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Oicw released!

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The CS OICW model is very bad. (a lot CS models looks like this after conversion!)


My OICW is a conversion from Soldiers Of Fortune 2.

BTW, file is updated. Missing Ammobox fixed/Shell-ejection port is now open.

Oh and that's wrong wink_o.gif a cs-model doesnt nececarily look like it, only when the model author has chosen to just make one side of the weapon...


Thats a CS import too.. wink_o.gif

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Where can I download this again, I sorta lost it.

Edit, found it at atwar.

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The weapon looks great but just how realistic does the addon portray a real OICW?

In my mission "HD Battlefields OICW" (lookee here), I just gave the player an OICW and none for any of the AI. Using the HE 20 rounds on this single gun totally turns around the mission, making it practically a cinch to win.

If it was so great in real life, I would expect this to replace every other weapon, as it's so overwhelmingly powerful. Seems too good to be true.

Avonlady the OICW is expected to replace the machine gunner and the anti tank rocket launcher and the m203 in stardard army squads. It is supposed to be THAT good.

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Retracting my previous statment posted here. I did not get a good look at the pic before I posted.

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The weapon looks great but just how realistic does the addon portray a real OICW?

In my mission "HD Battlefields OICW" (lookee here), I just gave the player an OICW and none for any of the AI. Using the HE 20 rounds on this single gun totally turns around the mission, making it practically a cinch to win.

If it was so great in real life, I would expect this to replace every other weapon, as it's so overwhelmingly powerful. Seems too good to be true.

Yeah sounds all very nice but in OFP a gun has no malfunctions, cant get inacurrate by dropping it on the ground or anything like that...

I think the OICW is computer crap and far to big to be good in combat, especially not in city combat

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The weapon looks great but just how realistic does the addon portray a real OICW?

In my mission "HD Battlefields OICW" (lookee here), I just gave the player an OICW and none for any of the AI. Using the HE 20 rounds on this single gun totally turns around the mission, making it practically a cinch to win.

If it was so great in real life, I would expect this to replace every other weapon, as it's so overwhelmingly powerful. Seems too good to be true.

Yeah sounds all very nice but in OFP a gun has no malfunctions, cant get inacurrate by dropping it on the ground or anything like that...

I think the OICW is computer crap and far to big to be good in combat, especially not in city combat

I agree with you there, imagine if the Russians used something similar to the OICW in Chechnya were stealth was essential. I mean half of the OICW carriers would be dead in thirty minutes or less.

But the OICW is a support weapon, not intended to be used in closed terrain. But none the less the weapon is too heavy, and too cumbersome to be of any use to a soldier. What if you run out of batteries? Swing down to the Kwik-E-Mart and buy a few new ones? Oh damnit they don't have the battery size I need.....

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But the OICW is a support weapon, not intended to be used in closed terrain. But none the less the weapon is too heavy, and too cumbersome to be of any use to a soldier. What if you run out of batteries? Swing down to the Kwik-E-Mart and buy a few new ones? Oh damnit they don't have the battery size I need.....

I dont think they just run out of batteries... And if you do, you could just bring along some extras? Just like carrying ammo...

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If the weapon becomes too heavy and cumbersome for the terrain where you are, you can remove the 20mm cannon. this way you only have the G36K with skeleton stock. (and the computer scope on top of it). The OICW is very usefull in city combat, you can program the grenades to explode on a certain range, ect. In urban combat this means you can atack the enemy much better without exposing yourself. This is of course only for the support guy. The others will use only the g36K.

Batteries are very common even to the current troops who use reflex/holo sights. In fact the new stock of the M4 has storage holes for spare batteries for this reason.

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Avonlady the OICW is expected to replace the machine gunner and the anti tank rocket launcher and the m203 in stardard army squads.  It is supposed to be THAT good.

Say what?rock.gif Where in the hell did ya get that information?  

There is no way on earth that an OICW can replace an anti-tank weapon or a squad or platoon level belt-fed machine gun designed for suppressive fire.  For one thing a 20mm round, while fine for destroying lightly armored APC's, would barely scratch the paint on even a T-55 tank as the rounds are dependent on their warheads to penetrate armor, and not on velocity like the Bradley M2's 25mm Depleted Uranium rounds which are high velocity AT rounds.  

While the 20mm rounds are good for a certain amount of suppressive fire, they are not good for close quarters where shrapnel from the rounds can injure or kill friendly soldiers.  Also, due to the limited magazine capacity of  both the 20mm and 5.56mm sections of the OICW, it can not do sustained fire like a belt-fed machine gun that has gun barrels that can be switched out (like the M249 SAW, M240 FNMAG, and M60 machine guns).  

What it will replace however is the M203 system currently used by the US Army.   There is no doubt that having a hand held, clip fed 20mm autocannon with air-burst capable rounds is a vastly superior weapon system.  The drawback however is that soldiers will likely be firing ALOT of 20mm ammunition rather then using the 5.56mm section of the weapon.  

In every computer FPS shooter with an OICW, time and time again, players use the OICW's 20mm rounds most of the time.    So due to the shear expense, of both the rounds and the rifle, I don't think they'll be issuing the OICW to alot of troops any time soon other then a few special operations units.  When it does go into mainstream Army and Marine units, it'll likely only be as a squad level replacement for the M203.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yeah sounds all very nice but in OFP a gun has no malfunctions, cant get inacurrate by dropping it on the ground or anything like that...

I think the OICW is computer crap and far to big to be good in combat, especially not in city combat

I agree with you there, imagine if the Russians used something similar to the OICW in Chechnya were stealth was essential. I mean half of the OICW carriers would be dead in thirty minutes or less.

But the OICW is a support weapon, not intended to be used in closed terrain. But none the less the weapon is too heavy, and too cumbersome to be of any use to a soldier. What if you run out of batteries? Swing down to the Kwik-E-Mart and buy a few new ones? Oh damnit they don't have the battery size I need.....

If I'm not mistaken I believe the weapon has emergency iron sights and non-powered fire-control for the 20mm section. Even if the backup iron sights are just pistol type sights, that's better then nothing. Even the current M4's have optics then can get broken and they don't have backup iron sights on most of them because the carrying handle (which contains the M4's iron sights) is removed.

Also batteries are an essential element already in tons of military equipment ranging from radios (super critical in missions) to NVG's. Any competent squad leader will make sure his men have fresh batteries in their weapons as well as plenty of spares.

If you asked soldiers in Chechnya if they'd like to use OICW's I think they'd give you a big "YES!" Alot of the fighting there is in wooded areas and mountainous terrain where the OICW would be devestating against an opponent. There is no denying that the OICW offers a quantum leap in firepower for the infantryman as well as superior nightfighting capability. Certainly it's not the best CQB weapon but neither is the M203 system it's designed to replace.

The latest version is also slimmed down from the OICW (it's called something else now). It looks alot uglier now, but it's also probably a bit lighter and better balanced now.

Nevertheless it might be proven to be unreliable once it gets into the field. .

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Avonlady the OICW is expected to replace the machine gunner and the anti tank rocket launcher and the m203 in stardard army squads.  It is supposed to be THAT good.

Say what?rock.gif Where in the hell did ya get that information?  

There is no way on earth that an OICW can replace an anti-tank weapon or a squad or platoon level belt-fed machine gun designed for suppressive fire.  For one thing a 20mm round, while fine for destroying lightly armored APC's, would barely scratch the paint on even a T-55 tank as the rounds are dependent on their warheads to penetrate armor, and not on velocity like the Bradley M2's 25mm Depleted Uranium rounds which are high velocity AT rounds.  

While the 20mm rounds are good for a certain amount of suppressive fire, they are not good for close quarters where shrapnel from the rounds can injure or kill friendly soldiers.  Also, due to the limited magazine capacity of  both the 20mm and 5.56mm sections of the OICW, it can not do sustained fire like a belt-fed machine gun that has gun barrels that can be switched out (like the M249 SAW, M240 FNMAG, and M60 machine guns).  

What it will replace however is the M203 system currently used by the US Army.   There is no doubt that having a hand held, clip fed 20mm autocannon with air-burst capable rounds is a vastly superior weapon system.  The drawback however is that soldiers will likely be firing ALOT of 20mm ammunition rather then using the 5.56mm section of the weapon.  

In every computer FPS shooter with an OICW, time and time again, players use the OICW's 20mm rounds most of the time.    So due to the shear expense, of both the rounds and the rifle, I don't think they'll be issuing the OICW to alot of troops any time soon other then a few special operations units.  When it does go into mainstream Army and Marine units, it'll likely only be as a squad level replacement for the M203.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I know I read this somewhere and I am trying to find the original post where I got it from.  Then again the poster of the original information might be wrong.

::edit:: I knew I read something, but it appears I remembered it wrong. Quoted from HK's web site

Goaled to revolutionize the infantry battlefield, the M29 (OICW) consolidates the needs of the U.S. Armed Forces into one rifle that will selectively replace the M16/M4 carbine and the M203 grenade launcher and accessories.

so it is just the m203 my bad tounge_o.gif

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I am sitting with an old version right now, with an old readme, but i need the names of the soldier and the ammobox - for scripting.

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If it was so great in real life, I would expect this to replace every other weapon, as it's so overwhelmingly powerful. Seems too good to be true.

Estimated price of about $20,000 per unit. You can buy quite a few conventional rifles for that price. It will replace the M203 at squad level, and may be handed out on a one for one basis to Special Forces.

Considering the price of all the goodies Delta and SEALS carry, I wonder if they would be able to field them for your avaerge international crisis?

And if you used 'em for the type of crisis that requires James Bond, he'd win anyway.

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Even the current M4's have optics then can get broken and they don't have backup iron sights on most of them because the carrying handle (which contains the M4's iron sights) is removed.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

note the iron sights ontop of the 4x ACOG scope in this picture here. granted this is a "game" screenshot, its a realisticly modele M4 (mod) by the DEV team of the popular game "Americas Army"

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Even the current M4's have optics then can get broken and they don't have backup iron sights on most of them because the carrying handle (which contains the M4's iron sights) is removed.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

note the iron sights ontop of the 4x ACOG scope in this picture here. granted this is a "game" screenshot, its a realisticly modele M4 (mod) by the DEV team of the popular game "Americas Army"

dont talk about AA here i've been playing with some crappo who did a kamikaze by coming in with their grenade

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Quote[/b] ]Even the current M4's have optics then can get broken and they don't have backup iron sights on most of them because the carrying handle (which contains the M4's iron sights) is removed.

Slightly offtopic, Actually, the current M4s are set up to where they can have iron sites on them, depending on the configuration. Many have a tactical handle with the iron site built in. My personal M4 (civilian one, that is) has a detachable front site, with an ARMS #45 rail system built on it, with a stowable ARMS #40 rear site, that pops up when needed.


The Whistlepig

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