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Redressing the balance

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I am not comparing a tornado with one of your planes.

I think "a plane with the quality like the tornado" should be a goal for your planes.

I know it is impossible to let this happen for all your planes in a short time.

Thats why I would like to see one really finished plane from you.


I agree that a tornado update would be nice, but for me, I would more like to see a "eastern" plane with the same quality.

Thank you for listening to my suggestions.

I hope it would help you a little bit more than:

"Hey, great! How about a Mig XYZ!"

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

Lee can't you see Footmuch is DOING A FAVOUR for you.

On another point great work Footmuch.

I've got a suggestion when releasing addons can you fair them up with the opposing aircraft


the B1B with the Backfire

the Mig25 with th F15

the F86 with the Mig15 etc.

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Yes, F-4Gs (I'm not positive about -E's) were used through the 1991 Gulf War, though as Wild Weasel (air defense suppression) aircraft, not fighters.

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Which reminds me, we still have some spots open at the board. We can not organize the first Footmunch fanday until we have somebody in charge of snacks and soda. wink_o.gif

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Dude, not to be an asshole, but I agree with Lee.

There is already a brilliant Tornado addon out at the moment.

If you're going to make a Tornado then it HAS to be as good, if not better than the current one. If it isn't as good as the current one(I'm not saying it isn't!) then there is no incentive to use it at all.

Get where I'm coming from dude?

I'm not saying yours is shit, because it isn't. BUT, it isn't quite up to the standard that has already been set.

After all, you've gotta listen to what the comunity says. The community are the ones that will use it.

If you're willing to post it here, then you've gotta expect that people are gonna give feedback.

Seriously, why post it here if you don't wanna read what people have to say about it?

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Great work Footmuch!! You have made some of the best planes in service and with great features. The cockpits look great on the mig 27

Keep up the great work smile_o.gif

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OK guys, what is it exactly thats buggin ya's about FM's work.

Is it the models? It shouldn't because all of FM's models are excellent.

Is is the loadouts? It shouldn't be that either, the loadouts on each plane he's done so far is great.

Is it the handling characteristics of the planes? It shouldn't because I tend to find each of FM's finals unique compared to other addons.

Is it the textures? It shouldn't because Footmunch has stated in the past that textures are'nt his strong point, and thats why Sxep, Digital Centurion, TigerShark, Ebud and Crippler to name a few have been reskinning his models. Have you seen the SkyRaider Skin that Ebud and Tigershark are completing at the moment. It brings that extra quality to the addon, that some of you seem to be complaining about, by using real Vietnam era Tailcodes, smoother textures, etc (Note: I liked the original texture as well digital centurion.)

Now in my opinion, if you don't like what you download, or want something changed. FIX IT YOURSELF. Don't come onto the forums criticising Footmunch for the work he's done, or is doing. Criticise him too much and we risk loosing him. Get the picture.

In fact, ehy don't you cricisers put your money where your mouth is and come up with addons that are of the quality of those you have stated so far. It's hard work, and talking about changes doesn't change anything.

Now, what I really wanted to say was, great work Footmunch, I don't know how you do it, making addons so quickly and efficiently, but keep up the good work. The community needs you and respects you for it.

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Love the Phantom, though Wonder is correct; the hardpoints where you have the rocket pods don't exist on the real aircraft.

At the moment there's no tail codes or roundels; are you working on different nationalities/code options?

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Well, I think you can criticise addons as long as it's done in a way that helps the future product. A lot of the complaints I've seen are about the textures. Personally, I like them. Yeah, they could be better, but the guys are trying their best and I can't ask more of them. It doesn't do them a whole lot of good to tell them that they need to try harder. It comes with experience and I don't think great texturing can be rushed. So I'm entirely satisfied with the hard work of Footmunch's texturers. If the texturers from the G8 mod are willing to step forward and help, all the better. But until then, there's really no point comparing their Tornado to the MiG-23. They're textured by different people.

If you're going to compare something like that Tornado to Footmunch's aircraft, then point out specifics. What good does it do anybody to show a pic of a plane and say "Make yours look like this"? Point out details or something. Lee, I know what you're saying, but you need to point out details. What exactly makes that Tornado so great?

In all honesty, I don't use any planes beside's Footmunch's anymore. I think his flight model is the best in OFP by far, and the aircraft he produces fit the niche I want. I don't care too much for F-15s, F-117s, or B-52s. To me, they're not any fun. Flying F-5Es against MiG-21s and MiG-17s is. And since Footmunch has blessed us with his roundel system I can customize the planes as I see fit. If I download G-8's Marineflieger Tornado - well, it'll look pretty silly if I'm not playing with German troops. However, If I'm using Bibmi's African troops, I can give the MiG-17/21/23/27 an appropriate national marking. I wish all aircraft used his roundel pack - it's totally brilliant and thoroughly useful.

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Quote[/b] ](LoneSoldier)

Dude, not to be an asshole, but I agree with Lee.

There is already a brilliant Tornado addon out at the moment.

If you're going to make a Tornado then it HAS to be as good, if not better than the current one. If it isn't as good as the current one(I'm not saying it isn't!) then there is no incentive to use it at all.

Get where I'm coming from dude?

I _exactly_ agree. But, does that mean that, for example,

any NH-90 released has to be up to the standard of BAS's

Blackhawks? Although we can compare the quality, aren't

we also happy that there is at least an NH-90 out there?

Clearly, there is a _range_ of talents among the people

making addons. I may be low on this scale, and if I were

making Huey's, F/A-18's or M4's, then the criticism would

be valid. But I _purposefully_ select addons that have

not been done before. The F-4 is a slight breach of this rule,

but my reasons are stated above (ie completing a 'Nam set).

Quote[/b] ]

I'm not saying yours is shit, because it isn't. BUT, it isn't quite up to the standard that has already been set.

It (let's say the Flogger) _isn't_ up to the standard of the

Tornado, true. However, it is better than any other Flogger

out there, because there are _no_ other Flogger's out there.

But if every new addon (that is of a new object) has to be up

to the standard of BAS/DKM/FLK, then you _are_ going to

drive away new addon makers.

Quote[/b] ]

After all, you've gotta listen to what the comunity says. The community are the ones that will use it.

If you're willing to post it here, then you've gotta expect that people are gonna give feedback.

Seriously, why post it here if you don't wanna read what people have to say about it?

I think my track-record on listening to the community is

pretty good, although I haven't done _everything_ that

was suggested. And I have taken on board 'negative'

comments (check the saga of the Flogger's nose).

My reasons for posting here are to get feedback, but as

Hellfish says, feedback which says: 'This sucks' (or words

to that effect) is useless. Not because of the tone of the

comment, but because it is of no use to me in improving the


It's _not_ a case of "if you can't say something nice, don't

say anything at all". As the addon maker, I am _so_ familiar

with the addon, that I literally _cannot_ see what is wrong

with it. I need the help of this forum to point out the errors.

Basically, instead of saying: "The wings are crap" say "The

wings are the wrong size", and post a picture. Is that too

much to ask?

Lee - Seriously, don't go away mad. I understand the point

you are making. These are all versions 1.0. Right now, I'm

retro-fitting some of the AB scripts to the Jaguar. I don't

just make, dump, and move on.

The main problem, I think, is that "I'm just a gal who can't

say no" (with one obvious difference). You can see in this

thread the number of people who say: "This is great. What

about a ____" <- Insert plane here. I find it hard to resist,

I really do.

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IMO, Footmunch, you should stick to perfecting one model at a time.

When I say perfecting, I don't necessarily mean the highest standards possible. But if you want to have plane addons potentially become more than static props on an airfield in some mission or just for show on the OFP Photograhy thread, they do have to be of a certain visual and playability quality level to promote their use.

Almost everyone here sees great potential in your plane addons. Right now, however, there seems to be a "wait and see" attitude by many hoping for something more.

As you imply, if your ultimate goal is to have fun producing these, well, so be it. If, however, you're interested in seeing your work used and admired by many, it sure looks like it's worth the investment, based on what you've done so far. smile_o.gif

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I don´t know, how to make it clear ppl....

Footmunch´s work is GREAT <- !!!!!!!!!! <- Get it??

BUT - I (that´s me) would like to see that footmunch is going to work on ONE(1(not 2 or 3 or4..) plane and make the BEST out of it!

In the time he makes another dozen aircrafts, he could work on ONE! And with some help from other talented ppl his models could be much more fantastic as they are now.

Is it really that hard to understand what I mean?

And ozanzac, do you want to have a thread with 20 pages full of: "Great, fantastic, cool, how about the next 20 planes".

I try to say what I think and I am glad to see that footmunch is going to understand what I mean.

And Hellfish...

The Tornado is only an example, the point is to get some EAST airplanes with the same quality.

MfG Lee sad_o.gif

Edit: Avon has found the right words. smile_o.gif

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Okay, _if_ I was going to concentrate on a single model

for a while, which one would people want? Flogger(ie -23 and

-27 - and yes, that's two models, but they share a lot

of technology - get off my back, already crazy_o.gif)

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I was an idiot.

I was confused.

Post Removed.

But still apologies Sir Footmunch, LOL. tounge_o.gif

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"I'm just a gal who can't say no" (with one obvious difference)

The obvious difference refers to the "gal" - ie you were

right in your first gender assumption.

There's enough confusion in this thread already smile_o.gif.

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Perhaps we will see the birth of a Footmunch Studio's?

Since so many ppl are so passionately invested in ur planes.

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a BIG Thumbs up to all your work Footmunch.

You are one of the rare few who are a positive influence for the ofp community.


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I just wanted to say that I love Fm's work and I think he's a credit to OFP modding. He's provided us with the much needed russian fighters, and has introduced new features to OFP planes such as fuel tanks for swing-wings!

Keep up the good work Fm! You rule!

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AAAAARG!!!! This thread is just pissing me off. HOLY CRAP people...listen to some of you.... Footmunch is working at an INCREDIBLY FAST PACE!!!! Hardly ANY other addonmaker is as productive as footmunch. He has been steadly improving most of his planes, he has other texture artists helping him now, and he has the support of several mods who love his aircraft.

If he sits there and tweaks the hell out of one airplane, we will not see all these cool airplanes.

Alot of you don't realize how BORING it is to work on just one addon at a time. You get sick and tired of it and need to rotate between different addons otherwise it gets boring.

Footmunch has been a breath of fresh air I think at a time when most mod teams are hording their addons until their entire mods are finished (yes the mod team I'm in included but I have no control over that).

Not only that, but Footmunch is gracious enough to leave his addons unbinarized so that other addon makers and texture artists can more easily make new skins and modifications to his original models. I've learned a tremendous amount on addon making because of this and I am extremely grateful to Footmunch for this.

Constructive criticism is ok, but please don't sit there and demand that Footmunch make his addons "BAS" quality. BAS is an ENTIRE FREAK'N MOD TEAM and Footmunch is just one man with some help from texture artists like Sxep and Digital Centurion. So give the man a break!!!

Footmunch generally makes addons as good as his talents allow him to. If you all want BAS quality, then go email BAS to ask some of their addon makers to help Footmunch bring his aircraft to the next level instead of making rediculous demands of him to meet some perceived "standard" of quality that the BAS addons represent to some of you.

Footmunch's aircraft I think look just fine, fly very well for the most part, and are just kick-ass aircraft, most of which have not been done by anyone else.

So please stop whining at Footmunch to make his planes "more like BAS" aircraft because he's doing the best he can and in fact doing FAR better then 90% of the OFP Mod teams out there.

So to Footmunch, I salute you for an outstanding effort and hope that you will carry on and ignore the whining that a small (but vocal) handful of people are creating.

I think the majority of the community fully appreciates your wonderful aircraft.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yep, spot on there Miles smile_o.gif

The Phantom is great fun Footmunch smile_o.gif I know this has been said a million times (and I've sorry if you've already said it mate crazy_o.gif ) but is there going to be any napalm on it? I agree with you when you said that it'd be a bugger to make with the drop command, but would it be possible to use that one that came out ages ago (here)- if I remember correctly, you had to type a line in the aircraft's initialisation for it, but that could be done in the cpp with the event handlers nowadays- I think I tried it on your F105 a while ago and it was great fun smile_o.gif I apologise if you've answered this question a thousand times already wink_o.gif Oh- do you think it'd be a good idea to make a black smoke trail on the F4 when you reached a certain damage level? It might look pretty cool to be fighting the VC in a village with a phantom roaring overhead spewing out thick black smoke smile_o.gif I dunno what it'd be like lag-wise though, just a suggestion smile_o.gif

Dont work too hard mate wink_o.gif

Crippler smile_o.gif

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I'd recommend having black smoke for the F-4 even when it isn't damaged. IIRC, it was a very dirty pair of engines on that aircraft. wink_o.gif

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Just a few skin ideas for your Saber!  (BTW great addon, just what I needed to take down some migs)

P.S. Any chance for some custom pilots?

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Yep, spot on there Miles smile_o.gif

The Phantom is great fun Footmunch smile_o.gif I know this has been said a million times (and I've sorry if you've already said it mate crazy_o.gif ) but is there going to be any napalm on it? I agree with you when you said that it'd be a bugger to make with the drop command, but would it be possible to use that one that came out ages ago (here)- if I remember correctly, you had to type a line in the aircraft's initialisation for it, but that could be done in the cpp with the event handlers nowadays- I think I tried it on your F105 a while ago and it was great fun smile_o.gif I apologise if you've answered this question a thousand times already wink_o.gif Oh- do you think it'd be a good idea to make a black smoke trail on the F4 when you reached a certain damage level? It might look pretty cool to be fighting the VC in a village with a phantom roaring overhead spewing out thick black smoke smile_o.gif I dunno what it'd be like lag-wise though, just a suggestion smile_o.gif

Dont work too hard mate wink_o.gif

Crippler smile_o.gif

Yeah you could use that napalm script and some tweaking and it will work wink_o.gif

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If you would rather have planes of BAS quality, wait for BAS to make them <see ya in about 10 years>

If you would rather have planes in a rather nice quality, AND copius amounts, Let FM work.

I personally need an F4-E that flies, not one that I can count rivets on, if I want to get that F'ing involved in the plane, I'll go to an airshow. smile_o.gif

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