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I'd still like to be able to retrieve the points of the line as well as to be able to create a new line by supplying points. Arrays of 2d points would be fine.

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we're looking into ways how ensure spamming and abuse can be detected / revealed by everyone or admin , same goes for dedicated server options/rulesets etc.

Did you find a way to do this before making new Arma 3 1.60 update ... ?

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Those lines should be reserved for Leader Role only, so... only a few players can have fn drawing!

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We really need a method to disable this in MP.


findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {_this select 1 == 29}];


There is a bug that makes this solution useless

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Those lines should be reserved for Leader Role only, so... only a few players can have fn drawing!


findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {player != leader player && _this select 1 == 29}];


There is a bug that makes this solution useless

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findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {player != leader player && _this select 1 == 29}];


is tied to the ctrl key or is it an actionkey?

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Here is terrible hack, but it will get job done. It removes all hand drawn markers from channels known to server every 5 seconds:

if (isServer) then
	createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0], false] 
	setTriggerStatements [
		"!triggerActivated thisTrigger", 
		"thisTrigger setTriggerTimeout [5,5,5,false]",
		"{if (markerShape _x == 'POLYLINE') then {deleteMarker _x}} forEach allMapMarkers"

Add this to init.sqf or initServer.sqf

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Here is terrible hack, but it will get job done. It removes all hand drawn markers from channels known to server every 5 seconds:

if (isServer) then
	createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]] 
	setTriggerStatements [
		"!triggerActivated thisTrigger", 
		"thisTrigger setTriggerTimeout [5,5,5,false]",
		"{if (markerShape _x == 'POLYLINE') then {deleteMarker _x}} forEach allMapMarkers"

Add this to init.sqf or initServer.sqf


don't have time to check myself, do the polyline markers contain the same directplayid identifier in the marker name?


edit: here  is a line marker  from allmapmarkers:    8:37:56 ""_USER_DEFINED #1013494721/63/3""     with the directplayid in there. So we can find who is placing the line but currently no way of easily displaying this information (with a regular marker we can use markertext, polyline appears to have no markertext.

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don't have time to check myself, do the polyline markers contain the same directplayid identifier in the marker name?



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edit: here  is a line marker  from allmapmarkers:    8:37:56 ""_USER_DEFINED #1013494721/63/3""     with the directplayid in there. So we can find who is placing the line but currently no way of easily displaying this information (with a regular marker we can use markertext, polyline appears to have no markertext.





Works only in multiplayer or  hosted sessions (Which makes sense)



Any chance you could also add the time the marker was created underneath the name?

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Is there a way to make a dedicated server aware of more channels? 


Not really, apparently dedicated can only monitor global channel. In this case put this in mission init.sqf:


createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0], false] 
setTriggerStatements [
	"!triggerActivated thisTrigger", 
	"thisTrigger setTriggerTimeout [30,30,30,false]",
	"{if (markerShape _x == 'POLYLINE') then {deleteMarker _x}} forEach allMapMarkers"

This will remove hand drawn markers from all channels every 30 seconds

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he​Hey guys. I'm one of those responsible for line drawing and I'm glad that you like it and I want to apology to those whom I caused any problems.

Works only in multiplayer or  hosted sessions (Which makes sense) 
Any chance you could also add the time the marker was created underneath the name?

As killzonekid explained we dont have the timestamp so we cant display it for now but wouldnt be that much of problem to add it if NEEDED. Not need so far, so maybe in the future.

Those lines should be reserved for Leader Role only, so... only a few players can have fn drawing!

Sry, this functionality was not planned. Players should now how to behave or the drawing should be disabled.

We really need a method to disable this in MP.

Pls be patient, server config param is coming out to disable drawing on servers: drawingInMap = 0;
If you realy need to disable drawing before that you can mod the game. Pls take a look at thees settings:

class RscMapControl
	idcMarkerColor = -1;					//Determines which control will serve as ComboBox for setting color of map marker in the display where map is used.
	idcMarkerIcon = -1;					//Determines which control will serve as ComboBox for setting texture of map marker in the display where map is used.
	textureComboBoxColor = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";	//Texture used in ComboBox for setting marker color. ComboBox is placed in the top panel of diary.
	showMarkers = true;					//Determines if markers are displayed in the map.
class RscDisplayMainMap
	class controlsBackground 
		class CA_Map: RscMapControl
			idcMarkerColor = IDC_DIARY_MARKER_COLOR;
			idcMarkerIcon = IDC_DIARY_MARKER_ICON;

overriding CA_Map for RscDisplayMainMap would help to set your maps as you need. Setting idcMarkerColor OR idcMarkerIcon to -1 would disable putting down new markers, setting showMarkers to false would disable support for markers with that display.

I hope I helped to answer some Qs and that my advice to you would make your experience with Arma even better.

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Sry, this functionality was not planned. Players should now how to behave or the drawing should be disabled.

They all know how to behave, yet they don't behave, "cuz it's funny". If that is not a planned feature then that means that on 90% of servers/communities, the mapdrawing feature will have to be disabled...
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Any team can ask its members not to use a feature. If they can't, they still have the option to disable it. Features like Sling Loading are only used on a few servers, and that's not an issue. So there is no big deal in disabling it.

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Any team can ask its members not to use a feature. If they can't, they still have the option to disable it. Features like Sling Loading are only used on a few servers, and that's not an issue. So there is no big deal in disabling it.

if there is an option to easily disable it... never found an option for slingload...

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he​Hey guys. I'm one of those responsible for line drawing and I'm glad that you like it and I want to apology to those whom I caused any problems.


As killzonekid explained we dont have the timestamp so we cant display it for now but wouldnt be that much of problem to add it if NEEDED. Not need so far, so maybe in the future.


Sry, this functionality was not planned. Players should now how to behave or the drawing should be disabled.


Pls be patient, server config param is coming out to disable drawing on servers: drawingInMap = 0;

If you realy need to disable drawing before that you can mod the game. Pls take a look at thees settings:

class RscMapControl
	idcMarkerColor = -1;					//Determines which control will serve as ComboBox for setting color of map marker in the display where map is used.
	idcMarkerIcon = -1;					//Determines which control will serve as ComboBox for setting texture of map marker in the display where map is used.
	textureComboBoxColor = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";	//Texture used in ComboBox for setting marker color. ComboBox is placed in the top panel of diary.
	showMarkers = true;					//Determines if markers are displayed in the map.
class RscDisplayMainMap
	class controlsBackground 
		class CA_Map: RscMapControl
			idcMarkerColor = IDC_DIARY_MARKER_COLOR;
			idcMarkerIcon = IDC_DIARY_MARKER_ICON;

overriding CA_Map for RscDisplayMainMap would help to set your maps as you need. Setting idcMarkerColor OR idcMarkerIcon to -1 would disable putting down new markers, setting showMarkers to false would disable support for markers with that display.

I hope I helped to answer some Qs and that my advice to you would make your experience with Arma even better.


While disabling line drawing completely is a step forward, what would be more ideal is a config that will only allow line drawing in certain channels.

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great fn - but this is like put a huge water gun in front of kids, and tell them not to use it.


fn - should be upgraded with author and time stamp. or at least RPT logged with same params.

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They all know how to behave, yet they don't behave, "cuz it's funny". If that is not a planned feature then that means that on 90% of servers/communities, the mapdrawing feature will have to be disabled...


mute various aspects of network communication (map markers are basically network comm) is on the way so anyone annoyed by anyone's  drawing (even by commander if he/she is a kid too) can get rid of it. Its still work in progress thou and it may take some time as in game communication is being upgraded a lot.

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Works only in multiplayer or  hosted sessions (Which makes sense)



Any chance you could also add the time the marker was created underneath the name?


How do you enable this?

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While disabling line drawing completely is a step forward, what would be more ideal is a config that will only allow line drawing in certain channels.


agreed, tying it to channels seems like an ideal solution.

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What about using bits to set channel that can use line drawing, with drawingInMap parameter?

4 channels, 4 bits : 0000

channel 1

channel 2

channel 3

channel 4


all at 0 to disable for every channel (drawingInMap =0;)

all at 1 to enable it for all channels (drawingInMap =15;)

0010 to allow only channel 3 (drawingInMap =2;)

1010 to allow only channel 1&3 (drawingInMap =10;)


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A temporary solution to blacklist line drawing based on channels:

findDisplay 12 displayaddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
  _this select 1 == 29 && {currentChannel in [0, 1]}

The above example disables line drawing in global and side.

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