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I meant to include that the sliders above are in the rvmat, must have removed that when I was editing my post...   In regards to polycount, you can get around this by using proxies. 

Mind you proxies have two caveats, there is a chance they will be seen bouncing around (if you watch some of the weapon attachments in A3 you can see this occuring) and whatever is proxied can only be animated in one way, so you don't want to proxy moving parts such as slats, rudders, etc, but it would do wonders for static things such as seats, cockpit panels and switches, knobs, display frames, etc.  

It's what I used for the cockpit you see in my signature.  Out of curiosity how many polygons does each passenger chair have or can you show a wireframe? 

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yes thanks for reminding me. Didn't think of it but tha'ts the way to go for the seats here.


I made heavy use of proxies in my C-130 port. I proxied about anything from seats to droptanks to JATO boosters etc.

That was over one year ago so i forgot about proxying seats :D


Another advantage is that you can make many different versions of one plane by animating them with show/hide in each versions config with one simple line.

It is what I use for my Do-228 navy version too, or the T-28s weapon pods and weapon pylons. Had no adverse effects so far with the bouncing,

I even use the vanilla notebook, phone and map proxies in the An-12s and S-38s interiors.





843 points, 828 faces for the 3 seats here


and I am aiming for something around 102 passengers currently : )

Edited by [Dust]Sabre
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Ah good, then you're familiar with the technique.

As for the seats, there are multiple options you can take to reduce the counts if desired, two simple tweaks would be to drop from six to four arms for three seats, since the chairs in the middle share an arm with another.
You can also check the feet of the legs and under the cushions, and remove the unseen faces to reduce the count, these two things would make a nice dent given the sheer number of seats.

The last thing would reduce the count the most but also require the most work, which would be to remodel the seats altogether. 
I recommend using blender to do it as it will cut down the time with more control, and the use of modifiers will make replacing the seats far quicker.

Here is an example of what I would recommend if you decide to do that.

The shading of the chairs is already tight enough that making the edges sharp won't make much of a visual impact, however if you want to keep the crease on the edges then a simple normal bake would solve that issue.

You could then use the Array modifier as seen here with the chain links rather than copying and pasting each seat one at a time.


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yes they are high poly in arma terms. I better not show you the cockpit gauges : )


tbh my plan was to simply not have any seats in LOD1

but you gave me this idea




It's more my style ; )

I might copy paste the old cushions and reduce the edgeloops as you suggested, but that is probably as far as I will go.

Interesting links, ty. That will be useful.

(I never had any fps issues with Helijah's models on my machine so far).







after a few simple oxygen only manipulations I got this



~100ish Points/Faces, not bad. Thx for the inspirations

Edited by [Dust]Sabre
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I have made a bunch of cargo planes already

So prolly not, or a cargo version for looks again maybe, if someone gives me a texture.


I was rather thinking about a luxury version, like a small countries Airforce One.

With different rooms and offices and a bar or something. That is far off and has about 20% chance of happening though, would be nice for a static version

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Very nice! It's not so much about how polies there are vs what can run as much as taking polies from parts that need less detail to put them in places that could use more because of it, spreading it around instead of having it locked into one area as it were.

I would highly recommend against removing the seats from Lod0 since you can walk inside of it, and I would even recommend having the seats for lod1 but to use only the tops of the chairs so that the windows don't look mysteriously empty.

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yes it works fine too fps wise. I just removed the legs of the seats in LOD1 and I use the very simple model there.

In the cargo view I plan to use another one.

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Ach, I have wanted a good civilian jetliner for so long as background for airport battle scenarios. Looking forward to this! Will there be a wreck model?

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I will be away for a while. Since this already works sort of I have decided to release it as 
Pre Alpha Test. Work will be continued in a few weeks or months.


Pre Alpha Test, Version 0.4

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v 0.41 released

-fixed missing texture

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The mod is really awesome and the Textures are really diverse.


But i found a small bug: everything behind the Wingroot has no collision, i shot at it with the BWMod Leopard, the Vanilla Merkava and the RPG 32 but everything was just flying through the Aircraft without any Effect.

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Can the doors be opened from the outside?

Is there an escape hatch on bottom?


Looking to use this for a hostage rescue/hijacking style mission.


Thanks for considering.



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It is not yet fit for hostage/rescue scenarios. I have plans for a static version. That will be a couple of months though, since I will have a summer break from modding.

I will have a look at the collision model though, that might be easily fixed.

Was the engine sound ok for you guys?

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-fixed collision/fire geo

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My congratulations on the mods, I have observed the work of helijah and there is a mirage 2000 could bring to arma3, thank you. :)

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My congratulations on the mods, I have observed the work of helijah and there is a mirage 2000 could bring to arma3, thank you. :)


There is a Mirage 2000 already in the Hellenic Armed Forces mod.


On a side note...






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I use the mod of the Greek also forces but we have no news of APLION since July 2015, the mirage of Helijah has more supports for weapons and a more realistic cabin interior design, I think it would be a good option to add to arma3 .

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looks like the recent update broke the sounds. Pity, used to work for me pre update.


Invalid/unsupported sample format: sab_737\data\high.wss


nothing I can do about it in the next few weeks

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Invalid/unsupported sample format: sab_737\data\high.wss


I've heard that 44kHz samples are no longer supported since last update. Maybe, that's the case and you need just downgrade the quality of the sample down to 22kHz?

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I've heard that 44kHz samples are no longer supported since last update. Maybe, that's the case and you need just downgrade the quality of the sample down to 22kHz?


Getting the same thing here on my aircraft. Well, I'll try downgrading the audio on mine as well. Just curious, where did you hear it?

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