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Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

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That sounds like a very good solution, as you can siphon fuel from one car to other biggrin_o.gif

Fuel is not such a huge issue in OFP as the vehicles in OFP carry enough to send a rocket to the moon anyway. But ammunition is vital. Also you would only get the refuel option if you were close to it in another vehicle, which happens far less regularly than standing next to a vehicle.

Thanks for listening Goldmember, i love game makers and addons makers (or shall we consider you an artist with those explosions?) who actually listen to the feedback people give them.


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Fuel is not such a huge issue in OFP as the vehicles in OFP carry enough to send a rocket to the moon anyway. But ammunition is vital. Also you would only get the refuel option if you were close to it in another vehicle, which happens far less regularly than standing next to a vehicle.

I tested ''transportfuel" version it works fine. In the next version I fix it.


I have problems when and how to activate longsmoke effect. Firstly, basic OFP smoke - after vehicle destroyed - wide and short in size. If I put longsmoke effect - which is tall and not as wide - into this, won't look nice. Secondly, basic OFP smoke sometimes not black rather brown&grey. Unfurtunately I don't know what determines the color of that smoke. This also spoils black longsmoke effect. Not to mention that black smoke will last longer than brown&grey.To reduce this inconveniences I decided to not start longsmoke immediately after destruction instead delayed 30-50 seconds. During this time basic OFP smoke is fading enough to not "disturb" my smoke. And effect are connected to two events. Only starts if vehicle burning already or secondary ammoexplosion can activate it. Because of this you won't see longsmoke allways. During tonight I upload a betaversion you can see how it works till now. IF everybody has another Idea I listen it or just tell me you not care about myproblem and I launch that longsmoke right after vehicle destroyed. smile_o.gif

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I upload BETA verison. Zip contains one file - GMR.pbo - just replace old one with this. In pbo there is a file called exp_init.sqs where you should change values ( smoking time, burning time, etc.). Firstly test it on tanks and apc's.

link to: GMR_exploMODv1.42BETA.zip


id: a_goldmember

password: faszkalap

GMR_exploMOD directory

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Golmember, do you think you will finish this mod one day? biggrin_o.gif lol.

I just want to know because I'm geting tired of updating my mod folders all the time, I can't refuse to update your effects, they are to nice to ignore them.

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Just tried the new beta and really like the taller smoke columns! This mod adds so much to the "feeling" that now since it works in MP I can't play without it  tounge_o.gif

One minor thing.... In version 1.31 you added this feature:

- crew of disabled tank -if tank can not fire or move- leave the vehicle

It's a great idea but I really think the crew should only leave the vehicle if they can not fire their guns and not jump out in the middle of the battle if you just blow one track.

Thanks for your hard work!

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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One minor thing.... In version 1.31 you added this feature:

- crew of disabled tank -if tank can not fire or move- leave the vehicle

It's a great idea but I really think the crew should only leave the vehicle if they can not fire their guns (or out of ammo) and not jump out in the middle of the battle if you just blow one track.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting.

I would expect the crew to stay in until both firing and movement are totally damaged.

However, if a tank can move but no longer fire, I would like to see the tank retreat, as the tank no longer serves a purpose other than (questionably) protecting the crew in retreat.

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As it is now (since ver 1.31) the tank crew leaves a tank if they can't fire or if they can't move and you can use that to your advantage in a unrealistic way, i.e fire one LAW that disables a track and wait until the crew jumps out and kill them with your handguns - major threath eliminated!

In a real situation I belive the crew would stay in the tank even if it was imobilized since it gives them more protection and the tank is still somewhat usefull since it can fire it's gun.

So what I'm suggesting is that they should only leave the tank when it's not usefull (i.e can't fire)

Would be nice to have them retreating if gun is damaged (or out of ammo) but I think it will be hard for GM to solve that in the explomod since he never knows where they should go when retreating, probably better to leave this to the mission designer.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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In a real situation I belive the crew would stay in the tank even if it was imobilized since it gives them more protection and the tank is still somewhat usefull since it can fire it's gun.

OK, I agree. You mean the GMR mod makes them jump out when the gun still works? Cowards! mad_o.gif

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OK, I agree. You mean the GMR mod makes them jump out when the gun still works? Cowards! mad_o.gif

Don't panik! I make this feature optional in next version. BTW you have to noticed when tank is disabled 8 or 9 times from 10 the reason is "can not fire" and the rest is "can not move" only. So it is not a tragedy.

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Maybe also a random probabilty to decide if they should abandon the vehicle or not if they can't fire.

Sometimes not knowing if a tank is a threath or not just adds to the suspension IMHO. Just an idea  wink_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Maybe also a random probabilty to decide if they should abandon the vehicle or not if they can't fire.

Sometimes not knowing if a tank is a threath or not just adds to the suspension IMHO. Just an idea wink_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

Detail from exp_init.sqs

change Crewescape value

0=crew NOT leave disabled vehicle

1=crew ALLWAYS leave disabled vehicle

2=crew leave disables vehicle if it CAN NOT FIRE

3=crew leave disables vehicle if it CAN NOT FIRE, RANDOMIZED


ANy problem? smile_o.gif

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Detail from exp_init.sqs

change Crewescape value

ANy problem? smile_o.gif

Excellent! One problem, though. That value is not present in the exp_init (or any other script) in GMR.pbo of the 1.42 beta.... tounge_o.gif

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Hey G.M., have you included the option of a blast wave yet? And also the sound of rocks falling to the ground after the explosion will be very nice also, such as the sound you here when you throw a grenade in fdf mod. just a few suggestions biggrin_o.gif

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Excellent! One problem, though. That value is not present in the exp_init (or any other script) in GMR.pbo of the 1.42 beta.... tounge_o.gif

Because of just a beta biggrin_o.gif

But here is the good one!

Realistic explosion MOD v1.42

- added Longsmoke effect

- every key value now changeable in exp_init.sqs file

- "rearm" bug fixed

link to: GMR_exploMODv1.42.zip


id: a_goldmember

password: faszkalap

GMR_exploMOD directory

OFP version 1.91 required.

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Thanks for the update Goldmember!

Just tested it briefly but I still see tank crews abandoning their tanks like cowards despite the setting Crewescape=0 in the exp_init.sqs?

If I replace everything in the "hit_tank.sqs" file with only one line containing the exit command everything works OK and they stay in their tanks as they should (IMHO)... Will do some more testing later tonight.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Whoa! My BAS Rangers just took out a nearby BMP. Smoke column, multiple post-hit cargo magazine explosions, fire and debris.

Who could ask for anything more! biggrin_o.gif

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Thanks for the update Goldmember!

Just tested it briefly but I still see tank crews abandoning their tanks like cowards despite the setting Crewescape=0 in the exp_init.sqs?

If I replace everything in the "hit_tank.sqs" file with only one line containing the exit command everything works OK and they stay in their tanks as they should (IMHO)... Will do some more testing later tonight.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

I fixed, it looks need - GOTO -before "exit"

OLD lines in hit_tank.sqs


? (Crewescape==0):"exit"

? (not alive _tank):"exit"

? (canmove _tank) and (canfire _tank):"exit"

? (Crewescape==2) and (canfire _tank):"exit"

? (Crewescape==3) and (canfire _tank) and (_r < 50):"exit"

NEW lines in hit_tank.sqs


? (Crewescape == 0):goto "exit"

? (not alive _tank):goto "exit"

? (canmove _tank) and (canfire _tank):goto "exit"

? (Crewescape == 2) and (canfire _tank):goto "exit"

? (Crewescape == 3) and (canfire _tank) and (_r < 50):goto "exit"


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Or, simply ditch the goto:s and do

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_tank= _this select 0

_r=random 100

? (Crewescape==0):exit

? (not alive _tank):exit

? (canmove _tank) and (canfire _tank):exit

? (Crewescape==2) and (canfire _tank):exit

? (Crewescape==3) and (canfire _tank) and (_r < 50):exit


? (not (commander _tank  in _tank)):exit

~ 3+ random 3

_tank stop true

~ 3+ random 3

commander _tank leaveVehicle _tank

~ 0.5 + random 0.5

driver _tank leaveVehicle _tank

~ 0.5 + random 0.5

gunner _tank leaveVehicle _tank

_j= (random 100)

? (_j > 50  && _j  <= 100):commander _tank allowFleeing 0;driver _tank allowFleeing 0;gunner _tank allowFleeing 0

? (_j >= 0  && _j  <= 50 ):commander _tank allowFleeing 1;driver _tank allowFleeing 1;gunner _tank allowFleeing 1


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Ok being incredibly stupid as i am, i don't know how to make blood work, it says support added, and i have OFPEC Blood Addon. I just don't know how to make it work.

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Ok being incredibly stupid as i am, i don't know how to make blood work, it says support added, and i have OFPEC Blood Addon. I just don't know how to make it work.

I have OFPEC_blood.pbo in regular addons,and then u need to use the GMR_blood config.bin file from 1.41version,as its compatible with the new 1.42 GMR.pbo (theres the 3 usual options =smoker,middle,flamer...choose 1 and put it in the BIN file of your GMR_explomod Mod folder

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I would like non-burning (just BIS-smoking) objects to give off a little light. I would think that any vehicle that has been hit by an RPG and exploded would burn at least a little?

Oh, and...for conclusive proof..."there´s no smoke without fire" wink_o.gif

Just a request.

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I would like non-burning (just BIS-smoking) objects to give off a little light. I would think that any vehicle that has been hit by an RPG and exploded would burn at least a little?

Oh, and...for conclusive proof..."there´s no smoke without fire" wink_o.gif

Just a request.

It is give off a light but couldn't see because of big smokes.


Ok, I find out something.

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What I´m saying is, destroyed vehicles (except the ones with burn script) are basically invisible at night. That can´t be realistic. I hope you add a little more light. smile_o.gif

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What I´m saying is, destroyed vehicles (except the ones with burn script) are basically invisible at night. That can´t be realistic. I hope you add a little more light. smile_o.gif

Oh my bloody english! I misunderstood your request. Now clear everything crazy_o.gif

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