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Hey presto - fresco

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WOW!!!!!!!!! I haven't tried the Skyraider yet but the Drakken KICKS ASS!!!!!!! This aircraft was one of my favorite jet fighters when I was a boy. I had a bunch of models of this plane. It's truly a beautiful looking aircraft and your addon of this plane really looks fabulous. I love the smoke effect as well. Maybe in MP games you can do your own airshows with your friends. LOL! Even if it would be suicide to use that smoke in combat (cuz you'd get spotted easy) it's a very cool looking effect. In the readme you might perhaps include the init box script to turn on and off the smoke on AI controlled planes.

I think that perhaps roundels aren't needed since very few countries used this plane (I think one or two), but it would be nice to have a Resistance version that is either unmarked or that has the FIA markings on it. smile_o.gif

There could be a mission story of the Resistance forces buying some old 2nd hand Drakken's. smile_o.gif

At any rate, the Swedish Defense Force Mod team will probably be super happy about this addon. smile_o.gif

Once again, Awesome Job Footmunch!!! I'll check out the Skyraider later this evening when I have time. I can't wait to try out those Cluster Bombs!!!


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ooh, did I leave the smoke scripting on the Drak? Whoops.

Err, it's not really ready for prime time, I added it because

I was testing another addon with smoke trails. A sort of

scarlet bow IIRC  wink_o.gif.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work in MP at the moment,

or at least if one person turns it on, all the Drak's in the

mission will start smoking.

Res version? Quite possibly. I was debating whether to

'roundel' the plane - I know the Danes had a few Drakken's

but putting New Zealand roundels on it seems a bit silly (no

offence to all you Kiwi's).

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I was debating whether to

'roundel' the plane - I know the Danes had a few Drakken's

but putting New Zealand roundels on it seems a bit silly (no

offence to all you Kiwi's).

He he he, somebody should give NZ an airforce. Much like the UN food for oil program, planes for......hmmm, don't want to offend anyone *Baaa, Baaa* (Private j/k between Aussies and Kiwis.)

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WOW footmunch !!!!

No i dont mind !!!! wow_o.gif

Beautifull planes!

Could you make an AUSTRIAN roundl?

Its a red circle with a white Triangle ( that points down and fills the red circle) for the Drakken??

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The Draken needs a lil finetuning on the wings..and the cockpit.


If you don´t mind me being a bit patriotical  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

I will reskinn  it to



And especially this


And footmunch the plane is to big for the Pilot.


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Footmunch, could you please add the date of release next to the download link on your web page, because it's sometimes hard to follow and know what one has already downloaded...

just a humble request as i am looooost ;)

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this dude produces the best fixed wing addons for OFP I think we've all seen yet...I bout shit myself when I saw the skyraider released when I got out of class today...she flies great and so does the 17

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Man - I love these planes. I can even land in them cos they fly so well! smile_o.gif

As for the Drakken, I say make it roundel-compatible. As Sxep showed, the Austrians did have some at least. And it's not like making them roundel capable will force people to use other roundels on them. But it does give a nice option to anybody that wants to. smile_o.gif

Is the Skyraider roundel-compatible? And will you have more versions of it coming out?

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I'd like to make it known that it is spelled DRAKEN not drakken.. one k only.. for people who speak swedish drakken sounds really silly.. Tough i guess it's hard to know

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I'd like to make it known that it is spelled DRAKEN not drakken.. one k only.. for people who speak swedish drakken sounds really silly.. Tough i guess it's hard to know

Does Draken mean dragon? At least it sounds like biggrin_o.gif

And if it´s so what does Drakken mean? [/offtopic]

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yepp, draken means "the dragon" really.. and not just "dragon", the gripen is the "griffen". drakken is probaly some missspelling or some "translated" spelling to some country we sold it to.

ohh and btw, we in swedish forces pack are very happy if we somehow can get our hands on that thingy, maybe help fix it together or something.. think we can work something out?

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It's just Draken, "Drakken" is misspellt.

Viggen means "the Thunderbolt".

Downloading your Draken smile_o.gif

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wow,that final skyraider is one of the best OFP planes ever,and very well suited for OFP size maps smile_o.gif

And that Draken is one hell of a good beta

P.S: Only wish the Skyraider was roundel compatible

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draken kicks ass, just a tip/suggestion about the way the aa missles fire, fix the way they come of the rail, because when ur going slow - less than 300kmh or so, they fly up, and go thru the wing crazy_o.gif

keep up the awsome work biggrin_o.gif

edit: -biggrin_o.gif im also suprised that footmunch isnt hired by a mod as a model maker and sxep isnt hired by a mod as a texture artist rock.gifcrazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Well the beauty about Footmunch's planes and DC's, Sxep's, and other's textures is that they are compatible with many mods and with Footmunch's roundel system, there is no need for them to work for mod teams because the mod teams can simply use the addon with the appropriate roundel in their missions. I'm actually glad that they don't work for mod teams because that way their beautiful addons are available to the community as they are finished and NOT when the entire mod is finished. Nevertheless, Footmunch has been of ENORMOUS help to many mod taems and to many addon makers and because of this and his great addons he is VERY VERY much appreciated and respected.

Plus he is one of the few addon makers that are making addons that everyone has wished for.

So I hope that he doesn't get into a mod and just does what he enjoys doing for the fun of it and without any deadlines or anything. Likewise DC and Sxep are great texture artists but from what I can tell, they do it because its fun and they like sharing their creations with the community. That's the way it should be.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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A-1 Skyraider is released on ofp.info but my queston is will there be a napalm version in other release or is this the last update rock.gif

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Footmunch..This is the Austrian Pride the "Ostarrichi 996".

As you can see the Afterburner, could you make an afterburner like this on it? ..it really needs a burner.

I tested it yesterday with a friend, and its great for AG Tasks as well. But It is really hard to shoot down your planes (mig21/mig27 Vs. Draken)

The AG version has a 30mm cannon the AA version a 20mm cannon.

The AA version from Austria has 6 Sidewinders as loadout.

The Draken needs to Start/Land 300m  for example the Mirage needs 2000m   biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: oh for anyone who wants my version Austrian Camo sheme I hope Footmunch doesnt mind...when you do just give me a PM and i will Delete the Link form my post.

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I love the J35, very very nice! But I hope the textures are subject to change. Most Drakens I have seen were painted in a single color (dark gray) and with lots of markings (aircraft numbers in orange. And lots of other smaller ones, but perhaps they are not marked like that in war time)

Here is a picture of the Draken as I remember it:


There were also a few Drakens colored in dark green. And I think a few were "pattern painted" aswell.

EDIT: Picture of dark green J35

Dark green J35 DRAKEN

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Yeah i like the Dark Grey. Maybe make one too.

And about the markings..i was to lazzy but i will add some too.

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Looking nice DC! And sxep, your skin looks really nice too.

One thing though, wich I just noticed about the roundels. They get kind of "square-ish" when you are a bit away from the aircraft. Is there any way to counter that?

And finally, I hope SFP and Footmunch can cook something toghether aswell. Perhaps a Viggen?

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So what is happening footmunch? can you give us a short brief?

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