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[Release] JBOY Patrol Chatter and Lights On/Off scripts

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...so Johnny, if I wanted to put this in Rydygiers Mission, "Pilgrimage", can you tell me how I can do this?  @zagor64bz had the question about "spawned AI". In Pilgrimage there are numerous spawned garisons (Patrols). Would you be able to provide me with a easy to understand (zeeeeero scripting ability) method to get this to work in Pilgrimage


should I try to work this out in reverse by asking Rydygier to look at your mod and see what he might do?



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Hey @pvt. partz Its probably best to ask Rydgier.  Its a matter of calling my scripts when a group is spawned, and I don't know how he does that. So once that spawn script has created a group, you call my scripts:

dummy = [SPAWNED_GROUP_NAME, 60] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_PatrolChatter.sqf"; // 60 is number of seconds to wait between speaking
dummy = [SPAWNED_GROUP_NAME, 60, 5] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_LightsOnOff.sqf"; // 60 is duration light is off, and 5 is duration light is 

Just replace SPAWNED_GROUP_NAME with whatever Rydgier's spawn scripts call a newly spawned group.  Find Rydier's spawn scripts and it should be easy to add this in.

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....Hey Johnnyboy

Thanks for getting back to me.

I'll go wake up Rydygier and see what he says


  • Haha 2

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Hey Jonnyboy, very nice scripts you put out for mission immersion.  I made a similar gun light script just didn't think anyone would be interested in it. I added a couple of checks, not just time of day but also if unit has NVGs. To me, it looked a  little strange for a unit to be walking around with NVGs on and flash light on. 

You are more than welcome to use it in your script if you want. The nvg_array contains BIS and CUP nvgs.

AI_gunlights = 

private ["_grp","_this","_items","_nvg_array"];

_nvg_array = [

_this= _this select 0;
_items = primaryWeaponItems _this; 

//time > 5;

		if ( !(isplayer _this) && {(side _this isequalto independent) || (side _this isequalto east)}) then 
			switch ("PARAM_GUNLIGHT_TOGGLE" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue ) do 
				case 0: //off
					_this enableGunLights "forceoff";
				case 1: //on
					if ((date select 3) < 6 or (date select 3) > 19 ) then 
						if ({_x in (items _this + assignedItems _this)}count _nvg_array > 0) exitwith {};
						_this removePrimaryWeaponItem (_items select 1);
						sleep .1;
						_this addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";  
						sleep .1;
						_this enableGunLights "forceon";
						while {!(_this isFlashlightOn (currentWeapon _this))} do
						//if (!(_this isFlashlightOn (currentWeapon _this))) then
								_this enableGunLights "forceon";
								sleep 5;
				case 2: //random
					if ((date select 3) < 6 or (date select 3) > 19 ) then 
						if ({_x in (items _this + assignedItems _this)}count _nvg_array > 0) exitwith {};
						_this addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; 
						sleep .5;
						while {alive _this} do
							_this enableGunLights "forceon";
							sleep 30 + random 30;
							_this enableGunLights "forceoff";
							sleep 20 + random 20;



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3 hours ago, nomadd said:

To me, it looked a  little strange for a unit to be walking around with NVGs on and flash light on. 

Thanks nomad.  That is a very smart addition to this script.  Who would use a flashlight with NVG on?  Thanks bro!

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Whelp 😪




error image, says it's missing a ";" and in second line it has some # that isn't present in first and third, so i tried to backspace it out and rewrite it but it didn't help....

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Hi Rok.  Sorry bud, but these scripts work for me.   They are fairly simple, so I don't know what went wrong for you.  But sometimes when you copy and paste from the forums you get strange invisible characters in your text.  So re-typing that part might fix it.  I know you said you did that, but its all I can think of.  Good luck.

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29 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

Hi Rok.  Sorry bud, but these scripts work for me.   They are fairly simple, so I don't know what went wrong for you.  But sometimes when you copy and paste from the forums you get strange invisible characters in your text.  So re-typing that part might fix it.  I know you said you did that, but its all I can think of.  Good luck.


I got so pissed i retyped everything and now it's working. 😂

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1 minute ago, Rok Stuhne said:

I got so pissed i retyped everything and now it's working

I'm glad its working for you.  I know that copy/paste weirdness is super frustrating.

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