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Beer thread

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Yep nothing wrong in 100 celsius. Tough part is when it goes to 120, then i have to admit it´s too hot for me.

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If you want the beer to taste even better you should get a sauna. Imagine sitting in 100+ degrees Celsius and sweating like a pig than get out and grab a ice cold beer. Man that is better than sex.

And after real hot sauna it´s rather refreshing to go outside in winter time and roll in the powder snow butt naked.

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It's all about air humidity, it can get really uncomfortable even at wimpy 70 degrees Celsius when you throw enough water at kiuas and get enough steam going around. And of course even 120 degrees doesn't feel at all if there's not enough "löylyä" (water steam in air for you uninitiated tounge_o.gif )

Funny enough, 100C isn't anything in sauna but now we've got 30C outside and this heat is killing me crazy_o.gif

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This is on topic, beer and sauna belongs together biggrin_o.gif

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Water starts to boil at 100 degrees celsius - you don't want to be in a sauna when that happends. However, drinking beer while staying in a sauna is quite common in the nordic countries - it doesn't taste better - but you do become incredibly drunk in a very short time. It sort of fit's our unsophisticated drinking habits.   crazy_o.gif

Water freezes at ~0° Celsius, so u never leave home?

Your biomechanism does regulate the temperature, no?

Sorry for keeping it OT. I know your smart smile_o.gif

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So (grabbing the wheel and trying get back on topic)...what is the boiling point of beer?

70 degrees for alchol 100 for the water unless its minor ingredients affect it.

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Great beer, hard to find outside of Texas:


Good Mexican beer outta Mazatlan


When your girl leaves you


When she takes your truck and drives over your dog


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Yeah, I posted Shiner Bock way back. I love that stuff. And correct me if I'm wrong, but are you a country music star?

Quote[/b] ]When your girl leaves you

When she takes your truck and drives over your dog


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ROFLMAO! No offense, but either you´re totally inexperienced or a complete wimp! tounge_o.gif

100 degrees celsius is a completely normal temperature for a sauna. Little children sit in 100C, it´s nothing!

Of course, I have to take into consideration that you´re not Finnish wink_o.gif

I tell ya, coming out of a hot sauna and grabbing an ice cold Olvi-nothin like it! smile_o.gif

So - a wimp I am  wink_o.gif

Anyway - I've been in a sauna with 110 degrees celsius - once! Won't do it again. And beer in a sauna is sufficient to become very pissed indeed. I guess most norwegians don't try to kill themselves with Vodka - even if it is the most sold beverage of the state monopoly  tounge_o.gif

5 % alcohole is more than enough to make me crawl out of the sauna after a while - must be the heat eh!   smile_o.gif

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My selection of the poor americans beers :P

All around good pale ale, casual drinking.


40oz Of HighLife, HighSchool Days Classic $1.49 Each.


And for me this is the classic, what ive drank along with the occasinal Bud Lite, cheap yet tasty...the king of macrobrews.


Well thats most what i be drinking or have drank most of :P

Sorry im not a fine connoseur of beers like my father, he used to brew in the garage without a liscense, nothing beats a homebrew smile_o.gif From semllingt he hops on the stove to watching it ferment in the glass keg gets NO BETTER!

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Quote[/b] ]And correct me if I'm wrong, but are you a country music star?

Might as well be, 'cept I can't sing. Or dance. Or play the guitar. But there's always sweet, sweet alcohol.

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Many Americans don't realize that different lines of macrobrew made by the same manufacturer are actually the same beer. Take Budweiser for instance. The first time water is filtered through a new barley mash it is bottled as Budweiser. They then run a second batch through the same mash and it is then bottled as Busch. So in essence, the cheapest macrobrews on the market are "recycled mash" beer. Yuck!

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Purkmistr is a really tasty Czech beer, with a perfect balance between bitternes and sweetness imo (ok, thats as far as my fancy beer rating vocabular goes wink_o.gif ). Most people seems to like it, so its not a hardcore stout like Guinness anyway.

Unfortionally 'Systembolaget' (the only place (well, local well controlled, specialized, shops) where one can buy strong alcoholics in Sweden - but on the other hand they got a real neat sortiment) has stopped importing it, so its not available in Sweden anymore  sad_o.gif  So I'm looking for a good replacement - anyone know of a similar tasty beer?

A guy at Systembolaget recommended a beer called Bernard or Ferdinand the last time I was there, but it really was'nt nearly as good.

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Many Americans don't realize that different lines of macrobrew made by the same manufacturer are actually the same beer. Take Budweiser for instance. The first time water is filtered through a new barley mash it is bottled as Budweiser. They then run a second batch through the same mash and it is then bottled as Busch. So in essence, the cheapest macrobrews on the market are "recycled mash" beer. Yuck!

Bud uses rice to give it that pale color with a clean, crisp taste-the balance necessary for Budweiser's trademark "drinkability."

-=Die Alive=-

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Just a quick dumb question from someone who's never been to America - when people refer to "40 ounce malt liquor", is it a type of beer or is it spirits? Here in Aussieland I think liquor generally refers to spiritis...

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Most famous beers here (so probable the best ones too) are Jupiler, Stella Artois, Palm, Duvel, etc

I sometimes drink some beer, but i'm only 16 so i don't do it a lot at all.  It's legal to drink it here, as far as i know in the US you need to be 21 to buy it.  Or was it 18?  Oh well...

Here you can buy beer just like you buy normal food...

21 to drink

18 to smoke

18 to get in a strip club

18 to be charged as an adult

17 to register for selective service

17 to get drivers license in NJ

Raise your hand if you the drinking age should be 18 biggrin_o.gif

Heh New Zealand Rocks _b

18 to Drink

18 to smoke

18 to buy porn

16 to have sex

18 to be charged as an adult (i think)

17 to register to vote (18 to actually vote)

15 to Drive!!!

16 For firearms licence (A cat, 21 for B and C cat 18 for E cat)

Heh it's not like anyone actually obeys the first four laws anyway, especially the fourth one.

Anyway back on topic. Favorite beers are (in order). Tui, Speights, Heinikin, VB, DB Draught


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Most famous beers here (so probable the best ones too) are Jupiler, Stella Artois, Palm, Duvel, etc

I sometimes drink some beer, but i'm only 16 so i don't do it a lot at all.  It's legal to drink it here, as far as i know in the US you need to be 21 to buy it.  Or was it 18?  Oh well...

Here you can buy beer just like you buy normal food...

21 to drink

18 to smoke

18 to get in a strip club

18 to be charged as an adult

17 to register for selective service

17 to get drivers license in NJ

Raise your hand if you the drinking age should be 18 biggrin_o.gif

Driving in Wyoming: 14 crazy_o.gif

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Wyoming? what?  tounge_o.gif One of the good 'ol "Left out" states biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]"I've no idea why he told them," said Raymund Sandach, a spokesman for Essen police. "Maybe because he was drunk."

Don't they want people to be honest with the police?

#1 tip, if you get pulled over and you have drugs/alcohol in your car, be honest and tell them if (when, I should say) they ask you.

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$33ker @ July 22 2003,18:09)]
Obi Wahn @ July 22 2003,02:20)]Beer? I love beer. Especially this one:


It's a local brewery @ Münster/Westfalen, called Pinkus Müller.

Münster heh? biggrin_o.gif

Can you get it outside of Münster, too?

Outside Münster and the surrounding countryside? I fear not. sad_o.gif Here in Frankfurt, where I live now, it's impossible, but there is at least the "Wäldches" here... icon5.gif

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