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Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

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<img src="C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Benni\Desktop\Flashpoint Shit\newnland.jpg" border="0">

not real combat picture but edited Airfield from Nogova.

We can't see pics from your HD, mate. tounge_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">file:///C:/Dokumente%20und%20Einstellungen/Benni/Desktop/Flashpoint%20Shit/newnland.jpg

What must I do that you can see my Pics? tell me

Sign up for an image hosting service, like


Doesn't work for me, though, I registered but when I try to get in with the username and password the mail gave me the page just refreshes. rock.gif

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There are many many free hosts out there smile_o.gif

In the meantime if anyone wants pics hosting Email them to me at [email protected] and I'll sort you out smile_o.gif

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I was browsing thru my DC3 screenshots and...


... I realized that i need a Beech 18, just for one screenshot ;P

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Who works for you Gollum?

web1000.com, no transfer limit per day or anything (2 meg limit per page), perfect for combat photography, but you have to transfer the files with an FTP program. I would recommend the Tacticalblunder uploader if it works for you.

And I would like to give this piece of advice to everyone:

Crop all the unnecessary crap out (it's dead easy with Photoshop), like command bars, and sharpen if needed!

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Nice pic smile_o.gif

Btw what's "Pron & Panzer"? I've seen quite a few images with that logo in...Is it your squad?

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Nice pic smile_o.gif

Btw what's "Pron & Panzer"? I've seen quite a few images with that logo in...Is it your squad?

It´s "our" squad logo. (we are no clan, just playing for fun).




MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Hmmmm...A bit long winded if you ask me, and the registration would have to be changed too ( G - **** is British wink_o.gif )

I reckon something like 'Nogovan' or 'AeroNog' would be pretty cool smile_o.gif

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Nice Lee ,i wish supah would take this aircraft for Nogova airforce Mod and release it retextured smile_o.gif

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And make it a C-47 Gunship smile_o.gif

Then again, Mr Ofp engine wouldn't support it sad_o.gif

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Nice pic smile_o.gif

Btw what's "Pron & Panzer"? I've seen quite a few images with that logo in...Is it your squad?

It´s "our" squad logo. (we are no clan, just playing for fun).




MfG Lee wink_o.gif

Dont wanna be rude:

But Lee H Oswald:

Wy do I smell a photo edited post here wink_o.gif

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But Lee H Oswald:

Wy do I smell a photo edited post here  wink_o.gif

Das muß dann wohl an deiner schlechten Nase liegen!


MfG Lee biggrin_o.gif

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There is nothing wrong with my nose mate and it works well...


( Yes German is a needed subject here in the netherlands )

But if those are real... wow_o.gif release them biggrin_o.gif

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But if those are real... wow_o.gif release them biggrin_o.gif

Hmm no, but I hope "supah" is going on his nogova airline project.

He can make better than mine I think, and this was just a 10minutes photoshop work.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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But if those are real... wow_o.gif release them biggrin_o.gif

Hmm no, but I hope "supah" is going on his nogova airline project.

He can make better than mine I think, and this was just a 10minutes photoshop work.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

ATM i am working more on the planes for the nogovan armed forces project and its ground components.



How do you like my chopper camo? smile_o.gif

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Supah, that camo is Supahrb!  smile_o.gif

Is that for the Nogovan Armed Forces? I really like it  wink_o.gif

Yes smile_o.gif I may become the standard helicopter camo.

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Supah, that camo is Supahrb!  smile_o.gif

Is that for the Nogovan Armed Forces? I really like it  wink_o.gif

Yes smile_o.gif I may become the standard helicopter camo.

You should polish it a bit more still supah , like make a insignia for the Nogova military instead of that green flag thing everywhere try something new .

Also how about thse jagged teeth like thing which US nam helis had on the front cockpit



Looks very Thumbs up to martin on the texture work wink_o.gif

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Supah, that camo is Supahrb!  smile_o.gif

Is that for the Nogovan Armed Forces? I really like it  wink_o.gif

Yes smile_o.gif I may become the standard helicopter camo.

You should polish it a bit more still supah , like make a insignia for the Nogova military instead of that green flag thing everywhere try something new .

Also how about thse jagged teeth like thing which US nam helis had on the front cockpit


Its a work in progress, the picture is more about showing people the basic camo.

Quote[/b] ][ig]http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~uploads/acecombat/dc-3real.jpg[/img]

Looks very Thumbs up to martin on the texture work wink_o.gif

Looks like Microsoft did most of the job smile_o.gif

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