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Vw beetle needed

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Okay I am really suprised that the following addon has not been made yet... The origional VW Bug, not the new one but the most mass produced model the origional one. An addon like this would be vary useful for WWII mods, and mods set in the 50's 60's and 70's when this auto was at it's peak of availability. Numerous versions could be made ranging from the 4wd type 87 to civilian versions and taxis.

Some linx of pics if anyone is interested in making these:

http://www.missing-lynx.com/gallery/german/jbbeet.htm Type 87

http://www.vwbeetle.org/beetlephotos.php various beetle photos



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I am also surprised that nobody has made one.They really made a 4wd model? Shows what I know

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The type 87 was used by the Africa Korps. Victor Porsche invented the 4wd auto sometime in the 30's .

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Please Klink finish it! It is so needed for this game. I would think it would become a nessesary addon.

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I would really like a beetle...BIS should have added it to the game from the beginning, it´s so common! smile_o.gif

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They probably couldnt have without paying a large license fee to Volkswagen, same reason the 'mini' from the game has no actual mini markings, and is made to look slightly different from the mini.

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VW Bug would be great to have as addon, I've been Cruising various VW bugs since... well before I had a drivers license.

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Lets all spam klink.. J/K.

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'72 VW Beetle, owned by your truly.

BTW, unless they specifically made ones for Europe and ones for the rest of the world(Y'know, us that drive on the correct side of the road wink_o.gif ), the driver's seat is on the wrong side.

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'72 VW Beetle, owned by your truly.

BTW, unless they specifically made ones for Europe and ones for the rest of the world(Y'know, us that drive on the correct side of the road wink_o.gif ), the driver's seat is on the wrong side.

Actually the majority of europe drive on the right hand side, us brits are one of the only nations to drive on the correct (left) side of the road.

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Quote[/b] ]Actually the majority of europe drive on the right hand side, us brits are one of the only nations to drive on the correct (left) side of the road.

How "British" of you.


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Yes us Colonials could use some driving lessons. The Japanese also drive on the wrong side of the road. But reguardless many versions of this vehicle should be made, I'm going to post a poll question about it tomarrow.

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Quote[/b] ]Actually the majority of europe drive on the right hand side, us brits are one of the only nations to drive on the correct (left) side of the road.

How "British" of you.

biggrin_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

Forget the aussies eh? tounge_o.gif

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So some one noticed my right hand drive model. We drive on the left side as well in New Zealand.

BTW if some one can get me an authentic VW sound I may be persuaded to finish this one.

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BTW if some one can get me an authentic VW sound I may be  persuaded to finish this one.

Well I can but my bugs exhaust is bit broken at the moment, I'll have to scan some of my friends original VW's which sound right.

I dont think OFP's first VW Bug sound should be 2100cc tuned up with Stinger exhaust that sound like a monster ;)

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What type of sound do you need, like an engine Idle or the car in gear and moving. There is a sound tech on our team who could prob find one or has one.

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I got a VW Thing that I can recored the engine sounds off of if needed, its not a bug but uses the same drivetrain as the bus, and superbug.

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It is more than likely the same engine as the bug, VW is know for using the same engines in all cars of the same model year. This also brings up a good suggestion as well, maybe a VW pack, we have the Kubelwagen and Illtis vehicles, we just need the Bug, thing, bus and the Kharman Ghia.

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'72 VW Beetle, owned by your truly.

BTW, unless they specifically made ones for Europe and ones for the rest of the world(Y'know, us that drive on the correct side of the road wink_o.gif ), the driver's seat is on the wrong side.

Actually the majority of europe drive on the right hand side, us brits are one of the only nations to drive on the correct (left) side of the road.

japan drives on the left

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