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The Iraq Thread 2

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They are even releasing X-ray pictures of Odai's damaged leg to. crazy_o.gif

(quotes from comcast news)

Quote[/b] ] as well as X-rays of Odai's leg, which was injured in an assassination attempt in the 1990s.

Quote[/b] ]The brothers had never worn such thick beards, and may have been trying to disguise their identities as they spent 3 1/2 months in hiding from coalition forces.

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I just watched the news here. The first picture I saw was a nice close-up of Uday's trashed face. Apparently a bullet exited in the vicinity of his nose. This comes from the same news agency that refused to show pictures of the dead US soldiers because they were "too graphic".

I am sickened by the racism that flows through the "free media". If you have a bomb blast somewhere in Africa, you can count on that they will show graphic pictures of body parts and torn away limbs. When there is an incident with westerners involved, they never ever show explicit pictures of the victims. Remember the WTC attacks? 3,000 dead and not one photo or clip taken of the dead people and the crushed body parts lying around.

No, that would upset us too much. mad_o.gif

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One of his customers, Iyad Al-Mussawi, chimes in: "Maybe he's in Tel Aviv. He's been their agent since 1980."

Sure! We had him over for lemon meringue pie and milk just last week. The kids just love to tweek his mustache but tweek too hard and he goes loco! crazy_o.gif

LMAO! tounge_o.gif

But seriously, there´s some f***ed up hypocrisy going on. When Al-Jazeera showed pictures of the U.S soldiers TBA screamed "Geneva Convention!" (TBA seems to support it when it fits their needs mad_o.gif )

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Quote[/b] ]I am sickened by the racism that flows through the "free media". If you have a bomb blast somewhere in Africa, you can count on that they will show graphic pictures of body parts and torn away limbs. When there is an incident with westerners involved, they never ever show explicit pictures of the victims. Remember the WTC attacks? 3,000 dead and not one photo or clip taken of the dead people and the crushed body parts lying around.

The ultra-liberal news media racist? What are you smoking?

Here the only thing the media is prejudice against is cops and TBA. No, here in America we do not show images of our own mangled troops, but I'm sure other nations do...it's a morale thing.

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No,not just liberal media, I'm talking about all western media. And it's not just a miltary thing. It's very simple they don't show dead Americans, Europeans and westerners in general. They have no problem however of showing images of for instance mangled Africans and Arabs.

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I think it is. I dont see a conspiracy theory here, just an insensitivity to the third world, coupled with a squeamishness towards 'our' people.

Like Denoir, I find it a little distressing.

Mostly because its an awfully hypocritical way of doing business. rock.gif

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Indeed, if you want to watch western dead meat switch to Al Jazeera, the seem to have no problem with races...

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There are always exceptions to the rule. I really think the Iraqi people needed to see this. I'm sure further evidence will be provided. However, how credible would the average Iraqi find DNA evidence. Even here in the U.S. the courts are still struggling with the concept.

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Excuse me but has anybody heard that the pictures were NOT shown at Iraqi television ?

It looks like the ones who wanted to see the pics will not see them until saturday. All the world sees the pics, but not the ones in Iraq. Funny, he ?

Oh and the newspapers wich will most likely show the pictures in Iraq will be sold on saturday. Why ?

Friday is celebrating day for Muslims in Iraq and there will be no newspaper. Looks like USA was more concerned to convince the rest of the world but not the people in Iraq.

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at least plenty of bodies were shown during Kosovo and Bosnia conflicts with no regard to ethnicity. I don't see the link with the GI corpses and Saddam's dead sons...showing dead GIs of any nation is pretty bad taste and against Geneva convetions. I didn't manage to see closeups of dead Iraqi GIs during this war at least. Saddams sons in the other hand were integral part of the regime and showing their images on TV served also other purpose than just to make people sick.

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Excuse me but has anybody heard that the pictures were NOT shown at Iraqi television ?

It looks like the ones who wanted to see the pics will not see them until saturday. All the world sees the pics, but not the ones in Iraq. Funny, he ?

Oh and the newspapers wich will most likely show the pictures in Iraq will be sold on saturday. Why ?

Friday is celebrating day for Muslims in Iraq and there will be no newspaper. Looks like USA was more concerned to convince the rest of the world but not the people in Iraq.

I wouldn't interpret it as the U.S. being more concerned with convincing the rest of the world than the Iraqi people, I'd intepret it as the U.S. being equally concerned with convincing everyone, and delaying the exposure of the pictures to the Iraqi people for logistical and understandable cultural reasons. Besides, what the hell difference does it make anyway? Are you really that eager to see evil conspiracies in every little action taken by my government? Can you not except the possibility that some things happen by pure dumb luck? Must there be a conspiracy in every random event?

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Excuse me but has anybody heard that the pictures were NOT shown at Iraqi television ?

It looks like the ones who wanted to see the pics will not see them until saturday. All the world sees the pics, but not the ones in Iraq. Funny, he ?

Oh and the newspapers wich will most likely show the pictures in Iraq will be sold on saturday. Why ?

Friday is celebrating day for Muslims in Iraq and there will be no newspaper. Looks like USA was more concerned to convince the rest of the world but not the people in Iraq.

Or not.

Quote[/b] ]Debating Matters of Life and Death in a Baghdad Barbershop


BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 24 — As soon as the photographs of Uday and Qusay Hussein appeared on the television screen tonight, arguments erupted in the Zein Barbershop downtown.

The entire article ran two pages -- pasting the whole thing seemed pointless.

Semper Fi

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Any ways.... :rollseyes:


Quote[/b] ]LOS ANGELES -- NBC said Thursday it envisions its Jessica Lynch TV movie as an action-adventure with the Iraqi lawyer who contributed to her rescue as the hero.

The film, being made without Lynch's participation, will focus less on her and more on the experience of her Army unit and her rescuers, said NBC Entertainment President Jeff Zucker.

"It's really a story of mistakes that were made, and action and adventure," Zucker said. "Quite frankly, Jessica's part of the story is probably the smallest part of the story."

NBC has a deal with Mohammed Odeh al-Rehaief, who mapped out Lynch's location for U.S. Marines and who Zucker called "the brave Iraqi lawyer who saved her life."

The film also is relying on information in the public domain.

A 20-year-old Army supply clerk from Palestine, W.Va., Lynch was captured March 23 after her 507th Maintenance Company convoy was ambushed in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah. She was rescued from a hospital in the city on April 1 after al-Rehaief alerted U.S. forces.

Lynch, who this week ended a long hospitalization in Washington, D.C., has yet to talk publicly about her experience. News reports have tried to fill in the blanks but questions remain, including about how the rescue was conducted.

The NBC movie is being revised to reflect the latest information, Zucker told the Television Critics Association.

"We're on the fifth version of that script. We threw the first one out," he said, adding that production is set to begin within days but changes are continuing to be made. The cast was not announced.

He acknowledged that, ultimately, the movie may not offer the definitive account of Lynch's experience.

"Obviously, there's a lot of questions. That's what makes for a great story," he said. "In most made-for-TV movies, they're based on some fact and often there's a little fiction because we will never know for sure what exactly happened."

CBS dropped plans for a Lynch movie, saying it didn't want to be part of the kind of network feeding frenzy that resulted in three Amy Fisher movies.

CBS News had come under scrutiny after sending Lynch a letter that highlighted the prospect of a TV movie and other opportunities at sister Viacom companies while seeking a news interview.

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Quote[/b] ]"We're on the fifth version of that script. We threw the first one out," he said, adding that production is set to begin within days but changes are continuing to be made. The cast was not announced.

I wonder what heroic deeds they had our West Virginian supply clerk doing in that first script. icon4.gif

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She was probably holding off an entire Iraqi division, using her M-16 and her pocket knife. At the same time she was rescuing her wounded friends, dragging them from the vehicle and establishing a perimiter as she was wounded for the first time by an RPG to the leg. She applied a quick field dressing and finished just in time as the first wave of ninja zappers breached the perimiter. She took to the knife, and killed all of them while sustaining stab wounds to the chest, leg, neck and eyes. With steadfast determination she picked up the attackers weapons and held of five approaching tanks, while calling for artillery and airstrikes danger close to her own position. After several hours of gunfight and after having been denied reinforcements (for dramatic effect) her ammunition runs out. Looking around, she sees all her friends dead or wounded. Herself, with stabbed out eyes, an RPG to the leg and with several knife and gunshot wounds turn and watch as 1500 iraqi regulars march on a line towards her position (dramatic effect with sunset and Iraqis carrying banners and the heads of dead Americans). She draws her knife and charges the line. 15 minutes later of Braveheart scenes she is overpowered by the remaining 1000 Iraqis.

She is brought to the hospital, which is in fact a well fortified stronghold and WMD plant. There she is interrogated by a angry, evil Iraqi man called Baddam. He does the usual evil stuff, torturing her with electricity and hitting her with the palm of his hand while screaming "American pig dog! You die! You die GI!!" She of course reveals nothing, with a stubborn and defiant attitude, and only raises concern for her captured friends. While in the stronghold, she conducts espionage on the WMD plant from her bed, and in a sneak attack she manages to halt all production but unfortunately remove all traces of WMD's at the same time.

Introduce the lawyer. A well dressed Iraqi man with a crooked smile and gold teeth, hitting on the nurses of the Iraqi hospital stronghold. He sees the American beauty in the hospital bed, and falls in love (romantic scene). He returns home to his 4 wifes, and plans Lynches rescue. It involves a grand scheme of Iraqi freedomfighters, Norweigan resistance men with skies and five American armored divisions. Sadly, this cant be done because of the budget, so he walks over to a US soldier with a note instead "Found american beauty in hospital. Need her to be saved, so I can marry and move to America. Want to own Seven Eleven. Got milk?"

The American forces stage a daring rescue, lead by the lawyer in full commando atire. The force reaches the hospital which is under guard by 350 elite Iraqis. A fierce firefight ensues where no Americans get hit and all Iraqis die or flee. They find Lynch in the hospital bed, feverish and worn down. To protect her, they drape an American Flag over her and carry her out. On the way, the lawyer has a bullet time martial arts fight with Baddam, and kills him with a billiard cue, sending him flying through a fifth story window.

Helicopters thunder in, guns blazing at surrounding Iraqis, and pick up the rescue squad. TV cameras are there as well, filming the weakened hero as she is carried onboard.

Cut to Aircraft carrier in a distant fjord. Lynch in sickbay bed. Lawyer with four wifes, debating with Lynches family over telephone, haggling about number of camels. A fighter jet comes screaming over the ship, piloted by supreme airman George W Bush. He does a Maverick and buzzes the tower. He lands and walks down to Lynch. He salutes her and she returns the salute. Add dramatic speech and dialogue.

End movie with text, stating this is based on a true story about the events that took place on the XXXX/XX/XX. Add credits informing us what happened to Lynch, Lawyer and Bush after the war. American flag waving in the back ground as Lynch is presented with five CMH's, a condo in Bermuda and a brand new cheverolet.

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So nothing about the very one carcrash?

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She was probably holding off an entire Iraqi division, using her M-16 and her pocket knife. At the same time she was rescuing her wounded friends, dragging them from the vehicle and establishing a perimiter as she was wounded for the first time by an RPG to the leg. She applied a quick field dressing and finished just in time as the first wave of ninja zappers breached the perimiter. She took to the knife, and killed all of them while sustaining stab wounds to the chest, leg, neck and eyes. With steadfast determination she picked up the attackers weapons and held of five approaching tanks, while calling for artillery and airstrikes danger close to her own position. After several hours of gunfight and after having been denied reinforcements (for dramatic effect) her ammunition runs out. Looking around, she sees all her friends dead or wounded. Herself, with stabbed out eyes, an RPG to the leg and with several knife and gunshot wounds turn and watch as 1500 iraqi regulars march on a line towards her position (dramatic effect with sunset and Iraqis carrying banners and the heads of dead Americans). She draws her knife and charges the line. 15 minutes later of Braveheart scenes she is overpowered by the remaining 1000 Iraqis.

She is brought to the hospital, which is in fact a well fortified stronghold and WMD plant. There she is interrogated by a angry, evil Iraqi man called Baddam. He does the usual evil stuff, torturing her with electricity and hitting her with the palm of his hand while screaming "American pig dog! You die! You die GI!!" She of course reveals nothing, with a stubborn and defiant attitude, and only raises concern for her captured friends. While in the stronghold, she conducts espionage on the WMD plant from her bed, and in a sneak attack she manages to halt all production but unfortunately remove all traces of WMD's at the same time.

Introduce the lawyer. A well dressed Iraqi man with a crooked smile and gold teeth, hitting on the nurses of the Iraqi hospital stronghold. He sees the American beauty in the hospital bed, and falls in love (romantic scene). He returns home to his 4 wifes, and plans Lynches rescue. It involves a grand scheme of Iraqi freedomfighters, Norweigan resistance men with skies and five American armored divisions. Sadly, this cant be done because of the budget, so he walks over to a US soldier with a note instead "Found american beauty in hospital. Need her to be saved, so I can marry and move to America. Want to own Seven Eleven. Got milk?"

The American forces stage a daring rescue, lead by the lawyer in full commando atire. The force reaches the hospital which is under guard by 350 elite Iraqis. A fierce firefight ensues where no Americans get hit and all Iraqis die or flee. They find Lynch in the hospital bed, feverish and worn down. To protect her, they drape an American Flag over her and carry her out. On the way, the lawyer has a bullet time martial arts fight with Baddam, and kills him with a billiard cue, sending him flying through a fifth story window.

Helicopters thunder in, guns blazing at surrounding Iraqis, and pick up the rescue squad. TV cameras are there as well, filming the weakened hero as she is carried onboard.

Cut to Aircraft carrier in a distant fjord. Lynch in sickbay bed. Lawyer with four wifes, debating with Lynches family over telephone, haggling about number of camels. A fighter jet comes screaming over the ship, piloted by supreme airman George W Bush. He does a Maverick and buzzes the tower. He lands and walks down to Lynch. He salutes her and she returns the salute. Add dramatic speech and dialogue.

End movie with text, stating this is based on a true story about the events that took place on the XXXX/XX/XX. Add credits informing us what happened to Lynch, Lawyer and Bush after the war. American flag waving in the back ground as Lynch is presented with five CMH's, a condo in Bermuda and a brand new cheverolet.

biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif You should consider a career in Hollywood.

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Great story, great laugh!!!  biggrin_o.gif

What I read somewhere here in a newspaper (dunno if it`s based on facts, but it could be) was that when the US troops attacked that hospital to free Jessica there`ve been no more Iraqi troops left. Hospital workers asked the US troops to take the front doors but they refused and did it the "Hollywood"-way, maybe for the cameras.  tounge_o.gif   wink_o.gif

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nice synopsis (sp?) Longinius .... hehehehe tounge_o.gif

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If she wasn't too old for the role they could use Sally Fields...after her outstanding work on "Not Without my Daughter!" crazy_o.gif

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If she wasn't too old for the role they could use Sally Fields...after her outstanding work on "Not Without my Daughter!"  crazy_o.gif

no ..... i thought about maybe some more known hollywood actresses , cameron diaz or somebody , would be nice to see her in a military camo bra , running around with a SAW in each hands tounge_o.gif

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On KLRU (PBS) last night was a very interesting documentary about Al Jazeera during the lead up to, and during the war. Including a segment about them recieving an Iraqi tape of POWs being questioned. We all know the rightous indignation that sprang up when that was shown.

When SkyNews and BBC and others started showing pictures of Iraqi POWs, the channel manager started calling around to the other stations, reminding them that it was "against the Geneva Convention." Everyone of them said "oh well" and showed them anyway.

It was also amazing to see the inside of the Al Jazeera studio. Everyone running around (I've worked at a TV News station before...ours was a little more..."less energetic".). It was especially interesting to see all the Western news agencies start to pirate the Al Jazeera signal, especially one very heated exchange between the Al Jazeera manager and the SkyNews manager.

If you can find this on tape (I think the show was called "Wide Angle"..deals with media issues.). I recommend it.

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Well, I want to keep the cast realistic....

For Jessica, I want someone who can pull it off. A beliavable actor. I think, Stallone. He can have long hair to, and pull it off.

For the lawyer, I want someone with a distrustful and sleezy look. My first pick would be Bush, but well, he wants to play himself (go figure!). A guy that can look really sleezy is Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode ("its no good" video...) so he can be the lawyer. If we can get him to look Iraqi enough that is.

Bush is playing himself. Not my choice, he kinda forced me into it. Threatening with red buttons and all. He is sensitive about this issue and wants to be portrayed correctly. Thats why he will be arriving in his own fighter jet, wearning shades and a WW2 flightjacket.

The role of Baddam is a tough one. One of Saddams sons would qualify, except they are dead. Maybe we could get Brion James with a beard, moustache and bad arse tan would do the trick here. Dang, Brion is dead to. Heart attack three years ago or something. Hmm...well....Michael Madsen! He is pure evil!

I want cameos by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis to. Arnold could like ride past on his MC in his leather attire, do some drive bys with shotguns and ride of again. Preferably in the hospital scene. Bruce is definately a taker for the bad ass general who denies Lynches request for reinforcements. Oh, oh, and Steve Buscemi as the half mad, transvestite artillery gunner!!

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