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Dynamic vietnam missions

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For the veterans of this "mission". (campaign, mod, ummm... not sure what it falls under. smile.gif

Ok, I started playing last night, and am sort of getting the hang of things. The biggest problem I've run into, is getting the choppers to rearm. In the readme that I downloaded for it, it said upon returning to the airfield, helos will automatically repair, refuel, and rearm. Mine do none of the above. (The 3 hueys do, since they return automaticaly). The aircrews 4 & 5 however.... I saw no command to tell them to return to base. So, I gave them manual waypoints near the ammo trucks, and told them to land. They landed, but remained out of ammo, damaged, and low on fuel.

I tried playing with their positioning up to the point of my OH 6 landind ON the ammo truck, and then flipping over. So, thus far, I have been buying new choppers each time they return. (This has its obvious problems) sad.gif Is there a command for them to return to base for refitting, or is there a specific place they must be given a WP, and manual land action at? Thx for any help.

Oh, also, how is supply handled? I haven't run into it yet (Between dedicating certain units to defence, and the "active" ones high umm... turn around rate, I haven't really had men run out of ammo. When they do, does the base/mobile ammo trucks stocks replenish throught the game?

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this mission looks really cool. But before I download, could someone answer a few questions? I think it would be useful to incorporate the answers in the readme.

1. What addons do I need, and what are the links for them?

2. What strategies should I use?

3. How does the mission consider day/night cycle, soldiers' need to rest, etc?

4. CAn you do ambushes with claymores? How?

5.How do you set up a FB?

6. Does CoC/this mission allow for any independence on the part of subordinate officers? For example, can a platoon ordered to enter a village come in from all sides on it's own or do you need to give those orders?

Thank you.

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Hmm.. I can answer a few of those at least... For Firebases, You use the "Firebase Alpha/Bravo" command under the "Special" command menu and they will set up shop wherever they are at. (To actually move them, you must move them as any other team, into the desired position). To then pick up and relocate, you use the "Firebase Alpha/Bravo Move" command, also under special. This makes them mobile again, and responsive to new waypoints. (Same way the Spec Ops observation posts work)

As for independant command initiative? None that I have seen. If you want a coordinated multi directional assault, you have to set up the waypoints yourself. (for each squad.)

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If I want to use an M113 addon in TOD instead of the original M113 where to do the changes?

Is version 1.80 coming...?

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I think Bagel is dead.

No I think he doesnt care about this splendid mod anymore.

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i still want to play this mission alot, but it deteriates after a few hours with bugs and the save game not working, and the dreaded SEB NAM crash is always lurking in the background.

where art thou Bagel smile_o.gif

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Bagel....where are you !!!!

Anyone know if Bagel is still working on this mission ? or chance this mission gets further develops and polish ?

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"Oh no 3.....is down"

"Oh no Bagel......is down"

Bagel if your out there please let us know. I really like your mission.

Bagel reports status!

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The last I heard, he was working with the Chain of Command guys on their next (multiplayer?) version of CoC.



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Hey folks,

I downloaded this 'mission' a couple days ago. And man it is GREAT!

I did change a few things though. Like I added Snypirs SP/MP Supportpack. Now I have Spads (Footmuch) flying CAS, Skyhawks (Falklands mod) droppings bombs, Thuds (again Footmuch) doing Napalm and Clusterbomb strikes.

I have also added some atmosphere by having your bases patroled by friendly non controleble units and civis in the villages.

I think I'm going to remove the Firebases though. They get stuck very often. Think I'm going to turn a Chinook in a mobile supermarket for all your ammo, fuel and repairwork. I'm also going to add UA and replace the 105's that are in now. I'm going to let them cover the entire play area. If I got UA figured out right it isn't exactly a one click affair. So I think artillery will not dominate the game.

What ya think?


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Great ! glad someone is working on polishing this rare gems. I would love to play/test your mission. Is there a place I can download your mod ? Or you can send it to my email: [email protected]



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If I got UA figured out right it isn't exactly a one click affair. So I think artillery will not dominate the game.

Yeah you need to usually adjust the fire etc, it would be quite cool on Tour of Duty.

I'd be interested of playing your edited version, like Lamerlot asked earlier, is there a download link for the mission we could try out?

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No prob guys. I have to mail you the files because i don't have anywhere to upload.

Didn't get much done last night because I had to reinstall OFP. Don't know what happend exectly but OFP suddenly coulden't find certain addons. This is that dreaded SEBNAM bug perhaps?

Anyway the Ch47 idea isn't going to work. Can't use it as a repair, refuel object. I have a few other ideas so going to try that.

Things to do:

* improve resupply of choppers and armour;

* Refine air strikes. Now a bit to easy to blow up your own troops;

* make it a PBO and flags start showing. Don't want that!

* implemant UA. That results in a question. Does anybody now if M109 any version where used in Vietnam?


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a little update.

Choppers now rearm on landing at base. I'm using a trigger that first removes allweapons and then adds magazines. Two snags though. One I think all choppers now get rearmed where ever they are. Second if a crew is outside a chopper when another enters the trigger zone then crewmen number 1 loses his weapons as well!

I'm going to try if I can add a distance condition to the trigger. Never done that before. So if anybody got any tips I'm listening.

For the armour I placed a static ammo, refueller and repair truck at the marine base. So you wanna load up your armour you have to get them back to base. This sounds realistic as I read in a book that the armour in Vietnam made sorties just like the airheads.

Now I'm going to add the UA.

If somebody wants it let me know by sending me your email adress and whether you want a pbo or the mission editor version.

My email [email protected]


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While playing the Bn commander you kind of missing out the fun of a fps. If possible, can you make a "light" version where the core force is a leg company, plus attachments like a mech plt, a tank section, and so on. This would leave the player time to play the fps game also.


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Well that is pretty easy really. As Bagel used Coc adding, changing the assats you control is pretty easy. You can do that yourself pretty easy. On www.thechainofcommand.com you will find a readme that explaines how to do that. Once you figured out the logic behind the setup it'll take you about 15 min. to completly change your command.

I do intend to make a version were you play as a chopper pilot but first I want the present version to be as good as I can get it. 'Good' is mostly having the right kind of atmosphere as I am no skilled scripter.

There is however no reason why you can't play it with your HQ squad as a primary combant unit. Once you get a good feel for the CoC scripts it doesn't take as much of your time. Use the slowdown option liberally.


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btw, I just downloaded 1.75 (its been a real long time since ive played) and I dont know where to put all the files to get it to work. theres no pbo, its just a mess of files. does anyone know how to get this mission running?

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Hi guys, i am an OFP player with not so many skills but i am interested to download and totry the TOD.

If someone could help me where i could get the download ?

The links doesnt work anymore.

Infos on [email protected] please

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As the thread is originally two years old that probably explains why the links no longer work sad_o.gif

If anyone has news about this PM me and I'll re-open the thread smile_o.gif

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