vlk 13 Posted January 1, 2017 Still got that arsenal bug. Spawn with default even if u change in arsenal at the editor firstSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 1, 2017 VLK, not a bug, it's because when you spawn the units have (Insert kit) as part of the actual unit upon spawn- if you want to change their kit you have to do it post start, with arsenal/zeus or something similar. On Hezbollah- Does anyone know some good source websites for OPFOR units? I was able to find plenty for BLU/INDEP SF groups, but most of the information about OPFOR groups comes from news articles- would news articles and such give a sufficiently accurate portrayal of the faction? Right now, general unit appearance would be- M81 or OD/tan mixed uniforms or guerilla garments, mostly AKM/AK74, AKS, with a few M4A1's, RP7's and supported by technicals, or possibly some (retexured) vehicles from the AAF faction. Almost all units would have black balaclavas or shemaghs. Not sure what I could do for the headband they seem to like on parades and such, maybe green bandanas? In other news, I've been talking with some mod makers, so in the future some of the factions may include some new kit, such as vehicles, weapons, or uniforms. Poll results so far- 1- Tie between 'Military only' and 'Include non-military units' 2- Norwegian FSK/ European groups are winning from the selected category, with the runner up being (custom- ME factions) 3- Winning by far is 'No large dependencies' 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valken 623 Posted January 2, 2017 Regarding the headband issue, I think a green / red or yellow headband added into the current masks via photoshop should suffice as we're mainly interested in operational battle dress, not parade styles. Though it would be cool to see a scripted march through or rally event regions as part of intelligence gathering or news report. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 2, 2017 Hezbollah backed Lebanese fighters in an olive grove at the Lebanon-Syria border, Al Qasr April 12, 2013. WIP It seems that the green bandana they like to wear for parades and photo shoots with media are actually not used if they expect any form of fighting- all the Hezbollah fighters I've been looking at in combat situations don't wear them- makes sense as well, as you don't have a large green ring around your precious head. As a result none of the infantry units at least will have the green bandanas. On the Poll- I will be closing it around noon US Central time (morning Australian time) and collecting the results from it. The winning factions may have a delay between making depending on the kind of kit they use- I have VSM doing some gear that some factions may use, so they may be delayed until that kit is out- meaning they might win but I may make some other factions in the meantime. Central African Rebels (The Anti-Balaka faction) will be up within 24 hours, I'll post the release information, unit descriptions ect here when they come out. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted January 2, 2017 Googling Hezbollah (or variations) + Syria brings up some useful results too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragonfire43560 27 Posted January 2, 2017 Hezbollah wears a lot of helmets too. Same with hamas IIRC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 2, 2017 Yep, but I'll add the helmets in a future update- VSM is making me some older helmets that I plan to use instead of the MICH's he has right now, but they may be a while away, so I'll make the faction either without helmets or with some MICH's as placeholders, and when the older helmets are released I can swap over. EDIT- Hezbollah forces have helmets in limited numbers now. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 2, 2017 'Central African Rebels' released (Based on the Central African's Republic's 'Anti-Balaka' movement) Special Forces Faction [SFF] that adds the real-life 'Anti-Balaka' OPFOR organisation to Arma 3. Meaning 'Anti-Machete', they were originally a collection of village defence forces and a resistance group against raiders and criminals, before overpowering them and being embroiled in the 2012-Today Central African Republic's civil war. The Faction- The Anti-Balaka are an originally Christian movement, now non-religious, anti-Muslim group, and they have been known to multilate, kill and then cannibalise Muslim's civilians, or 'Seleka' Muslim Goverment forces. As a militia organisation, they have no true uniform, but often wear necklace talismans in the belief it makes them invincible. The general militia forces will use anything they can get their hands on, from civilian clothing, guerrilla gear or mixed camos. Weapons used by the militia consist of everything from shotguns, AKM's, RPK's, AK-74's and M14's. Motto- "The Invincible" Specialist Elements- The FACA are former Central African Republic (CAR) soldiers who deserted from the military after a Muslim backed goverment seized power in 2012, to form the elite elements of the faction. They have more standardised Lizard camo uniforms, access to greater amounts of body armor and better equipment, and are armed primarily with the AK-74 rifle. Supports- The CAR forces are backed by jungle camouflage technicals and offroads, with trucks for transport if needed- they lack any firepower greater than the occasional 50. Cal technical. Faction has full Editor, Zeus, Task Force Radio and ALiVE support (faction name CAR ) Also supports ACE3 Medical system. Download Steam Workshop- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831284682 Armaholic- http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32158 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 3, 2017 Poll closed. Poll results- Q1- Should SFF include only Military units, or expand to Police or HRT units- example French GIGN, FBI HRT? -No, Military only. 55%, winner. -Yes, Police should be included. 45% Q2- Upcoming Faction possibilities? -Older factions (Such as Rhodesian Light Infantry)-9.38% -US Operational Detachment Alpha.-9.38% -South China Sea Pirates.-6.25% -Norwegian FSK or European factions-24.88% (Despite not winning here, in the 'own' category there were multiple comments for European factions such as GSG-9 or Swiss units, so the 'European factions' won in the end) -Kurdistan Peshmerga- 0% -People's Liberation Army SF- 3.13% -Australian SF- 25.0% - Winner on numbers, but the additional votes for Europeans under 'own faction' means it will appear later. Because these were very popular, I will be doing Australian Special Forces units of some kind in the future. -CIA Special Activities Division- 9.38% -'Your own choice' Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Canada, US SFOD-D (Delta Force) were all mentioned. Q3- Should any factions be made that have large external dependencies? Example CUP, National mods like 3CB or BWA3. Yes- 48.39% No- 51.61% Right now my focus is on polishing up the Hezbollah and Hezbollah 'Radwan Unit' (The Hezbollah Elite forces, comparable to an SF unit, but for conventional warfare) forces for a release, and I am talked with some modders about incorporating their mods, such as new vehicles, into upcoming factions. I may make some Police/HRT units only if they look very unique. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 3, 2017 Oh, while the 'player' faction is not working for Recon Ops, OPFOR are fine. If you want some quick, easy to set up, gun battles between both allied and enemy SFF factions at the same time, try this mission http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=480052765 - which works fine with all SFF factions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 3, 2017 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. British SAS and SBS [SFF] v1.0 Community Base addons A3Specialist Military Arms (SMA)VSM - AccessoryVSM - UniformsVSM - Vests and Helmets Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 3, 2017 Thanks Foxhound. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 3, 2017 'TFO' Future project. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zagor64bz 1225 Posted January 3, 2017 AWESOME!! Just one question: will the "All-in-one" VS pack work with this mod,or I need to DL separate packs? Thank you mate! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ltf 381 Posted January 3, 2017 1 hour ago, zagor64bz said: AWESOME!! Just one question: will the "All-in-one" VS pack work with this mod,or I need to DL separate packs? Thank you mate! They will work, I remember vans saying the classnames will not change in all-in-one pack, but if jarrad adds seperate vsm packs on required addons on configs, it will work with an error message 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 3, 2017 I'm currently in charge of the VSM All-In-One, but both it and the 3 seperate packs have identical content, and will always have, identical content. The only difference is AIW has all VSM content together as a single download. I will be adding some actual additional content (new weapons, equipment and vehicles) for SFF, but that will be a seperate mod upload. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 4, 2017 Some photos- BMP-1 in Syria, abandoned, but formerly under ISIS or Hezbollah control. Ingame ZSU-23-4 'Shilka', again, in Syria. Hezbollah had a parade of BMP1's, T55's and Shilkas on November 13th 2016 in the Syrian-Lebanese border town of Al-Qusayr, so they have been added to the faction. 2x T-54's (I have used T55's ingame) Special thanks to Reyhard for donating all the vehicles- the Hezbollah will be delayed slightly as I introduce them into the faction. I also found a new source, dated December 31st, 2016, so will be doing some slight Hezbollah appearance changes to match- Hopefully less than a week since the photos and video were taken should mean than on release the Hezbollah faction will be supremely accurate. :) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 4, 2017 And some news- I've been talking with my consultants, and I will be updating the SEAL faction, while the PJ units will be getting Air Force Pararescue patches. Might be a new weapon as well. I will have the Hezbollah released by the end of January, and another faction I'm mocking up I plan for a January 26th reveal. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ltf 381 Posted January 4, 2017 14 hours ago, jarrad96 said: I'm currently in charge of the VSM All-In-One, but both it and the 3 seperate packs have identical content, and will always have, identical content. The only difference is AIW has all VSM content together as a single download. I will be adding some actual additional content (new weapons, equipment and vehicles) for SFF, but that will be a seperate mod upload. I thought there will be a single pbo, which contains all vsm packs, sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zagor64bz 1225 Posted January 4, 2017 45 minutes ago, Ltf said: I thought there will be a single pbo, which contains all vsm packs, sorry That's what I think it is/will be..right? For "separate DL" probably he meant his SF mod will be a separate DL, since it contains along with VS stuff, some new content NOT IN THE VS packs.....correct me if I'm wrong Jarrad! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 4, 2017 Correct- My SF groups are seperate DL's. AIW pack is, right now, all VSM Vests and Helmets, VSM Uniforms, VSM Facewear gear in a single mod. It may be expanded to include content from VSM Warfighters pack soonish, but I'm really busy making factions right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zagor64bz 1225 Posted January 4, 2017 43 minutes ago, jarrad96 said: ..... It may be expanded to include content from VSM Warfighters pack soonish, but I'm really busy making factions right now....... I know you're busy as hell right now..but do you know how much love from our community you gonna get for that ?? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 4, 2017 Well, hopefully more than the 10 Workshop followers I have right now, that would be nice. I have Hezbollah pretty much ready to go, just having a technical (Workshop is being a bitch and not detecting subscribed content) issue and once that's fixed I can have a full release of the Hezbollah, and the SF element, the 'Radawan Unit' Got 2 factions, 4 elements, in the works right now, plus Hezbollah, so that's 5 factions I'm working on simultaneously. The Hezbollah faction itself is based on 2013-2016 photos, with the last source for the units being using dated December 30th 2016, during the battle for Alleppo, so it should be as accurate as I can possibly get, only limited by mods, and the fact that insurgent forces arent big on standardisation, for obvious reasons. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zagor64bz 1225 Posted January 4, 2017 1 minute ago, jarrad96 said: Well, hopefully more than the 10 followers I have right now, that would be nice. 11...... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrad96 1940 Posted January 5, 2017 So, I got word from the IFA3 team that I do have permission to make some factions dependant on IFA3. Thinking about some US Airbourne, 101st, June-April 1944- I've already done all the research from them as I used then in this mission I have made- http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=814342285 Or doing a German WW2 unit, most likely 1st Brandenburg Division or Panzer-Grenadier-Division Großdeutschland. Thoughts? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites