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Named properties in ofp models

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As many people asked me often about this, I've created this thread to sum up my knowledge concerning named properties in OFP models. This is what I gathered when I was creating my building addons and it's certainly incomplete and maybe somewhat inacurate. Any feedback is very welcome here.


*** LodNoShadow

Can be applied to any LOD including resolution ones.

* Possible values:

1 - this LOD will not cast shadow. Use it to force the shadow to be casted by desired LOD only. Use it in any LOD with 300+ faces, as they will NOT cast shadow in game anyway (this will speed-up things a bit).

*** map

Used only in geometry LOD. Describes how object will be represented in WRPEdit and on ingame map.

* Possible values:

builiding, house - probably no diffrence. Self-explantory...

tree, bush, forest, rock, fuelstation, fence, church, chappel - Self-explantory...

road - the only property needed to define that an object is actually a road.

(* probably there are also some other possible values not mentioned here.)

*** class

Used only in geometry LOD. Don't realy know what it describes, certainly name-sound, but probably some other things too.

* Possible values:

road - well..., road or bridge

builiding - hmm, this object will be a building... ;)

house - same as above but required for ladders and door animations to work.

tree - Self-explantory...

bush - Self-explantory...

forest - Self-explantory...

fuelstation - Self-explantory...

fence - Self-explantory...

*** dammage

Used only in geometry LOD. Defines which destruction method should be used when object is destroyed.

* Possible values:

builiding, house - probably no diffrence. Self-explanatory.

tree, fence - Object will fall over when destroyed.

no - Object is indestructible.

engine - object will explode after it's destroyed.

*** CanOcclude

This has something to do with the trees and texture transparnecy, but I'dont realy know what it does. Some comments is required here.

Edit: look below.


Remember that this properties are only used when objects are inserted into map using WRPEdit and they have to be binarized first. Otherwise, information from config.cpp is used.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ag_smith @ April 24 2003,16:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">*** CanOcclude

This has something to do with the trees and texture transparnecy, but I'dont realy know what it does. Some comments is required here.<span id='postcolor'>

Well if i know objects hiden behind view geometry are normally not rendered by engine, but trees have many "holes" in their body, so if object will be not rendered behind tree, it will dissapear and it will be visible. So if object has property CanOcclude=0 objects hidden behind their View Geometry will be still rendered. This property is used for some vehicles too.

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That last one just solved an old problem of mine that left me taking the windows out..

Thanks a great deal........

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I've recently discovered two new named properties that are used in visual LODs. I have no idea what they might do so I thought maybe somebody else will enlighten us. Here they're:

- Lodneeded = 2 (in tovarna.p3d)

- canbecoccluded = 0 (in FDF Mod's radio mast).

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'lo everybody

I just found a few more properties mentioned by Lester, and

i thought it's worth to go into this thread;















HIDE(nothing will be displayed)

Then i found this about the property: class

The property CLASS is required if when adding animated

objects through wrp-edit. Otherwise it the action-menu

entry will not appear (if placed with wrp-edit) - if placed from

the editor, the action-menu entry will still be available without

the CLASS property.

~S~ CD

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It should be noted , that the named property 'class', also drives , how an object fits to the terrain surface. For example there is a difference between class house and class forest, where terrain surface match is calculated differently.

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I've recently discovered two new named properties that are used in visual LODs. I have no idea what they might do so I thought maybe somebody else will enlighten us. Here they're:

- Lodneeded = 2 (in tovarna.p3d)

- canbecoccluded = 0 (in FDF Mod's radio mast).


can only be a 'must to have' marker for the engine.

Imho the engine unloads(or don't display) the LODs, when the performance isn't high enough,

so the next lower detail were shown.


imho may be a misunterstanding of the canocclude property ?! wink_o.gif

Class Road (used on Roads an Bridges) isn't in the List on Top wow_o.gif


on Map Road

definied points in the roadway lod are displayed on the map as a line

LB to LE (left line)

PB to PE (right line)

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i'm not so sure about forest triangle actually. some triangular forest setting use it, others have forest square instead...

does anyone know what 'house: no' is about??? (e.g. in o\hous\brana02.p3d: map: fence, dammage: no, house: no)

it might mean that the doors are not animated, but for that no rotation axis, no named selection for the door, etc would've been enough.

have got twoproperties to add too: class: streetlamp and map: busstop - self explanatory wink_o.gif

//edit: found dammage:no as opposed to dammage: bunker in one model. former in the geo lod, latter in the view geo lod (data3d\ammostore2.p3d). any idea anyone?

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Also you can add "tent" and "bush" in the dammage section, it will collapse when you drive over it, usefull for bushes/shrubs ^_^.

Forest 1th half&2nd half have forest square in the properties and the outer corners have forest triangle.

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Old thread, but the canbeoccluded property, like the name suggests, is sort of an opposite of the canocclude property. If it is set to 0, the model will be drawn even if it normally would be culled away by occlusion culling (ie. the view geometry is completely hidden behind another objects view geometry).

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<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>I LOVE YOUR ADDONS!</span></span>

(I'm sorry this input had nothing to do with the subject... sad_o.gif )

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