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Woodland hmmwv pack

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Avon, quick, grab the wooden cross, and when his head spins around I'll hold him down and you chant religous type stuff at him.

Buddy, have you got the wrong denomination! crazy_o.gif


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I would like to see someting like a "load/unload weapon boxes" function on this one.

Nice work! Using BIS texes makes them fit perfectly in OFP.

Thank you!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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is that the one with marfy's stolen textures?

I am goddamm fucking sick of having the same whinging holy-than-thou cunts bringing this incident up every fucking time we post even the slightest bit of news on our site. Would all you stupid fuckwits get over it, move on, and stop posting the same old, out-of-date and factualy incorrect news. It has become quite annoying.


Uh oh...I think we broke him.

Avon, quick, grab the wooden cross, and when his head spins around I'll hold him down and you chant religous type stuff at him.

You have no idea the number of posts I have read this sort of crap in  sad_o.gif

PS....giving up smoking ATM  tounge_o.gif

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Looks pretty nice, though I hope you change the textures on the tracks of the M113s, since they look like they still have sand on them. smile_o.gif

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Looking very nice! I liked the old HMMV's by GalcomT so i hope these will be even more likeable. But oh please do a medic version aswell it would be most appriciated smile_o.gif

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I am currently working on upgrading the whole pack, and i wil like to hand the finished models to rifleman to pull the orininal BIS textures (and afiliated woodland once) over em.


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thank you very much GalComT

and for the m113 tracks i just hadnt swapped the textures yet

is .zip ok with everyone?

i know some people dont like .rar files

also, in the editor they are still listed under desert, becuase i dont know how to change that

@avonlady, they havent given me anytrouble at all

also, thank you to eveyone that emailed me

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@avonlady, they havent given me anytrouble at all

Would you like me to test this out for you?

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is there any special way to test it, i just dont want to upload it anymore than i have to on my 56k

are you trying to get them early, lol wink_o.gif

@Die Alive

yes, troops sit in the back, 6 of them

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Sweet, it's great news that you're releasing them. I've been after some armed woodland Hummers for ages. Any ETA on a download? smile_o.gif

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Hey Rifleman,

Nice work on these, you may want to update them when the 2nd version of the HMMWV pack appears. GalcomT is working very hard to fiish the 2nd version and we released pictures today on the OPGWC website! Great work again! Looking further to see them!

See ya

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wow, those look great

and the wheels look just fine to me

the real hummers come stock with i think 37in tires, so they are pretty big

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I am goddamm fucking sick of having the same whinging holy-than-thou cunts bringing this incident up every fucking time we post even the slightest bit of news on our site. Would all you stupid fuckwits get over it, move on, and stop posting the same old, out-of-date and factualy incorrect news. It has become quite annoying.


§1)No Flaming

Abusive comments, personal attacks and name calling are not allowed either on the board or through PM's.

Leone I appreciate the fact you were frustrated but that does not excuse your comments, I have no option but to post restrict you for 48 hours and give you an official warning, you've been a good forum member in the past so please respect the forum rules on your return.

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YEHS.. Galcom said release them so umm.. RELEASE THEM! and a question for the OPGWC team.. your mod is on Gulf War 1 or on Iraqi Freedom?

personally i want an iraqi freedom mod.

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Rifleman i really hope that you release it soon cant wait for them, i´v got some nice Mission ideas already.

Hope you upload it Today or Tomorrow!

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Its ready i thought. he only got a lame modem i think thats all.

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im not even thinking about tommorow im talking in the next few hours.. rangers are gonna like have hummvees pull up inside petrovice and just start shooting resistance rebels because their stealing scuds from the russians and using them for terrorist attacks.

that didnt really make much sense but umm yeh.. right ill just end my post. :-)

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is there any special way to test it, i just dont want to upload it anymore than i have to on my 56k

Try the following:

1. Place the hummers in the same addons folders as BAS addons (this is just how I came across this). Run a few BAS Delta/Ranger missions and see if you get a missing addon message.

2. Place the hummers in the same addons folders as BAS addons. UnPBO a BAS D/R mission, manually delete all Addons and AddonsAuto sections in the mission.sqm file. Open the UnPBO'd mission folder with OFP's Mission Editor and save as a User Mission. Check to see if any of the Hummer names were automatically inserted into any of the Addons or AddonsAuto sections in the mission.sqm file.

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