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Woodland hummers

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Thank you! I've been looking for them for awhile.

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Some new bugs sad_o.gif

You beat me to it. I was about to post images of that tounge_o.gif

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Can't get enough of this.

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29 pages, and 9 months later. im glad to see someone finally try to wrap this up. good work smile_o.gif

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the fix for the cargo positions was posted a few pages back by extraction

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This link from Extraction doesn't work for me. Any others?

edit: link was meant to fix cargo errors.

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which are the new bugs ?

Edit: I saw the pictures. sorry, they don't load before

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Weird gunner view on the M113 with M2:



On every M113, you can see the drivers head:


And the cargo animations, mentioned above.

MfG Lee

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ok .. working on them.

Edit: (9-Marzo-2.004 14:36)

Cargo and gunner views positions fixed in:

- HMWVV (m249 open).

- HMWVV (open).

- HMWVV (half top).

- All M113. (no more driver heads in gunner view)

CPP fixing for "half top" and "open" HMWVV's in woodland version (added lost cargo positions, was a little bug from the original cpp).

Stand up men in cargo positions:

I don't have this bug, but my squad partner had. The bug is caused by a third party addon (don't know which, maybe an old one).

He fixed reinstalling the OFP after clearing all the addons, from game Addons folder. (I know ... is not a good way for fixing that, but works)

Then he makes a mod folder and copy the addons he use in this folder. And bug fixed, He deleted the oldest addons, the one he never use.

I will give the addon again to fighter and MSpencer (sorry guys) for uploading again.

P.D.I don't have any problem with the wheels. Maybe is a third party addon again. sorry but I'm not as good as BAS or RHS members (I would like but .... smile_o.gif ) so many problems are out of my hands.

I can only say that I tested the addons with BAS soldiers and runs ok.

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Funny mine don't do the cargo problem, but then I have the custom animation part seperat of the addon bet you forgot to upload that also.

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I will add the customAnim.pbo in the .rar file.

P.D. I have my first shadow, for HMWVV doorless, but need to do lot of things, so not expected a shadow update in a short period of time, it will take me a while sad_o.gif

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These animations are conflicting with another addon, I think all you need to do is rename them and whatever the confliction is will stop. Either that or change the animations to a default BIS one where possible.

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Go to the bottom of page 20 in this thread, that file by Extraction fixed the goofy cargo animations for me. Doesn't fix the positioning though, that must be done elsewhere.

Also, Most of the gunners cannot be shot, they only die as the vehicle itself gets destroyed. Believe in the open M249 mounted version though, they can. (Or maybee it was just the passengers. Can't remember now. smile_o.gif )

Great work so far! Few little things to iron out left, big step from the originals. smile_o.gif

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the gunners from the HMWVVs can be killed, but not the ones in the M113.

I give MSpencer the new addon updated, he will upload soon.

I'm working in the shadows (I have one made) but will take long long time to finish this stuff (any volunteer??).

I'm pretty sure that ballistic studios will finish his humvees before me adding the shadows but anyway.. enjoy this version.

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I think I remember the cargo standing problem was down to the Hilux (tech with DSK) addon?

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I think I remember the cargo standing problem was down to the Hilux (tech with DSK) addon?

I dont have that addon, and it was the old version of the Helix that did that.

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woops. I didn't have your fixed version installed. Downloaded, and forgot to replace the manually fixed ones with the .cpp files from here. Looks like those gunners' luck just ran out. smile_o.gif

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Go to the bottom of page 20 in this thread, that file by Extraction fixed the goofy cargo animations for me. Doesn't fix the positioning though, that must be done elsewhere.  

Can someone please mirror this as it doesn't seem to exist at opflashpoint.org anymore!

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