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Hezbollah and Hezbollah 'Radwan Unit' Released. 


Hezbollah fighters, from 2013 to 2016. (seated, centre right with AKS-74 and OD pants is a 2013 Hezbollah Fighter, others date from 2014-2016)


Hezbollah 'Radwan Unit' is the Hezbollah's elite fighters- they have superior equipment and black gear. 



Hezbollah forces are well known for having large caches of NATO or PACT missiles, so I have given them a TOW based on December 30th, 2016 footage of the battle in Alleppo, where Hezbollah supported forces had TOW's. They also has some technicals with ZU-23's in that were glorious- firing 400 round belt dumps rocked the whole vehicle. Sadly, I cant get those ingame right now, but depending on how the factions go I may get a vehicle modeller to do some. 



The Hezbollah are a Lebanese Shi'ia Islamist political and military group. The position of Hezbollah as an organisation is tenous, as it is both a legitimate political party and a terrorist organisation. This faction is based on photographs and video footage from August 13th, 2013 to December 30th, 2016. 

Historical Info-

The Hezbollah organisation was founded in 1985 to oppose Israel. It has since expanded to become of the largest and most well organised factions in the Middle east, comparable and possibly even more powerful than Islamic State (ISIS) It is currently fighting against both the Western World and ISIS at the same time. 

The Faction-

The Hezbollah is a large Lebanese organisation, drawing soldiers and forces from the entire Shi-ia Islamic Middle East, and they have carefully concealed their military force's size- estimates range from as few as 5 thousand to as high as over 70,000, greater in power than the actual Lebanese Army. The majority of Hezbollah fighters have mixed military and geurilla equipment, with AK-74 rifles as standard, and they have more uniformed and issued equipment to portray their organised structure compared to other terrorist groups. 

Specialist Elements-

The Hezbollah has a Elite military and Special Forces unit, known as 'Radwan Unit', in tribute to a Hezbollah member, who are superior fighters and have better equipment than the regular Hezbolla fighters. They are known to wear black, but confirmed photos of the unit are very rare. They are armed with modernised AK-74M's, with heavier armor and black equipment to differentiate them from the infantry. 


They are supported by light and medium armor, such as BMP-1's, T55's and ZSU-23-4 'Shilkas', as well as static weapons. 

Faction has full Editor, Zeus and ALiVE support (faction name HZ ) Also supports ACE3 Medical system. 


Download Link-


Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833316053

Armaholic-  http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32162


Foxhound- the SFF Vehicles pack in the dependency right now is only RDS vehicles, but it may expand later to include other vehicles or content donated to me that is too large to incorporate into the faction mod itself. 

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Very nice-is that truck with the launcher in the back from RDS?


Also have you given any thought to the Quds Force? A very interesting group who would be quite versatile in game

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Considering it- Originally Qud's were going to be Hezbollah's elite unit, but it wouldn't make much sense to do that. 

If I can find good photographs of Qud's I could do them, but I plan to make the next OPFOR unit the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia.

They have mostly FAL's, so nice change from the AK wielding units, and are similar to the Hezbollah in that they are a well organised, semi-military styled unit. 

Right now my focus is on the Jan 26 faction, but I have a few factions lined up from Europe and America once VSM updates to add his new kit. SBS and SEALS will also be getting updates. 


Truck was a mock-up for the photo- RDS TOW on the back of a Guerrilla truck. 

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Just now, jarrad96 said:


 once VSM updates to add his new kit. SBS and SEALS will also be getting updates. 

Yup-were all waiting for that! :D

Good idea with the columbian unit-S.America is very underrepresented in Arma.

So-the truck in the above pic-is that part of RDS?

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The Truck and the TOW are both Hezbollah units, but I used some codes to attach it to the back- It's a mock-up, not added as a usable vehicle, but you could probs make another one in editor. 


On J26- Mentioned them before- Someone you guys wanted and I think that's a good release date, as I've been having some issues with Steam Workshop not detecting subbed addons meaning I'll be a bit slower making factions- Usually I sub to my own mods so I can re-use the same @ mod files and addons folder when I'm making 2 at once- one in private testing on WS then release, and another in creation.

I actually donated something of mine for VSM to model off for the J26 faction, so it depends how long that takes to get ingame as well, so no photos, as I've given you plenty of hints about them the past weeks. 


On the WW2 faction- I found some documents on the organisation of German Units within the Wehrmacht Heer, so will be basing the infantry element of the 1st Brandenburgers on a modified Grenadier (Not Panzergrenadier) structure for weapons, squad organisation and equipment.

The Special Forces element will portray the more-SF side of the unit, with more interesting things like civilian or mixed equipment, or enemy weaponry- Notably I will be doing the Ostfront (Russian front) deployments for this faction if I can, so some of the units may use Russian weapons, or more advanced German weapons like the STG-44, which was issued to the Brandenburg. 

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1 hour ago, cameronmcdonald said:


I suspect it's got something to do with the date.

Ah..i am very stupid. I've been talking to jarrad96 in PMs for several days about things he is planning etc-it it still didnt dawn on me what it was :D I get it now.

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I know you're trying to keep the dependencies on these low, but any chance we could see optional PBO's for CUP and RHS users?

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What would the optional PBO's be for?


The reason I started this project was two-fold- to cover intresting smaller groups that the big guys pass over, and to give people who play without CUP or RHS some factions. 


If you are using CUP or RHS there are compatibility PBOs for NIA weapons (so the OPFOR groups) and CUP has just updated to support the Apex weapons, such as the AK's and SAW's that some factions use, so you now have CUP/ACE magazine compatibility for these units. 



RHS versions for many of the factions are now available. Look for the SFF-R Tag. 

CUP Versions for factions now available as well. 

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Some photos of the 1st Brandenburgers, 1943-1944, Russian (Ost) Front


1st Brandenburg soldier with one of the earliest STG-44's to be issued. 




Very small image, but these are Brandenburgers dressed as Soviet soldiers- note the helmet contours. 



Recon and elite forces, or soldiers in Soviet uniforms will be the 'Special Forces' element of the faction. It will mostly be set in 1943-1944.


The squads will be organised according to Wehrmacht Heer 1944 Infantry Platoon Structure (if possible, due to squad size limits) 


EDIT- I planned to have all units with the correct German unit names (not names, they aready speak and have have German names, but things like turning 'Rifleman' into 'Schütze' , but that bugs out the HUD when looking at the soldier, so most names will be in English- some German Unit names may get in- for example, 'Gefreiter' (NCO, Fireteam Leader) and 'Unteroffizer' (2IC of the HQ element) work fine, but it will be on a case-to-case basis. 

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The point of the PBO's would be to make it so the units can use RHS or CUP weapons and vehicles. Mostly for the sake of keeping mods organized, because sometimes having 4 of the same type of AK in the Arsenal can be annoying lol. Thank you for the quick reply, and at least considering it!

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Made Some Shayetet 13 Because I got bored Here Is A link to A Picture (Inserting Pictures Is Confusing so i am just doing a link)





P.s Sorry For The Low Quality I have a Potato For A Comuputer

Edited by Capitalist Janitor

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A few more Brandenburg photos-

Release should be soon. 


Panzer 4 Auf H


Brandenburgers dressed as Soviet soldiers in order to get behind the enemy lines to sabotage supplies and gather intel- they were well known for doing this, so a few teams of Brandenburg soldiers in Soviet uniforms have been added as SF. 


@Foxhound, for some reason the GROM are in the 'Heavy Armor' category of Armaholic instead of 'units' - Isn't that a bit optimistic to consider SF infantry equal to heavy armor? Also the Afghan Army/Commandos are under 'packs' instead of 'units' 


Also, sorry about that, but the Hezbollah are now actually up for download, I forgot they were set private. The Brandenburgers will be done by tomorrow and public. 


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Your mod deserves some realistic NVG's, I feel like the A3 ones are not doing your units any justice :) 

Nice mod nonetheless!


Also, have you ever really seen someone wearing a beanie/boonie/baseballcap and NVG's? It just seems so unnatural

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I totally understand what you mean with the NVG's- I usually play with ASR_AI however, and that should make the AI take off the NVG's during the day, or when not needed, so that's why I have them with impractical NVG's on hats and such- they start in the 'on' position because vanilla AI do not support moving NVG's from vest to head, so it's just to make the work better when playing with vanilla AI, non-modded. 


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1st Brandenburg Division, 1944, Released




Special Forces Faction [SFF] that adds the 1st Brandenburg Division, a special forces element of the Wehrmacht Heer that fought on the Ostfront (Russian Front) for the majority of WW2. The faction is modeled after a 1944 Heer elite infantry force's structure, and is set with equipment used by the Brandenburgers from 1943-1944. 

By November/December 1944 the unit had been merged with the Panzer Grenadier Division Großdeutschland unit before being pulled back due to heavy losses against the Russians and either using their infiltration skils to dissapear or joining the French Foreign Legion after the war. 

Historical Info-

The 1st Brandenburg Division was first established as a small, well trained infiltration and sabotage unit, a precursor to modern day Commando units, and as the war progressed it evolved from a pure Special Forces and Commando group of Company size into an elite infantry fighting Division on the Russian Front. 

The Faction-

The 1st is organised and equipped based on 1944 documents on the structure, weapons and equipment of the Brandenburg Unit in 1944, and encompasses a command and HQ element, led by a Oberleutnant, down to the fireteam and squad level. The Karabiner 98K forms the primary infantry rifle of the faction, with small numbers of MP40's, Gewehr 43's and STG-44's for Gefreiters or elite elements of the faction. 

Specialist Elements-

The 1st has a small force of recon soldiers and soldier in Soviet uniforms who form the SF element of the faction, as the unit was well known to dress in enemy uniforms and use captured equipment from the enemy. Once the unit was behind enemy lines they would gather intelligence and ambush forces or destroy enemy supplies. These tactics made the unit one of the most highy decorated units of the war. 


The faction is supported by several Sd.Kfz. 251 Half Tracks and they have a Panzer 4 Auf H for armored support. Due to being a commando and infantry unit they are mostly reliant on the factions grenadiers and AT units such as the Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck for dealing with enemy armor.

Faction has full Editor, Zeus and ALiVE support (faction name BB ) Also supports ACE3 Medical system. 


Just a note- all the units have German ranks and some have German role names, but I may not get the rank/role alignment perfect due to Arma's squad sizes- Gefreiter= NCO (Fireteam Leader ingame) , Oberleutnant is the head of the HQ element (Officer equivalent) and the Unteroffizer is the 2IC/ Junior officer in the HQ element- I've given him a TFAR supported radio so he has a purpose. 




Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835581569

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Next project?




Australian 2nd Commando Regiment, and New Zealand SASR, from a 2015 Afghanistan deployment (2 Commando) and Kabul in 2011 (NZ SAS)


I'll also have a soldier in the Commandos based on one I met in person, gear and equipment wise, in 2015. 


To be honest with you all, I've had these done and sitting on the PC for about a week, and planning a Australia Day release, but I can push it forward if you want them NOW. 

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1 hour ago, jarrad96 said:

but I can push it forward if you want them NOW.


oh yes please do!! I've been waiting so long for a completed ANZAC special forces to use

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More voting-

A few possible factions (VERY WIP pictures) and some factions without ingame photos yet are being voted for-


People's Liberation Army Special Forces-



Ukrainian SFU 'Alpha' 


Slovakian 5th SFG - Bosnia and Herzegovina deployment, 2015. 



South Asia Pirates



FARC (Columbian rebel group) - Would be given older NATO gear- FALs, original M60s instead of a horde of AK's-Maybe a Galil if I can get one.  



Israeli SF Team, Shayetet 13- 




INDEP- SFG, 'Alpha'


BLUFOR- Israeli SF 


Vote for the one you would be most interested in here-

(EDIT- Poll closed, results on next page)


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Some 2 Commando and NZ SAS soldiers. 

Commando Minimi


2nd Commando soldiers on ATV's-


And ingame-




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please do release the aussies and kiwis early so I can make fully sick missions for oz day!

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I plan to, just having some technical issues :(

I'm going to try and push the release forward to the 12th (my birthday) but if I can't I hope to get them released in some form by the 26th- even if Workshop keeps playing up on me I'll get a direct download set up or something. 


Current Poll progress-

Tie between the Slovakian 5th SFG and the Ukrainian SFU 'Alpha' 

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