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So as far as I know you agree with me (us) on every point, but the last sentences confuses me once more huh.gif .

Just say either "i'll pin the damn thing" or "piss off!" already! mad_o.giftounge2.gif and comment a "piss off" in plain, farmer english... if it's not too much to ask banghead.gif

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Here is a little question that made me quite curious.Why is the ORCS team requesting to close all the threads involving their addons on this forum..Sounds a little fishy and unfair that people are not allowed to praise/constructively criticise their work in threads that they didn't even started..

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As far as I'm concerned it's not relevant why they want them closed, if they don't want the addons that they release into the public discussed on here then that's their right. They make addons and release them to people so that's really what's most important smile_o.gif

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How long do i have to be good for to get reduced WL?  biggrin_o.gif  whistle.gif

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Declare your love for all things Sheffield Wednesday and I'll look into it wink_o.gif

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Sheffield Wednesday, the greatest team on earth and the 5th oldest professional club in England, based at Hillsborough stadium, capacity 39814, founded by members of the Wednesday Cricket club on the 4th September 1867.......and currently.....20th (out of 24)....in Div 1. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Well 20th place doesn't count cos it's alphabetical right now wink_o.gif

I've removed 1, if the freedom of guilt and responsibility hasn't caused you to terrorise the forums the other one can be removed in 2 months, onus is on you to remind me wink_o.gif

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Cheers, i'll try not to go on a drunken rampage through the forums. whistle.gif

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I think that Forum was used before this Forum. It`s been unused and inactive for years. huh.gif

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oh yes i see, ok. wink_o.gif

Raptor smile_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]Date: June 17, 2005

Time: 10:02pm

by: Architeuthis

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Nah, just take a peek at the years of the posts.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Look at the page 18 (last) of General forum... The 2 earliest are dated to 1970... crazy_o.gif

It's easy to do that. Just turn back the windows clock. (I think)

Edit: I was wrong. whistle.gif

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Guest The Cobra

Changin topic.

Who is he?


Never posted, became member Feb. 18 2002,13:24, last updated his profile Feb. 18 2002,13:24.


President of Bohemia Interactive?



I wonder if I will get perma-banned for breaking the rules in the "ask a mod" thread whistle.gif

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Gosh, could yo upost a bigger picture please. I can't see what you are trying to say on such a small picture  icon_rolleyes.gif  banghead.gif

Like the SuperMod, I assume the Super Admin is a profile that can be used by members of BIS if they want to make changes to the forum (like the re-structuring lately for example). It's not a specific person like Placebo.

btw; you broke the forum rules in the 'ask a mod' thread. That's asking for trouble rofl.gif

Quote[/b] ]§9)Do not hotlink images over 100kb (102400 bytes) in size

Please do not hotlink (hotlink means using the IMG tags to display an image in your post) individual images over 100kb, this is so that the forum remains a smooth place to browse for everyone, irrespective of their internet connection. If you wish to post an image larger then 100 kb feel free to post the URL instead of hotlinking.

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Guest The Cobra



...asking for trouble...

Yeah, whas just wondering where that thread went... tounge2.gif

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Guest The Cobra


Found a small forumbug...


52447 byte (meaning, not too big again tounge2.gif)

Same as that backwardspostin (having -123 in post count f.ex.)


Can't we get a list of all smilies? Those one with links like this;



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Keep it up and you'll find out this strange reason for those strange postcounts; postcount reduction inflicted by a moderater

There are a few things that moderaters can do to you to punish you for breaking forum rules.

-step 1 is a warning

-step 2 is a postcount reduction (often a percentage)

-step 3 is a temp post restriction (24 or 48 hour ban) Sometimes step three is combined with step 2

-step 4 is a warning level (yellow and red blocks under your avater). Often combined with step 2 and 3

-step 5 is a perm ban. "It's tough going on without you, but we're gonna try it anyway, goodbye"

So those postcount are perfectly normal. This has been discussed numerous times already, so you could have known about this.

About smilies

What do you need links for? All the smilies you will need and the smilies you will get are listed and can be clicked. Note the clickable smilies on the left of your screen when posting and the longer list that can be reached by clicking "Emotions" just under the text box of your message. You can also find the code you need to reach them manually. It's listed in the emotions-list. For  smile_o.gif you type;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> :)

And here's a screenie to get you started;


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Guest The Cobra



2. About the smilies. There are alot more smilies then those shown when pressing the button "Emoticons".

As i said they are not

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">:)

but instead

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://www.flashpoint1985.com/ikonboard311/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif

We can change that to


wich will become


(Thats how i got it as my avatar, same as matt rochelle has the "band.gif" smilie as avatar)

though just typing

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">:404:

will give


That is what i mean. They have many hidden also, that we dont know about.

For example. This was changed from




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I know there a lot more smilies, but they weren't added to the list. I don't think they'll give you a list fo all smilies. There are a few known (the examples you also show) and the others are simply collecting dust.

The fact that they added more smilies is something you should be happy with since those were a gift. Asking for more after someone has given you a gift is not really polite. My 2ct

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