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i found this code on unknowncheats website.



it was for arma 2  spawning parachute cows with airplane.

if (isnil "fsdandposanpsdaon" ) then {fsdandposanpsdaon=0};

if (fsdandposanpsdaon==0) then


player addweapon "ItemGPS";



closedialog 0;

sleep 0.5;

TitleText [format["Click on the map where you want paracows"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

openMap [true, false];

sCode = 'hint "COWS INCOMING, GET TO COVER";';

sCode = sCode + ' _pos = [(cTargetPos select 0) + random 100, (cTargetPos select 1) + random 100, 100];';

sCode = sCode + ' PLANE1 = createVehicle ["C130J", [(_pos) select 0,(_pos) select 1,500], [], 0, "FLY"];';

sCode = sCode + 'cpbLoops = 15;';

sCode = sCode + 'cpLoopsDelay = 0.13;';

sCode = sCode + 'for "_i" from 0 to cpbLoops do {';

sCode = sCode + ' _pos1 = [(cTargetPos select 0)+random 100, (cTargetPos select 1)+random 100];';

sCode = sCode + ' _chute= createvehicle ["ParachuteC", [(_pos1) select 0,(_pos1) select 1], [], 0, "FLY"];';

sCode = sCode + ' _cow=group player createunit ["Cow04", [(_pos1) select 0,(_pos1) select 1,152], [], 0, "FORM"];';

sCode = sCode + ' _cow attachTo [ _chute, [0,0,0]];' ;

sCode = sCode + 'sleep cpLoopsDelay;};';

sCode = sCode + 'cTargetPos = nil;cpbLoops = nil;cpLoopsDelay = nil;';

onMapSingleClick "cTargetPos = _pos;[] spawn compile sCode; onMapSingleClick '';true;";

i ran this code the map opened and i clicked but no airplane came and dropped , wil love this working version of it.


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It's written for Arma 2. As such, there are things about it that preclude it from executing within Arma 3 in a meaningful way. 


"Unknowncheats" isn't a great place to source well-written code.

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without a trigger or anything i just want a simple code that i can place in .sqf and execute that and then  all ai  should come running towards player location and attack.

wiill love to se this.

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Please stop making threads for every tiny little thing. Start making some progress of your own.


This forum is meant to help people who're trying to script themselves.

It's not a script-restaurant where you can simply order from the menu and expect to be served.



We'll gladly help you along if you're stuck but first at least try to accomplish something by yourself.

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On 23.10.2017 at 7:14 PM, das attorney said:

Hanna21 (peacefull Nation) should go back to Unknown Cheats and ask his scripting buddies there how to make a "hack" menu imo.


Google "unknowncheats teleport all enemy ai to me"


Also "unknowncheats Un-ban your self from host arma3 working"


I can't link to UC on this forum, but he's same person.


On 23.10.2017 at 8:10 PM, peacefull Nation said:

? what is this ?  this is not post by me


11 hours ago, peacefull Nation said:

i found this code on unknowncheats website.



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waitUntil { !biki in maintenance || (call fn_gameOpened && call fn_functionViewerOpened) };

lookAt bis_fnc_stalk;

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by looking at the age of your registration tells me your experienced and i am  a beginner so am trying to learn from your basic codes sir , am not trying to take advantage , i really thank all for the help and support they give but yes i am newbie and soon will lean all by your codes sir , it takes time sir not over night.

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@peacefull Nation  I am concerned that all of your posts so far involve "cheating" or code snippets that can be considered "disruptive" to normal game play. And, as others have suggested in your other threads, there is no need for a new thread for every question you may have. Take the time to gather your thoughts and arrange them in a logical format which will not only help you, but help others understand what you are trying to achieve. 

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Oh don't worry, noone judges you for beeing new to it. We're all well aware how tricky and complex scripting in ArmA can be, even for the experienced ones among us.

It's just frowned upon when people directly request solutions instead of even displaying an attempt to solve the problem on their own.


The following also helps:

- searching for existing threads on the same topic / refering to them

- giving your threads sensible names

- describing your problem properly aswell as the general situation and any steps you've already taken

- ...



People take most of these threads seriously and do sacrifice some of their personal time to help people out. That effort is wasted if said thread is just a (sorry) brainfart that may not even get used for anything meaningful (or at least for learning).


That beeing said, for some of your more impulsive questions it may be better to simply join an arma-related chat. These are not really forum-stuff.

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Tajin sir thanks.


also i want to se sometimes experienced forum users ask from us so that they can help us further , il be honest if i knew what to do or how to start of then i would have posted it , i just dont thats why i make a thread asking people how to do this and that and when u post a small short code it benifits me alot , i learn alot from it ..


i am a fast learning but first i need to understand how each value is put together.


i searched many parachutes script  and many instructions say  put xxx code in   init.sqf    so this part confuses me , where is this located.


all the things i do is not mission editing its for multiplayer game with friends  sir using tunggle.




by the way i found this code

Para = { private ["_pos","_chute","_location","_locationSize","_dir","_dest","_transport","_transportGrp","_wp","_grp"]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /* declare variables etc */ _locMark = _this select 0; _location = gerMarkerPos _locMark; _locationSizearray = (getMarkerSize _locMark); _locationSize = _locationSizearray select 0; _dir = random 359; _pos = [_location, 2500, _dir] call bis_fnc_relPos; _dest = [_location,2500, (_dir - 180)] call bis_fnc_relPos; _transport = [_pos,(_dir - 180),"O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F",EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; //player setPos _pos; _transportGrp = (_transport select 2); {_x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x flyinHeight 60;} forEach units _transportGrp; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_location,(_locationSize - (_locationSize / 10)),0]; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_dest,0,1]; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _grp = [_pos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad"),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x MoveInCargo (_transport select 0); _x assignasCargo (_transport select 0)} forEach units _grp; waitUntil {sleep 1;(getPos (_transport select 0)) distance _location < (_locationSize + (_locationSize / 10))}; /* Initial Drop */ { unAssignVehicle _x; _x allowDamage false; moveOut _x; sleep 0.35; _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _x), [], 0, "NONE"]; _chute setPos (getPos _x); _x moveinDriver _chute; _x allowDamage true; sleep 0.5; } forEach units _grp; /* Assign a task */ //[_grp, _location, _locationSize] call CBA_fnc_taskAttack; null = [leader _grp, _locMark, "spawned", "showmarker", "full"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; /* Initiate CleanUp */ _i = 0; waitUntil {sleep 1;_i = _i + 1; ((getpos (_transport select 0)) distance _location > 1750) || _i >= 70;}; {deleteVehicle _x} foreach units _transportGrp; deleteGroup _transportGrp; deleteVehicle (_transport select 0); /* Return handle */ /* _____________ */ _grp };

i execut that globally using this code nothing happens.


i want code like this below  i mean simple.


attach chicken to players head  , posted in other site i found

 _expl1 = "Alsatian_Random_F" createVehicle position player; _expl1 attachTo [player, [-0.1, 0.1, 0.15], "Head"]; _expl1 setVectorDirAndUp [ [0.5, 0.5, 0], [-0.5, 0.5, 0] ];

then all i do is paste that in exec command globally in mod menu made by css ,   and not in mission editor and it works.

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in deciding whether to offer help in a thread i usually look to see whether the person has spent at least a few hours trying to solve the issue themselves first, and not just using this place as a shortcut.

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Yes, all sorts of criteria.


Have they tried to help themselves?

Are they generally ok to other forum users or needy/begging/an arsehole?

Why are they doing what they're doing?

Have they used SEARCH/google?   Q: "I'm making a UID whitelist for my server and there's no threads about it"....  A: "You're totally right.  That's NEVER been asked before ;)  Lucky for you I like explaining things over and over"....

Are they a life-server owner ($$$) or making scripts for questionable content like Rip-off Star Wars mod? (Do they profit off what you give them for free?)


The best are the ones that ask for help, then get it, then say thanks admin please delete this thread.


That's just my checkboxes (rightly or wrongly).

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i have this code am learning from  original part of the code was getPos Player i know how this works very well now am trying to replace getPos Player   with onmapsingleclick way here is my code


private ["_side", "_Squad1", "_leader"];
private _pos = [];
_side = createCenter EAST;  

openMap [true, false];

mapPosition = [];
onMapSingleClick {mapPosition = _pos;};

_pos = mapPosition;  // store it
_Squad1 = [_pos, _side, ["o_soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "o_soldier_AA_F", "o_soldier_AA_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[_pos] spawn BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
mapPosition = nil;

_leader = leader _Squad1;
_leader move (getPosATL player);
_Squad1 setCombatMode "RED";
_Squad1 setBehaviour "Aware";

0 = _Squad1 spawn {
   while {true} do {
       sleep 5;
       if ((player distance (leader _this)) > 3000) exitWith {
               deleteVehicle _x;
           } forEach (units _this);

while {true} do {
   sleep 5;

   if (({ alive _x} count (units _Squad1)) == 0) exitWith {
           deleteVehicle _x;
       } forEach (units _squad1);
       deleteGroup _Squad1;

   _leader = leader _Squad1;
   if ((unitReady _leader) && {(alive _leader)}) then {
       sleep 10;
       if (({ alive _x} count (units _Squad1)) != 0) then {
           _leader = leader _Squad1;
           _leader move (getPosATL player);
           _Squad1 setCombatMode "RED";
           _Squad1 setBehaviour "Aware";


as u can se this line here

_Squad1 = [_pos, _side, ["o_soldier_TL_F", "O_soldier_AA_F", "o_soldier_AA_F", "o_soldier_AA_F"], [], [], [0.3, 0.6]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

the _pos  i want on mapclick pos to go their ,   i tried adding the onmapclick code but its not working am sure am missing something out.

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A good action is always careless. (Not saying you must live carefully).

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Dear Moderators so been 5 hours and not approved please tell me if you will approve it or not will appreciate it , il leave this forum

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@peacefull Nation  You posts are not being immediately approved because you are in a pre-moderation queue. This is due to the fact that your posts and requests for potentially malicious code (with regard to their potential to spam in-game) are  suspect. Secondly, whilst we do not intentionally delay approval, we also do not operate at your beck and call.

Others (and myself) made recommendations which you did not take on board. Namely, one thread detailing your need and describing it in detail. Therefore, I have merged all of your single question threads into one. There is no need to spam questions on this forum. There are an amazing amount of talented people here that can help you with every possible combination of problem you could ever think of. Use their knowledge, but don't abuse it. 

Finally, regarding your  "il [sic] leave this forum" comment,   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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14 hours ago, FallujahMedic -FM- said:

@peacefull Nation  You posts are not being immediately approved because you are in a pre-moderation queue. This is due to the fact that your posts and requests for potentially malicious code (with regard to their potential to spam in-game) are  suspect. Secondly, whilst we do not intentionally delay approval, we also do not operate at your beck and call.

Others (and myself) made recommendations which you did not take on board. Namely, one thread detailing your need and describing it in detail. Therefore, I have merged all of your single question threads into one. There is no need to spam questions on this forum. There are an amazing amount of talented people here that can help you with every possible combination of problem you could ever think of. Use their knowledge, but don't abuse it. 

Finally, regarding your  "il [sic] leave this forum" comment,   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

rather then being negetive and show me nobody cares if i leave or stay no need for that , i dont care also , why not just be positive and move on dont make try and make things difficule , a simple question was posted but people just have unnessasry doubts like cheating etc ,  i purchased the game + i have full owner ship and rights what i want to do with it , i have a big list of group of friend i play with online in our/his./her server and we love making cheats to have fun or experiment so why is this not allowed in forum or who is people to say am not allowed to use it.

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9 hours ago, peacefull Nation said:

rather then being negetive and show me nobody cares if i leave or stay no need for that , i dont care also , why not just be positive and move on dont make try and make things difficule , a simple question was posted but people just have unnessasry doubts like cheating etc ,  i purchased the game + i have full owner ship and rights what i want to do with it , i have a big list of group of friend i play with online in our/his./her server and we love making cheats to have fun or experiment so why is this not allowed in forum or who is people to say am not allowed to use it.


I don't understand why you think its ok to make cheats, its really not in the spirit of playing any game. Also i suspect you haven't read our forum rules regarding the subject.



Illegal Content or cheating/hacking:

Discussions about copy protection or copying, backing-up, hacking, cracking or reverse engineering of any of BI's products or the products of any other developer is not allowed. Any links pertaining to cheating/hacking our games or servers should be sent to BohemiaBeck.





3) Discussions about copy protection or copying, backing-up, hacking, cracking or reverse engineering of any of BI's products or the products of any other developer will not be tolerated and such discussions will be deleted immediately. Any breach of this rule may result in the poster no longer having access to the forum.




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13 hours ago, peacefull Nation said:

rather then being negetive and show me nobody cares if i leave or stay no need for that , i dont care also , why not just be positive and move on dont make try and make things difficule , a simple question was posted but people just have unnessasry doubts like cheating etc ,  i purchased the game + i have full owner ship and rights what i want to do with it , i have a big list of group of friend i play with online in our/his./her server and we love making cheats to have fun or experiment so why is this not allowed in forum or who is people to say am not allowed to use it.


No. You do not have the right to do anything you want. You do not have the right to undermine the experience of other players who have also payed money for the game.


I have been watching your posts for the past couple of days, and I can only equate it to spam. Regardless of the nature of your requests, you seem to want nothing except for people to do the work for you. The fact that you`re talking about cheats is shady at best, and completely violates the rules of the forums and of use at worst. The people here have been nothing but kind to you despite all of this.


As someone who has only recently begun writing his own scripts, I come to this forum to learn. I come here to read questions people are having, viewing the answers of people much more experienced than me, and trying to apply that knowledge to my own projects, asking for advice myself if its needed. Your constant creation of topics makes it more difficult for people to get answers they need, and makes it more taxing on the people here to give those answers.

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@peacefull Nation can we ask how old you are, and where you are from? Just curious, might color this playful banter with a bit of texture.


We are here to help if you get stuck, or start a meaningful dialog with something of substance, but you must understand coding in any computer language is complicated stuff and can take years to learn. These are not simple requests. Its like asking "how do you build a house?" Its not a simple quick answer. If you are in school you may get stuck with a specific problem; ask away,  we love to help. But you can NOT simply smack the guy next to you and demand his entire homework. The ArmA Hobby (and this community) is fantastic. You get out of it what you put into it. At least try to show us you are here to participate, rather than just "demand our homework". Here are some Notes, Tips, Links, etc:


These are ONLY the basics to get you (or anyone new) started...


There is a great resource of Mods, and Projects you can download (and see how they are made) from:

Armaholic and Steam Workshop. Here is the ArmA Steam Workshop 101 Link.


Don't forget about the "sticky threads" at the TOP of each Forum Section. There are some good resources there like:

Scripting Introduction for Beginners


Here are the links to BIS' ArmA 3 Script Commands, and Functions Library. There are Examples, Syntax, Info, etc on those pages.


I HIGHLY recommend writing your own Script Files (.sqf) in a Text Editor like Poseidon, or Notepad++. Do NOT use the Debug Console for large chucks of code you dug up off the Internet somewhere. I recommend you use that for small snippets of things, or to test or check something quick, or perhaps to fix something during the game.


There are several ways to script, and modify the game. Most people use multiple techniques combined. You can keep it simple, or create huge complex systems.


You can paste small bits of code DIRECTLY into the Eden Editor without using .sqf files. Paste, or Write your scripts right into the "Init Box" for any Object or Unit. For EXAMPLE, Double-Click any Unit you have placed, and put in the Init Box (short for initialization box): this setDir (random 360); That will make the Unit start the game facing in a Random Direction. I'm using the setDir command here from BIS' Script Command Library. You can use "this" if using the Eden Editor and the code is referring to "itself". You can Name the Unit as well,  and use its name from ANYWHERE, like a different INIT BOX, or Script File, etc. For Example: Jack setDir (random 360);


Just one line of code. Simple. Start small, and keep it simple. Then when you are comfortable, add lines of code to that one. When you expand into numerous lines of code, start practicing using .sqf Files.


You can execute these SQF Files with execVM "arma_file.sqf"; as an Example. You put all of your Script Files into your Mission Folder. So lets say you created the same setDir code as above for Jack, in a File, you could name it "arma_file.sqf" then execute from a INIT BOX, or a Trigger, or through the Debug Console, etc. If you have a complex system, you may have several Folders to keep things organized, so then you'd use execVM "folderpath/subfolder/arma_file.sqf"; as example.


Here I'm using the execVM from the, ...wait for it... yup, you guessed it, the Script Library as noted above. Start Small, and add lines of code as you grow as a hobbyist and/or a coder.


Start with creating a "init.sqf" File into your Mission Folder. This is the SAME as the INIT BOX. The game will automatically find and execute this at the Game Start. Just create the File in ANY Text Editor (even plain Notepad will work), and Name it init.sqf, and make sure its saved into your Mission Folder. At this point, when you Open your Mission Folder, there will ONLY be 1 File inside of it called mission.sqm this is the basic Mission File for the Game (DO NOT OPEN or change it).


"Where do I find the Mission File you ask?" You can find these in Documents >> ArmA 3 >> User Name >> MissionName.maplocation after you create a map/mission and SAVED it.


And to finish this up, I'll add... To test and experiment more quickly, I recommend using a Radio Trigger to execute your code. Set it to "repeating" so you can click-it over and over. Set it up to execute your Script File. Using the Example as above, set the Radio Trigger Activation Box to:   _nul = [ ] execVM "arma_file.sqf"; 


Then all you have to do is ALT+TAB back and forth from the Text Editor and the Game to test, experiment, and build code faster. (You'll also want to ALT+TAB out of the Game anyways, to check and look up the BIS Wiki, Commands, Forums, etc.)


If you are familiar with the Game, you should understand how Radio Triggers work. If not, you should master the basics of the game itself, BEFORE moving on to Scripting. (You can also execute small code directly inside the Radio Trigger as well, as yet another option)


Okay, that was way longer than I had intended. Hope that gets you pointed in the right direction. That was my 2 cents worth, and giving BACK to the community, as we ALL were new like you at some point. PLEASE try and demonstrate you are at least trying to learn and understand, rather than just "give me your homework!"


Script small, and dream big! Baby steps!!


Cheers mate,

Over & Out.

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