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Mf conquer the island

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Why not just take the map off the server if it causes so much trouble?

I dont beleive fraghaus has it on the server right now and lately almost every night they have had a full server. They are just running those BF1985 clones and the better CH and CTF missions from both the SHop server and fraghaus though they may be narrow minded. However if it fills a server who can complain?

CTI is a great mission if you have a few people getting together on a direct connect game, but for a server it just takes way to long to play out.

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Damnit I LOVED PLANE FRENZY AND CHOPPER CRAZY but I haven't played those for ages sad_o.gif I used to test maps for I guy named Blood Burn, he created a black hawk down map, and this map where you buy stuff and you could build planes and vechials, almost like RTS.

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Well, for me personally, adversarial could never hold a candle to a good co-op. All about individual taste (although I suspect it's the CS generation tounge_o.gif )

Is there any good adversarial maps that actually have objectives for each team, rather than just C&H, DM or CTF?

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Hmm I like Coops better than adversarial too, theres nothing like playing 7 of your friends with a good coop mission.

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Terox I completely agree with u man. log in at any time of the day and servers are running ctis with ppl waiting in them. I used to love cti but now is too much lol, once in a week ois good for me

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Is there any good adversarial maps that actually have objectives for each team, rather than just C&H, DM or CTF?

Try norespawn A&D missions, imo. best ones are made by Goeth ;) You can find them here for example.

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Is there any good adversarial maps that actually have objectives for each team, rather than just C&H, DM or CTF?

There's some very good A&D style maps (no respawn)I'm with kegetys there - I don't like TDM, CTI or (worse) CTF very much and I usually only play COOP. But non-respawn A&D maps can be real fun, and they offer a big possibility (the Kyllikki ones are indeed very good). Or have a mission that is basically a COOP with 2-3 slots on the enemy side, so you can have a couple of good players harras the team more than any ai could. There's plenty of possibilities.

The main problem with CTI is not wether it's fun or not (that's purely a matter of taste), but that it blocks the server for so much time. Also not all players really stay throughout the whole game - many usually leave after 1-2 hours. I think CTI may be good if we have JIP in OFP2, so people are not stuck in the lobby waiting hours for a game, but rather can join to fill slots that got free after other people left.

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Perhaps everyone's gotten tired of C&H and CTF and TDM. CTI is a refreshing change.


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This is a completely irrelevant topic!

If you don't like CTI don't play it, do you know why so many people play this CTI stuff? Because: they enjoy it. biggrin_o.gif

Although I personally like the concept of CTI over the standard CTF stuff, you have to approach such an online complaint in a different manner:

like the SUV issue

you have to convince people not to like them first wink_o.gif

Its like the problem with complete democracy, what's most popular wins, takes out the competition, and is usually a very bad choice. So what, time for a little communist rule on OFP servers? wow_o.gif haha

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Yeah well it would be fitting. I'll tell you whats REALLY ruining OFP online though. The fact that EVERYONE puts that damn G36 in boxes at the start.

I hate the G36 I hate the look, I hate the sound, I hate the sights. But the fact that it can kill always in one hit means you NEED to choose it to compete. This should have been fixed absolutely ages ago by BIS IMHO and it really does screw some things up. The only gun I ever take apart from it is the MP5 cos it has very little muzzle flash but it is not normally useful.

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I like CTI, and the BF1985 clones, way better than CTF. although especially cti takes way too long to complete. I've hardly ever finished an entire game. I don't like to be rude and leave, but often I just don't have the abbility to sit a few hours in a row behind my computer.

At first I allways played coop, but it's true these days it isn't played very much anymore. I don't think ofp is dying on it, but it's nice to have some room for coop once in a while smile_o.gif


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I fully agree on the A&D concept, there should be way more concept tuning done on it. In this matter, games like americas army could give very helpful ideas.

For me, main issues on current MP maps with many players :

- time. Missions are really too long and keep other players out of the server for more than 1 hour, it's simply incredible.

- respawn. The current state of respawn system simply destroy any constructive attempt to build an organized squad. As every player respawn alone, he HAS to be alone for at least a portion of the mission, don't know exactly what is to be done by which group, etc... This single person respawn system explodes the existing groups.

About the popularity, it is perhaps an issue, but the CTI mission will make your server "popular" simply because players on it will use it for hours.... because the mission last for hours. That's all. I'm daily seeing on pingZero CTI whith 12 pple on it, reducing to 8 pple, or less, after 1h30 of game, so the server is blocked by let's say 10 pple on average. I wouldn't say it is popular. And during play time, countless number of player try to connect, and immediatly leave, seeing the huge wait time. And it's pretty disturbing to see a server where you tried to offer as much bandwitdh and capacity as you can being usefull for only 10 persons. I keep CTI on it just because some friends love it. And I'm seriously considering switching it to full coop/A&D server. And if possible FDF mod smile_o.gif


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OK, I'll make a complete ass of myself: what does CTI stand for? (let the flaming commence! tounge_o.gif )

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Capture the Island. It's a common question. smile_o.gif

I understand the drawback of having to wait for long CTI missions to finish, but for many people it is simply just what they are looking for when they are playing, a longer game of various tactics. wink_o.gif It's like a fact of life.

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The absense of Join In Progess ( sorry ) has been my biggest disappointment with this game, my old Quake3 clan buddies refused to play because of it, and I know others who took their game back to the store because of that very issue.

But that doesnt stop the fact that CTi Kicks Damned Ass!

It really has everything in it that makes OFP great, squad control, strategy, infantry and vehicle combat ... the whole gammut, it even rocks as a Single Player game, I've spent many a happy hour in battle against my Pentium. smile_o.gif

Lets just pray that BIS manage to add at least optional JiP to OFP2, I for one will be enormously disappointed if they dont ...

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I mainly play COOP. I like the idea of having less CTI, it blocks up servers and is brainless.

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I used to love CTI but too much is too much and I deleted it from my server. This mainstream stuff is really getting on my nerves. Open the ingame browser and check the 15 fullest servers. It's either Battlefield 1985 and its derivates (I can't imagine a more worn out map), CTI or CTF Mokra and other crappy CS clones.

I guess the world is made like this, mainstream above all. But I want a community which is open-minded, eager to experiment new stuff, interested in evolution. I'd rather have less players on my servers than being the equivalent of a Top 40 radio station. I always hated charts music anway...

Sorry to the dozens of players hijacking my server 24/7 for CTI, it's time for you to move on to new shores.

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I think RTS3 is much better than CTI. I have played CTI and it is so very long. Good for when you have a friend to play against. Bad when you play on dedicated server.

RTS3 is much quicker game to play altho games can go for very long. I start playing RTS when RTS2 is out over a year ago I think and it always had the whole island for you to capture, or you destroy the other base to win.

RTS3 you can play on a lot of islands too! Everon, Malden, Kolgujev, Ackropolis, Sargaou, Lahta and there are vietnam versions that is just as good but do take lot longer because you do not have big jets. You can also play with the many addons or with zero addons which is good.

I go on gamespy and see many many rts servers, so many people like these styles of game. CTI biggest problem is too long to play and it start out sooo slow!

Anyway I think that people like different styles, but these games are still good for OFP because it means more people will play the game, just need more servers!

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Hi, folks! I'm interested in more multiplayer gaming in OFP and have found that throughout the day, there are several different types of CTI servers with plenty of players. I've tried to join some of them (thinking I had the correct addons running), but I've been kicked off of them, with no further information. I've been trying to read up on CTI and am a little confused.

Can you play on a CTI server with mods running (such as ECP, GRAA, etc. . .)?

In a CTI match, does one play on a team with and against other humans? Is it strictly coop play? Is there communication between team players in a CTI game? I'm particularly interested in player vs. player team play.

I've tried practicing using the instructions for hosting your own game. I've played as a team leader, but I'm not sure what to do - the commander does not issue orders (as far as I can tell).

I'm a little overwhelmed by the choices available for CTI play - can anyone recommend a particular version I should download above all others? Better yet, would someone involved in CTI play on a particularly active server give me some pointers? If you're interested in having another player join in, I'd be happy to give it a try. Edit: I'm in the U.S., but I can make time during the day to play on European servers.

Thanks for any help!

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Quote[/b] ]I've tried to join some of them (thinking I had the correct addons running), but I've been kicked off of them, with no further information. I've been trying to read up on CTI and am a little confused.

Normally there is a little text message at the top of the screen that you see when you first log on. It should tell you what addons are required. Without knowing what servers you are talking about, no one can say which addons are required.

If you see a padlock icon on the server that means a password is required to logon. Also some servers don't allow custom files (ie faces, sounds etc.)

See this site and pick a server from the list, you get a display showing the IP, which missions have been played and what addons are required.


Quote[/b] ]Can you play on a CTI server with mods running (such as ECP, GRAA, etc. . .)?

Maybe, but not likley, a couple of servers will allow ECP, but thats it. FFUR is banned on every server I play on.

Some CTI addons sites are:




And Finally the big daddy:


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Thanks, Zuku1! Those links are helpful. The stats page has been my starting point for this look at CTI b/c of the Top 10 Missions list. I was able to get on the BrokBand server (though I was unable to, earlier - I'm not sure what I did differently. . .). I've tried getting on the China and =RUS= servers, for example - I got kicked and the message was simply that I had been kicked, with no missing addons info. I can get on the CIA and LOL servers. With my success with the BrokBand server I'll keep trying with the others. My first CTI game was pretty fun!

Thanks, again!

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I play on LOL and CIA frequently although they are Coop servers, not CTI as you inquired about. Addons for theses are available at:

LOLwww.nakedsquid.com ([@lol] & @LOLextras)

CIAwww.ciahome.net (finmod, bas, kegetys rus weapons/handguns) Team Speak is also required for CIA nights play on Wendsday and Sunday. This is a planned and organized session by CIA guys, but all are welcome to play.

A popular utility for managing servers, mod folders and connecting to a particular server is OFPWatch.


Use the stats page to get IP address and enter those for each server and check the boxes of which mod folders you want to use. There is also a view button that will show in most cases which addon packs are required, locked indicates password needed, EqModReq if yes means you need to have correct mod folders names to logon.

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Thanks, again, Zuku1! The info on how to use OFPWatch was very helpful - I added several of the top 10 servers. Just to clarify (because I wasn't all that clear. . .), I mentioned CIA and LOL, b/c I did receive helpful messages regarding missing addons that allowed me to get fully setup to play on those servers. Time permitting, I'd like to become a regular on them, as well.

Are there any other servers, that don't show up in the top 10, that you would recommend I take a look at?

Thanks, again!

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