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If possible please tell me how to reproduce the heli loadout (zero mag) bug. if you can tell which heli and what loadout caused it that would be great.




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22 hours ago, gc8 said:

how are you running the mission again? dedi or not?

No dedi, just standard "host server" interface in the game itself.


22 hours ago, gc8 said:

also do you have script errors turned on? 

Please explain, what do I need to turn on or off? Maybe I switched it on accidentally?

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6 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Please explain, what do I need to turn on or off? Maybe I switched it on accidentally?


in the launcher parameters you can toggle on "show Script Errors"




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20 hours ago, gc8 said:

If possible please tell me how to reproduce the heli loadout (zero mag) bug. if you can tell which heli and what loadout caused it that would be great.


I bought Mi-48 Kajman with a gunner and no pilot. Entered the pilot position and used the action for loadout customization. Selected something, loaded the ammo. No weapons without ammo at this point.

Now I changed my mind and went to loadout customization screen again — selected something else (custom selection, not a preset). And after that I got some previously chosen weapons without ammo.


10 minutes ago, gc8 said:

in the launcher parameters you can toggle on "show Script Errors"

This parameter is disabled in the launcher.


Also, an interesting observation — if I purchase Mi-48 on a carrier, I can't get a gunner there. There is no button in the interface for it. Is it on purpose?

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10 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Also, an interesting observation — if I purchase Mi-48 on a carrier, I can't get a gunner there. There is no button in the interface for it. Is it on purpose?


not on purpose, will keep that in mind..

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Ok I put together an update


What's new:


Improved gear saving and buying
Ordnance drop now has a crate
Tents and sandbags can only be built on ground
Trait actions wont appear multiple times
Traits can only be used outside of vehicles
Heli airlift did not work after first transport
Frontlines no longer show up in GPS


And possibly something more which I may have forgot 😄


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15 hours ago, gc8 said:


not on purpose, will keep that in mind..

Sorry, I was not specific enough. There are no buttons for any crew members, not just gunner. Pilot is unavailable too.

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39 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Sorry, I was not specific enough. There are no buttons for any crew members, not just gunner. Pilot is unavailable too.


actually I realized that is in fact a feature because I thought the AI may not be very good at taking off from the carrier


but i should change it so that you can get a gunner

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2 hours ago, gc8 said:

actually I realized that is in fact a feature because I thought the AI may not be very good at taking off from the carrier


Well, airlift helis in my tests so far had no problems taking off from a carrier. Plane pilots might perform differently though, plane takeoff is harder. I tried it only once, and managed to take off successfully. 


In fact, airlift pilots tend to land kinda hardly on a carrier, smashing the heli down a bit hard. Once they hit the heli hard enough to make it inoperable (but it didn't blow up). So the airlift crew quit the vehicle, and I could get to the pilots seat, perform the maintenance and fly away :))

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36 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Plane pilots might perform differently though, plane takeoff is harder.


this  is my concern and if there is anything blocking the AIs way the takeoff will fail

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Here's my small test of 0.9.37.

Screenshots here — https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Wrb8BXakSPIPFw


22 hours ago, gc8 said:

Improved gear saving and buying

Can't comment, couldn't understand what was improved.


22 hours ago, gc8 said:

Ordnance drop now has a crate

It has indeed, and landed almost on my head! Almost perfect. The only problem is that the crate is empty :))) See a screenshot.


22 hours ago, gc8 said:

Tents and sandbags can only be built on ground

Action is not available on the carrier, but available on land. Works.


22 hours ago, gc8 said:

Trait actions wont appear multiple times

Didn't appear multiple times, but when I wanted to respawn, the game got frozen. Usually in previous releases multiple actions appeared after respawns, so I'll need to check again.



22 hours ago, gc8 said:

Traits can only be used outside of vehicles



22 hours ago, gc8 said:

Heli airlift did not work after first transport

Delivered me from carrier to land perfectly. From LZ I walked about 200 m to a side mission, and then called for airlift again. It hovered above me for short time, said to clear LZ, and then went and landed 200 m away — almost on the same spot where I jumped away from the previous airlift, and which I used to call ordnance drop for.

Stayed there some time longer than in previous releases.

I called again, standing on a better spot, and this time heli landed and I got in.


22 hours ago, gc8 said:

Frontlines no longer show up in GPS

Works when I'm on foot, or piloting a heli, or riding a tank.

But wasn't working when I was a passenger in an airlift heli, see a screenshot.


Some issues:

  • When mission was initializing on the map, I received a mysterious error message "FoW ERROR: Not enough g543 to start from 1"
  • At some moment if time there was an error "FoW ERROR: Could not get nearest valid road pos SRD: 450"
  • There is a category "Explosives" in the gear selection interface, and it has APERS, Claymore, and APERS Tripwire. No explosive charges or AT mines.
  • When airdrop is requested, it might be refused with message that airlift is not possible when enemies are near. But I wasn't requesting for airlift, and airdrop option doesn't take VTOL to land in a dangerous zone. So at least the message is a bit inconsistent. Was it designed this way to avoid players escaping the battle from other players?
  • The list of respawn locations is dynamic, and sometimes works not as expected. I selected "base near Camp Maxwell", and waited for respawn time to come. And suddenly a new item appeared in the respawn location list, and my selection shifted to something else. Looks like selection is not assigned to a specific target in that list, but rather to a number of entry in the list. So when the list gets refreshed with a new item, selection does not remain the same. E.g. my base was second in the list, and then suddenly became third, but selection remained on the second item, which was now an ambulance or something like that.

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29 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Can't comment, couldn't understand what was improved.


Just the gear menu saving logic


29 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

It has indeed, and landed almost on my head! Almost perfect. The only problem is that the crate is empty :))) See a screenshot.


Yes but it should give you the gear menu option, when you are close to the crate


thx for the report, i will look into these issues!


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35 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

When airdrop is requested, it might be refused with message that airlift is not possible when enemies are near. But I wasn't requesting for airlift, and airdrop option doesn't take VTOL to land in a dangerous zone. So at least the message is a bit inconsistent. Was it designed this way to avoid players escaping the battle from other players?


You can't leave hostile area via teleport because then you would disappear in front of the enemy



35 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

So when the list gets refreshed with a new item, selection does not remain the same. E.g. my base was second in the list, and then suddenly became third, but selection remained on the second item, which was now an ambulance or something like that.


It's meant to be like that but I understand it may also be problematic. Now it allows ambulances and such to come to your rescue


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I've also noticed difficulties to lock with missiles.


Took a Kajman — AA missile Sahr-3 started to lock on the target only when I was 1 km away. Default A3 value is 6 km, according to https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Dynamic_loadouts#Sahr-3

Also, this missile comes in qty of 1, so I can't take many missiles, and sometimes targets avoid being hit, so performing AA with helis is quite problematic.


Scalpel ATGM starts to lock on targets from about 1.1-1.2 km away, and that also feels a bit too close — enemy AA targets me from greater distances, it seems (not 100% sure).

Also, there are no DAGR missiles in the list, at least for OPFOR side.


And it seems that when I select any heli loadout, the gun turret is lost from the weapon list — can't use it anymore, although it's always mounted on Mi-48 Kajman for example.

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4 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

I've also noticed difficulties to lock with missiles.


Took a Kajman — AA missile Sahr-3 started to lock on the target only when I was 1 km away. Default A3 value is 6 km, according to https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Dynamic_loadouts#Sharur

Also, this missile comes in qty of 1, so I can't take many missiles, and sometimes targets avoid being hit, so performing AA with helis is quite problematic.


Scalpel ATGM starts to lock on targets from about 1.1-1.2 km away, and that also feels a bit too close — enemy AA targets me from greater distances, it seems (not 100% sure).

Also, there are no DAGR missiles in the list, at least for OPFOR side.


that sounds like something I can't do anything about as it's arma it self that handles all that. Unless there are some script commands I don't know of 😕


5 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

And it seems that when I select any heli loadout, the gun turret is lost from the weapon list — can't use it anymore, although it's always mounted on Mi-48 Kajman for example.


will look into this



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1 hour ago, gc8 said:

will look into this


Actually, it's not only gun turret being lost from default weapons, but also the laser designator that gunner can operate as well.

  • Confused 1

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1 hour ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:


Actually, it's not only gun turret being lost from default weapons, but also the laser designator that gunner can operate as well.


there is bug in the loadout editor but i haven't been able to reproduce the laser marker disappearing


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Ok, here are the details on heli loadouts.


I buy a Mi-48 Kajman at FOB with gunner, no pilot. Enter cockpit and scroll through weapons — 30mm gun HE, 30 mm gun APDS, laser designator, Scalpel 4x, Skyfire 19x.

Go to loadout selection interface. For example, I select Scalpel 4x and Skyfire 19x on the left side, and same for the right side. All weapons operated by pilot (really don't get this idea of assignable weapons, please explain the concept).

Click on the "Load ammo" and then "Close" buttons. 

Now when I scroll through weapons — I have Scalpels (8 missiles) and Skyfire (38 missiles). Neither gun turret, nor laser designator are in the list.


Can you add DAGR missiles to the list?

And an AA preset with Sahr-3 missiles (their counterparts for BLUFOR)?

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Noticed another funny moment — trait actions are available when you get dropped from an airdrop VTOL and fly down before releasing the parachute. You can try to place sandbags mid-flight :)) While you scroll for the chute..

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5 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Neither gun turret, nor laser designator are in the list.


ok I will see if I can repeat this


7 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

(really don't get this idea of assignable weapons, please explain the concept)


Honestly I'm not 100% either, the arma 3den (or was that some mod?) loadout editor had this feature too so I copied it


5 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Can you add DAGR missiles to the list?


everything that's compatible according to arma is listed there


so the script lists everything "automatically"


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3 minutes ago, Aquila (DayZ) said:

Noticed another funny moment — trait actions are available when you get dropped from an airdrop VTOL and fly down before releasing the parachute. You can try to place sandbags mid-flight :)) While you scroll for the chute..


fixing 😄


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2 minutes ago, gc8 said:

everything that's compatible according to arma is listed there


so the script lists everything "automatically"


My fault, DAGR are not compatible with Kajman for some reason, but compatible with Orca. I was confused that it is used by all factions, but in fact not with all aircraft. What DAGR are nice for is the quantity in one slot. 

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16 hours ago, gc8 said:

ok I will see if I can repeat this


Tested with BLUFOR AH-99. Initial loadout — DAGR x24, minigun with 1000 ammo, laser marker, ASRAAM x4 (damn, it's unfair they have so many guided AT and AA missiles at the same time). 6 slots vs 4, hmmm.

Load scalpels to upper and middle slot on each side, and DAGR to the lower slot on each side. All assigned to pilot, load ammo. Suddenly I have only minigun and laser marker, no missiles.

If I use the same setup with weapons assigned to gunner, there is DAGR x24 and Scalpel x4 available, with minigun and laser marker. 


I really suggest to reconsider these assignable weapons, they even work differently on two sides. In Kajman, weapons assigned to pilot don't disappear from the list.

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@Aquila (DayZ) ok i will look into this as soon as possible. thx for helping!


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