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bonko the sane

Sea demon mig29 v2.02

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Temporarily has suspended all works on MIG29 and MIG25. I am strongly borrowed on addons for LIbiration 1941-45 team.

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Temporarily has suspended all works on MIG29 and MIG25. I am strongly borrowed on addons for LIbiration 1941-45 team.


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Well cause your good and gonna be in demand.

@Ace Combat Able to steer the MiG29 around better at lower speed? I drove mine to the runway after landing on a road on the Nogova map so its a bit tricky with the keyboard. On joystick is ok, not something you wanna do cause your creaping along at breakneck speeds of 20 mph. biggrin_o.gif

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This addon beats the hell out of any existing Mig-29 addons, at least until Deadsoldier&Marine release theirs smile_o.gif

ME: so u dont play OFP much means the mig isnt getting done?

DeadSoldier: nope.. we aborted the mig ..

he doesnt like OFP flight dynamics so he stoped playing OFP and isnt making addons anymore.

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DeadSoldier: nope.. we aborted the mig ..

he doesnt like OFP flight dynamics so he stoped playing OFP and isnt making addons anymore.

Argh, that's terrible news. A lot of people were looking forward to that. sad_o.gif

Oh well, Sea Demon's is great anyway. smile_o.gif

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Well that sucks, but then kinda right OFP is not a flight simulator, but most know that before getting into it, most flight simulators do not support ground units alla tanks and infantry. So its something I can deal with. Performance is improving all the time the engine is well beyond most of its limitations and still improves everyday. So might achive the update to thes OFP 1 engine or see the flight problem fixed in the OPF 2 engine. Thankfully the adoons are useable in OFPII (fingers crossed) Well being on a mod team and low end addon maker already know making aircraft is a major pain in the rear. And the engine loves to make thing not work as they should. wink_o.gif

Kinda see the usual gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, from the community who often unknowing bruise makers egos, pitting a addon maker against another addon maker.


Monekyspankers addon is better than Chickenchokers addon. Should bother saying like its your opion for tha fact. Some folks read into this the wrong way, and get highly bent out of shape. Should be a format like most mod groups have to reporting addon issues on the forums so they can be read and understood. lots of the addon makers would beable to improve addons a bit better. If they could get propor feedback. This string seemed better than some of the others I was following, so the addon maker didn't end up getting pissed off and stomping off due to a bunch of noobs. And the addon recieve signifcant improvments, before a mod group pounced him! biggrin_o.gif

Be happy the freelancer addonmakers are out there, so your not forced to wait for total converssions to come out to play with new toys. Not to slam mod groups, usually its good at least in a mod group you get feedback on addonmaking and improve faster if its a quality mod team. I've learned a bit on the RHS team, that I still suck and got a long way to go. But a lot farther than on my own trying to bash stuff together.

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Bloody hell no Deadsoldier dropped his work? sad_o.gif

is he giving away his prsent work to someone like Sea demon to improve on like Vektorboson did with his F-117? that would be very nice. smile_o.gif

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nope he is moding for fs2004. he isnt sharing his work with noone and doesnt like OFP.

OFP isnt an anything simulator. its primarly a soldier sim but its not even very "realistic" about that. but!... with ECP and such OFP becomes realistic. its not a tank sim but with a universal armour code it can be. OFP to me isnt an anything simulator.. the only thing it is.. is a "fun" simulator. and damnit im havin the time of my life flyin mustangs thru windmasts, and landing C130s on the deck of the nimitz. breaking the sound barrier as i fly past that same carrier.

realisium isnt about dynamics and about limitations. its about feel and looks.when im playin flashpoint. and i see a 109 shooting at my wingman. i move to help. my plane may not be 100% realistic int eh eyes of a perfectionist. but when i see that 109 goin down in flames i know i saved the digital life of another person. when im playin a misison and bullets start flyin. and i FEEL like im fighting for my life and those around me. thats realistic in my opinion.

if it looks like an egg and tastes like an egg. i dont care what it is. its close enough for me. besides considering all the advancments we have here. realisum is only a script away.

but hey. we got better addon makers like sea demon here to replace picky uptight modders like ds smile_o.gif keep up the good work sea demon and the rest of you addon makers

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nope he is moding for fs2004. he isnt sharing his work with noone and doesnt like OFP.

OFP isnt an anything simulator. its primarly a soldier sim but its not even very "realistic" about that. but!... with ECP and such OFP becomes realistic. its not a tank sim but with a universal armour code it can be. OFP to me isnt an anything simulator.. the only thing it is.. is a "fun" simulator. and damnit im havin the time of my life flyin mustangs thru windmasts, and landing C130s on the deck of the nimitz. breaking the sound barrier as i fly past that same carrier.

realisium isnt about dynamics and about limitations. its about feel and looks.when im playin flashpoint. and i see a 109 shooting at my wingman. i move to help. my plane may not be 100% realistic int eh eyes of a perfectionist. but when i see that 109 goin down in flames i know i saved the digital life of another person. when im playin a misison and bullets start flyin. and i FEEL like im fighting for my life and those around me. thats realistic in my opinion.

if it looks like an egg and tastes like an egg. i dont care what it is. its close enough for me.  besides considering all the advancments we have here. realisum is only a script away.

but hey. we got better addon makers like sea demon here to replace picky uptight modders like ds  smile_o.gif keep up the good work sea demon and the rest of you addon makers

Well said Pappy, but I think it is very sad that DS and NAAM's work is lost. Well, as you said we still have all the other brave addonmakers left, the ones that defy OFP's lack of to the "number physiscs" and realistic armor coding in favour for the greater feeling of the whole thing. Wich made this game one of the best, and the reason why it still is one of the best.

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Well after the Deadsoldier braked working for ofp on his MIG-29 sad_o.gif the beast mig is by SEA DEMON and we can only wait till he release his fix version of the plane smile_o.gif

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Well been using DeaDemon's MiG-29/Fulcrum a bit more lately, after eating a sam over one of the tonal island maps. I noticed its one of the few jets you can put down with the wheels up and survive with no injury to the pilot after a forced emergency crash landing. Even if half the plane becomes burried into the ground, was able to open the canopy and climb out and marvel at the high-tech lawndart I made.

Even more so couldn't get back in and take back off after doing it, but the aircraft didn't sit and fizzle then explode in my face dispite using CLSA mod. Still able to open the canopy and other toy functions of the plane but it was acting as if I had crashed her. If this was intended I love it made an intersting mission as others had to do SAR to get me out before the rebel forces found my crash site and shot me.

Took few screens just because it was boggling to see, just before had to start running from the Rebel units of tonal island. Usually touching the ground in any aircraft unit is a flaming death on OFP, even if I did manage to avoid contact with the many palm trees in my way.. Considering trying it again just to make sure it is not a fluke.

Might want to add lower lods to the planes to lessen the strain on use guys with low end pcs. A P-600 kinda shows lag at times with most if not all the later russain made aircraft, that I had to drop back to after lighting fried my p-900, this is using only one plane on say the Nagova map yet can have brigade level battles with ground units and not suffer a great deal of lag. Still a nice flyer and have been able to perform cobra moves in her fraily well after a bit of practice. And somewhat flightstick friendly, so grunts like me can fly large powerful jet fighter aircraft.

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Yeah, I forgot to mention that this MiG-29 eats a huge amount of comp resources in-mission.

It's a great aircraft, but see what you can do to cut down on the lag it causes when I put it in OFP missions.

If it causes too much lag in my campaign missions, I might have to subsitute different aircraft in order for the missions to not lag up so badly.

See if you can find a way to reduce the lag for it, much appreciated.


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yea i get really bad lag usually, like on large maps like Tonal, Eastborder, Gaia, and even Trinity. it'll go for 5 or so seconds, then freeze for a bit... sad_o.gif

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I turned my resulation from 32bit to 16 and that seem to free up some of the lag I was getting. Still nothing as bad as using any of the flanker birds and the lag they give. All but one called Aero thats is in many colors. so some of your textures may not look as pretty at 16 bit mode also.

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Even in 16 bit mode, which I use alot it still lags too badly.  I think it has to do with the addon itself, not the model's poly count or skin quality.  Something in the addon that is heavily taxing mission playing resources, something involving some very CPU intensive scripting.

I'm gonna DePbo it if I can so I can see what I can find on suggesting so it won't cause so much heavy load when put in missions.

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Same here, hopefully this will make my missions a LOT less laggy and more friendly to intos/outros without taxing the game alot.

Lots of thx to you and many other OFP aircraft addon makers, without you all we'd be still flying the boring BIS A-10 and the BIS Su-25.

Can't wait, let us know when you release it.

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Oh keep forgetting to mention Russain Mig-29/Fulcrum miss-list a Britsh autocannon I recall Russain Migs used Gsh-301 30mm series autocannon on the aircraft. Simple fix in the cpp. I think.

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Its a nice looking bird as you walk around it on the outside, noticed its missing the I can't rember the name of it, it is attached to the forend of the pilots cannopy for the BVR I believe. And the inflight refueling boom.








Hopefully theses images give details in the forward nosesection of the aircraft model.

Also when looking at the front of the cockpit they textures have pealed from the fuselage but its a very minor detail. Contact me for screens directly if you would like to see this. Other than plane needs a bit of dirt and wear added to the texuters. Look like just came out of factory.

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