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Thank you all for feedback! smile_o.gif

@Shadow: Sorry but theres not any inventory slots. Its a hidden crate you put your stuff into (explained at the beginning of this topic and in the readme).

@ruff: I dont understand.. If you downloaded the file there should be a readme (read it everyone!!), a backpack.pbo (put this to your addon-folder), an example mission (user/missions. You find it at desert island) and a folder with the addon unpacked (if you want to take a look "inside" and change/build something new).

@joltan: I dont know. I cannot personally test it. The scripting are very basic though so it would anyway be good to change it. Anyone good at scripting? biggrin_o.gif

@killagee: The link works for me but anyone who wants can host it (the readme give everyone all rights to do whatever they like with it wink_o.gif ). I can mail it you if you want to.

@STGN: Maybe you can change something on the model. Truly I dont know. This is my first o2-modell so I´m new to this.

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Nice idea like someone said for long range patrols.

I am always running out of ammo sad_o.gif not anymore smile_o.gif

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give him a proper sniper rifle and hel be ready to go


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Andersson, you've done a wonderful job with a very simple model. you left the source files open; how far would you allow the original to be modifed (with all credit, of course)?

Oops, didn't mean to quote! wow_o.gif

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i only get a p3d file

i want this pls

i dont know

my rar only extracts this

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I suggest you try downloading again, there's supposed to be a lot more than just a .p3d in there!

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Let's say he likes the Red spot  tounge_o.gif

But about that 1 meter under the ground thing do you mind if I fix that with a set pos get pos script?

He kept the ammo crate 1m underground so that you don't see an ammo crate pop up out of nowhere, runing the efect of using the backpack....

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Downloaded it twice but all I get is the ANDY_backpack.p3d file.

I want it

Mirror it someone please crazy_o.gif

Kind Regards Walker

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Let's say he likes the Red spot  tounge_o.gif

But about that 1 meter under the ground thing do you mind if I fix that with a set pos get pos script?

He kept the ammo crate 1m underground so that you don't see an ammo crate pop up out of nowhere, runing the efect of using the backpack....

Then do it like this: Edit the ammo crate as the Back pack and in a script do: ( this is just a example ) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if ANDY_backback is droped then load model :ANDY_AmmoCrate.p3d Setpos Getpos ANDY_Backpack Setpos Getpos 0

This simple it is only you need to play around with my example and it works. smile_o.gif

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@waffendennis: If you can do it AND keep track of every backpacks cargo then you should do it. I cant, my skill is limited rock.gif

edit: I´m not saying its impossible. I just dont now how wink_o.gif

@All with link-problem: I have no problem open up the site and downloading so I dont know what to fix. But if anyone can and want to host this go ahead.

@Wardog: I let you do whatever you want do do with it! biggrin_o.gif If you read the readme you can do whatever you want (even misuse it, if its possible.. tounge_o.gif ). You dont even have to give me credit (I´d like if you do it but you dont have to).

One reason to release this was to start the development of backpacks. So everyone whois into it, go ahead! biggrin_o.gif

I already got an email with a updated version!! "Mr Grey" have added a zipper-sound to it! I´m going to test it and put it up on

My Webpage

And thanks for feedback!

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This is kickass. I'm pulling some stuff off the comments underneath the post on OFP.INFO.

"Generic ALICE frame with various pouches and bags denoting more carrying, less carrying capabilities"

"All inclusive, perhaps only having to activate 1 or two scripts"

"Differnt types of Ruck, ALICE, Bergan, patrol-bag, etc."


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this has great potential, unfortunately when we tested it in MP we got the ammo bug.

Hopefully someone can refine it.

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Awesome prototype! I love it.

I now have a dedicated AmmoSupport geezer inmy squad.

Problems so far...

The pack is unusable after the carrier unloads from a chopper...

The AI or player will sometimes refuse to find any contents to the pack.

There is awesome potential here. Anderson you have starting something I am sure we will take forgranted in the future.

Think back to how great OFP was when you first installed it...

NOW LOOK AT IT! smile_o.gifsmile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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it is a really nice addon. Also, I hope we will be able to see different new backpack models for US, russian, and resistance soon!! smile_o.gif

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@killagee, Jinef and all other that experience budgs, problems and so on:

That was expected, thats why I posted this at A&M:Discussion. But it was moved to A&M:Completed. I havent done much testing with it because I wanted the community to develope this. I say again, I´m not good at scripting and this is my first addon so I´m kinda new to this..

But I really like the positive way you all look at this "addon-idea" and I hope with all your help we soon have a MP-compatible, bug-free and good-looking backpack!

As an example "Mr Grey" have made an improvement by adding sounds to it. You can download it at

my Webpage

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Well in a local test with two players, it worked fine in MP. So it is MP compatible. I'm even worse than you at scripting but eh, i'm sure someone can help. biggrin_o.gif

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Thats good to hear Jinef!

But some bad new is that my account at freewebs.com is frozen.. sad_o.gif

"The page you are looking for has expended its monthly bandwidth allowance and will be frozen until more is purchased or its bandwidth is reset. "

Its possible to download it from ofp.info but they dont have Mr Greys version with sound so.... What to do?

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i wonder if there is any possibility for both the backpack and the Steerable chute place together?rock.gifrock.gif

i know it is a little bit away from realistic but as both addon are a secondery weapon, which means that you cant carry AT/Leaser or the nicely flash made Backpack for extar ammo when using the nice chute(or you are forced to use that stupid non-Steerable chute for a halo mission.........)

*edit*now lets think at the way from the realistic side, you could make the soldier to pick up the weapon after the landing instead of a suddently appearing rifle after the landing smile_o.gif

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i am the other guy in the mp test with Jinef ;P

and i suck at scripting too... but i agree 100% with jinef, for once!

this almost useless message to show that some people in the community think that with some little work on this addon it could become a must-have.

Simple ideas are often the best.

very promising addon andersson i am already imagining myself and my teammates ambushed, dropping the bags, taking weapons and shooting form behind the small weak protection they make !

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Working night shift last night I was thinking about this.

I wonder if some penalty could be built in to it? at the moment it's possible to sprint with the backpack on, which isn't very realistic. Some bergans can weigh over 100lbs (say 45-50kg); with a load like that I think the best you could do would be a trot, and not for very long. Eventually, a custom animation would be needed, but that's beyond my abilities.

Then again, perhaps carrying the kit itself should fatigue you faster, or in the context of OFP cause cumulative damage, which could be staved off by (wait for it) food and water? the amount of food/water needed would vary with the distance you would carry the pack; for longer missions on foot less equipment could be carried because more rations would be needed.

Now I'm going to wander off topic a bit (bear with me smile_o.gif) and head over to Tonal. Carrying the packs through western Tonal on LRRP syle missions.

What's missing? Snakes. Snakes don't move around very much, so you could treat the little suckers like mines (basically). Static, because that's how they spend a lot of their lives, with a little striking animation for when they are disturbed. If you wanted to be really flash, perhaps a swimming snake animation. Coupled with a script which would only spawn them when "needed," Western Tonal would become an even more delightful place to visit.

I bring them up because I was thinking of medics, and what they would bung in their packs, like antivenoms of differing types.

I'm working on more varied backpacks (models), but my scripting sucks. I'd be prepared to work on snakes as I've described if an animator would help. He would need to tell me what he needed in the way of body segments and how he wanted them defined, I'd be happy to take up the job.

That's what you get from 3.00 in the morning.

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hum...........seems no one interested about my idea....... sad_o.gif

anyway, i think 4 weapon is too many of them(and i wonder if there is anyone can carry it around with all 4 weapon in it smile_o.gif ),

i think the senceible number would be around 2 and 3, puls there should be more place for ammo after removing 2 weapon slots, and the addiction ammo slots should not be over 10

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