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Mi-28 havoc 1.0

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problem is fixed, reuploading now, sorry for the double download folks, something screwed up all hiddenselections on final compression.

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Ehm, Mr. Burns, I cant reproduce that here, could you tell me what version of the chopper that was, or does it happen on all choppers. Was the chopper damaged?

I´ve tried the Mi28 N with Gunpods and the Mi-28 A.

It happened on both choppers. Both were undamaged and empty. I will now try if it was caused by Goldmembers Explosion Mod or Inquisitors Weapons or something like that..

Edit: Oh, new Version already out *happyhappyhappy*

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Thanks Tankieboy.

Didn't know that, but that 'feature' truly looks .. somehow strange smile_o.gif

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Take your time DKMM.

At least I can wait.. smile_o.gif

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AH, SHIT! sad_o.gif

What the fuck is happening here?! I'm tired, I want to DL, go to bed and wake up with a good game of fucking up the west side with this beast!

[edit] ok, sorry. The above does not sound very nice, does it? I don't mean it like that. Take your time to fix it. I want this beast bug-free and kicking. I can wait [/edit]

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DKM could you leave a line here when the DL is really up?

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Ooh, the tension waiting for the new link... crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

I thought the new version would be out sooner rather than later but I had no idea it would feature several versions with different loadouts. Brilliant! Repeat after me, "DKM rule". smile_o.gif

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I switched off the Explo Mod & Inq Weapons but the bug was still resident sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Repeat after me, "DKM rule".  
DKM rule

LOL  biggrin_o.gif



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OK, ladies and gentlemen, the addon was updated and should work now as intended. Same links as before. If you have allready downloaded the demomission please redownload it again, I fixed a bug in there.

Sorry for all that trouble, enjoy the addon.

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This is very nice addon how about making a counterpart for the MH-60 like the KA-60 from you guys with all those nifty "features" ? that would kickass

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This chopper is another milestone in OFP ADDONS!

Be proud of your work!

All those nice little features, great.

A funny thing I "found".

Get in a empty MI28 as a WEST soldier.

You can target the "enemy" faketargets from the jammer:


"Man, I fired a hundret rockets at those damned commies and i hit absolutely nothing!" biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

A bad thing i mentioned belongs to a CTI problem.

In CTI you can salvage destroyed vehicles.

A MI28 can´t be salvaged, cause after it´s destroyed, it changed to a MI28-Wreck.

I hope to figure out how to salvage this wrecks.

Same problem with the MI2.

Ok, it´s late and I am tired of scripting.

Good night all.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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I noticed a bug it occured with the demo mission

once you choose the weapon system tutorial and get in as gunner there is an error message that appears.

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I was still getting the Muzzle flash bug after updating. I found that having the Comanche and the Havok in seperate mod folders was the problem (I have my addons organized by country). I created a DKM addon folder and put everything by your team in there and all is well.

Nice work on the choppers guys!

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I get another error in the moment before the rotor starts, right after warmup.


I have now found out that the error only occours in combination with the JAM Units.

I used a normal BIS Soldier with InqMod and it worked fine  smile_o.gif


the problem happens too with hisky "mod". No idea what exactly is causing it.

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