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[Solved] Exit code: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

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On 25.02.2021 at 00:08, t.g.1911 said:

Since yesterday's update I have permanent crashes when I push the button "scenarios".
I can play the campaign, can open the editor and play my own missions there. Everything without problems.
But at the moment when I want to open scenarios ... the loading screen appears, a few seconds later the game crashes. And I got this 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION

I try the thngs what the comunty write there: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=898170227,
it didn*t work.
I install the game new, it didnt help.
I has let check my hardware in a services, anything ok.
I try other gammes, anything works well.


Somebody have any idea what it can be`?


On 25.02.2021 at 00:38, giuppo said:



Same for me, played and updated yesterday, and today i can't play solo missions in "Presentations" anymore: Crash to windows with the same Error-Message. I tried the editor: it works.

BIS, please, maybe could you check your last Game update?



Very interesting: After my post i wanted to check the tip of hansham about the wireless headphones (Posted Friday at 12:44 PM).
For information I use a Steelseries arctis 7 wireless. but without the steelseries software, I let windows manage, it does it very well. I can switch between the channel of my "normal" speakers und 2 channels for the Headphone: "game" or "Chat".

I play usually with the "game" channel. And this evening, i did apparently wrong, the "chat" channel was selected.

I swiched back to "game" and tried to play: no more crashes...


If it can help to understand... But for me, this crash shouldn't be with any channel...


On 07.03.2021 at 21:55, martiilkow@yahoo.com said:

got the same problem. when i access sp scenarios, i get a ctd and the access_violation. tried everything except for bios update - does anyone have a solution that works?



We have already dealt with this problem in my other branch.
If your problem is that when you go to the "scenarios" section, you are thrown out or an error message pops up - try to unsubscribe from all the scenarios in steam, check whether the game is working now, and then add your subscriptions again.
It helped me.

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So, it has been a while since I last posted here, but I was finally able to fix the issue I was having and wanted to post it here for posterity.


After even further testing, it was confirmed that my RAM was not the issue.

Any RAM modules installed would still produce the exception error, so I began testing other components to rule out other hardware faults.

After about a month, I was able to confirm that my crashes were entirely due to my CPU.

I have since gotten an exact replacement CPU and the crashes have completely disappeared.


So, although it is unlikely that everyone who experiences this exception has a failing processor, it is possible that it is indeed the case, especially if other games are randomly crashing as well.

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6 hours ago, sko2 said:



So, it has been a while since I last posted here, but I was finally able to fix the issue I was having and wanted to post it here for posterity.


After even further testing, it was confirmed that my RAM was not the issue.

Any RAM modules installed would still produce the exception error, so I began testing other components to rule out other hardware faults.

After about a month, I was able to confirm that my crashes were entirely due to my CPU.

I have since gotten an exact replacement CPU and the crashes have completely disappeared.


So, although it is unlikely that everyone who experiences this exception has a failing processor, it is possible that it is indeed the case, especially if other games are randomly crashing as well.

Thanks for coming back to complete this - hopefully your trauma will be someone else's saviour! I have to say, I'm surprised - we don't think of CPUs as potential points of failure unless they're being overclocked hard, but this goes to show, the CPU is as vulnerable to failure as other components.

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10 hours ago, sko2 said:

I have since gotten an exact replacement CPU and the crashes have completely disappeared.

Very happy you finally figured out the issue, happy that you were persistent in determining the cause and not blaming the game as some people like

to do, its understandable that when and if the game crashes that players can blame the game, or mod, or scripts, but you stepped up your game so to speak

and looked into it and solved it.

    With Arma 3 which is a whole nother animal on its own if your hardware is faulty or not up to par then the game already being demanding as it is

will only worsen the issue, above all things too considering that the game is cpu intensive, it only makes sense that if the main source of processing

and speed is slow or not functioning then the game will suffer.


Im very happy i was able to help where i could but ultimately the work and the problem solving has to come down to the

individual themselves to follow through and solve the issue on their end, i and anyone else can only shed some light on the issue whatever it may be.

3 hours ago, Tankbuster said:

hopefully your trauma will be someone else's saviour!

You couldn't have said it better, with all the aspects to look into the issue, tools, and things to eliminate that could be the culprit,

i think this thread should be stickied, i spent alot of time researching in various areas that could if not a cpu issue or another

help in some way, at least turn on the light for those dealing with this error/issue.


@sko2 Suggest renameing the thread title with the word added [Solved] for the sake of helping anyone else in the

community whom may have the same issue.

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In case this might help someone, for me it was the Bluetooth headphones. When I switched to my speakers the game stopped crashing.

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Yesterday I found out that I got this error after the latest Windows 10 update. My situation is a brand new PC with a new Windows 10 installation. More than enough specs to run Arma 3 with all settings to maximum. Almost no extra software on the machine and suddenly I got a windows freeze. Sometimes I could play for 5 minutes and then only 1 minute or even during start of a new round on a public KOTH server. It was very annoying and reminded me to my old PC where I had similar problems long time ago. But this time on my brand new machine.... WT@#$@!

During the freeze you can do an Alt-Tab and see a window with the message: Arma 3 has exited in an unusual manner Exit code: "0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION"


I was thinking what could be the problem. I had removed some USB cables a couple of days before, maybe switched them to another port? One of them was my steel series wireless headphone. So I was suspecting this one. Checked the configuration of the steel series and updated the profile settings. The problem was still there.
Then I tried some other things, like apply user full control to the common Arma3 folder. Didn't help.
I tried to remove the !workshop folder with a couple of mods. Didn't help.
Then the drastic remove of the complete Arma3 folder and did a complete new fresh install. OMG, my wife complaining she couldn't get on the internet since it blocked the complete internet traffic hahaha... after 20 minutes the download was ready. Started Arma, problem still there. At this time I was losing patience.
The last thing I tried was something I saw before on a website and was mentioned by a friend and teammate. It was the startup parameter: -malloc=system (this says arma has to leave the memory allocation to the system)


After I did this the problem was gone! YES
I tried to play on a private internet server and then a public KOTH server. Played for a hour with no problems.
The only thing that bothers me is what could have caused this problem. A week before I could play for hours without any problem and suddenly this strange thing happend. Hmmm.... maybe an 'old code' issue?

For those who have this problem, please don't follow all the instructions you can find on the internet and do drastic things blindly. A special warning goes to the regedit tips. Don't do this!

In steam rightclick on Arma3
Choose Properties
On the first tab General you see Launch Options
enter this option: -malloc=system

Hope for you this does the trick like it did for me!

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Looking at the varied solutions, it seems usually caused one of three things: the profiles folder being in a restricted spot and mods doing bad things they shouldn't be to those folders and files, for the other people it's an issue with how 64bit Arma 3 handles RAM and paging file, and for some it's just USB peripherals.  Start trying to combine adding Reshade with Wirecast streaming, though, and a whole other group of error causes arise. Another weird thing, though, is usually after a CTD happens, Steam has to update again, which makes me think perhaps sometimes their setting to only do updates when you're not playing doesn't actually work and it's trying to do them while you play.

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18 hours ago, Reticuli said:

[...] Another weird thing, though, is usually after a CTD happens, Steam has to update again, which makes me think perhaps sometimes their setting to only do updates when you're not playing doesn't actually work and it's trying to do them while you play.

Steam updates almost daily. Every time I start up my computer Steam needs to update. I don't think that is a part of it. However if it downloads an update whilst it is running, either whilst you're in game or your system is idle it will always give you the prompt saying it needs to restart and show you the changelog etc. It wont just apply the update by itself.

Nor do I believe its caused by ArmA trying to update whilst its running - that is a Windows block to stop files being altered/changed whilst they're "in use" so I don't think that is down to Steam. Much in the same way if you try to update a texture file whilst ObjectBuilder/Buldozer are running, Windows wont allow it until you've exited Buldozer as the file is "in use by another program"...As with everything though I could be wrong.

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Hey sry i post here but it seems nobody reads my topic

I have a similar problem since 1 week

I Played Arma3 (win7) at night -> no problems

trie to play Arma the next day

Armalauncher reports

Starting BattleEye Service...

Launching the Game...

BattlEye: Note that file blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game.

Blocked loading of file '[..]\Steam\GameOverlayRenderer.dll'

Blocked loading of file '[..]\Steam\steamclient64.dll'

Blocked loading of file '[..]\Steam\Steam.exe'

ArmA3 has exited in an unusual manner

Exit code: 0x00000035


Game runs only with Battleye  OFF


Delete steam and reinstalled

Delete Battleye  (including sevice and every trace of Battleye) and reinstall

Delete Game and reinstall

Installed new Display Driver

Reinstalled Dotnet 4.8

Reinstalled Vc++ latest

Checked Windows Integrity

 Nothing worked

Read several hundret of ForumSites with same problem years back

No Solution at all

Its only on Arma.


Dwarden set this Problem to solved  but how?

Forum search also not helpful

Can anyone help pls?

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On 10/17/2021 at 6:24 AM, ofp_vet said:

Dwarden set this Problem to solved  but how?

No, Dwarden had nothing to do with this thread, if you read some posts up and the OP, i had

suggested to the OP author whom is Sko2 that he retitle the thread as Solved as it was solved for him.

On 10/17/2021 at 6:24 AM, ofp_vet said:

Exit code: 0x00000035


On 10/17/2021 at 6:24 AM, ofp_vet said:

Read several hundret of ForumSites with same problem years back

No Solution at all

Its only on Arma.

Several hundreds huh, I find that hard to believe, since Sko2 author of this thread discovered his issue being ram and cpu related

and not the game, and others whom posted under my last post above made suggestions that worked for them.


   Your going to need to do a bit more digging and opening your mind to other possible things that could be contributing

to the problem aside battleye, also considering your running the game on Windows 7, your a bit behind, theres no more support for windows

7 as of 2020.

      I think and in my opinion if you upgraded your operating system to windows 10 64bit that there may be

a good chance that your issue would be solved, and windows 10 is free



Im running the game on Win 10 64bit, and dont have issues unless i do something stupid with a mod/s, or scripts with errors,

what is needed is your computer specs, and a full rpt, as i said their may be other things contributing to the issue.

       Other then that follow the directions on the wiki page i linked there and see if that changes anything, but imo i sit

with the windows 10 upgrade take that step.

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Arma 3 apparently overrides Windows paging file settings, and Windows seems to not like to give Arma 3 permissions.  I notice if I don't save the game, don't change config settings in Arma, and restart Arma after trying to change the mission I'm running, things are more stable.  Do anything else, open Zeus, use SSP cheat menu, whatever, and it will start to have issues and either CTD or BSOD.  Multiplayer never seems stable for me with BattlEye.  For instance, I've given up running Warlords online simply because after 30min or 2hrs or some amount of time it will crap out eventually.  I can't play online any length of time I want.  Changing any parameters has no effect.  Moving the profiles to the Arma 3 directory only helped partially.

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  • Start with posting your computer specs,
  • and an rpt
  • any mods your using
  • what mission if you downloaded,
  • created, ect,.
  • sp, or mp
  • then describe the issue.

   I prefer the issue formatted in a list like a features list, why?

Because its easier to read and sums of the issue or issues in a brief and ready to go format and allows a member like myself to get a decent idea of whats going

on and possibly have a solution or something i cant point you to, otherwise reading a small book i got to gather myself and picture whats going on. No pun intended

    Just saying something technical like this imo needs a different approach, anyways provide some other details if you can.

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The game needs 16 GB of ram running 64-bit mode. If you run a ton of mods, I suggest upgrading to 24 or 32 GB like I did.


Also check to see if the SWAP file is enabled and the HDD or SSD has around the same or more space as RAM free. This error is an out of memory error, either RAM or virtually.

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On 10/25/2021 at 6:47 AM, Valken said:

The game needs 16 GB of ram running 64-bit mode. If you run a ton of mods, I suggest upgrading to 24 or 32 GB like I did.


Also check to see if the SWAP file is enabled and the HDD or SSD has around the same or more space as RAM free. This error is an out of memory error, either RAM or virtually.

64bit version running.  HT and large paging enabled.  16GB RAM and a 24.5GB page file on RAID 0 SSD pair with over 40GB remaining after the page file even before Windows drive cleanup or Steam cache cleared.  It rarely uses much over 10GB of RAM, though.  No parameters changes make any difference.  Moving the profiles into the Arma directory definitely helped a little.  I thought maybe it was Reshade or mods causing the remaining CTDs, but 00000FF and 0000005 errors persist even stock and with no Reshade.  It's strange, because after I switch to fully stock without Reshade it's stable for a few hours, then starts having issues again.  If I switch to the mods again it's stable for a few hours.  Temps are fine.  It reminds me of HEAP emulation and input buffering problems that occurred with Janes Longbow 2 on operating systems newer than Windows 98 where it'd start stable and then get worse until you restart the computer.  Restarting the computer with Arma 3 is not helping, though I do notice Stream constantly wanting to update again after restart... so maybe that's screwing something up again.  I have no problems in X-Plane 11 or DCS like this with a Pimax 8kx like Arma 3 causes with just my two monitors running in landscape surround 3840x1080.  I also have no problems with any version of Crysis, any other flight simulator I have in 2D landscape surround (I have tons of them), or my audio and video editing software.  Elite Dangerous on the Pimax was also fine, though I got bored with it and uninstalled to make room for Arma 3.  I can run Falcon BMS on a stereoscopic monitor to my heart's content without a single issue.  I was previously having problems with Google Chrome doing weird stuff, but I've since moved to Edge and Firefox with everything Google removed, which got rid of the browser issue. 

Oh, there is one persistent other issue, and that is that Steam for some reason does not like to download files much over 1 or 2 GB size on my system.  It will frequently freeze the computer, has to be restarted, download continued, and then file verification manually run in Steam.  Elite Dangerous and Arma 3 both required this multiple times.  The only other program I notice that has ever had a similar issue is Open Freespace 2's Knossos downloader.  Freespace mods tend to mostly run fine, but certain of those mods won't completely download (maybe corrupt source files on their servers) and some of them that seem to download just won't run, but Freespace is a bit janky.  So the Knossos issue slightly resembles the Steam issue, and Steam is of course running with Arma 3.

I did also notice some really weird user ID permissions stuff listed in the original profiles folder security details prior to force-denying those requests and moving the profiles to the Arma 3 folder.  I was suspicious some of the mods may be doing hacker stuff that Windows was attempting to block.

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The ONLY other thing I can think of is 


Are you running with mods?


1) yes - get more RAM like I did - 24 GB was needed when I loaded up with mods. Check the Windows Task manager.

2) no, vanilla game only... make sure you have all background apps or as many closed. 



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Ending other applications is a given, but doesn't seem to make a whole lot of difference, anyway, if I don't do it.  Unfortunately, you can't completely shut Steam down to rule that out, though I did take BI's advice and reduce what Steam is doing as much as possible.  As for the rest, re-read what I wrote, I guess.  I think I covered all that.

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You cannot exit Steam or you can try offline mode to minimize other factors.


When I loaded up a ton of mods like Blastcore, over time, the page file and process RAM usage grew. Even ACE did the same thing in the past and ALL of my problems where fixed when I switched to 64-bit mode AND upgraded from 16 to 32 GB of RAM.


I never have any FREE RAM issues now unless the SWAP file goes down less than ~ 2 GB of free space.


As you said you can game for a few hours, then it crashes are signs of memory leaks. There is no double about this. 


One thing you can check it did you check the memory allocater in ARMA 3 Launcher - Parameters? You can switch between default (Intel) to another memory allocater and see if that is more optimized. I think the Intel version is best at 16 GB but if you have more ram, I would run the CMA at the cost of more RAM. 


Another thing you can do is simply CLOSE ARMA and RESTART it after 3 hours of gaming. If it is consistent, it is a memory leak issue and you have to choose more physical RAM or restart before the next online session. If offline, you just need to save your game, close ARMA and restart it.


I used to do this when heavily playing online. It worked until I upgraded my RAM and now I game for 5+ hours (yes, ESCAPE can really last that long on a hardcore server) with zero performance issues.

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4 hours ago, thomas9123 said:
  Reveal hidden contents

<p>thank you for your advise </p>

<P>A corrupted and outdated cache may also trigger the Hulu error code DRMCDM78.This means that there is some issue with your internet connection that is preventing Hulu from fetching the content from the servers, resulting in the <a href="https://theerrorcode.com/how-to-fix-hulu-error-code-drmcdm78/">Hulu error code DRMCDM78.</a> Also read: <a href="https://theerrorcode.com/hp-printer-error-49-4-c02/">HP Printer Error 49.4 c02 </a>|<a href="https://theerrorcode.com/hulu-error-rununk13/"> Hulu Error Rununk13 </a></p>



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I was just bored and rumaging through the forums.

...on topic, in the past when ever I ran into this error it was usually due to a CPU overclock and the need for a tad more voltage.

...maybe not here however but if your issue persists, then maybe.

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On 9/16/2021 at 12:07 PM, FireFox67 said:

Yesterday I found out that I got this error after the latest Windows 10 update. My situation is a brand new PC with a new Windows 10 installation. More than enough specs to run Arma 3 with all settings to maximum. Almost no extra software on the machine and suddenly I got a windows freeze. Sometimes I could play for 5 minutes and then only 1 minute or even during start of a new round on a public KOTH server. It was very annoying and reminded me to my old PC where I had similar problems long time ago. But this time on my brand new machine.... WT@#$@!

During the freeze you can do an Alt-Tab and see a window with the message: Arma 3 has exited in an unusual manner Exit code: "0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION"


I was thinking what could be the problem. I had removed some USB cables a couple of days before, maybe switched them to another port? One of them was my steel series wireless headphone. So I was suspecting this one. Checked the configuration of the steel series and updated the profile settings. The problem was still there.
Then I tried some other things, like apply user full control to the common Arma3 folder. Didn't help.
I tried to remove the !workshop folder with a couple of mods. Didn't help.
Then the drastic remove of the complete Arma3 folder and did a complete new fresh install. OMG, my wife complaining she couldn't get on the internet since it blocked the complete internet traffic hahaha... after 20 minutes the download was ready. Started Arma, problem still there. At this time I was losing patience.
The last thing I tried was something I saw before on a website and was mentioned by a friend and teammate. It was the startup parameter: -malloc=system (this says arma has to leave the memory allocation to the system)


After I did this the problem was gone! YES
I tried to play on a private internet server and then a public KOTH server. Played for a hour with no problems.
The only thing that bothers me is what could have caused this problem. A week before I could play for hours without any problem and suddenly this strange thing happend. Hmmm.... maybe an 'old code' issue?

For those who have this problem, please don't follow all the instructions you can find on the internet and do drastic things blindly. A special warning goes to the regedit tips. Don't do this!

In steam rightclick on Arma3
Choose Properties
On the first tab General you see Launch Options
enter this option: -malloc=system

Hope for you this does the trick like it did for me!

Man you've just saved me. This worked for me haven't been on arma for months. Thanks.

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It sure seems like freezing and crashing in the map screen is indeed related to having V-sync activated.  I was having some issues with certain missions with certain mods, and turning v-sync off both in my Nvidia settings and Arma 3's video settings solved at least that error.


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On 9/19/2022 at 7:02 AM, juliastrax1992 said:

I tried every solution like mention in this website

Welcome to Bi forums!

  You mean forum thread which is the same one we are on.


So the error your getting with Arma 3 correct?

Do you know what your computer specs are?

like your cpu, gpu, ram, is the game on an ssd?


Are you playing with any mods, are you playing on a server or is this in singleplayer when you get the error?

If its in singleplayer is it a vanilla mission, if so what mission, if not again what mission is it, or are you in the editor?


When do you get the error before the game starts, on the menu, or while in a mission?

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I am having the 0xc0000005-status_access_violation issue trying to run ARMA 3 on Windows, on my Steam Deck.

Custom AMD APU (Zen 2)
16 Gb RAM (I set 4 to GPU and 12 to SO)

I tried to run it on Windows 10 and 11, installed on a SD card, and Windows installed on internal SSD.

It doesn't matter: The game crashes after the initial ARMA 3 logo and a couple of times was able to show the main menu, and crashed seconds after.


I don't know if I am correct, but reading RPT, looks like it is a atidxx64.dll problem. I tried "sfc / scannow" command on CMD, without success.




P.s. The funny fact is that ARMA 3 plays flawlessly on SteamOS, but I need to make it run on Windows because my ARMA group use ACRE/TS for radio communication.

P.s.2. I tried to choose system malloc, but the error persist.

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Started happening to me like a week ago. Always crashes when I press right mouse multiple times to zoom.

No mods, all clean. Up to date Win10 and video drivers. No changes to PC and Arma 3 is the only game/software with a problem

edit: The integrity check and Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable reinstall seem to have fixed it

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