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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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the zombie x attacking person y is definitely removed in the next release.

You shouldn't have to suffer that though.. shit, (mumbles to self) Scott forgot about that one alright... argh  smile_o.gif

Right, I'll see what I can do about getting an interim zombie pack out the door. Can't have stupid debug messages ruining things.

On the subject of a priest:

A priest eh? Not really thought of having one, however in the zombie sfx pack there is a priest's voice.... see if you recognise it.

In the mission editor, type in the Player's initialisation string

this say "DivineIntervention"



Remember to download the README.TXT file for the sound FX pack - www.freewebs.com/tunstals/readme.txt

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Im making a Mission using the unified Zombie pack (2nd BETA i think) and the earlier zombie soundFX pack. I have 5 people, each seperate, and a pack of zombies. Im new to scripting/.sqs's. When i set the game logic gblAllTargets = [Player] + Units Group1 (I have every person as a group..) The zombies don't move...when i take out the + units group 1, they work...if somebody could help me on that, id be much obliged! smile_o.gif


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Yes, don't set every person as a group.

In the team leader ONLY for each group have

GroupX = Group this

Where X is the group number. (You make the number up)


gblAllTargets = [Player] +units Group1 + units Group2

etc etc

Then it will work.

On another note:

What do you think of this zombie?


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And another zombie.... GORE WARNING!!!!


This is the headless zombie from zombie pack one retextured. HOWEVER, check out the scars on the face AND the zombie face hiding behind... yeah, we're gonna be using that one.

Since ODOL explorer was released, Scott understands so much more about ofp addon making and is turning out nearly 1 new zombie per day. I'm scripting smile_o.gif

I don't know how many zombies Scott wants to make though.

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looks good ghostface.gif

im so tired, i sat there trying to close the first photo, untitled -2 so i could see the second one of that face by clicking on its x... after about 10 seconds i realised that that wasnt going to happen. got to love night shifts.

any ideas on how long till its all released? not that i mind.



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I hope you plan to or have done police zombies. Maybe you could contact Deadmeat about using the ones from his police pack, that would look damn good!

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yeah, police zombies would rock. and a priest. the more i think about it, the more i want a priest. want want want. thats all im about. want. hehe.

main reason for this post tho - munk, do you have a link to deadmeats police?? offtopic i know. but the only police i have are the ones that have cool cars but are wearing green.. dsx's or something.


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Police zombies? They are already in the original unified zombie mod smile_o.gif

OK, they are just the Nogova police officers zombified, but they are still police lol.

No idea when its going to be finished. Done when its done!

The problem is there is so much to do. The scripting is easy, and the sound is easy (that's complete and available for download - see link in my sig) but the models take so long to make. o2 ain't easy. Textures have to be acquired (usually from ogrish or rotten - you think it's a nice job? nope) and then photoshopped and smudged to be "just so" - we don't cut & paste any old pish smile_o.gif

But all offers of help gratefully received, especially from mission makers, o2 experts and animators.


Just thought I'd let you know that it's 99% certain that a rock group gaining recognition in Scotland will be donating BRAND NEW never-heard-before music for the zombie mod! Will keep you posted.

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franz ferdinand ? (spelling)..

they are a scottish group gaining recognition.. at least in sydney biggrin_o.gif

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yeah, police zombies would rock. and a priest. the more i think about it, the more i want a priest. want want want. thats all im about. want. hehe.

main reason for this post tho - munk, do you have a link to deadmeats police?? offtopic i know. but the only police i have are the ones that have cool cars but are wearing green.. dsx's or something.



if we make a priest, will you make missions for us? No promises, mind...

Do you have pictures of any particular priests you'd like in game?  Pick one favourite priest type and link to it.

(It would be very useful if you had front & side-on pictures of the priest, so that we could transfer the pictures directly to the model.)

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i can make missions - but, i have no idea how to do cut scenes etc.. never tried. i just like making missions, a half baked briefing, then start killing things... or just being killed.

mmmm. was thinking about what kind of priest.. if you just did a normal church one in the black, it would be boring and the white colar would hardly be noticable... maybe a cardinal or something? i think they were more cool stuff...the pope would be a bit over the top i guess :P

i will look around a bit later for a good pic of a priest or two.

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Well, I'm sure all of us would like some Night of the living dead type missions, or Dawn of the dead 2004...

Anyway, find the priest you like, and if we like it we'll have a stab at making it. As said before, try and get a picture of the priest from as many angles as possible (face, front, side, back, preferably.)

The higher the quantity and quality of pictures, the faster we can make textures and create the priest. You never know, it might be really easy tounge_o.gif

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Hey, just looked around for a bit. Ive decided that priests must not be as vein as movie stars... most websites are even lucky to have one pic of a priest... and every website seems to make them look different!! ive got a couple of good ones from the front. the faces i guess are irrelavent - not many people know one priest from another do they? .... ill look some more tommorow. for now, its bed time.

can models were robes?rock.gif i think i saw a german ww2 addon with a guy in an overcoat.. most of the priests in the traditional garb have robes. and i have no idea what the robes mean.


bye bye for now.


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i think a good mission idea is to go offensive on the zombies. most of the zombie missions ive played have been escape type. i want to turn the tides on these undead bastards with soem running and gunning or atleast a defense with out retreating.

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Off-topic - mick78, if you mean DMX_Police then they're the ones. Dont you agree the riot guys would look great as zombies though wink_o.gif

I've never noticed the police zombies, I always just shove down a few groups and play.

For the Priest, how about this guy...

Kick some zombie ass Priest style


I might have something I can 'donate' to the pack, not sure yet but I'll PM you when I know.

Have you guys got a private forum? I'll sign up as a mission editor if there's somewhere to swap ideas more privately smile_o.gif

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1) Where can I download the DMX police? I want to see what they look like. If they are good enough I may ask permission to retexture them... don't hold your breath smile_o.gif

2) We don't have a reserved forum as such, but you could always post on


and talk zombie there.

If you have any background-noise & music-free samples of gut chewing, decapitations et al, I wouldn't mind if you put them up on a private page for me to download (don't email them though ;-) )



Scottish band ROSEWOOD have permitted me to include their great track MADMOON OF DREAMS in the next zombie sound pack release!! This track is a stormer and fits the theme of the pack brilliantly.

Go to www.rosewood.tv for more details. The page is currently being edited but just click in the top right of each pic and you'll be OK ;)

PS: Hope you are all downloading my zombie sfx pack ;)

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Sorry, didn't check out the priest - it wouldn't load for me!

It's not the priest from Braindead is it.... ?

As for the police pack, the vehicles there just look like retextured BIS craft. Are the cops any good? I can't be arsed downloading it (I am drinking smile_o.gif )

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Yo, I can't promise anything ZM, but i have a buddy, who is UBER-good at making missions, *He finds RTS scripting a piece of cake and his version kicks ARSE!* anywho...I might be able to whip up a mission with his help, mind, I can make basic scriptings, missions, not cutscenes or advanced .sqs...but these zombies really don't need too much smile_o.gif....I'll contact ya later bout it....Just keep me in mind...BTW have u guys seen RE:4? No zombies....just homocidal maniacs with chainsaws smile_o.gif (No kidding, they have bunches of new weapons!!!)

I currently have a mission that uses civi units with Crime City weapons...(The M590 only needs 1 shot to knock over a zombie smile_o.gif *Very nice effect*) And it DOES put the civs on the offensive as the story goes, Jonas (Player 1) Has a sister in the City Ackropolis (Kick arse mission) and when the zombies come through the fog, he and his friends pick up the weapons (They work at a dock) They go and save her. It takes them up into the snowy hills, to urban terrain, and Finally an airport where (If i can get the zombie class names) A Large army of zombies will be waiting there smile_o.gif The problem i have now, is that, its pretty much KILL KILL KILL, his sister joins u with a Beretta, and more KILLING! THen...the army i need the class names, I might also script the BAS dudes fllying over with a machine gun blasting the zombies away! All-in-All it should be a pretty straightforward yet impressive mission....if i can only jazz the scripting a lil! smile_o.gif Septober,,out (Where did i put my chainsaw?)

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Police Pack

Requires JAM2

It also says it requires 'Gaz24w'. rock.gif

ofp.info lists a Gaz24 as being in the pack, any thoughts?

I want riot cops damnit!  tounge_o.gif


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Good morning. well. its 5:30pm. but i just got out of bed.

The police addon you need is:


its about 8.28mb.


then go into:



ground units

its on page 5.

thats the most recent one, and includes that gas24w or whatever it was.

hope that helps biggrin_o.gif


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Hi, we need great missions to inspire the OFP users to start making games for the zombie mod.

Now, as the zombie mod team have a NEW release in the works, it wouldn't be a good idea for your friend to start writing missions for the existing mod tounge_o.gif

Instead, what we can do is give you our zombie mod work in progress (WIP) and then you can script with that. I'm sure you'll find it's a lot easier to work with, and far more flexible!

This offer applies to anyone who is interested in writing missions or addons for the new zombie mod. You must promise to treat the code as a closed BETA (ie: don't give your pals a copy or put the code on FTP sites etc.)

Send an email to zombie.mod@ntlworld.com with a message explaining what you'd like to do with the beta (shove it up my arse isn't a valid request biggrin_o.gif ) and we'll give you a download URL.

Any bug fixes or additions we make, we'll send them straight to you. Remember though, we're not working on the zombies 24/7 so don't expect too regular updates smile_o.gif

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Police Pack

Requires JAM2

It also says it requires 'Gaz24w'. rock.gif

ofp.info lists a Gaz24 as being in the pack, any thoughts?

I want riot cops damnit!  tounge_o.gif


Aye sorry, I always forget about that one tounge_o.gif

Here you go. wink_o.gif

Edit: Does seeing how effective a new zombie-whooping weapon is against them count as doing something with them? rock.gif

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Get download #1 from http://www.freewebs.com/tunstals/addons.zip


download #2 from


EDIT: Do not click the hyperlinks! Just copy them into the IE address bar. Hosts for the files are needed!

You must download BOTH of these files.

GAMERS: Delete existing zombies.pbo from your res/addons directory. Install the new .pbo files in your res/addons directory.


Make sure you download soundfx.zip too (see sig!) - if you have already downloaded it from last week, there is no need to download again.

FIXES: Too numerous to mention. It is just raw sex!! tounge_o.gif

NEW ZOMBIES: Doctor Tongue FINAL, Pilot FINAL. More on the way though, MUCH more...


Sound FX to be integrated into scripts.

OFPEC blood to be incorporated

More zombies.... yeah, much more..

Some missions (this is where YOU come in!)

Enjoy!! And remember the missions you make will be compatible with the next release...


Zombie Team

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