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Mister Frag

Lock on: modern air combat

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Oh. So you mean it looks kinda fake because the cockpit is too dark?  rock.gif


UNDER the cockpit


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I think I might see what you mean.

Ack, I'm stuck in first gear today. I think I should stop sleeping in so late. crazy_o.gif

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they paint a shaded area under the cockpit to look like a canopy so its harder for you to tell if it's banked left or right.


Look on the bottom of the plane, directly under the cockpit. It's shaded dark to simulate a canopy.

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k there seems to be enuf ofp players in love with lomac! how about we make our squadron?

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I'm up for that, once the game comes out and I see whther I truly suck at it or not smile_o.gif

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k there seems to be enuf ofp players in love with lomac! how about we make our squadron?

The Blues Crew blues.gif

I dunno. We gotta decide on a neato-torpedo name, however. I've always noticed that air squads have their neat squadron names.

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I keep being pleasantly surprized by the detail...The CF-18 even has it's unique spot light modeled on the side of the nose nose! (which American F-18's don't have). Look right below the cockpit:



Quote[/b] ]Identification Spotlight and Gun Mechanism Accesss Panel

This powerful light is used to identify other Aircraft at night. Vulcan 20 mm ammunition is loaded through this panel.

CF-18 Virtual Walkaround

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A spotlight? Isn't that sort of...revealing?

LOL Once you're that close, I don't think you have much chance at sneaking up on your target (unless you turn your radar off). I think it's meant mostly to use on ships or to annoy Russian bomber crews back when they used to routinely check our air defenses.

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I think it's meant mostly to use on ships or to annoy Russian bomber crews back when they used to routinely check our air defenses.

Annoying the Russians and their bombers. Yeah, we did that often during the cold war. In fact, my parents used to be at one of the Radar bases and jets often went up and down to wave hello to the Russian bombers when they crossed the border. Wave hello, send the Ruskie's packin, then land. Lather, Rinse and Repeat the whole process.

Russians were quite brave, if not smart, with doing that.

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Wave hello, send the Ruskie's packin, then land. Lather, Rinse and Repeat the whole process.

Russians were quite brave, if not smart, with doing that.

Why's that? It was pretty much practice for both sides, Russian bombers would head to the borders of US and Canadian airspace and would time how long it took for fighters to intercept them, and over the skies near the USSR the same thing happened with US bombers and Russian fighters.

I saw a Tu-95 flying low over Cuba once, probably had just finished one of those missions and decided to land there for some reason...thing was frigging loud

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we could call ourselve the flying Bees (in omage to bis). I am totally serious for this, as it will be tons of fun in multiplayer

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we could call ourselve the flying Bees (in omage to bis). I am totally serious for this, as it will be tons of fun in multiplayer

How about the Draconian Gaurd?


The flying bee's is ok, but it isn't really at all impressive. I would prefer something like the Hornets or Horny Hornets or something like that.

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icon11.gif Gotta have resemblance to BIS/OFP, more than "bees". Why not OFP-Vets or something?

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I was actually thinking of flying under these colours again:


But if a bunch of you guys want to organize something count me in smile_o.gif


Operation Flash Pilots?

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This is first time i see this thread here... me and a few OFP guys are planning on making a squadron once lo-mac is out.

It would be cool to have all of us from OFP. It should be out in september. but im not suer if there gonna be late again.

Cant wait to fly that su-33, and mig-29 :-)


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Are they planning to allow custom skins? It's a must have for clans and squadrons. Hell, I would even take the time to make my own.

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Are they planning to allow custom skins? It's a must have for clans and squadrons. Hell, I would even take the time to make my own.

Has there been a sim out in this decade that hasn't?? rock.gifcrazy_o.gif

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I don't play many sims. I like them, but I rarely see them. I just hope I don't miss this one biggrin_o.gif

I already have ideas for it.

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i just wish that they can make the campain dynamic, just like the Falcon 4.0 one. that was an amazing game.

yes they have made it so you can change the skin, and i think thety made it able to downlaod the skin in mp i think.


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I just hope LOMAC has some kind of lobby or webpage where you can see a list of all the MP servers running, just for ease in connecting.

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we should give homage to bis, yet not get laughed at from other squadrons!

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Semi off-topic, but this is about a flight sim and doesn't warrant it's own thread...

Anyone play Strike Fighters Project 1? I'm a bit interested in that, it looks nice and has a mercenary campaign, but I heard that the post-Walmart release was still buggy and not quite playable. Is it patched and playable yet?

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