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Azza FHI

Foxhound Siberian Guard - RHS Retextured Snow Units

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Hello! First public mod release, all feedback welcome.


This is a retexture pack of the RHS Gorka uniforms and a few different vests, helmets etc to suit snow terrains. Now also includes some vehicles.

Units and groups are found under Opfor->FOXHOUND SIBERIAN GUARD. All gear is prefixed with 'FSG' in arsenal


Inspiration came from this guy for those fond of MGS





  • The Crew at Foxhound International for modding and texture help
  • RHS Team for their amazing mods


Future Plans

  • Helicopters
  • Gloves


Known Issues

  • Bug which disables the CSAT Ifrit turret when this mod is run in conjunction with ACE


Recommended Terrains (Dependent on CUP Terrains)





  • first release



  • fixed iteminfo error
  • added TIGR and BTRs
  • compatibility for ALIVE



  • added white AK74M
  • added URAL and UAZ






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Its so nice to see winter clothing that isn't luminescent white. good work  :)

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Congratulations for the release. Awesome !!!!!

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I don't saw winter variant of Gorka uniform. I don't sure, that it is even exist.

And modern russian winter digital camouflage looks a little bit different.


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Looks good.

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@Original Foxhound - Thanks for the Armaholic link



I don't saw winter variant of Gorka uniform. I don't sure, that it is even exist.
And modern russian winter digital camouflage looks a little bit different.


This mod is completely fictional. I know RHS is focused on realistic gear and factions but I did ask permission and they are fine with it.


 @Everyone else - Cheers for the positive feedback, makes it all worth it!

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@Original Foxhound - Thanks for the Armaholic link


there's two foxhounds? spooky

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Sweet stuff, which was needed. But is there a possibility you can add a duplicate set of gear, just with some grey/black splotches over the white?

All-white gear sticks out in all other places than open fields, since you're a big white dot in the middle of white, brown, grey, black etc


The Finns have a perfected winter camo, the winter version of the M/05, which is a mix of white, grey, and black. 


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Nice to see some winter content added. Especially needed for maps like Abramia and ported ArmA 2 ones.


Slightly off-topic:

About the Finnish pattern a small fun fact: Russia has (commercial, used usually by special forces and MVD) copies of the M05 pattern in their use. M05 Winter pattern is known there as Pervotrop. And other camouflage patterns based on the Finnish M05 are called Yeger. There is also some national winter camouflages in use which are quite interesting mix as well.

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Looks good. Any chance of giving them some gloves to prevent some nasty frostnip :)?


Thats a really good idea but unfortunately the gloves have to be part of the uniform model so this wont be possible. A workaround is to make the gloves as headgear but then u cant have proper headgear at the same time.



there's two foxhounds? spooky


No, Foxhound is the name of our group.


Sweet stuff, which was needed. But is there a possibility you can add a duplicate set of gear, just with some grey/black splotches over the white?

All-white gear sticks out in all other places than open fields, since you're a big white dot in the middle of white, brown, grey, black etc


The Finns have a perfected winter camo, the winter version of the M/05, which is a mix of white, grey, and black. 


I would really like to create those uniform patterns but I just dont have enough time right now. I did have bigger plans for the mod but had to release as is due to lack of time and photoshop experience. Maybe in the future. 


On the other hand if ppl want to create the content such as those pictured above then I would gladly update the mod to suit. Finding the time to do configs is not a problem, but texturing is not my strong point. Getting the right shade of white across the different bits of gear for this mod took waaaay longer than it should have lol.

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hi azza great job man. I wanted to ask a question you could help me with a problem of retexture with gorka model. I did all the artwork and the cpp but the texture will not load I could send you the config.cpp file so that it will revise or could you send me the configuration lines please thanks in advance sorry for my bad English.

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no worries mate, see how you go with this.

class Cfgvehicles{         class rhs_vdv_gorka_r_g_rifleman;         class fsg_gorka_base_snw: rhs_vdv_gorka_r_g_rifleman          {                _generalMacro = "fsg_gorka_base_snw";                scope = 1;                dlc = "FSG";                side = 0;                uniformClass = "fsg_gorka_snw";                author = "Foxhound International";                hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"fsg\fsg_equipment\data\textures\gorka_snw.paa"};          };}; class cfgweapons{           class uniform_base;           class uniformitem;           class fsg_gorka_snw: Uniform_Base           {                 scope = 2;                 dlc = "FSG";                 author = "Foxhound International";                 displayName = "Siberian Guard";                 picture = "\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_infantry2\inventory\gear_icon_gorka_y_ca.paa";                 model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_soldier";                  class ItemInfo: UniformItem                 {                        uniformModel = "-";                        uniformClass = "fsg_gorka_base_snw";                        containerClass = "Supply10";                        mass = 50;                  };           };};
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Sweet stuff, which was needed. But is there a possibility you can add a duplicate set of gear, just with some grey/black splotches over the white?

All-white gear sticks out in all other places than open fields, since you're a big white dot in the middle of white, brown, grey, black etc


The Finns have a perfected winter camo, the winter version of the M/05, which is a mix of white, grey, and black. 





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This is the best snow camo I have seen fpr Arma 3. Will you guys also do a retexture of the RHS:USAF MARPAT camo?

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This is the best snow camo I have seen fpr Arma 3. Will you guys also do a retexture of the RHS:USAF MARPAT camo?

Thanks! Sorry but unfortunately I doubt this mod will be expanded further except for bug fixes if necessary, at least for the foreseeable future.

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Excellent mod!


Some gloves would be nice, but we'll live! Good job.

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Ill see what i can do re the gloves and alive stuff

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Updated first post. Unfortunately still no luck on the gloves

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Updated mod v2.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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