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Time travel

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How about the dimension theory?

It says there's a dimension for every single possibility to happen, so in total there are an infinite number of dimensions. This is used to counter the argument of "if time travel would exist, why haven't we've seen someone from the past, or at least be effected by it?" So if timetraveling would someday exist, and someone would travel back in time to alter history (btw you're altering history just by being there), it would just open up another dimension, and we would not be effected by it.

Some say it's a lowsy theory; unprovable, and it will just keep the discussion going. I say there is a point in it, but what that is, I'm not sure rock.gif


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Just nick the car from "Back to the Future"... wink_o.gif  A classic film.

But anyway I was watching a TV programme about this, and like some have said it that its inpossible to alter the past (but you could go back in time, without altering anything).  

It's quite complicated, so I wont go into the details at the moment.  However it did say its possible to go into the past...  They're in the process of making a machine which uses lasers and as all physicists know, lasers travel at the speed of light, which is required to time travel. These lasers are used to accererate particles (or something)...

I might go into detail later if I can remember all the facts... tounge_o.gif

Waterman. smile_o.gif

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I've spent the past YEARS racking my brain to see how time would be changed if we go into the past, and frankly, I'm still racking my brain!

The way I figure it, if you change anything you want, you'll end up never going back in time!

I.E.  A dramatic event happens.  Ten years later, you go back in time.  You fix the dramatic event.  Now you never have a reason to go back in time.  So the time after the event happens, you don't have a reason to go back, so if you don't go back, who changed the past in the first place? rock.gif

You can say that you will then split off into another dimension (Something like quantam theory, that or I'm watching too much Stargate).  And from there you get the future that you've changed.

BUT! That still brings about the point that if you never wen't back in time to change it, did you really change anything!?

Or, lets say you go back, and you *can't* change history.  You would then get stuck in a time loop.  You go back, lets say you die.  Then later years you are born, try to change the past, go back in time, and you die.

Would that pull the Earth and the Universe into endless doom?

As far as it not being possible, who knows.  But a lot of people say right now, you can't change the future because it hasn't happened yet.

Well lets say you say that, then I go back in time and meet you when you say it.  Well, if the future hasn't happened yet, then where did I come from?

Maybe the future hasn't happened, it's just a course of event's chosen by us, that I would happen to know if I went back.

And now I am confused! tounge_o.gif

So the only feasable purpose would be research to see what really happened in such a place on such a date. But if you go back, you may inadvertantly killed a mosquito that begins a plaque! Or made a person just a second too late whos great great great grandchildren may alter human hostory as we know it. rock.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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Don't get me started on the theory of warp drive   tounge_o.gif

*Starts lpdotcom to ramble about warp drive*

I am calm...

...deep breath...

...I will resist temptation...

...all is well... wink_o.gif

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I've spent the past YEARS racking my brain to see how time would be changed if we go into the past, and frankly, I'm still racking my brain!

The way I figure it, if you change anything you want, you'll end up never going back in time!

I.E.  A dramatic event happens.  Ten years later, you go back in time.  You fix the dramatic event.  Now you never have a reason to go back in time.  So the time after the event happens, you don't have a reason to go back, so if you don't go back, who changed the past in the first place? rock.gif

Kind of what I was trying to say in my post, too smile_o.gif I actually used to think about this a few years ago for a long time also, thought alot of it. It is confusing and I don't think we'll ever know

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Universe is such a confusing place... I think about these things from time to time. I like to mess up my head by thinking how the Universe could've been born. Scientists say it was a big bang caused by different gases mixing together. Where did the gases come? Everything comes from somewhere mmmmkay, nothing just appears, right? Then I start to think: "What the hell are we doing here anyways, and if this all wouldn't exist then there would be nothing at all" It's just impossible to imagine "nothing at all", just...nothing. It's hard to explain, but if you get what I mean, and start thinking about it you're gonna get confused.

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Yea i know what you mean,Where the hell did every thing come from crazy_o.gif why isint it a black void? And if it was a bacl void,where the did that black void come from!!?? argghhh gotta head ake now

Any way if a time machine was invented i strongly dissagree in useing it for good or evil,as it could tare the univers apart or somthing like that.The point is that it could destroy every thing and then it would just be that damn blackvoid witch gives me a headake tounge_o.gif

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Now i know this sounds too offtopic for offtopic but here is the real question.

"Is time travel possible and if so, could it be used to prevent wars, natural disaters etc"

I was wondering what you guys thought.

Why do we want to stop war, natural disasters, and all that good stuff? You realize if you alter the past, you alter the future. *Thinks of Red Alert storyline* If many of these violent things didn't happen, we might live in a completly different world now. Heck they might have not invented the internet yet...

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Then I start to think: "What the hell are we doing here anyways, and if this all wouldn't exist then there would be nothing at all" It's just impossible to imagine "nothing at all", just...nothing. It's hard to explain, but if you get what I mean, and start thinking about it you're gonna get confused.

Same when thinking of death. Is there just 'nothing' when you die? Think of that 'nothing.' It wouldn't be 'nothing' as in lying and not hearing, feeling or seeing anything, it would be less than that. Hard to imagine.

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I can see how something can "travel into the future" (literally) but going back is sketchy as far as I know. Meaning, no working theory = we don't know.

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Quote[/b] ]Yea i know what you mean,Where the hell did every thing come from crazy_o.gif why isn't it a black void? And if it was a black void,where the did that black void come from!!??

(...Head shakes then explodes...)

Note: I fixed the spelling mistakes before I died. How? Well, someone from the future knows about my head exploding and goes back in time to stop me from reading that quoted post, therefore stopping me from dying and allowing me to get on with my life and stop a war from happening (apparently). I won't say anymore.

P.S. If I fixed the spelling mistakes before I died, yet my death was prevented, then the spelling wasn't fixed before my death, it was fixed when I quoted it...and...then it's....


...what the hell am I talking about?

Time travel gives me a headache.... the past is the future, the future is the past....

Damn the person who thought of time travel! I'll have to go back in time and kill him!

But then, if I kill him, then time travel probably won't have been conceived, and so I haven't killed him and he thinks of time travel, causing me to again go back in time and kill him, yet not killing him because time travel hasn't been thought of, yet it has while not....

I'll stop now, before I give anybody else a headache...

[Gareth Gates must die]

(But if I go back in time and kill Gareth, then.......)

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Here's a question:  If you could travel back in time just once and return safely, which era would you visit?

Probably during or right before the last ice age. So I could see with my own eyes the Charcharadon Megalodon that had these jaws:


That, and I really like the idea of visiting a world without Starbucks and soccer moms. smile_o.gif


Did any of you guys read Michael Crichton's Timeline? Say what you will about the man's writing, but he does have clever ideas. Basically, he posits that while you can't travel back in time, you can travel to another dimension almost exactly like one from our past. So while you can't go back in time and see your grandfather, you can go back in time and see your grandfather in another dimension. This, of course, requires that the universe be infinite and a bunch of other stuff that is too heady for me to get into... Anyway, it was a thought. smile_o.gif

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Then I start to think: "What the hell are we doing here anyways, and if this all wouldn't exist then there would be nothing at all" It's just impossible to imagine "nothing at all", just...nothing. It's hard to explain, but if you get what I mean, and start thinking about it you're gonna get confused.

Same when thinking of death. Is there just 'nothing' when you die? Think of that 'nothing.' It wouldn't be 'nothing' as in lying and not hearing, feeling or seeing anything, it would be less than that. Hard to imagine.

I just remembered this story that was on the radio. This guy was talking about how he lost his eyes in an military accident. He was unconsious and this man in a black hood (looked like the death himself) started taking him somewhere. The guy had this feeling that he was been taken into some bad place. Then he remembered what his father once told him "If you're scared call for Jesus" so the man started calling for Jesus, and this bright light came and started taking him to the other direction. He saw this cliff and under was all his dead relatives and it was a wonderful good feeling, he was in heaven. The hooded man would've propably taken him to hell. Then he got pulled back... Damn doctors tounge_o.gif Millions of people tell stories like that. Makes me wonder: Is there life after death?

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Black Holes are a mystery that I would very much like to solve.

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Quote[/b] ]Did any of you guys read Michael Crichton's Timeline? Say what you will about the man's writing, but he does have clever ideas. Basically, he posits that while you can't travel back in time, you can travel to another dimension almost exactly like one from our past. So while you can't go back in time and see your grandfather, you can go back in time and see your grandfather in another dimension. This, of course, requires that the universe be infinite and a bunch of other stuff that is too heady for me to get into... Anyway, it was a thought.

thats the point i was getting at.

u could either have a new dimension to be created as soon as u went back in time or there is an infinite number of dimensions that u can hop between so instead of going back in time u go to the dimension thats at the time period u want smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Did any of you guys read Michael Crichton's Timeline? Say what you will about the man's writing, but he does have clever ideas. Basically, he posits that while you can't travel back in time, you can travel to another dimension almost exactly like one from our past. So while you can't go back in time and see your grandfather, you can go back in time and see your grandfather in another dimension. This, of course, requires that the universe be infinite and a bunch of other stuff that is too heady for me to get into... Anyway, it was a thought.  

thats the point i  was  getting at.

u could either have  a  new dimension to be created as soon as u went back in time or there is an infinite number of dimensions that u can hop between so instead of going  back in time u go to the dimension thats at the time period u want  smile_o.gif

My brother was an astro-physicist before he died, and I once asked him if he believed in the multi-dimension theory because he knew far more about the universe than I did, and he told me he thought there was something to it. I heard something about this new string theory that people in the physics community are raving about, and I think it has some sort of connection to the infinite dimensions theory.

Kind of gives you pause doesn't it? I mean if every little decision you make catapults you into a new dimension, suddenly deciding to order the roast beef sandwich or the soup for lunch seems like a much more momentous decision. You start thinking, if I order the sandwich, will I go outside and get hit by the bus later, or if I order the soup, will I become President some day? tounge_o.gif

Seriously though, I hope there is a life after death because I'd be really depressed living the rest of my life thinking I'll never see my brother again. I'd say before he died, I was kind of evenly split on this issue despite being raised Catholic. Now, I'm leaning much closer to believing than not belieiving. Why? Because two days before my brother died I had a dream that he was going to die in exactly the manner he did. I even told him about it the day before it happened. Why would something like that happen to me if life was just meaningless and random? Plus, there are moments now when I just have this really intense feeling that my brother is around and visiting me. I hope I'm right.

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Plus, there are moments now when I just have this really intense feeling that my brother is around and visiting me.  I hope I'm right.

I'm pretty sure he got bored at watching what kind of work your sister does so he decided to catch last glimpse of flare of life in you before you goto liar school...i mean legalized crooks... i mean law school. wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

i also had some paranormal experiences, but that's personal stuff and for members of this forum, another thread to discuss theirs.

the problem with any type of theory is dealing with time. for example, while I type this charatcters, when i press two 's' characters in word 'assume'. although i pressed them twice they are not the same thing since one precedded the other.

so what is time?

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Plus, there are moments now when I just have this really intense feeling that my brother is around and visiting me.  I hope I'm right.

I'm pretty sure he got bored at watching what kind of work your sister does so he decided to catch last glimpse of flare of life in you before you goto liar school...i mean legalized crooks... i mean law school. wink_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

Hey!!!!!!! mad_o.giftounge_o.gif

Someday you may need me Ralph! biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]the problem with any type of theory is dealing with time. for example, while I type this charatcters, when i press two 's' characters in word 'assume'. although i pressed them twice they are not the same thing since one precedded the other.

so what is time?

Well, when I graduate from law school, time is going to be money for me. Hopefully about 450-500$ an hour if I can maintain my gradepoint average. wow_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Because two days before my brother died I had a dream that he was going to die in exactly the manner he did. I even told him about it the day before it happened.

Whoa, that's freaky wow_o.gifrock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Black Holes are a mystery that I would very much like to solve.

I've spent many a late night hour and brain cells studying and pondering this. Conceptualizing 4+ planes is proving to be difficult too, although it is proven mathematically that more than 3 dimensions is probable.

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Quote[/b] ]Because two days before my brother died I had a dream that he was going to die in exactly the manner he did. I even told him about it the day before it happened.

Whoa, that's freaky wow_o.gifrock.gif

smile_o.gif And one day I saw these passenger planes fly into high rise towers. biggrin_o.gif Was a long time before it happened though so... Actually I have a lot of really weird stories, which I can't understand how they took place. A lot of person to person stuff which I guess can be explained by quantum entanglement or something conceptual like that.

The night before stuff I think was most common.

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Not sure that I believe in destiny, but I know that my first memory is that of seeing snow in Canada. (Stop over in Gander Newfoundland on a flight from Cuba to Russia when I was one year old). It was the same airport we would land at 9 years later on a flight from Russia to Cuba that we never quite completed.

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What do you mean by "never quite completed"?

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