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[Release] JBOY Patrol Chatter and Lights On/Off scripts

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Yet more great scripts from johnnyboy. These will be very handy as I get into jungle warfare again


I'm impressed both by the implementation and the creativity of the concepts (birds of prey is a brilliant example).


Thank you for sharing :)

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3 hours ago, WarhammerActual said:

Great work and idea...... Is this script MP compatible?

Thanks WA.  Yes, it is MP compatible.

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Really cool. I like it.

Did you get attacked by a bird at the end of vid? 

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2 hours ago, dr death jm said:

Really cool. I like it.

Thanks, glad you like it.


2 hours ago, dr death jm said:

Did you get attacked by a bird at the end of vid? 

Is that possible in ARMA?  :)


1 hour ago, loopdk said:

Can i  make it work with alive

I don't use Alive so I have no idea.  Its a simple script though, so it should work.


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2 hours ago, WarhammerActual said:

J-B I just implemented this scirpt into a mission and ........ It's great. Solid work man A++

Glad to hear it sir.  Post a link here to your mission if you publish it.  I'd love to try it out!

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thanks for the hint man, will absolutely add this!

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quick question...

i would like to add this to all AI that are generated by my script, however, as they have randomized loadouts, not all will have flashlights mounted to their guns


if it is daytime or if it is nighttime but an AI has no flashlight equipped, would it just not execute the lightson command?


to me that would be fine, if it produces an error, i would try to add some more conditions.


again, the scripts sound very cool and sorry for asking before even testing it myself!


cheers vd



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17 minutes ago, Vandeanson said:

quick question...

i would like to add this to all AI that are generated by my script, however, as they have randomized loadouts, not all will have flashlights mounted to their guns


if it is daytime or if it is nighttime but an AI has no flashlight equipped, would it just not execute the lightson command?


to me that would be fine, if it produces an error, i would try to add some more conditions.


again, the scripts sound very cool and sorry for asking before even testing it myself!


cheers vd



I'll add a check to exit script if unit has no light attached to their weapon.  But I don't think it throws an error, or I would have noticed it in my Property of Mabunga mission where all pirates are running this script.



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Still a wery good scipt.


can you add the code so flashlights only are on in the dark :D


plz :D

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6 minutes ago, loopdk said:

can you add the code so flashlights only are on in the dark :D


This is an example on how to do this  , as there is in my environment scripts :






[] spawn {
	while {true} do {
	//________________	daytime and nighttime	________________
	if ((date select 3) < 6 or (date select 3) > 19) then {
      //________________	nighttime	________________
      hintsilent "nightime";	
      //________________	daytime	________________
      hintsilent "daytime";


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6 hours ago, loopdk said:

can you add the code so flashlights only are on in the dark :D

Good idea loopdk!  The script in top post is now updated so they only turn on flashlight if time is < 6 or > 19.


Thanks to @GEORGE FLOROS GR  for the solution.

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2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:



Thanks also johnnyboy for this script !


It's very nice !

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# Basically , if you don't mind , i would like to add also a similar script to my collection  ! :thanx:


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1 hour ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

# Basically , if you don't mind , i would like to add also a similar script to my collection  ! :thanx:

No problem.  Use anything you like.

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3 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

Use anything you like.


It's all about sharing and caring !

Thanks johnnyboy !

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Is there a way to push this script on to all units of one side. For example, for warlords mission once AI units spawn in a sector could this script be running to check those units for a flashlite and add chatter too? Also would that conflict with VCOMAI. I doubt it but thought id ask. Thanks.

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You could absolutely do all that fairly easily.  I'm not familiar with unit spawners, so not sure where to put the code for that.  But here's and example of how to run these scripts for all groups at mission start:

  dummy = [_x, 60] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_PatrolChatter.sqf"; // 60 is number of seconds to wait between speaking
  dummy = [_x, 60, 5] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_LightsOnOff.sqf"; // 60 is duration light is off, and 5 is duration light is on
} foreach allGroups;

It would be simple enough to modify JBOY_LightsOnOff to exit if no units in group had a flashlight on their weapon also.


So its all doable, it just depends on how motivated you are.  Sorry I don't have time to do it myself.

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Damnit, reminds me that I need to add this to my ai spawner! Too good to leave away! 

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1 hour ago, johnnyboy said:


You could absolutely do all that fairly easily.  I'm not familiar with unit spawners, so not sure where to put the code for that.  But here's and example of how to run these scripts for all groups at mission start:

  dummy = [_x, 60] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_PatrolChatter.sqf"; // 60 is number of seconds to wait between speaking
  dummy = [_x, 60, 5] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_LightsOnOff.sqf"; // 60 is duration light is off, and 5 is duration light is on
} foreach allGroups;

It would be simple enough to modify JBOY_LightsOnOff to exit if no units in group had a flashlight on their weapon also.


So its all doable, it just depends on how motivated you are.  Sorry I don't have time to do it myself.


38 minutes ago, Vandeanson said:

Damnit, reminds me that I need to add this to my ai spawner! Too good to leave away! 


Well I am no script magician. But I see your script doesn't add a flashlite just on/off. I remember this, perhaps this with a loop say


while {true} do {
  { private "_unit"; _unit = _x; if (side _unit == RESISTANCE) then { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit assignItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit enableGunLights "AUTO"; }; } foreach allunits;
}; sleep 60;

Now the code below would needs to be modified to apply to only resistance groups.


if (side _group == Resistance) then [ {  dummy = [_x, 60] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_PatrolChatter.sqf"; // 60 is number of seconds to wait between speaking  dummy = [_x, 60, 5] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_LightsOnOff.sqf"; // 60 is duration light is off, and 5 is duration light is on} foreach allGroups; ];


Not sure. probably not this easy.


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29 minutes ago, jandrews said:



Well I am no script magician. But I see your script doesn't add a flashlite just on/off. I remember this, perhaps this with a loop say


while {true} do {
  { private "_unit"; _unit = _x; if (side _unit == RESISTANCE) then { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit assignItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit enableGunLights "AUTO"; }; } foreach allunits;
}; sleep 60;

Now the code below would needs to be modified to apply to only resistance groups.


if (side _group == Resistance) then [ {  dummy = [_x, 60] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_PatrolChatter.sqf"; // 60 is number of seconds to wait between speaking  dummy = [_x, 60, 5] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_LightsOnOff.sqf"; // 60 is duration light is off, and 5 is duration light is on} foreach allGroups; ];


Not sure. probably not this easy. 


Both your solutions look good to me.  Just try them.  If they don't work tweak them until they do.  Just do your testing with an empty mission where you just add a few groups until its working.  Then you can add it to any mission.  You can do it bro!

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4 hours ago, johnnyboy said:




JBOY_PatrolChatter = {

_this setVariable ["Var_JBOY_PatrolChatter",true];

sleep random 3;

WHILE {(({alive _x} count (units _this) > 1) && (side _this isEqualto Resistance))} DO 
    if (!(behaviour leader _this isEqualto "COMBAT")) then
_members = units _this;
_member = selectRandom _members;

// add-remove sounds here
_sound = selectRandom [

playSound3D [_sound, _member, false, getPosASL _member, 2, 1, 200]

   uisleep 3;


[] spawn {
	while {true} do {							
		waitUntil{uisleep 1;
			if (
				((alive _x))
				&& (!(_x getVariable ["Var_JBOY_PatrolChatter",false])) 
				) then {
				_x call JBOY_PatrolChatter;
			}forEach allunits;



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