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Major Fubar

Mounted machine guns

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Just curious about mounted (static) MG addons for OFP. There seems to be quite a few out there, but also some that haven't been done.

GFXs MG pack had a good range of MGs (mounted PK, MG42, .30 cal, different M2HB mounts,), AKM74 has done the excellent Kord, SEB has a DShK in a sandbag emplacement, and someone (can't remember who) did a pack of M60s...

Some notable omissions (AFAIK) are -

FN-MAG (M240), tripod mount

MG3, tripod mount

So basically, does anyone have any particular models they would like to see, or know of any addons that I might have missed?

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I believe TOW did the pack of M60s.

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Thanks Cloney.

This is what I've been able to find so far:

GFX707 MG pack : This pack contains 5 new MGs for the defense of installations and towns

- A WWII Water-cooled browning m2 for resistance AA defense

- A mounted PK for the Soviets, so they don't have to use the m2 anymore

- An m2 with the gunner prone behind it (much more realistic)

- A WWII MG42 MG for the resistance in mounted and unmounted versions

- A WWII 30 Cal for the resistance

- A Mk19 Automatic Grenade Launcher

AGS-17 Grenade Launcher (Kegetys)

Static M60 pack 1.75 (TOW) : Includes the M60 and M60 C-light with a new ammo belt effect. Perfect for defending your base.

KORD 12.7 by AKM74

Seb Nam Pack 2 which includes the DShK MG

(And yes, I know that AGLs aren't MGs...but I say close nuff)

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The FDF mod has a bunch of cool stuff. It's well worth the 193 mb dl even on 56k. (I used GetRight download manager) Plus, you can move the machineguns around.

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The FDF mod has a bunch of cool stuff. It's well worth the 193 mb dl even on 56k. (I used GetRight download manager) Plus, you can move the machineguns around.

Yeah but i can rember you need 2 men for the job...

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AKM74 is releasing an NSV with his next Russian armour pack, so that's that done at least.

I would love to see the SEB NAM DShK released as a standalone unit, as it would be great for the Resistance. A mounted M240 or FN MAG would be good too. I think the one by W.M. Crielaard is the best available. Oh yes, and how about a mounted minigun for some serious carnage? GFX707 released a quality one imported from CS in one of his bunker packs, but I can't recall which one it was.

I was thinking, with regards to the AI not being able to use bunkers properly, would it be possible to create a bunker with an invisible proxy which would allow the player to order them to 'get in' the bunker, and they would go over to it and get in it in a fixed position, say kneeling, and be able to rotate but not get out of that position until ordered to, as if they were in a vehicle or manning a machine gun emplacement? I think this would be great for simulating troops taking cover behind sandbag walls and taking position in bunkers. Just a thought anyway. smile_o.gif

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I would love to see the SEB NAM DShK released as a standalone unit, as it would be great for the Resistance.

May as well let this slip, there will be a standalone DShK without the sandbags (and requiring no other addons) coming out soon, it's primarily for some enemy troops we (BAS) have made but it will not need any other addons to work and im sure we can get it hosted individually (as well as being bundled with the other addons its being released with).

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And there might even be a new mounted M240G in the works.

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maybe a .50 with a few sandbags and a realistic looking camonet over it would be cool.

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I would love to see the SEB NAM DShK released as a standalone unit, as it would be great for the Resistance.

May as well let this slip, there will be a standalone DShK without the sandbags (and requiring no other addons) coming out soon, it's primarily for some enemy troops we (BAS) have made but it will not need any other addons to work and im sure we can get it hosted individually (as well as being bundled with the other addons its being released with).

wow_o.gif Ooh, that's brightened up my day. Thanks for the info. smile_o.gif

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Don't forget SFP's TKSP (FN 12,7 heavy machinegun) also "their" MK19GL.

And I am looking forward to the standalone DSHK, I hope the optics get updated smile_o.gif

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The FDF mod has a bunch of cool stuff. It's well worth the 193 mb dl even on 56k. (I used GetRight download manager) Plus, you can move the machineguns around.

Yeah but i can rember you need 2 men for the job...

No, just move the gun, drop it on the ground, move the tripod, pick the gun back up, and set it on the tripod smile_o.gif

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Is that the 3 or 5 second ammo box? biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah, I thought the same thing...at 6000rpm it'll chew that box dry in about 2 seconds...

But miniguns have a slower firing speed too, don't they? 1000rpm or something like that?

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Is that the 3 or 5 second ammo box?   biggrin_o.gif

LOL biggrin_o.gif

Yeah I think the RPM can be varied between 1000 and 6000. Makes you wonder how the barrels don't melt.

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Maybe I should get off my lazy behind and make something...

If I was going to use and existing M240 (FN MAG) and an existing MG3 as a basis for tripod mounted versions (with permissions of course), which would be the best ones to use? What are the best existing addons for these model MGs?

Also, anyone know where to find pics or models of the standard NATO tripod?

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If you are doing a U.S looking FN-MAG the BAS one is probably best. But for a more european looking one Mathjiis has a good model for his RLNMC addon smile_o.gif

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Where's the battery unit for the minigun?

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What kind of HMG's did the WW2 Japanese use?

Also, were the hugeass Soviet 14.5mm MG's ever mounted on a tripod?

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Oh yes, and how about a mounted minigun for some serious carnage?

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Work in progress by Vlados  wink_o.gif

wow_o.gif *PFrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* take that saddam!

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