Jackal326 1182 Posted June 26, 2003 Well, I'm glad I inspired someone to do something constructive instead of pissinf and moaning at other mods to replicate the idea on their units. (God I love sarcasm) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted June 26, 2003 Inquisitor, can you upload what you replaced in data.pbo and data3d.pbo ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InQUisiToR 0 Posted June 27, 2003 @blackdog: look here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USSoldier11B 0 Posted June 27, 2003 Quote[/b] ]this mite be a question but how do u add this to other SJB or BAS Ranger guys? and btw, jackal i liked your Special Ops guys.. i just wished they had helmets and chinstraps instead of boonie hats.. any updates in the near future? The only time you'll see U.S. Special Operations troops wearing Kevlar is to jump out of a plane. I haven't touched a kevlar in the field since airborne school except to jump. Quote[/b] ]Are modern day NVG sights realy that clean? Yes, the AN-PVS 7's issued in my unit a crystal clear for as far as the eye can see (depending on your own vision). For instance I picked up a black dog standing still at 200m in a stand of trees once that gave away some guys from our unit that were going to ambush us. If you nderstand how NVG's work you will understand why they have gotten better. Ambient and/or intensified light passes through a photo cathode converting photons into electrons, the electrons are then multiplied when they pass through a Microchannel plate. (Cascaded Secondary Emission) The electrons then pass through a phosphor plate (why night vision is green) changing them back into visible photons. Earlier versions included an anode in the IIT which greatly distorts viewing. Gen III uses Galium Arsenide in the MCP, which is more efficient at converting photons into electrons. The MCP is also coated with an ion barrier giving newer NVG's a greater operational life of the image intensified tube. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted June 27, 2003 my my, someone's been doing their homework... basicaly USSoldier11B is correct, due to the massive advances in technology recently, NV systems have become so clear, and so powerful, it is like looking through green-tinted sunglasses on a bright sunny day. The 1st gen equipment in OFP does suck, but the way of changing it (replacing the default BIS stuff) sucks even more. Afterall, the Resistance fighters, and especially the civilians, are not going to have the money, or the clearance to access this kind of tech... For the time being at least, if you want to be realistic (which is what this is all about) replacing the BIS standard is not the best way to go about it... It's kinda hypocritical really... being less realistic, by trying to be more realistic... confused? I know i am Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SEAL_Sniper 0 Posted June 27, 2003 Afterall, the Resistance fighters, and especially the civilians, are not going to have the money, or the clearance to access this kind of tech... I don't know about that one...if I needed them (I would call being able to see while I fight for my life a neccessity), and if I had the $3 grand to drop, there are more than one retailer you can get a brand new pair of AN/PVS-7b's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted June 27, 2003 Why just the american stuff? There are plenty of Russian stuff that "looks like" U.S night vision equipment. And the probability of resistance fighters going to the U.S and buying a couple of spanking new AN/PVS-7b's. And the probability of Resistance fighters using nightvision goggles in a large extent is also not probable. But I'd love to see the BIS models replaced with one of these for example: D2MV goggles, wich doesn't look that far from some of the older equipment the U.S is using. And as Miles said, if BAS isn't willing to do it "The Jackal way" or the replace BIS models I am sure (and hope to a certain extent) that some other team will. But as I also implied I am not a fan of goggles/up/down animations because they "warp" and behave in all sorts of funny ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peanut 0 Posted June 27, 2003 I have one question: You can make it that the NVGs wouldn't show up by deleting the proxy on the model. Couldn't you just change the proxy so that it looks differently? Sorry if this is a dumb question Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted June 27, 2003 I think the proxy is just a "marker" of sorts, wich tells the game were the NVG model should be placed. The proxy doesn't affect how the model looks. But you could have the NVG's on the knee of the soldiermodel if that's your fancy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sxep 0 Posted June 27, 2003 Ehmmm should i replace the Res/dta/data.pbo or the one in the main folder?? Please someone gimmi a quick answer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sxep 0 Posted June 27, 2003 ARgh ot the one in the /dta/hwtl ? Â Better Readme would be very very helpfull Hell i just try, but i will make you resposible INQuisitor for the lak of a good readme Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted June 27, 2003 Well, I'm glad I inspired someone to do something constructive instead of pissinf and moaning at other mods to replicate the idea on their units. (God I love sarcasm) So are you saying that you DON'T want other MOD teams to use your idea on their units? If so then I'm sorry I brought it up and I hope that your idea and cool addon does not just remain an obscure novelty addon. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted June 27, 2003 I'm not saying that at all Mike, but what I am saying is I didn't expect this to get people saying "BAS DO THIS!", "CODE BLUE DO THIS!" or "*INSERT MOD NAME* DO THIS!" If they decide to do it, its their decision. If they do not decide to do it (as BAS already have said they're not going to) I pray to God people don't start (or in this case continue) to rant and rave about it (as several already are). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted June 27, 2003 I'm not ordering anyone to do anything. Â I've been praising your addon as a major break-thru in OFP addon making and I've been "pissing and moaning" about that fact that BAS, with their kick ass Delta Force and Ranger addons, has pretty much scrapped your idea for their units simply because they believe that the AI are blind in the dark with your goggles on them... something which your addon proves to be completely untrue. I'm just frustrated and I'm actually surprised that you're not more frustrated yourself about what seems to be a complete lack of interest from other mod teams. Â If I had a choice between for example, the BAS Delta/Ranger units and the CodeBlue units for a night mission and one of them used your NVG's, I would pick the one that used your NVG's. Â In my opinion, it's BAS's loss that they simply refuse to even give any more thought to making even ONE unit that uses this idea. Â That's why I'm hoping one of the other mod teams takes interest, but so far they don't seem to be paying too much attention to what I consider a GREAT innovation in this game. I guess unless any other mod team does take interest I'll just have to be satisfied with your addon which I think is quite good and fairly versatile. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted June 27, 2003 I'm just frustrated and I'm actually surprised that you're not more frustrated yourself about what seems to be a complete lack of interest from other mod teams. Public interest from mod teams has been low yes, but private interest has been high. After the release I had several e-mails from various mod teams and addon makers asking me to assist them, and join their repsective teams. I appreciate your praise and comments, and I wasn't having a dig at you in-particular, I understand where you're coming from, lets not turn this thread into a slanging match ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted June 27, 2003 I'm just frustrated and I'm actually surprised that you're not more frustrated yourself about what seems to be a complete lack of interest from other mod teams. Public interest from mod teams has been low yes, but private interest has been high. After the release I had several e-mails from various mod teams and addon makers asking me to assist them, and join their repsective teams. I appreciate your praise and comments, and I wasn't having a dig at you in-particular, I understand where you're coming from, lets not turn this thread into a slanging match ;) Ah ok. In that case that's good news. I'll just hope for the best then. Keep up the great work! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sxep 0 Posted June 27, 2003 WTF...isn´t this topic supposed to discuss the ADDON! I put it in the Opf/res/dta Data etc... And you know what ................IT DOESn´t work.................................................... Damn it took me almost an hour to unpack and repack that shitty data.pbo´s. Please help me Jackal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted June 27, 2003 WTF...isn´t this topic supposed to discuss the ADDON!I put it in the Opf/res/dta Data etc... And you know what ................IT DOESn´t work.................................................... Damn it took me almost an hour to unpack and repack that shitty data.pbo´s. Please help me Jackal Ask Inquisitor about the texture and model replacement, he posted about them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted June 27, 2003 WTF...isn´t this topic supposed to discuss the ADDON!I put it in the Opf/res/dta Data etc... And you know what ................IT DOESn´t work.................................................... Damn it took me almost an hour to unpack and repack that shitty data.pbo´s. Please help me Jackal Ask Inquisitor about the texture and model replacement, he posted about them. I edited the hisky installer *.bat file, and put the textures and model into the new files folder and it did it for me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted June 27, 2003 One downside of using these NVGoggles is that now, whenever I pull out binoculars, they are NVGoggles Edit: only when I edit the data.pbo though! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted June 27, 2003 One downside of using these NVGoggles is that now, whenever I pull out binoculars, they are NVGoggles Edit: only when I edit the data.pbo though! That also happens to me, but for no reason. I have in no way edited any of the key files (Dat.pbo, Data3d.pbo etc.) but the binoculars still turn into nvgs, for addon units and official characters alike. Anyone know whats caused this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PFC_Mike 2 Posted June 28, 2003 I think it has to do with the config. For me, it is with the INquisitor units. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted June 28, 2003 If you use hisky you must make an install.bat (with notepad) in the /hisky directory with this in it: @echo off cls echo. If exist newdata\jasno.pac goto ok1 echo Installfiles not found. goto end :ok1 If not exist ..\res\dta\data.pbo echo ERROR data.pbo not found If not exist ..\res\dta\data.pbo goto end If not exist ..\res\dta\data3d.pbo echo ERROR data3d.pbo not found If not exist ..\res\dta\data3d.pbo goto end If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data.pbo echo ERROR hwtl/data.pbo not found If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data.pbo goto end If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo echo ERROR hwtl/data3d.pbo not found If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo goto end echo This will process datafiles as required for high resolution skies. echo None of the original OFP files will be modified. echo. echo Before proceeding, please make sure that you have echo at least 400MB free space on this drive. echo. echo. echo Press any key to continue or ctrl-c to abort. pause >NUL mkdir dta mkdir dta\hwtl mkdir temp del /Q temp\*.* >NUL cls echo Processing dta\data.pbo... echo. bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\data.pbo temp copy /Y newdata\*.pa? temp\ >NUL bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\data.pbo del /Q temp\*.* >NUL cls echo Processing dta\hwtl\data.pbo... echo. bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\hwtl\data.pbo temp copy /Y newdata\*.pa? temp\ >NUL bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\hwtl\data.pbo del /Q temp\*.* >NUL cls echo Processing dta\data3d.pbo... echo. bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\data3d.pbo temp del /Q temp\*.p3d >NUL copy /Y newdata\*.p3d temp\ >NUL bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\data3d.pbo del /Q temp\*.* >NUL cls echo Processing dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo... echo. bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo temp del /Q temp\*.p3d >NUL copy /Y newdata\*.p3d temp\ >NUL bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo del /Q temp\*.* >NUL cls echo. echo all done. echo You can now run OFP with high resolution skies by using -mod=hisky parameter. :end pause You might want to download the hisky thing if you don't have it already, download it and replace it (install.bat) with this one. You put the PAA and PAC files in newdata directory... and it does it automatically. If you need more help you can PM me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USSoldier11B 0 Posted June 28, 2003 Quote[/b] ]my my, someone's been doing their homework... Know thy enemy, but also know thy equipment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites