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: :UPDATE : :



v0.2.3 Beta
FIXED: Several Cargo Drop Bugs
FIXED: A.I. Backpack Items
FIXED: Possible Helmet Bug (?)

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I really need to update and play with the new versions, the idea of jumping with AI seems really damn cool!

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Just tested can confirm Helmet bug is fixed thanks alot  :D

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Hi Von thanks for the quick update just had a quick play and can confirm the helmet bug has been fixed and so have 2 of the error codes but im still getting 1 error code. 2na64qr.jpg

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Hi Von thanks for the quick update just had a quick play and can confirm the helmet bug has been fixed and so have 2 of the error codes but im still getting 1 error code.

*pshhhhh*.... Sprays Bug Spray...

Got him!


Sorry. I'm racing through these last little upgrades without testing. Forgot to add the Default Variable. Until I upload the fix, You can just set the Timer manually to avoid that pop-up error.


New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


Thanks Bud. ;)

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A lot of nice features in here, good mod.


Do you have plans to add MP & dedicated server functionality?

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Thank you very much Von for your continued work in the Arma mod community.


Using your Dropbox version the helmet bug is gone! Whoohoo! However, the AI still loses their inventory contents once you start the flight. Checked the inventories while still in the air with them seated in the plane.

As a workaround I just have a trigger/script replace the items at the LZ.

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But they have Parachutes in the plane. So yes, their gear is gone only during the ride. But then returned after they land. Try checking AFTER they land and get back to me. Only tested my dev version. Not a full in-game jump. I never played with A.I. I hope I didn't flip-flop the order of code.

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Steps I took:

1. Double checked to make sure I had the latest from DropBox.

2. Opened the mission in 3den>Previewed

Module settings :  https://www.dropbox.com/home/Pubpics?preview=settings.png

3. Set HALO mission insertion point on the map, then do halo inspection.

This box pops up https://www.dropbox.com/home/Pubpics?preview=window.png

4. Order Unit #2 to approach for inspection (I know he is already in the plane)

His reply: https://www.dropbox.com/home/Pubpics?preview=noammo1.png

5. Land at LZ all three AI start spamming No Ammo! Check their packs, all empty. The packs are there just no contents.


Hope that helps.


Question: This is a multiplayer mission but tested in SP preview. Does it matter that they are set to playable?


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Had the same ammo drop issue if you shoot it it falls to the ground as a quick work around :)

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Is there also a detailed readme on how to use it? I keep getting the remark from the loadmaster that my gear is broken and that I need to fix it? Can anyone tell me what is wrong?

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There are pages and pages and pages in the DOCs folder...

Use your scroll-wheel to see all menu options. You need a minimum of the Helmet, Jumpsuit, and ReBreather (with O2 Bottle inside) to pass (HALO) inspection.

Talk to the JumpMaster standing behind the plane first. Set your FlightPlan, then Gear-Up with the minimum gear (HALO ONLY) for the jump. Request a HALO or ParaJump Inspection depending on the FlightPlan you setup.

Then go talk to the LoadMaster inside the plane to start the flight. He won't give the okay, until the JumpMaster issues your your Parachute after the Inspection.

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There are pages and pages and pages in the DOCs folder...

Use your scroll-wheel to see all menu options. You need a minimum of the Helmet, Jumpsuit, and ReBreather (with O2 Bottle inside) to pass (HALO) inspection.

Talk to the JumpMaster standing behind the plane first. Set your FlightPlan, then Gear-Up with the minimum gear (HALO ONLY) for the jump. Request a HALO or ParaJump Inspection depending on the FlightPlan you setup.

Then go talk to the LoadMaster inside the plane to start the flight. He won't give the okay, until the JumpMaster issues your your Parachute after the Inspection.


Thanks! I think I had my wrong glasses on... I will check it out!

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Question how add MOD  to USS NIMITZ with out c-130, the c-130 is to BIG!



NOTE:Sorry man not work,please is hard to say, but can you make smal aircraft to add on  NIMTZ flydeck, like  CV-22 Osprey  :D 

I love your MOD man, thank alot  for you work and time

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Place a Reference Object on the Nimitz and name it  VQI_HALO_MC130 (if you have USAF Mod Pack) or VQI_HALO_XC130, but you'll have some extra stuff you don't need.


Try that and go from there. Then set Module to System Only.

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Sorry man not work,please is hard to say, but can you make smal aircraft to add on  NIMTZ flydeck, like  CV-22 Osprey   :D 

I love your MOD man, thank alot  for you work and time



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The C-130s should fit on the back just fine. And yes, I do plan on adding more Aircraft like the Ospray and more Starting Options for the player.

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I am happy that for man,  thank alot for you time and work, guys like you make the Arma 3 better game  :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :notworthy:

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So, I've been trying to test out all of the VQI mods in a simple test mission on Altis, just the VQI mods to check for spawning, Opcenter, HALO etc issues.

When doing a HALO, I've noticed that my HellJumper Altimeter watch appears to be broken when in a dedi server environment.  The altitude will only show at the level it currently is when I press my show watch keybind. 
When testing the mission and self hosting, the altimeter functions normally, showing a constant change in altitude while it is on screen (default 20 second setting).

Is anyone else noticing the Altimeter being broken at the current time?

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None of my projects are Dedicated Server ready. Nor will they be anytime soon.

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Thanks alot for this mod! I have seen the older versions around for a long time and could never get them to work. Im so happy its updated, its working great for me now! Its alot of fun great work!

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Hi VQ, fantastic work on these mods. I havent had much chance to play around with them but looking great so far. Just wandering if the Spookwarcom mod is scrapped now or needed along with these seperate mods? I know it's not specified but im a little confused by the Readme's and docs in mod folders. Again fanatastic and looking forward to seeing how you progress with this :ok:


EDIT: Actually i should be more specific. But for example in the readme of the L.E.A.P, F.R.O.G.S etc mod folders it's still says to add spookwarcom to A3 Directory. Also in the LE.A.P Modules 1 & 2 texts it details the H.A.L.O modules from spookwar. I'm guessing you've just combined those into the one module in L.E.A.P. But i just want to be sure if i should even bother keeping the spookwar mod aswell. Thanks

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Sorry for the confusion. The docs are kinda a mess and incomplete. Yeah, you can scrap the entire SpookWarCom stuff for now. Most of it is broken and will also conflict with the other stand-alone mods.

It will continue, but only as Spooks stuff. Only the LEAP, FROGS, SOCOM and CORE are (mostly) functional right now. My entire vision for all this is roughly only about 20% done.

Super busy with RL stuff and getting burnt out on this hobbie. I just got the Apex/Tanoa update, and see more stuff broke. I'm at the end of my patients right now with chasing fixes and work-arounds.

I'm still working on stuff and tinkering but progress will be slow until this fall it's looking...


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