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The Iraq Thread 2

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@ Dec. 01 2003,18:47)]
'Bradley fighting vehicles responded with 120mm tank rounds and 25mm cannon fire'  rock.gif

Standard journalistic ignorance, I wouldn't stress over it.  smile_o.gif

Well according to that article, it was the US Lt. Colonel saying that Bradleys responded with 120mm gun fire.

Either a journalist didn't hear him right/changed things around

or that US Lt. Colonel needs to learn more about US military equiptment.

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@ Dec. 01 2003,18:47)]
'Bradley fighting vehicles responded with 120mm tank rounds and 25mm cannon fire'  rock.gif

Standard journalistic ignorance, I wouldn't stress over it.  smile_o.gif

Well according to that article, it was the US Lt. Colonel saying that Bradleys responded with 120mm gun fire.

Either a journalist didn't hear him right/changed things around

or that US Lt. Colonel needs to learn more about US military equiptment.

I know what you mean, because I heard the exact same press release on TV. The only difference was that the convoy responded with 120mm gun fire, as well as 25mm cannon fire from Bradley AFVs. Seems more like sloppy journalism than anything.

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More than anything it sounds like someone is bullshitting exactly why and who got killed. smile_o.gif if you are talking about the event I think you are.

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I just want to say i am A Marine so dont talk shit about marines

And also another thing I am in Iraq Seving My country U.S.

Hi U.S.M.C. Sgt. Wulf

Just checked back through the last few pages of this thread no mention of any Marines.

If there was mention could you quote it for us so we know what your on about.

Kind Regards Walker

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I just want to say i am A Marine so dont talk shit about marines

And also another thing I am in Iraq Seving My country U.S.

If you are here to dominate with your "special condition" then be my guest and see how long you last.

We are going to talk shit about what we have to. Not that I see anyone mentioning Marines. wink_o.gif You realize people "talk shit" on forums, that's what they are for.

Anyway, have fun over there smile_o.gif

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I just want to say i am A Marine so dont talk shit about marines

And also another thing I am in Iraq Seving My country U.S.

You're saying you're a Marine in Iraq, who somehow has managed to get recreational WWW access and post in this forum? You're 12 years old, aren't you?

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That one can be easily figured out if mods take a good look at his ip address. tounge_o.gif

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interesting read.


Quote[/b] ]BAGHDAD, Iraq Dec. 2 — The Iraqi insurgency in Baghdad appears to have a central leadership that finances attacks in the capital and gives broad orders to eight to 12 rebel bands some with as many as 100 guerrillas, U.S. Army generals said.

Decisions on individual attacks against U.S. occupation forces in the capital, however, are left up to the men who carry them out, Brig. Gen. Martin Dempsey said Monday.

There is still no sign of a military-style command structure in the city or in Iraq as a whole, Dempsey told a group of reporters in an unusually detailed account of the Iraqi insurgency.

"I'm increasingly of the belief that there's central financial control and central communications," said Dempsey, who commands the Army's 1st Armored Division, which controls Baghdad and the surrounding region.

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Hi all

Quote[/b] ]"I'm increasingly of the belief that there's central financial control and central communications," said Dempsey, who commands the Army's 1st Armored Division, which controls Baghdad and the surrounding region.

No shit Sherlock?

Err this commander is a bit slow on the uptake. Most of the people on this thread worked that one out a month ago at least and we dont have access to the intel he does. Either this General has no ability assess the situation or public info on enemy assesment if being kept back months. I sure hope it is the latter.

Worried Walker

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Someone's won 10 million smackaroos!


U.S. forces may have killed or captured Izzat Ibrahim, the

most wanted man in Iraq after Saddam

Hussein and believed to be a mastermind

of the guerrilla resistance, Iraq Governing Council sources

said on December 2, 2003. 'There was a major action against

a highly suspicious objective last night in Kirkuk and it is very

possible that Izzat Ibrahim has been captured or killed,'

Mowaffaq al-Rubaie told Reuters. He said he had been in

contact with U.S. forces. Last month the U.S. announced a

$10 million reward for Ibrahim who is seen during a military

parade in Mosul, February 4.

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The way I heard it they did fly AF1 into Baghdad Intl., but didn't use "Air Force One" as their callsign.  It was at night, and they were only there for about 2 hours.  So even if an enemy soldier noticed that AF1 was parked in Baghdad they wouldn't of had much time to organize a very big attack.

Apparantly AF1 crossed paths with a BA 747 on the trip back. when the BA pilot questioned the aircrafts ID, they responded by saying AF1 was a Gulfstream. Needless to say, the BA pilot wasn't blind, and responed with a 'hhmmmm' over the radio.

The saga continues. blues.gif

Quote[/b] ]White House Version of Mid-Air Exchange Disputed

Mon Dec 1, 4:36 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - British Airways said on Monday that none of its pilots made contact with President Bush's plane during its secret flight to Baghdad, contradicting White House reports of a mid-air exchange that nearly prompted Bush to call off his trip.

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I just want to say i am A Marine so dont talk shit about marines

And also another thing I am in Iraq Seving My country U.S.

You're saying you're a Marine in Iraq, who somehow has managed to get recreational WWW access and post in this forum? You're 12 years old, aren't you?

Hmm, rock.gif I was wondering as well, but you know a lot of soldiers there are really kids themselves, especially on front lines. I would expect the exact attitude...

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And also another thing I am in Iraq Seving My country U.S.

I'm bad with geography, is Newark in New Jersey or in Iraq? smile_o.gif

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the source to your news about arrest/death of 2nd in command you posted last page.

How about this one? smile_o.gif

U.S. Denies Saddam's Deputy Captured in Iraq Raid

Quote[/b] ]The U.S. military denied reports that Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, the most

wanted man in Iraq (news - web sites) after Saddam Hussein (news - web

sites) and alleged mastermind of guerrilla resistance, had been captured

in a raid on Tuesday.

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Sorry to say but I think the rate of propaganda coming from Iraq has increased exponentially since the heavy losses started in November. For example that: loyalists are now cutting down attacks on coalition forces and instead targetting the Iraqis who cooperate with them. Or that ~40 Iraqi soldiers in Rep. Guard or similar uniforms were killed in fighting where 5 coalition soldiers were wounded.

It all seems like clear propaganda... particularly because of hte timing of the reports.

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the source to your news about arrest/death of 2nd in command you posted last page.

Well, you coul've easily found it on any major news site. My source was Yahoo news. As Tovarish pointed out, US denies it.

Quote[/b] ]It must be Hannukah...I hear Adam Sandler's Hannuka songs more often on radio.

Yep. Starts Friday night, Dec. 19th. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Sorry to say but I think the rate of propaganda coming from Iraq has increased exponentially since the heavy losses started in November.

But the US denied it within hours of the headline. So how is this propaganda? Maybe it's the press itching for a story without corroboration. I believe that does happen occassionally.

Or maybe.......................... the US doesn't wanna cough up 10 million. unclesam.gif

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I just want to say i am A Marine so dont talk shit about marines

And also another thing I am in Iraq Seving My country U.S.

Sgt. Wulf, eh? You don´t even seem American or over elementary school age judging by your grammar skills. rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Sorry to say but I think the rate of propaganda coming from Iraq has increased exponentially since the heavy losses started in November.

But the US denied it within hours of the headline. So how is this propaganda? Maybe it's the press itching for a story without corroboration. I believe that does happen occassionally.

Or maybe.......................... the US doesn't wanna cough up 10 million. unclesam.gif

Well... maybe they realized it was too far fetched, or perhaps they are just testing out the market with different events to see how to drop "resistance" morale/support.

However that's being said for the capture of the one you mentioned, the other claims were not denied. Or was the ~40 enemy 'soldiers' killed claim denied also?

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Well... maybe they realized it was too far fetched, or perhaps they are just testing out the market with different events to see how to drop "resistance" morale/support.

However that's being said for the capture of the one you mentioned, the other claims were not denied.  Or was the ~40 enemy 'soldiers' killed claim denied also?

Right now, your speculation seems to be more propagandic than anything else. rock.gif

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No, it is questioning what little we know that is coming out of Iraq. What do you suggest, I got to Iraq and find out for myself? I'm not THAT curious you know. tounge_o.gif

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