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Interface discussion

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Been going back to Raven Shield a bit recently and must say the order issuing interface is superb and I think it should be ripped out wholesale for OFP2, though unlike RvS a mouse pointer should be visible while you're using it.

Using F1-F12 keys for selecting team members, tapping the space bar would issue move command or an interactive object command as Crassus said, while holding it would either bring up a breakdown of commands available for the unit selected/object under the cursor, or the full branching OFP comms menu set in "Windows Start Menu" form if no object was under the cursor. If no team member/s were selected then the orders would be issued to the whole team.

It's so great how you can be rid of the RvS comms menu and back to shooting just by releasing the space bar. In fact, RvS is the only game I don't use GameCommander with for issuing orders (probably a good thing the amount of swearing I do at the RvS goons wink_o.gif  ) - it's just easier to use the game interface.

Combine RvS's menu system with OFP's detailed command set and ability to assign teams on the fly and you'd have near-perfection IMO. Maybe the member/team selection could even be integrated too.



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You could have a multi-tiered command system using the F keys so that you could manage even more guys. On a higher level, you can only order fire teams that you assign in a separate menu. But on lower levels you control the actual guys and can give them more precise orders. Then the bigger the fireteams the less precise the orders are but you can change fireteam makeup on the fly as the top guy or even order individual units though the same assignment menu even though it would be harder as a commander due to the general chain of command. This could even go more than 2 levels of command, so you could control something like a hundred guys whom are assigned to multiple sub-groups and chain of commands.

Then you won't be limited by the F keys and have as many guys as you want, if you are willing to wade through the disorganized mess that is. wink_o.gif

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keep the ingame interface as "quiet" as possible -

nothing distracts more than a ugly HUD, look bf1942 for example it has the ugliest in game hud i ever saw

and make it so you have options to customize the hud which gets displayed and which not.

youve already done an excellent job in ofp1

- one big plus of ofp 1 was its nice hud, almost nonexistant but informative and it is possible bcs of fading out info to have a view most of the time with NO hud at all, which adds a lot to the athmosphere

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there should be an option to turn off the ammo counter and everything else. then those of us who want ultra realism can count their rounds and make sure they dont hear a click of an empty chamber. I wouldnt complain small touch and saves work

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Just a thought, but I think voiced orders should end quicker in a quick-reflex battle situations. I mean, the new voice actors should speak quickly, barking out the voices. Like say, the "wait for me" order should be shortened to "Wait up!" really fast or "Enemy 12'clock!" should be said more rapidly so the ai can respond faster (the way they only follow orders after the voice is finished is ok. The voices just need to be spoken faster).

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I'm sorry if this has been said before, but...

The leader should have voice priority over everyone else on the squad when giving orders.

When in a firefight it takes some time to select the soldier(s) and then select the orders only to have to wait for the "enemy spotted" and "I got him", and then finally you can hear yourself giving the order. Sometimes this can ruin a 40 min mission  mad_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

i just want to say that the command menu in ofp1 is 100% PERFECT. But I would be nice to be able to use a headset and just speak the commands...

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commands menu in ofp - great

hud in ofp - great (because of lowest complication with max of use), no hud anims, such as reloading weapon, changing weapon, planting explosives imho It`s better solution than R6 hud

hud in R6 - nice but it`s really not...real...many pointers, anims, items and so on

OFP2 hud? only the improved OPF hud...nothing more, maybe some customisation options in game menu...

For hardcore fans: no stamina, ammo, health points bar!

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I think we need a separate commander screen that would allow you to define waypoints and objectives . It would probably look similar to the mission editor; but with the difference that you obviously could only control units under your command.

Also such an "in-game mission editor" might prove very valuable in MP games, because it might stop people from running off on their on own without co-coordinating with other players. If that should become problem in OFP2 it would be a major spoiler. It might be a good idea to allow top-level commanders to 'lock' and 'unlock' parts of the mission, so that lower ranking players can make adjustments as the mission develops. And perhaps AI units could also be integrated into the game-flow in a better way, if human players had some form of strategic control.

On the other hand the commander screen perspective should not become too dominant, so that OFP2 wont play like C&Q rock.gif ...dont know- just an idea.

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In my opinion...the best hud...is really no hud.

I would like to see, the most realistic HUD in ofp...

Simply, commands menu does not change, but all those pointers are unnecessary. If I want to change weapon from m16 to m203 i simply pusch the correct key and it`s changed.

I think there`s no matter to do 10 pointers just to switch between weapons (like in r6 series).

I want more of the "body control" instead of some stupid hud`s. I mean, if some guy want to switch fire rate from "full auto" to "single" he just switch some button and he see it, i mean he see where it was when it was safe,auto, mode.

No ammo/health/stamina bar.

If I`m chosing granades, my soldier takes it and i can see it on my monitor, the same situation is with all weapons.

If i want to enter a vehicle i just click on it`s doors...

I know that It`s just an idea, but ofp will be the first game with no-hud hud biggrin_o.gif

more ideas later


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Just a thought, but I think voiced orders should end quicker in a quick-reflex battle situations.  I mean, the new voice actors should speak quickly, barking out the voices.  Like say, the "wait for me" order should be shortened to "Wait up!" really fast or "Enemy 12'clock!" should be said more rapidly so the ai can respond faster (the way they only follow orders after the voice is finished is ok.  The voices just need to be spoken faster).

It`s really nasty thing.

When you`re driving a tank,apc, or flying an aircraft...

Ex: ground attack 2, when I see all those tanks, my character starts to enumerate the enemy vehicles, and when i give and order "target shilka/fire" "it`s allready to late" biggrin_o.gif

Another thing with command interface.

The commands can be splited into 2 kinds.

The old ofp1 complicated commands for large squad controll, and the CQB smaller - less complicated, and faster commands.

You can switch between it just during gameplay, somebody likes (for ex i like) the complicated commands somebody does not. I think very complicated comands from field combat, are unnecessary during town CQB.

Maybe commands interface schould be changed witch the commands mode at the same time.

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Radio stuff in ofp 1 is enough well done to use actually voice recognition system. Like some guys mention we could actually use a third party program to do it and its works very well.

What great in ofp 1 is that people who want to use voice recognition can and those don't want can still use number key.

The only thing that can be improve is action like get in some vehicle. I don't play ofp 1 since a long time then example could not be exactly like ofp is.

to order a guy to get in car with radion you should do

F<num> + 6 (action) + 1 (get in) + <num vehicle>.

What is wrong is the last part of command. With voice recognition we should use a number for the num vehicle because is contextual. BIS can improve it by using

F<num> + 6 (action) + 1 (get in) + 1 (car) + 1 (nearest car)

Then radio looks like it

6 - action

  1 - get in

     1 - car

        1 - nearest car

        2 - car x (specifical car)


        0 - others cars

     2 - truck

        1 - nearest car

        2 - car x (specifical car)


        0 - others cars

And do this for all kind of vehicle.

Don't need to have voice recognition in game if the game is well done (as ofp 1) and implement voice reognition in a game is complicated due to the fact that french is not english ... I prefer a third party program that do it correctly as ofp 2 with bad recognition.

Last things about radio, i prefer voice recognition as voice in game because with voice recognition you can send order to ia or human player even if the human player don't speak the same language as you.

About action command, I don't like Joint operation but i think that action command in JO are user friendly. In this game we just need to point at somewhere  and hit the action key to do the action.


I forgot to say that voice recognition have too the advantage of keeping free bandwidth and use bandwidth to play with more people smile_o.gif

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Even as it's been said..

For the love of humanity, some HUMANITY IN THEIR VOICES!!! crazy_o.gif

Honestly, just less of the robotic "oh no...3, is down".

They could yell a nickname for a certain soldier, heck, even their name (are we at a point where the computer might be able to have a audio file of a word, or in this case, name? HL2 is supposde to have dragging a wave file automatically lip synch it...just a thought).

But giving us an interface and onscreen HUD as infantry is a terrible idea, if considered. The realism of Op Flashpoint was shown signifigantly in that factor, that you worked like a real infantryman. No stamina bar, no Health bar...heck, an ammo counter is itself a little odd.

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Even as it's been said..

For the love of humanity, some HUMANITY IN THEIR VOICES!!! crazy_o.gif

Honestly, just less of the robotic "oh no...3, is down".

They could yell a nickname for a certain soldier, heck, even their name (are we at a point where the computer might be able to have a audio file of a word, or in this case, name? HL2 is supposde to have dragging a wave file automatically lip synch it...just a thought).

Have you ever played a game called OFP?

It has all of these features already. :P

Everything that comes out of the computer through the speakers is an audio file, or parts of an audio file. And OFP can lip sych also.

Quote[/b] ]

But giving us an interface and onscreen HUD as infantry is a terrible idea, if considered. The realism of Op Flashpoint was shown signifigantly in that factor, that you worked like a real infantryman. No stamina bar, no Health bar...heck, an ammo counter is itself a little odd.


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One thing that I always found irritating in OFP was the way you give orders and talk with each other. Selecting your squad individually and assigning orders is not a bad thing, but if OFP2 will indeed be with Marines, the F1 - F12 keys might seem a little few sometimes, especially during Nam and earlier.

Not sure if this one's already thought about this way but here goes.

Platoon leader has few squads under his command and squad leaders can give orders to individual soldiers in his group. the squad leaders would get orders from the platoon leader.

it would be mad to have squads that have strength of like 30 men.

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Behaviour Marcos!

Here is how: First you assume the role of soldier 1; you hit the "record button" and then the editor will record every action that you perform with that single soldier; next you assume the role of soldier 2 and record his behaviour; then you record the behaviour soldier 3 etc.... until you have recorded a complete behaviour macro for your whole squad (essentially scripting behaviour- but in a more humane way). Obviously the AI would still have to be able to make minor adjustments like selecting targets or avoiding obstacles.

Think about what such a feature could do in multiplayer! You could quickly select one of your own personal behaviour macros like "set up perimeter defence" or "All, fire RPG's at where I am looking"... or whatever you can come up with.

The better you "train" your squad before battle the higher your advantage later. You could play really smart!

Problems I see :

-Obstacles might restrict AI movement

-Bandwidth issues: macros might contain huge chunks of data and clog the server (?)

-Some retarded players will use the macro feature to make their squad hop around like little fluffy bunnies… ok, maybe that is just me biggrin_o.gif

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Cool idea fatninjakid biggrin_o.gif

i wish for them to make mp and sp missions in C&c style with base building and buying, respawning units and stuff like that cti mods unclesam.gif

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yes that would be really interesting. but would it need some hand made scripting? could one share his battle tactics with others?

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how about a gear setup interface?

it sucks to have 100+ versions of an M4..

wouldnt it be much better to have an interface where one can not only config his uniform but also his loadout *ie weapons, ammo.

how hard would it be to have you select a base model M16, switch out the barrel to a M4 and add sights, scopes, lights, and other parts. this would greatly reduce the number and size of addons.

it makes no sence to have to use an entirly different M4 addon just to get an M4 with a scope.

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how about a gear setup interface?

it sucks to have 100+ versions of an M4..

(...) this would greatly reduce the number and size of addons.

it makes no sence to have to use an entirly different M4 addon just to get an M4 with a scope.

same thing here ofp-r6

macros could be nice, but ai should be smart enough to make out without it... Imho ai_guys should lean out the walls, quickly check the area, and if necessary fire blindly like in MOH (bhd-like, but should work with less trainded ones)...

back on topic: better before-mission gear setup menu would be great.

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Here are my ideas on the "radio" for ofp2:

-the radio sounds should disappear to some degree. If your squad is within X distance of you, they should talk normally, not over the radio...but if they leave range, they could talk over the radio.

-less robotic statements. Would be cool to hear a squad leader shout every now and then "Get your damn heads down!" or hear someone else say "watch out!". We also need to make the robotic issues and orders more natural and realistic sounding.

-more report-ins. It would probably be more realistic if instead of saying "oh no 2 is down" over the radio, having someone shout "oh no 2 is down" and afterwards radioing "We have a casualty at <coordinates>, request medical evac (or something). I repeat, <name/number> is down.

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Actually, I don't like to many commands, I would like to see Ai act more autonomous when they don't recieve orders from you.

I really like the concept of BIA & FSW, give them a firesector, suppress the enemy and try to flank. But still give the commander the option to select a single unit and order him to target a specific target.

But first your teammates have to use cover, I really hope they will do this in OFP2, otherwise I don't think I will buy it.

BIA has scripted hostiles, no freedom,the console feeling,...,in fact there are a lot of things I don't like, but the simple interface is something worth to start with.

just my 2 cents

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Context sensitivity would be great. For example, right-click on an area and your guys watch it. Double right-click and they lay down fire. Right click on a target and they put down point fire, double-right click and they suppress him.

I personally prefer it when your controls can be used in a variety of situations, rather than how it is in OFP where you have multiple orders and settings for loads of different eventualities.

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Pls implement the Squad.xml feature from OFP to prevent "Squad Tag Faker" and also make it possible again to insert a Squad Logo ! Or something like that...

This was one of the greatest/best feature in a multiplayer game.

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