SirBassi 10 Posted August 26, 2022 Battleye is always deactivated on our Dedicated Server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James2791 1 Posted August 28, 2022 On 8/23/2022 at 12:02 AM, pierremgi said: Playable (means MP session) is possible by the BI respawn system (these units are not concerned by my module) For "AI can respawn" module, switchable (so SP session) is already possible. Hey Pierremgi, super sorry for the late response! Thanks for the help! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yyo 10 Posted September 1, 2022 Hey Pierremgi, I hope you're well! I just wanted to ask if it was possible to make it so the "AI can respawn" module can also save the custom identity/face of a unit (like how it saves the custom loadout on start) each time they respawn? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted September 11, 2022 On 9/1/2022 at 7:21 PM, Yyo said: Hey Pierremgi, I hope you're well! I just wanted to ask if it was possible to make it so the "AI can respawn" module can also save the custom identity/face of a unit (like how it saves the custom loadout on start) each time they respawn? Next update. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted December 15, 2022 Added Nuke module... and several features asked here or on Steam page. Documentation for Nuke to come. You can bomb (plane only) or trigger a nuke on object (device) Add several devices for randomization Add nuke code in secret documents and defuse inserting a code on device. Have "fun" Doc updated. Extract: Spoiler This module provides a versatile tool for scenario based on nuclear conflict. You can add a “device” (any object like vehicles or static). In video, I chose the vanilla Device (dismantled) but feel free to choose a truck or else, not a plane. Planes are for bombing assets, which are another way for blowing up a nuke. You can add a defuse pad on the device and, find the code in a document. It’s up to you configuring these features. If you want a plane with nuke bomb, just link this plane to the module. You can link several planes but each plane will deliver just one nuke. You can specify which type of bomb (AMMO class, not magazine) has this potentiality. If not specified, the first released bomb will blow as nuke. You can also link one or several devices (devices will be randomized for one nuke only). This device will have an action for defusing via an electronic pad. You need to know the code which is randomized by script. So you can find this code in an intel: one or several documents, also linked to the module. All these documents will provide the same code. If you fail to enter the right code, or you spend too much time for defusing, a timer runs, then the nuke explode. The nuke has a destruction radius and a coefficient for remaining radiation (based on 1st radius). These radiation can last a chosen amount of time. Radiations can hurt infantry, vehicles or both. Vehicles are impacted on electronics (sudden) and engine (progressive). Infantry can be protected by gears. If not, players will loose health and vision, AI will fall unconscious… to death. Radiation can be detected by the vanilla (contact) chemical detector: (“ChemicalDetector_01_watch_F”). But you can add assigned items (like watch or radio) in the variable: MGI_RAD_DETECTORS = ["ChemicalDetector_01_watch_F"]; in init.sqf for example. The other variables you can modify (init.sqf or global script, server & clients): Possible DOCUMENTS with code: MGI_CODEDOC_ARRAY = ["Item_SecretDocuments","Item_FileTopSecret","Item_SecretFiles","Item_Files","Intel_File1_F","Intel_File2_F","Land_Document_01_F","Land_File1_F","Land_FilePhotos_F","Land_File2_F","Land_File_research_F","Land_vn_file1_f","Land_vn_filephotos_f","Land_vn_file2_f","vn_b_prop_cabinet_01_01","vn_b_prop_cabinet_02_01","item_CSLA_Documents","EvMoscow","EvKobalt","EvPhoto","uns_clipboard_papers"]; possible HEADSETS (2 catégories: helmets & facewears (masks, so goggles) as in arsenal): MGI_PROTEC_HELMETS = ["H_HelmetO_oucamo","H_HelmetO_ocamo","H_PilotHelmetFighter_B","H_PilotHelmetFighter_O","H_PilotHelmetFighter_I","H_PilotHelmetFighter_I_E","H_HelmetO_ViperSP_hex_F","H_HelmetO_ViperSP_ghex_F","rhs_zsh7a","rhs_zsh7a_alt","rhs_jetpilot_usaf","H_LIB_US_Pilot_Helmet_Respirator","H_LIB_US_Pilot_Helmet_RespiratorGlasses_Down","H_LIB_US_Pilot_Helmet_RespiratorGlasses_Up","R3F_casque_piloteAC","AMF_ALPHA900_02","AMF_LA100","CSLA_helmetZsh5c"]; MGI_PROTEC_GOGGLES = ["G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_sand_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_olive_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_black_F","G_RegulatorMask_F","UNS_M17","gm_ge_facewear_m65","gm_gc_army_facewear_schm41m","vn_b_acc_m17_01","vn_b_acc_m17_02","vn_b_acc_ms22001_01","vn_o_acc_km32_01","vn_o_acc_goggles_03"]; possible VESTS: MGI_PROTEC_VESTS = ["V_RebreatherB","V_RebreatherIA","V_RebreatherIR","V_LIB_US_Assault_Vest_dday","vn_b_vest_seal_01"]; possible UNIFORMS: MGI_PROTEC_UNIFS = ["U_C_CBRN_Suit_01_Blue_F","U_B_CBRN_Suit_01_MTP_F","U_B_CBRN_Suit_01_Tropic_F","U_C_CBRN_Suit_01_White_F","U_B_CBRN_Suit_01_Wdl_F","U_I_CBRN_Suit_01_AAF_F","U_I_E_CBRN_Suit_01_EAF_F"]; See full documentation for parameters in mod or link at front page of this topic. 5 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvscrrtt 2 Posted January 9, 2023 Is there a way to get respawned vehicles to join as a high command group? I have tried using hcSetGroup in the init for the group and the vehicle but seems neither of those are repeated on respawn. I guess there's a way to do it with triggers? But not sure how it would need to be set up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted January 10, 2023 23 hours ago, tvscrrtt said: Is there a way to get respawned vehicles to join as a high command group? I have tried using hcSetGroup in the init for the group and the vehicle but seems neither of those are repeated on respawn. I guess there's a way to do it with triggers? But not sure how it would need to be set up. Added this feature in next (very soon) update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvscrrtt 2 Posted January 10, 2023 I found a fairly simple workaround. I have the unit respawn on a trigger that adds them to high command. The trigger is far away from the mission so no other units accidentally activate it. Then use setpos to get the unit where I actually want them. Not sure how I would do it if I wanted them to reappear at death location, but for start or on a marker it works. I’m sure someone who actually knows how to script could make a sexier solution Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted January 11, 2023 Done. The respawn module keeps the High Command leader (if any) for destroyed/respawned vehicle(s). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tvscrrtt 2 Posted January 11, 2023 7 hours ago, pierremgi said: Done. The respawn module keeps the High Command leader (if any) for destroyed/respawned vehicle(s). You are a machine. Thank you for your amazing modules! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skullblits 0 Posted February 17, 2023 hi there. Civilian life spawning doesnt work for The Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara. it says cant find the civilians Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted February 17, 2023 I'll check that soon. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redarmy 424 Posted March 14, 2023 Hi mate,coming back to Arma 3 and MGI,i re read the entire thread trying to see if i reported or asked about this before. An issue i am having with the revive module... All playable BLU have ability to heal,if i kill a fire team of playable BLU,they all go into a revive state(only group healing allowed) so technically no one should be healing them,yet they are automatically reviving after a set time(the respawn time?) do they not bleed out? im pretty sure when i used the mod before player and AI could bleed out. plz correct me if im wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted March 31, 2023 Hi all, New version this day. I tried to answer at most of the demands on Steam or here. Reworked Advanced transport (Taxi) module. You can sync some taxis (per side) instead of using all possibilities. You can enable/disable the call by players, setting a variable on them: _aPlayer getVariable ["FORBIDMGITAXI",TRUE] Reworked respawn vehicles module. Playable AIs are now taken into account. You still need to set the MP respawn params in editor.Civilian life should work with Western Sahara now. Note: still no change for AI can respawn module (no tickets for AIs). This module is based on groups. So, hard to set individual tickets and manage the groups (see 2): 1 - But you can select groups you want to respawn (see documentation). As written in module info:Independently from sides, you can set a variable "specGrpForResp" on any specific group you want to respawn. Variable is passed on group, not units. The working value is for the place you want the units respawn among: ["start","death","leader","MGIRespWestAI","MGIRespEastAI","MGIRespIndAI","MGIRespCivAI"].Ex.: _grp setVariable ["specGrpForResp","death"] 2 - Think about spawn groups attack module . This module can spawn groups several times, endlessly or not, with all conditions you need. So, that can be also a respawn system! I can help for condition(s) If needed. Note: the attack is not mandatory. You can set waypoints or anything else. Perhaps, I omit some issues or demands. Feel free to ask again but I need a clear context: map, mod(s), working MGI modules, context in scenario, SP or MP,... everything I could test et reproduce. If not too many addons (really few in fact), I can test your scenario... The first goal is to define if the issue is a compatibility one, an extra-script issue or a context I didn't check. Thanks for your feedback. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yyo 10 Posted April 14, 2023 Hey PierreMGI, I hope all is well! I wanted to ask for some help with my trigger setup, if that's okay! Basically, I was reusing an old template I had, using the "AI can respawn" module and sectors. Essentially, I had it to where in my AO for my sector, I had an "Unlock" logic synced to my sector, and I had my 2 triggers (RespEASTpos_1, RespEASTpos_2) synced to the "Unlock" logic. Triggers are acting as positions where I want the "MGIRespEastAI" marker to move to randomly if the sector is captured/recaptured. In both triggers, I had it to where they only activate when OPFOR is present (when they capture the sector). Inside my initServer.sqf I have written, [] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 5; "MGIRespEastAI" setMarkerPos selectRandom [RespEASTpos_1,RespEASTpos_2] };}; What I notice is that the "MGIRespEastAI" marker moves to the trigger positions even when they're not activated/when the sector isn't captured by OPFOR. I have also tried using markers for possible positions to move the "MGIRespEastAI" marker, which seems to have fixed the previous issue, but I notice that sometimes the marker seems to teleport to the corner of the map and I am not sure how I would fix this, here is the code I am using, where "EastRESPmkr" and "EastRESPmkr_1" are acting as base markers and "EastRESPmkr_2" and "EastRESPmkr_3" are markers that are made once the sector is captured : [] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 5; "MGIRespEastAI" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos (selectRandom ["EastRESPmkr", "EastRESPmkr_1", "EastRESPmkr_2", "EastRESPmkr_3"]));};}; Is there any way there might be another workaround for moving the "MGIRespEastAI" marker to captured sectors randomly? Or anything I can do fix either of the issues I am having? Thanks PierreMGI! EDIT: I fixed this problem thanks to Larrow, here is the code: [] spawn { while {true} do { sleep 5; //Only markers that currently exist _activeMarkers = [ "EastRESPmkr", "EastRESPmkr_1", "EastRESPmkr_3", "EastRESPmkr_2" ] select{ getMarkerPos _x isNotEqualTo [0,0,0] }; "MGIRespEastAI" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos(selectRandom _activeMarkers); }; }; Thanks PierreMGI, Have a great day! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superfishlu 0 Posted June 10, 2023 Dear Pierre, I recently stumbled across your collection and have to say this is HUGE. I'll need to reconsider so many things with the mission I am currently developing for my unit. I have a question though: Is it possible to influence the skill settings of the units spawned using the Advanced Patrols module? I think the only way I see right now is to have predefined groups placed on the editor and sync them to the module, then adapt the AI settings on the groups as I see fit? Is there any way to make the randomly spawned units adhere to some AI & skill settings? Many thanks in advance and thanks for all of your work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted June 10, 2023 53 minutes ago, superfishlu said: Is it possible to influence the skill settings of the units spawned using the Advanced Patrols module? I think the only way I see right now is to have predefined groups placed on the editor and sync them to the module, then adapt the AI settings on the groups as I see fit? Is there any way to make the randomly spawned units adhere to some AI & skill settings? Many thanks in advance and thanks for all of your work. - Not yet (I'll probably add a variable on spawned group in a next version, so you can work on it) - No, the linked units (groups) to the module are for unit types (and loadouts) but are not present at start. They are only for editing session. - I can give you a workaround for ALL spawned groups (you can filter them anyway): For server (as units are spawning on server): addMissionEventHandler ["GroupCreated", { params ["_group"]; _group spawn { sleep 2; // needs a little tempo {_x setSkill 1} forEach units _this; // example } }]; With a little filter,... give a name for your trigger (the trigger which spawn the groups) Let say trig1 in variable name (not to be confused with the text! Do not touch text without reading the documentation) addMissionEventHandler ["GroupCreated", { params ["_group"]; _group spawn { sleep 1; if (leader _this inArea trig1 && side _this == EAST) then { {_x setSkill 1} forEach units _this; }; }; }]; }]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superfishlu 0 Posted June 10, 2023 Thanks a lot man for this fast reply! It is really helpful. Maybe you can consider adding the same options as you did for the SPAWN GROUPS ATTACK module - there we can set Skill, Combat mode and even give run code on the unit - that would be pefect for the patrol module! I can't thank you enough for your work - take care! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superfishlu 0 Posted June 12, 2023 Hello my friend, I do have another question. Is it related to being in air with a vehicle with no actual player being on the ground: - I feel that no ambient civilian car traffic is being spawned when I'm in flight with the helicopter, is that correct? - Is there a way to make civilians and AI patrols spawn when I am flying over a zone, too? Would I need to adapt the trigger height in that case - I suppose yes? Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted June 13, 2023 Yes. For resource saving, the car traffic doesn't spawn when player is in flight. Need (If some time) an extra parameter for that (No spawn while in flight by default)... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superfishlu 0 Posted June 28, 2023 Thank you Pierre for answering, as usual. Do I need to run the mod on the server as well if I use it in an MP mission? Or just on the client machine where I edit the mission? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted June 28, 2023 5 hours ago, superfishlu said: Do I need to run the mod on the server as well if I use it in an MP mission? Or just on the client machine where I edit the mission? The modules (BI or else) are objects (logics). As any object placed in editor, all PCs are loading it at start. So, all server/clients must have the mod, as well for all other modded objects. The fact the code must run on server and/or on client(s) is for my side. You don't have to think about that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirBassi 10 Posted July 3, 2023 Hi Pierre, how are you? I am starting next days with preparing a new campaign for our community. And MGI Modules should be there included again 😇. Just wanna kindly ask if you thought about for the Civilians Modul and Civilians Traffic Modul to include Exclsuion zones? (maybe just trigger areas with would be synced with the Main Modul or so) In between I tested the Mod GRAD Civilians, which also works fine but from Editor to full Missionwork your Solutions matches much better for our Missions. Thanks a lot for your Feedback and best for your projects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pierremgi 4939 Posted July 8, 2023 On 7/3/2023 at 2:44 PM, SirBassi said: Just wanna kindly ask if you thought about for the Civilians Modul and Civilians Traffic Modul to include Exclsuion zones? With "civilian life" module, you can set all areas you want by triggers linked to the module. You can even place several modules for several kinds of populations. With "car traffic" module (just one), you can't define areas for a specific player but you can switch on/off the flow of cars with a simple variable (on server): MGI_TRAFFICCOND set to TRUE (by default) or MGI_TRAFFICCOND set to FALSE for switching off the traffic (except already spawned). So you can set a trigger for server only with your condition and setting this variable (on act. on deact. fields). I will not modify the module for switching dependently for each players. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SirBassi 10 Posted July 14, 2023 On 7/8/2023 at 2:44 PM, pierremgi said: With "civilian life" module, you can set all areas you want by triggers linked to the module. You can even place several modules for several kinds of populations. With "car traffic" module (just one), you can't define areas for a specific player but you can switch on/off the flow of cars with a simple variable (on server): MGI_TRAFFICCOND set to TRUE (by default) or MGI_TRAFFICCOND set to FALSE for switching off the traffic (except already spawned). So you can set a trigger for server only with your condition and setting this variable (on act. on deact. fields). I will not modify the module for switching dependently for each players. Thanks a lot for your reply Pierre. For "civilian life" Modul everything is clear. So I also build in my prelast campain with your Modul (one year ago, f*** the time runs) and I had it just wrong in my mind. But I looked in a old mission file and all memories came back. For the "Car Traffic" Modul I had in my mind that we talked somewhere here in Forum or Discord (maybe Armae DC) about the background: Having traffic overall on a map is fine, just some "Blacklist Areas" for a Base, FOBs etc. would be nice and I had in my mind that you was thinking about to implement something like the connected Trigger Areas as in your Civilian Life Modul. But I could also be wrong. But it seems that your solution as descriped with a Trigger activation and deactivation on Serverside could solve the unwanted civilian traffic in military Areas. Thanks a lot for your input and finally for your amazing Modules. Nice for every Missioncreater 🙂 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites