scenario...... biggrin_o.gif

Been there, said that... tounge_o.gif

You forgot the trusty winchester though... wink_o.gif

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hey, that tracy t dude is banned right? get him to that forum amnesty thingy!  tounge_o.gif

I couldnt be sure but id be willing to bet hes simply made a duplicate account already. smile_o.gif

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Hi there, sorry about no messages for past few days but it's a public holiday in Scotland - zombies were the last thing on my mind as I spent the weekend in the sun smile_o.gif

To answer your questions:


A new zombie pack is still a long long way away... I only released the last one a couple of months ago! Models in o2 take AGES to create & texture, and remember this is part time work so please... don't ask when new zombies will be released.

HOWEVER, if you are pissed off with the array index out of bounds and dodgy resurrection scripts - BINNED for next release. I cannot get it to work and it has taken too much time - and want the replacement (ie: bug fixed) scripts though, give me a couple of days and I'll post em. I know I said they'd be ready last week, but I've been busy with my life. I am moving house very soon tounge_o.gif


A new zombie sound FX & music pack is in the works. After I pack all the music tracks from the major zombie movies, and some new FX, I will discontinue work on the sound packs. So next release is most likely a FINAL.


Has anyone made any missions using the unified zombie pack yet?

And, what do you think of the new female zombie?

Every time I see her face I shudder - mind you thats because the face is erm, from Ogrish... you wonder where textures come from... there ya go! I kid you not, I need time away from the PC after getting the textures.. some real disturbing shit on there tounge_o.gif

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Im in the works of beta 4 of my mission moose town mess right now and all my friends that have tested mission so far wanted to play it again and again, even a friend that didn't enjoy ofp at all liked it biggrin_o.gif so it has to be a special mission then ghostface.gif

any ways when it gets done i will post it on ofp.info site and hope they can host it there, hopefully both big and small version.

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he he. I'm still recording zombie sounds. it's just fun. and I'm recording music to. I discoverd that it is more than 100 zombie sounds in my game. biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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is there a chance that you could just release the scripts? sorry its me again. id like the possibility for alot of missions where you're being chased down by people who want to swing at you.

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is there a chance that you could just release the scripts?  sorry its me again.  id like the possibility for alot of missions where you're being chased down by people who want to swing at you.

just unPBO the pbo wink_o.gif

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Hi there

Just to keep you updated, am moving house so work on the zombie mod is suspended until I get a new internet connection!

Remember you can get the zombie mod from atwar.net and warfaregames.com - be sure to check out the overturned bus ;)

I'm letting you know in case you thought I was abandoning the project - I have had a few PMs asking me what's up smile_o.gif

Any zombie missions yet?

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Uh... How do I get the zombies to attack other people? I place a group of them down and they dont go after anyone nomatter what group. I even gave them an east officer and that just made the officer friendly to everyone also...

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Does anyone know where I can find the readme?

Since I'm not that cool as to tripple post, I will edit the latter part of my awesome double post.

Frst of all I still would like to know where to find the readme, I'm sure it's an obvious answer but I'm stupid.

I started up a game with the Zombies, but this time putting game logic with them. I'm thinking that's probably how you get them to attack. But when I put any game logic with them and try to preview the mission, it freezes my computer completely and I have to restart. It freezes weather it's easy, medium, or difficult. Perhaps this is also adressed in the readme which I so desperately need, but if not can someone please help me out.

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The readme is in this thread actually :o)

OK I should have posted one up but I was tired, bored etc etc. and besides I put one on here.... here it is again...


it's still a gblAllTargets array you set. This is a beta, the "auto-group" code is still to be done. Do not group game logics with zombies just yet!

If you want zombies to follow waypoints,

gblAllTargets = []

It is OK, unlike the previous zombie mod you can add units to that array again and the zombies will resume attacking. They are smart.

Also, you do not need monitorarea.sqs like you did with the previous zombie mod - that's all done for you now!


put GAME LOGIC "EASY GAME" into the map to have an easy game.

put GAME LOGIC "MEDIUM GAME" to have a medium difficulty game.

put GAME LOGIC "DIFFICULT GAME" (I think thats how it's spelled) to have a hard game.

KNOWN BUG: Resurrection of eaten comrades in medium and difficult modes does not work properly - your AI buddies do not attack the newly zombified team mates, and they feckin well should!

Only one "difficulty level" GAME LOGIC should be on the map at one time. ie: don't put easy and hard on the same map!


The following variables are used to tailor the game to your liking. The difficulty level game logics contain a list of presets for these variables. You can of course set the variables yourself.

gblIndestructibleZombies = (0 or 1, 1 means "yes")

gblResurrectKilledByZombie = (0 or 1) - whenever a human is killed by a zombie, should the human come back as a zombie? There are serious issues with this code at the moment. Leave this variable set to 0.

gblZombieDamage = real number from 0..1 (zombie damage to humans: 0 = none, .5 = half damage, 1 = 1 hit one kill )

gblHealthDrain = real number from 0..1 (If bit, how long should it take for bitten unit to turn into one of "them"? 0 = never happens. Damage of unit is subtracted by value every 5 seconds)

gblZombieCarDamage = real number from 0..1 (how much damage a zombie can inflict on a car, per hit. . 0 = none, 1 = 1 hit one kill .5 = 2 hits etc, .2 = 5 hits yawn yawn)

gblZombieAPCDamage = real number from 0..1 (for APCs.)

gblZombieTankDamage = real number from 0..1 (for Tanks.)

gblZombieDelPause = x (how many seconds before zombies

are deleted from map when they are killed. 0 = deleted the moment they are killed again. Set to long value if you want them to never be deleted. REMEMBER: OFP has a finite limit of units & groups (12 x 64) that can be created at one time - it is recommended that zombies are deleted to reduce lag and allow other units to be created!)


gblZombieList [] - all ACTIVE zombies. Whenever a zombie is killed, it is removed from this array.

If you want to program any custom AI for the zombies, set gblAllTargets to empty [] and use the array to move the zombies yourself.

gblAllTargets [] - all ACTIVE targets (men, tanks, apcs etc). Whenever a target is killed, it is removed from this array.

gblBitList [] - people who have been bit. Whenever a target is killed, it is removed from this array.

gblHealthList [] - people whose health has to be drained. Whenever a target dies from its wounds, it is removed from this array.

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Ok that readme just made things even more confusing for me.

Sir, please just explain to me what I have to do to get the group of zombies to attack people. Explain it to me as if I were a mentally disabled child.

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1. Add a "Zombie Mod - EASY GAME" game logic to your mission. Just place it anywhere on the map.

2. Create a new game logic.

In the initialisation, set up the gblAllTargets array with the following:

gblAllTargets = [Player]

3. Add to that array any targets you want the zombies to attack. For example:

gblAlltargets = gblAllTargets + units group MYFIRSTGROUP

4. Place some zombies on the map.

5. Watch them eat the troops.

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it would be a nice idea to make an unseen zombie  biggrin_o.gif

a zombie that a little bit blue and you can see trought it like a ghost  wink_o.gif

and when it get 5 min close to you it willl make nasty sounds

maybe that would make my pee in my pants biggrin_o.gif

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Just to let you know:

1. The zombie mod will be continued, but only when I can be arsed :o)

It is really difficult creating new zombies, especially when your job consists of sitting in front of a computer all day... some help would be appreciated guys!

2. A new sound pack is on the way. There's new sounds and new music... sound packs are easy to do :o)

3. Scripts are fixed, but am making some improvements.. although there is a maximum of 768 units per side in OFP, a fraction of that makes the game judder (>100 units = shit performance). I am trying to optimise the code.

I am still looking for animators and modellers BTW! Need staggering zombies and more burnt out cars etc etc.

Apply to zombie.mod@ntlworld.com

NB: I play online as $Scott (ZOMBIE MOD) - I usually play Hexenkessel CTF using the All-Seeing-Eye...

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