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Hi Pierrmgi,


I'm completely new to the game and I like playing SP scenarios only
I like the ReArm module you made but I honestly dont know what to do to "turn it on" in game

also, the Antistasi scenario has this auto rearm/loot button, does this conflict with your module?

Edit: I found out how to activate it, and I also tried messing around with the code to make the AIs go find ammo when they have less than 60 rounds, so far I havent made it work

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2 hours ago, Komodo-1 said:

Hi Pierre, seems like the Heal and Revive gives some CUP units extra health/armor. Was testing it and found I need to empty almost half a clip as headshots at them to go into unconscious state:


Yes. No matter the mod or the side. It's the case for any AI you want to heal, just because I handle damages before the unit die. I'm not able to fix that at this moment.

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1 hour ago, pierremgi said:


Yes. No matter the mod or the side. It's the case for any AI you want to heal, just because I handle damages before the unit die. I'm not able to fix that at this moment.

But i tested it with vanilla mods and they got killed with 1-2 shots

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15 hours ago, Komodo-1 said:

But i tested it with vanilla mods and they got killed with 1-2 shots



Next update soon. After some tests.


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Hey Pierre,

is it possible to make a rearm-module for choppers or planes? 

When an AI aircraft is low on ammo or maybe fuel, they will return to base, land, rearm and go back to work?


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20 hours ago, pierremgi said:



Next update soon. After some tests.



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4 hours ago, schulz said:

Hey Pierre,

is it possible to make a rearm-module for choppers or planes? 

When an AI aircraft is low on ammo or maybe fuel, they will return to base, land, rearm and go back to work?




Rearm module is made for AI infantry, with some conditions, main of them the ammo count in primary weapon. The idea was to see some AIs going to corpses, crates or abandoned weapons, reloading/taking another primary weapon, then continue the fight.


For vehicles, it's something different. It's easy to script for rearming aircraft when low on ammo (without return to air base). A kind of infinite ammo or a replenishment when low. Only the second case is worth returning base. I tried something like that for UAV and it was such a disaster I had to let them in flight and play with simulation and visibility.

Not sure I'll script for an extra module, just for the satisfaction to know an AI aircraft can return to base for refueling/rearming/repairing. Most of the time, you'll not see this action and it's resource demanding for poor immersion. Not saying some airports are rotten for safe AI landings (depending on maps, mods...).
That said, I can help for a specific script for a scenario. No need for a module, so far. (compliant for vehicles, sides, bases, ammos,...)


Note : I created a spawn attack group which allows repeatable action (or even full script), under some custom conditions. No matter the fact it's the same vehicle or not, just spawning in due area, flying to do something, returning and/or deleted in due time/position.


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Thank you for your reply. I already guessed it would be too much effort for too little effect. and yeah some maps are not really airplane friendly 🙂



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Hi Pierre, i tried the Rearm module and for some reason the AI are not able to rearm. I have removed all ammo and put compatible ammo in a supply crate in front them (30 mags, FAKs, RPG ammo). They seem not to automatically rearm unless I tell them manually.

Rearm Module settings:
 AI lead player groups

Better Inventory
3den Enhanced


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1 minute ago, Komodo-1 said:

Hi Pierre, i tried the Rearm module and for some reason the AI are not able to rearm. I have removed all ammo and put compatible ammo in a supply crate in front them (30 mags, FAKs, RPG ammo). They seem not to automatically rearm unless I tell them manually.

Rearm Module settings:
 AI lead player groups

Better Inventory
3den Enhanced



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On 7/5/2024 at 1:46 AM, Komodo-1 said:



Here i removed all their weapons and stored weapons in a crate and some dead infantry nearby, they didn't rearm with module set both to side, AI with player control and synced the group to the module (just in case)

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10 hours ago, Komodo-1 said:


Here i removed all their weapons and stored weapons in a crate and some dead infantry nearby, they didn't rearm with module set both to side, AI with player control and synced the group to the module (just in case)


The rearm module works with all DLCs and mods. The fact is you need to wait for a low on ammo for primary weapon of the AIs (chosen in module of course). All other solution like no ammo (so the unit can't fire and act the event handler "fired"), or without primary weapon (for same reason) can't work.

You need to make the unit fire (mandatory),

reach a low on ammo for primary weapon (mandatory,  there is no check of secondary or handgun weapon before that),

be within a radius of a corpse / crate/ dropped weapon,

filled with compatible mags, or another primary weapon (2nd choice).

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On 7/6/2024 at 12:33 PM, pierremgi said:


The rearm module works with all DLCs and mods. The fact is you need to wait for a low on ammo for primary weapon of the AIs (chosen in module of course). All other solution like no ammo (so the unit can't fire and act the event handler "fired"), or without primary weapon (for same reason) can't work.

You need to make the unit fire (mandatory),

reach a low on ammo for primary weapon (mandatory,  there is no check of secondary or handgun weapon before that),

be within a radius of a corpse / crate/ dropped weapon,

filled with compatible mags, or another primary weapon (2nd choice).

ah ok got, so basically they have to be in combat

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 @Komodo-1 I don't want to hijack this thread. Pierremgi worked very hard on these modules that should have been incorporated in the vanilla game from Bohemia. With that said I have a unlimited ammo script that never lets a player or AI unit to have no ammo magazines for rifles pistols and launchers it works with most modified weapons as well.  It will add one magazine or round when there is none left in the inventory.  


I play with a lot of AI under my command. It is a logistical nightmare to micromanage a lot of AI in a mission. If this is something that you can use I will certainly post the code block.

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1 hour ago, avibird 1 said:

 @Komodo-1 I don't want to hijack this thread. Pierremgi worked very hard on these modules that should have been incorporated in the vanilla game from Bohemia. With that said I have a unlimited ammo script that never lets a player or AI unit to have no ammo magazines for rifles pistols and launchers it works with most modified weapons as well.  It will add one magazine or round when there is none left in the inventory.  


I play with a lot of AI under my command. It is a logistical nightmare to micromanage a lot of AI in a mission. If this is something that you can use I will certainly post the code block.

no worries ty avibird 1
if you want you can make a post about it or DM since I'm interested to test that as well

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On 7/9/2024 at 4:14 PM, avibird 1 said:

 a unlimited ammo script that never lets a player or AI unit to have no ammo magazines for rifles pistols and launchers ...  It will add one magazine or round when there is none left in the inventory. 


Not so immersive and realistic. AIs or players don't have anything to do. If you need such infinite ammos, it's straight and simple:

// in init.sqf (or even a trigger (NOT server only) set to TRUE as condition, without comments//):

MGI_fn_infAmmo = compile "
  params ['_unit','_muzzle'];
  _unit setAmmo [_muzzle,(_unit ammo _muzzle) + 1];

// for edited units
  _x addEventHandler ["FiredMan",{
    params ["_unit","","_muzzle"];
    [_unit,_muzzle] spawn MGI_fn_infAmmo
} foreach allUnits;

// for spawned units
addMissionEventHandler ["entityCreated", {
  params ["_entity"];
  if (_entity isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
    _entity addEventHandler ["FiredMan",{
      params ["_unit", "", "_muzzle"];
      [_unit,_muzzle] spawn MGI_fn_infAmmo


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Agree to disagree on this. Now if you are playing with only human players then no.  no need for it but if you are playing with the majority of AI teammates then yes. I don't find it unrealistic because the AI is still lacking the ability to rearm itself or rearm in a safe manner.  AI will run out in a middle of a field surrounded by enemy units to rearm at a ammo crate that got dropped. Nothing's worse when you're almost done with a 2-hour mission and a tank rolls up on your squad and nobody has any rounds left to deal with the tank. It is a pain in the ass to micromanage a large group of AI units in a dynamic mission. Just my view.

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Yep! Difficult to satisfy everybody on every contexts.


8 minutes ago, avibird 1 said:

AI will run out in a middle of a field surrounded by enemy units to rearm at a ammo crate that got dropped.


Reaming or fleeing, that's the question.

Doing nothing is the worst case, imho.

Fleeing is something you can manage by setSkill command on "courage" , independently from the ability for reloading. Each time I use my module, AIs don't jump at once on a crate.

I have a very little idea about all Vanilla FSMs involved on the way an AI manages targets, then prioritizes them, then chooses among its weapons.


The way my module runs for possible rearming on corpses or else is not perfect, but not too bad (some priorities are done, like distance to magazines of course). Obviously, it's always frustrating when a unit is shot trying to pick something in a crate. No realistic? Well, if you consider, Vanilla arma with a poor order from player asking to rearm or take a weapon, in a big menu list, without any sort and any idea about the position of this possible rearming, there is a huge gap for improvements. 🤣

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Hey Pierre MGI. First off I love your mod. Second I have tried for a few days now to get your the drop vehicles instead of crates Module to work on our Bro Nation WWII server it works if I host a multiplayer from the editor but not when I upload it to our live server. Side note we have 60 player slots 

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On 7/12/2024 at 1:13 AM, 07 CC-6757 TALON said:

Hey Pierre MGI. First off I love your mod. Second I have tried for a few days now to get your the drop vehicles instead of crates Module to work on our Bro Nation WWII server it works if I host a multiplayer from the editor but not when I upload it to our live server. Side note we have 60 player slots 

OK. Could you tell me more about what happens? Do you have a vanilla drop? Is this for all players or JIP only? (OK for player(s) who triggers and/or present, but not joining after the drop...)

Which other mods are you using?

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Version 2.5  December 2024
Added DLCs compatibility (up to Expeditionary forces)

Tweaked weird "human" animals, able to drive a car, from Libertad mod 🙄
"seems like the Heal and Revive gives some CUP units extra health/armor. Was testing it and found I need to empty almost half a clip as headshots at them to go into unconscious state"
shouldn't be a problem anymore.


Please see documentation, then ask for improvements of anything else.

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@pierremgi AI spawn module. Two request if you ever get around to it. 


I know you setup up that AI on each side can spawn at different intervals opfor blufor ind and civ by adding different modules for each side but can you have different groups spawn at different time intervals from the same side. For example if a module is set up for 10 minutes respawning  opfor units. Can you setup a way that you can have a second module for opfor units syn to the second module spawn at different time intervals Basic units on opfor spawn on 10 minutes and the have a second module syn to other groups of elite opfor units that can spawn interval at 20 minutes ? I hope you understand what I'm asking.



The second request is. Is there a way that you can set a distant hold so the modules will not spawn units when a player is at a certain distance. Right now units will automatically spawn when the time is up regardless where the enemy units are located. For example in a building units can spawn right on top of you if you're in the same room other small modules like JEBUS has a hold parameter for distance. 


Please and thank you avibird 

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9 hours ago, avibird 1 said:

I know you setup up that AI on each side can spawn at different intervals opfor blufor ind and civ by adding different modules for each side but can you have different groups spawn at different time intervals from the same side. For example if a module is set up for 10 minutes respawning  opfor units. Can you setup a way that you can have a second module for opfor units syn to the second module spawn at different time intervals Basic units on opfor spawn on 10 minutes and the have a second module syn to other groups of elite opfor units that can spawn interval at 20 minutes ? I hope you understand what I'm asking.


This requests a deep modification of this module, not really compatible.

Workaround : Anyway, you can add a "spawn group attack" module and set what you need.

For example:

1 give your EAST "advanced patrols" module, a name : trig1 or else (don't touch to text field or read documentation).

2 add a condition in condition field of "spawn group attack" like : allPlayers findIf {side _x == WEST && _x  inArea trig1} >-1
3 don't forget to set occurrence other than zero (-1 for infinite) and a repeat delay (working with the condition). That way, you can have groups attacking or chasing or defending the area (of this module). You can even add waypoints by code field of the module.


9 hours ago, avibird 1 said:

The second request is. Is there a way that you can set a distant hold so the modules will not spawn units when a player is at a certain distance. Right now units will automatically spawn when the time is up regardless where the enemy units are located. For example in a building units can spawn right on top of you if you're in the same room other small modules like JEBUS has a hold parameter for distance.


There is already a hold distance (90m) for spawning enemies! I even created my own "find safe pos" and "random pos" functions because the BI one is weird at spawning vehicles in cities.

I never saw what you describe and never heard about that. I assume you didn't see that very often and perhaps you played with a tiny area inside a obstructed part of the map.

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Hey to clarify. You say you have a built-in spawn delay if 90 m away from what the module or the units groups and or individual units of the group. Because of my experience using your module. The enemy will spawn even if I am in a room in a house that a unit spawns into less than 5 m the enemy units will spawn back regardless of my location. 

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