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Probably the most creative riposte I've seen. 

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@Jove ChiereIt seems that your South Asia map got removed from the workshop...

I hope that you'll get it back on Steam, and that you're not stopping working on it because of those stupid stories 😓

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Yep, South Asia got taken down on Steam Workshop. As an outsider, I cannot really assess the legal situation on this issue, but I think the whole escalation is quite exaggerated, considering the terrain was initially a part of Take On Helicopters and most of the intellectual work was done by Bohemia Interactive anyway.

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All very sad regarding South Asia map especially the work Jove Chiere put into the road network, however It's always best to focus on the positives, by the looks of it the DMCA for Seattle has been lifted, and ToH Core (which is a great asset source) remains unaffected.

Without knowing the full facts, I still don't understand why this particular DMCA was "successful".....who's intellectual property rights have been violated here, it surely can't be BI's as all the data relating to the South Asia map is available from the Licensed packages, and unless I'm mistaken nobody can lay copyright claim to simple config tweaks.....I just don't get this one. 😕 


@Jove Chiere, for what it's worth I'm sorry for your recent troubles. 


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Well shiell 😨 My long planned for Outlaws inc. type mission just chrashed and burned _again_, as the South Asia with roads map would have been perfect for it. I neither can fathom the DMCA and copyright claims, but hopefully those will get sorted out some way. Reading from all the comments in two threads this just seems weird. More dark and dark our woes, I say.

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And another loss for the Arma community due to greed

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18 hours ago, EO said:

All very sad regarding South Asia map especially the work Jove Chiere put into the road network, however It's always best to focus on the positives, by the looks of it the DMCA for Seattle has been lifted, and ToH Core (which is a great asset source) remains unaffected.

Without knowing the full facts, I still don't understand why this particular DMCA was "successful".....who's intellectual property rights have been violated here, it surely can't be BI's as all the data relating to the South Asia map is available from the Licensed packages, and unless I'm mistaken nobody can lay copyright claim to simple config tweaks.....I just don't get this one. 😕 


@Jove Chiere, for what it's worth I'm sorry for your recent troubles. 


Valve didn't really check the file, they only check the complainant data, they are based on dates, so the complainant just provided evidence that he was working on this map prior the publishing on the worhshop, and thats it.


I remember was upset against somebody cause valve didn't really care about the data in the published mod, (the creator just don't want his mod on the workshop), i removed the asset 5 minutes after the DMCA, and the mod was taken down after a week.


Thats bad cause for exemple if somebody publish an A2 ported map, but i started working on the same map 2 years before him but I never done the work, i can claim a DMCA and it will be successful... this system is a little bit ridiculous.

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Today I have uploaded the small update for publishers to use Seattle buildings, there are still some to add but I am working on it.

I also added a link to the map of South Asia temporarily, some people demanded it.

And finally I have uploaded one of the best dynamic missions created by @mbrdmn that exist in Arma 3 for South Asia and Seattle.


Dynamic Recon Ops - Seattle




Dynamic Recon Ops - South Asia



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awesome! any chance for a Dynamic Combat Ops edition for seattle and south asia? :D its all good though if its not possible/not planned

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42 minutes ago, HazardousJay said:

awesome! any chance for a Dynamic Combat Ops edition for seattle and south asia? 😄 its all good though if its not possible/not planned


I have both adapted to these maps, but I didn't know whether to upload them.
But if you ask for them, I'll upload them.


Dynamic Combat Ops - Seattle




Dynamic Combat Ops - South Asia



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I've been playing a lot on this map recently, and while it is indeed fantastic for flying, it feels a bit limited once you put boots on the ground.


Considering the addition of roads and the large towns/villages of the map, I believe it would make a wonderful playground for infantry if it wasn't for the un-enterable buildings.
I really hope @Jove Chiere that you'll consider replacing them with their CUP counterparts, or at least making the map compatible with CUP Core.


In fact, I've been having a look at your buildings from ToH Core, and a replacement seems doable since the classname structure is similar.
I've made a quick script to illustrate that in-game as a "proof of concept" (cf. video).




And here's the script I used :


//Funtion to replace Take on Helicopters buildings by their CUP counterparts on Jove Chiere's South Asia map.
// Script need 2 parameters, the center and the radius for the replacement.
// Example : [player, 200] call TOV_fnc_TohToCupReplacement;
// Replaces all ToH buildings that are within 200m around the player.

//The script intent is to replace buildings with a classname in the format "land_house_c_1_h" with their CUP counterpart "land_house_c_1_ep1"
TOV_fnc_TohToCupReplacement= {
	params ["_center","_radius"];
	_housesToReplace=nearestTerrainObjects [_center, [], _radius, false]; 
	//I would have wished to use _center nearestObjects ["House", _radius] instead, but none of the ToH buildings are considered a "House" by the engine.
		//As some buildings of ToH return an empty string when I use typeOf (e.g land_house_c_1_h), I decided to use the name of the p3d model to retrieve the building classname
		if ((["house", (str _x)] call BIS_fnc_inString) || (["minaret", (str _x)] call BIS_fnc_inString) || (["villa", (str _x)] call BIS_fnc_inString)) then { 

			//Here I retrieve a string in the format "8add888100# 9: house_c_12_h.p3d" and turn it into the format "Land_house_c_12_h"
			_oldClass= (str _x) splitString "." select 0; 
		    _oldClass= _oldClass splitString ":" select 1; 
		    _oldClass= "Land_"+ (_oldClass splitString " " select 0);

		    _pos=getposATL _x; 
		    _dir=vectorDir _x; 
		    _up=vectorUp _x; 
			_tmp=_oldClass splitString "_"; 
			_tmp deleteAt (count _tmp)-1; 
			{_newClass=_newClass+_x+"_"} forEach _tmp; 

			hideobjectGlobal _x; //I hide the ToH building as I cannot delete map buildings, also allow us to revert changes
			_x enableSimulationGlobal false;
			_newHouse=createVehicle [_newClass, _pos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];
			//_newHouse setPosASL _pos;
			_newHouse setVectorDirAndUp [_dir,_up]; 
	} forEach _housesToReplace



Also please note that the "center" of the buildings is sometimes a bit offset between your models and those from CUP, but considering the "small" amount of different building models, it shouldn't be too hard to adjust them.


On an another hand, a full replacement may be performance unfriendly.
If you manage to make the map compatible with CUP (so you don't have those black textured buildings in the video), mission makers could just replace buildings on small areas of interest, or do it temporarily when players are close to towns.


Anyway thanks for your work on the port !


PS : The script is MP and JIP compatible, and has to be run only on the server.

You can replace all buildings on the map with :

[[(worldSize / 2), (worldSize / 2), 0], (sqrt 2 * (worldSize / 2))] call TOV_fnc_TohToCupReplacement;

It takes 40 seconds to run on my PC 😋.

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Grande @Tova, a very clean and fast script.

I love that you use the name of the .p3d to locate the objects.

I also tried using the Replace script, but I couldn't save the problem of the unnamed models.



I was doing tests to replace the buildings directly in the terrain config, but although anulate the model's autocenter, the doors were still moving.


On black buildings, the problem is in CUP.  

They have a file called CUP_Terrains_Hsim_data_fix.pbo that overrides ToH settings to send conflicts with the material that CUP uses within its mod.  

But also extracting this file gives errors and visual defects in CUP terrains.

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Well, just say that the map of South Asia is again available in Steam Workshop.  

Sorry for the inconvenience...


Today i will upload a small update to correct the latest problems.

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Recently my MOD was blocked by a DMCA lawsuit, after more than 1 month of dispute. The person responsible for the lawsuit, did not press charges against me in the court of law.
But, now after 1 week ago they unlocked my MOD, they send me a DMCA again and offend me in the messages of the workshop mod.


This situation is proving very stressful.

In the end, I will have to be the one who visits a court of law...

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Today is Sunday, it is not the best day for an update, but considering that it is a minor addition and that by DMCA issue maybe tomorrow I will find it more complicated to be able to make updates of the map of South Asia again. I have decided to upload it.


Small changes in the Clutters:

-Added rock clutters to give a feeling of not so smooth terrain.



-Improved the color of the grass, stained by the satellite image.




I hope this adds more realism to your missions on land.

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Great work on the ground textures. :rthumb:


I'm finding another DMCA for this particular terrain quite ridiculous, I hope it's removed as swiftly as the last one.....I also hope this second one won't dishearten your enthusiasm for this project going forward. Good luck. :icon_biggrin: 

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A new update of the ToH Core, it had been a while without adding things and these new ones I think will be amazing!

I have recompiled all the buildings in Seattle and binarized with their materials and in the latest version of Weapon 3. More optimized and advanced.
In doing so I found surprises, some expected, others desired and also unexpected! 🏠 🏡 🏭 🏢 🏬 🏣 🏤 🏥 🏦 🏨 🏪 🏫 🏩 💒



Version 1.104

@ToH Core


 -Added vision of skyscrapers and airport runways are now seen according to ground distance.




 -Rebinarized all the buildings of Seattle structures, now they have normalmaps, environment reflections & emissive textures (spectacular at night).



 -Added more lost buildings (have appeared when binarizing), now the industrial area is more built.



Most are improvements in Seattle, but some also affect South Asia.

Enjoy it!

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please can you release the south asia map without roads? because some of us using many mods and its sad we are not able to play this great map with all the goodies.


and i noticed that many roads that are placed are not really needed or need new placed (roads going through buildings etc)

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Yes @lato190, the part of the roads is still half done.  It is one of the tasks that I have to improve, it is also the most tired.

I will try to create in the same mod, two versions of the map that are compatible, with and without roads.

So you can choose which version to use without much more trouble. Or a mod other than a few Kb that cancels the road on both maps.


Something will occur to me tomorrow...

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Ok @lato190, already have the mods ready to disable the roads on the maps. It's simple, just add the corresponding map mod and it will ignore the road load.


@ToH noRoads South Asia

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1900844835 (Available via WorkShop).

@ToH noRoads Seattle

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1900845247 (Available via WorkShop).

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thank you very much, gonna try it later


EDIT: Works great, thank you 😄

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1Wt6 Office building with many windows seattle map ghost buildings not solid objects

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Ok, that building is solved, it's been easy. But there are still some more that I can not activate the collision in some areas (stadiums for example).

Thank you for reporting @V3STR4, and if anyone knows any more buildings, please report it.

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another idea for replacing Tkoh south asia buildings with CUP version is (but has to be done by each person to its own):


you could use some pbomanager, open both toh core and CUP core pbo, and transfer the middle eastern buildings from CUP core over to toh core pbo and rename them to fit toh core pbo names (they are a little different but almost the same)

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