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Operation flashpoint 2

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpeedyDonkey @ 03 May 2003,10:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">SFG is those games in the same order as CM put them? If yes its so typical for CM to put Ofp at the bottom... confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Pasted in order from Gamespot.

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It's alphabetical too wink.gif

if any of you are going to E3, I'll be demoing OFP on Xbox if you'd like a looksee.

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I wonder how large the theatres of conflict will be. Would they render the entire country of Vietnam ? Since Vietnam isn't an island I wonder how borders to other countries will be handled.. wow.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">SFG is those games in the same order as CM put them? If yes its so typical for CM to put Ofp at the bottom...<span id='postcolor'>

Why is it typical of CM??? I dont understand...

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I cant wait to see a screenshot of OFP2.I bet its not going to be much different than the regular OFP.but who am I to say anything.I do know it will bring a whole new experience to the OFP community. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]SFG is those games in the same order as CM put them? If yes its so typical for CM to put Ofp at the bottom...

Why is it typical of CM??? I dont understand...

Put it this way. How much advertising did you ever see for OFP?

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Maybe so, but then BIS were a rookie company, this was their first "real" game, what did you expect, television ad's and the such like the sims?? Of course not...

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Maybe so, but then BIS were a rookie company, this was their first "real" game, what did you expect, television ad's and the such like the sims?? Of course not...

So was Remedy Entertainment but that didnt stop Max Payne from getting alot of advertisiement. So Codemasters Shape up! smile_o.gif

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Yeah but you don't want to false advertise now, Max Payne was slightly boring, OFP reigns as our god.

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Max Payne was slightly boring, OFP reigns as our god.

Maybe if you compare it to OFP, otherwise I think it´s one of the coolest games I´ve ever played. It was something new and, arguably, revolutionary.

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imho max payne is the opposite to boring! I remember the day i got it.. Me and a friend played it for nearly 8 hours in a row! Thats my record smile_o.gif The only problem with Max Payne was that it was too short. Im really looking forward to Max Payne 2, even though my main focus is on OFP2 c_cool.gif


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Hmm, it was definitely original with it's effects. But the fact it was so short and the levels so easy to remember makes it quite boring to me. Plus the enemies were a bit easy.

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Yep i agree, it was way too short (and easy) thats why im waiting for MaxPayne 2 wink_o.gif

You can do that in Your Max Payne 2 thread, stick to OFP2 in here please  wink_o.gif

We could really use some screens of whatever is in progress, but I'm still drooling over the anouncement

Flashpoint 2 - whooaaaaaah, Flashpoint ... ... 2 - whaaaaaah  wow_o.gif


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The matrix is the only reason max payne had bullet t ime judgging by movies plus it looked like it was going to be on a quake II type engine.

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I dont expect to buy a vage game like res (I bought ofp and red hamer and goty and res) i thought i bought a big upgrade like 1.3 but it had nothing but Fixes, the only new things were the bridg and the moterbike mad_o.gif i want my money spent in a game not a patch (i hope nothing like BF road to rome mad_o.gif ) viatnam means new aircrafts vehicles and men if its viatnam i hope that they include realistic ropes

this time im waiting for a upgraded ofp2  mad_o.gif

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server1 what you talking about! REsistance is a totally different game than 1.46. Are you crazy? All the new scripting commands, new options available for all the wonderfull addons that are coming out now, beautifull gfx (unless ur pc SUKS). Dont diss resistance, its an awesome game with an awesome campaign

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I dont expect to buy a vage game like res (I bought ofp and red hamer and goty and res) i thought i bought a big upgrade like 1.3 but it had nothing but Fixes, the only new things were the bridg and the moterbike mad_o.gif i want my money spent in a game not a patch (i hope nothing like BF road to rome mad_o.gif ) viatnam means new aircrafts vehicles and men if its viatnam i hope that they include realistic ropes

this time im waiting for a upgraded ofp2  mad_o.gif

nothing but a bridge and a motor bike? Are you high?

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I dont expect to buy a vage game like res (I bought ofp and red hamer and goty and res) i thought i bought a big upgrade like 1.3 but it had nothing but Fixes, the only new things were the bridg and the moterbike mad_o.gif i want my money spent in a game not a patch (i hope nothing like BF road to rome mad_o.gif ) viatnam means new aircrafts vehicles and men if its viatnam i hope that they include realistic ropes

this time im waiting for a upgraded ofp2  mad_o.gif

nothing but a bridge and a motor bike? Are you high?

must be rock.gif


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Are you high?


We can see that on your avatar

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i had a dream last night about a trailer for ofp2 (might be dayja-voo) right it started off on a plane going over the see and there was all kinds of intel inside and someone was walking up and down the allywway then somone said to him "sir ... whats wrong?" he didnt reply then just as the plane was going over a island it was shot down then you see yourself crawling through some bushes then it switches to ingame view and you shoot a few enemys then thats it but the graphics looked really realistic (sorta like time crises 2 on the ps2) but it was very dark and the gun noises were really good too ............. then i woke up anyway theres my dream biggrin_o.gif

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